Uchiha Family's Reincarnation

Chapter 264 Mosquito Girl and Genos

Chapter 265 Mosquito Girl and Genos

After mastering the art of spiritualization and recording the training methods of Ninjutsu such as Flying Thunder God in the Book of Sealings, Ming Jing left a shadow clone to practice these secret techniques in the ninja world, and his own body was reborn. Return to the world of One Punch.

Returning to the world of One Punch, the first thing Ming Jing did was naturally to remove the shadow clone left here and absorb the memory of the shadow clone.

In fact, nothing major happened during this period. The only thing worthy of praise was that yesterday Saitama said that he had a dream about a group of powerful underground people, which gave him a good feeling. However, when he woke up, he actually met the underground people.

However, this group of underground people was very weak. After the strongest underground king was instantly killed by Saitama with one punch, they raised the white flag and went back underground.





While Ming Jing was thinking about it, bursts of continuous slaps suddenly came from the next door.

"Eh? Saitama, this is..."

Ming Jing opened the curtains and saw Saitama wearing a striped short shirt swatting mosquitoes on the balcony next door.

"Ahhh! Damn mosquitoes, don't even think about escaping!"

Seeing the mosquitoes flying away in the distance, Saitama was so angry that he picked up the insecticide, jumped off the balcony and chased the mosquitoes.


Der Spiegel couldn't help but think of a certain weirdo who was apparently eliminated in the second episode, but who frequently appeared in major books.

"It should be her."

Looking up into the distance, countless mosquitoes are hovering in the sky. Just a glance can make people feel scalp numb, enough to make people with trypophobia die on the spot.

"I've finally waited for you. Mosquito Girl, Genos, and... Dr. Genos from the House of Evolution."

Seeing the explosions caused by the mosquito swarm in the distance, Ming Jing chuckled, jumped out of the window, and chased in the direction of Saitama.

"Hey, you, and the one with hair in the back, go to the shelter and take shelter. Those mosquitoes have minds, and they will rush over as soon as they find you."

Genos, the handsome blond cybernetic, saw two people coming and hurriedly reminded them.

"Oh, you'd better run away."

Saitama pointed behind him with a dumb look on his face.

He knows that Ming Jing's strength is quite good, but as for Saitama himself, he is eager to meet a weirdo who can give him a good fight.

"Ahahaha, are there two more juice sellers? Don't run away~ I'll come find you after I deal with this guy."

The mosquito girl, who had absorbed a large amount of blood brought by mosquitoes and entered the second stage, flew wantonly in the air, licking her tongue and shouting.

"It's too late, you go!"

Genos gave an order, then turned around, spraying flames from his feet and back, and flew into the sky to fight fiercely with the Mosquito Girl.

"They can fly! They look pretty powerful."

Saitama raised his hand and looked at the sky.

"That guy should be no match for this mosquito, Saitama, are you coming or am I?"

"Ah, how about you do it? It would be too boring if it fell instantly with just one punch."

Saitama shook his head.

While the two were talking, Genos activated his special skill "Incineration Cannon" to blast the mosquitoes in the sky into ashes.

"Oh! So awesome!"

In Mirror's Susanoo, Saitama sat cross-legged on the floor and applauded.

He really felt that it was awesome, because he couldn't hit a mosquito even after swatting it for a long time, but Genos burned so many to death in one go.

"Is it a real flash brand mosquito coil? It can kill so many mosquitoes with just one flash!"

Saitama felt that he had told a joke, because in Japanese, flash and mosquito repellent have the same pronunciation - it was just a cold joke.


Only now did Genos realize that these two people were not normal people.

How could a normal person look like this when seeing a weirdo?

At this moment, a bloody flash flashed, cutting Genos's body in half.

The mosquito girl smiled wildly, stretched out her sharp claws and struck Genos' head.

"No, I was careless!"

Genos was shocked and prepared to initiate the self-destruction process.


A long sword with a cold light cut off the mosquito girl's claws.

"This sword..."

Mosquito Girl quickly flew into the air and looked at the Heavenly Tail Feather in Ming Jing's hand in horror.

"This sword likes to drink blood just like you."

Ming Jing chuckled lightly, stepped on her foot, and her figure instantly appeared behind Mosquito Girl.

In terms of strength, in the world of One Piece and Naruto, Ming Jing's strength is still far behind the peak of Senju Hashirama, Uchiha Madara and the General Yonko, but in the world of One Punch, it is enough to compete with S-class heroes. Ranked at the upper level.

Mosquito Girl's strength can reach the peak of ghost level, but this is not enough in front of Ming Jing.

Genos lay on the ground, looking at the two sides fighting in mid-air in horror.

The previous fight had proven that Mosquito Girl's speed was far superior to his, while Ming Jing's speed was also far superior to Mosquito Girl's! With Genos's electronic eyes, sometimes it was impossible to accurately locate the position of the mirror.

More importantly, Genos was amazed by Ming Jing's fighting skills that he had experienced in many battles.

And Genos could tell that Ming Jing was teasing the weirdo - this was Ming Jing borrowing the hands of Mosquito Girl to familiarize himself with the abilities he had recently acquired.

A top-level application for seeing, hearing, and domineering, allowing you to foresee the future in a short period of time.

"Hey, are you okay? Do you want me to help you put it together?"

Saitama walked up to Genos and poked Genos in the head.

He is still holding insecticide in his left hand and wearing slippers on his feet.

"If you can, please bring my lower body."

Genos said after a moment of silence.

"Also, can you tell me about the identity of the strong man who fought the weirdo?"

"Ah, you're talking about Uchiha Mingjing. He said he was a hero like me, but when he introduced himself, he said he was a ninja who was a part-time swordsman or something."

Saitama touched his smooth head and said with a naive smile.

"Hero? Ninja? Swordsman?"

Genos looked into the air with deep eyes.


Mosquito Girl's wings and limbs were cut off by Ming Jing's swords, and she was hit hard on the ground, creating a big crater.

The two sides exchanged more than ten moves, and Mosquito Girl had already ended up like this, and this was the result of Ming Jing deliberately holding back for fear of beating Mosquito Girl to death.


The mosquito girl's beautiful face was full of fear, but her limbs and wings were broken, and she was helpless.

At the critical moment, the Mosquito Girl's figure suddenly exploded and turned into countless bloody mosquitoes that scattered in an attempt to escape.

"Fire Escape·The Great Fire Extinguishes!"

A sea of ​​​​fire spewed out, and the terrifying high temperature burned every mosquito.

At this moment, driven by instinct, Mosquito Girl merged together again.

The strength of a single mosquito cannot withstand such high temperatures. She must gather her strength to return to her human form, and as a price——

"Ninja Technique·Four Symbols Seal!"

Ming Jing's palm pressed against Mosquito Girl's chest, and black spells spread out, sealing the energy around her body.

At this time, Saitama and Genos, who was dragging his body, came to Ming Jing's side.

"Hey, mosquito, why don't you kill it?"

Saitama looked curiously at the mosquito girl on the ground with her limbs and wings broken off, and her body covered with curse marks.

"I'll keep her, it's useful."

Mirror replied.

"Oh~ I understand, but you still have to exercise restraint! Since I started exercising, I have completely stopped doing those things for the sake of self-discipline. Mirror, if you want to continue to make progress, you also need to exercise restraint in this area!"

Saitama looked at Ming Jing's hand that had not yet withdrawn from Mosquito Girl's chest, with a look of sudden realization on his face.

The corners of Ming Jing's mouth twitched slightly.

"It's not the usage you mentioned!"

"Sir, if you need it, I can do it~ It is the right thing to submit to a male who is more powerful than yourself~"

Mosquito Girl raised her eyebrows at the mirror, licked her lips and said.

It can be seen that her desire to survive is very strong.

"You have no place to speak here."

Ming Jing opened his Mangekyō Sharingan and stared, hypnotizing the mosquito girl.

"Ah, it's done. Mirror, take your inflatable doll with you. Let's go home and have dinner. I still have some leftover udon noodles from last Saturday's supermarket sale."

Saitama waved his hands, ready to leave.

"Please wait a moment! Mr. Mirror! Please accept me as your disciple!"

Genos, who was welding the broken body with his robotic arm, suddenly stopped and said.

"Um...but Saitama is taller and more powerful than me. You should worship him as your teacher."

Ming Jing pointed at a certain bald head and said.

He is Genos's destined teacher.

"Please accept me as your disciple!"

"Eh, eh?"

Saitama looked confused.

"Hey, hey, hey! Ming Jing, don't push all the troublesome things on me!"

Saitama is still like the original time and space, and did not accept Genos at the beginning - because he thought it was a very troublesome thing.

Der Spiegel did not reject this.

Although Genos is called the "Invincible Myth", his strength is still good. At least now he has the strength equivalent to ordinary ghost-level monsters. After being upgraded in the future, he will be able to compete with some dragon-level monsters. It can be regarded as a punch. The world's top master.

If Ming Jing wants to do something, having Genos around can help a lot.

So, after a fierce pursuit, Genos moved next door to Ming Jing and opposite Saitama.

In the basement of Ming Jing's home, the sexual desire was temporarily transformed, ah, no, in the prison room.

"Hey, you're awake already."

Ming Jing tapped Erlang's legs, sat on a chair, and said to the mosquito girl who was tied to the wall in front of her.

"So adults, do you like this tone? Although I am not playing a role that I like, it is actually not unacceptable~"

The mosquito girl opened her eyes, licked her sexy little tongue and said to the mirror.


"I want to know where the Evolution House is."

Ming Jing said to Mosquito Girl with a cold face.

"Do you know my origin?"

Mosquito Girl looked a little surprised.

"Then you should know that there are several people with stronger combat power than me in the Evolution House, right? Then you shouldn't worry anymore. A positioning device has been placed inside my body. If nothing else, Genos The doctor should soon send out other high-level combat forces from the House of Evolution to capture you for experiments~ Of course, if you can let me go, and then we can swap positions to make me feel more comfortable, Maybe I will plead for you~"

Mosquito Girl said to the mirror in a charming voice.

"Ah, it doesn't seem necessary."

Mingjing suddenly raised his head and looked up.

A mantis monster broke through the empty roof, but found a long sword across his neck.

The mantis head was cut off on the spot.

"There is more."

Mingjing punched through the roof and rushed out.

Next door, Genos heard the noise and hurriedly scanned with biological radar, and also found several monsters hiding in the street.

The engine started, and Genos also broke the window and saw four monsters outside.

A slug, a frog, and a tall robot with steel all over.

Further away, Mingjing was fighting a huge humanoid lion.

"Robot modified man?"

Genos' eyes suddenly became dangerous.

Four years ago, he became an orphan because of the runaway robot modified man. After being rescued by Dr. Kusno, he took the initiative to request to transform his body. Except for the brain, his whole body was made of machinery.

"Hey, who are you?"

Genos' palm lit up, pointing to the robot in front.

"Our mission is to take you back to the House of Evolution according to the doctor's instructions."

The tall robot walked forward slowly and said.

In fact, under this heavy steel, there is a biochemically modified gorilla.

He just thinks it's cool to pretend to be a robot and talk.

Genos started fighting with the mecha gorilla.

As for Saitama.

"Eh? Why are you so noisy? Are you fighting? Is there a monster?"

A shining bald head came out from the balcony.

"The black-haired one can beat the mosquito girl, so let the beast king take it, and the yellow-haired one will be the mecha gorilla. The remaining bald one looks ordinary and should be the weakest one among them. Let the three of us take it!"

The frog monster said, touching his chin.

And the earth dragon has drilled into the ground and started to attack Saitama.

He is a mole with a strong ability to drill into the ground.

Saitama, who didn't take the monster's attack seriously, was pulled into the ground by the earth dragon, with only his head exposed.

"Hmm... It feels a bit weird. It's cold underground, and it seems quite comfortable."

Saitama tilted his head, still with a silly smile on his face.

"Hehe! Feeling desperate, bald head, you'd better surrender and be our hostage!"

The frog man stretched out his long tongue, crossed his arms, and said proudly.

"Hmm... It seems even weirder. Ah, it turns out that there is soil falling into a strange place."

Saitama broke out of the ground and untied his belt in front of the three monsters.

The slug monster blushed and turned away.

She is a female monster.

A "#" symbol appeared on the frog man's forehead.

"Hey! That bald head, didn't you hear us talking! I'm going to dig out your eyeballs!"

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