Uchiha Family's Reincarnation

Chapter 261 New Application of Heaven's Tail Feather

Chapter 262 New Application of Heavenly Tail Feathers


Saitama is thinking about hugging the rich brother's thigh, and Ming Jing is also thinking about hugging the bald brother Saitama's thigh.

This is the biggest thigh in the world with one punch!

King is an ordinary person, but because of his incredible luck, he always gets involved in Saitama's actions every time he meets a weirdo. Therefore, he is inexplicably considered by everyone to be "the strongest man on the face of the earth."

Ming Jing also believes that as long as he follows Saitama, he will always encounter the monsters of the Evolution House and rely on Saitama's power to eliminate those monsters.

The Vaccine Man is already so powerful, but what about Asura the One-horned Immortal?

I'm afraid it's not much weaker, and Ming Jing alone probably won't be able to solve it.

You still have to rely on Saitama.

Der Spiegel has now set its sights on Dr. Kinos, the founder of Evolution House.

In the one-punch world, Dr. Kinos is definitely the leading scientist.

The S-class hero Zombie Man and the dragon-level monster Ashura are extremely powerful. The rest also include a series of ghost-level monsters created through biotechnology such as Mosquito Girl, Armored Gorilla and Beast King.

Moreover, although Dr. Kinos himself looks very young, his actual age is already seventy years old. He used biotechnology to transform himself into his youthful appearance, and created a bunch of clones of himself to assist him in his work. Research.

If there is anyone in this world who can help Ming Jing solve the problem of upgrading the MangekyĹŤ Sharingan to the Eternal MangekyĹŤ, Dr. Kinos is undoubtedly the person who is very likely to do this.

"The inheritance is 4,953 yuan."

With a professional smile on her face, the salesperson said to Saitama in front of her.

Saitama hurriedly pulled Ming Jing's sleeve.

"Here, five thousand, no need to look for it."

Ming Jing took out a five thousand yen note and slapped it on the table.

Five thousand yen is actually equivalent to more than two hundred yuan.

"No, that's not possible, sir. I'll give you the change right now. Also, can you give me your contact information?"

The cashier girl blushed and took out her mobile phone.

Saitama next to Ming Jing was speechless.

They are all heroes, why is this guy more popular than me?

Saitama touched his shiny head.

It seems...this guy is indeed a little more handsome than me?

"Ah, no, I was busy today and didn't bring my phone with me."

Ming Jing took the bag of ingredients, a gentle smile appeared on his face, and planned to call Saitama out.

The next second, there seemed to be some movement in the distance, and the entire ground shook, as if an earthquake had occurred.

The chandelier hanging from the ceiling flickered on and off at this moment.

All the people realized what happened and quickly ran out the door.

"Eh... I haven't found the money yet!"

Saitama stretched out his hand and shouted.

"Saitama, it looks like you have work to do."

In Ming Jing's perception, there is an extremely terrifying aura coming from the distance.

The world of One Punch is really troubled, why are there weirdos every day?

"Eh? Why do I have work to do, and you?"

"Because of that thing, I guess I'm no match for it."

Ming Jing spread his hands and turned to look out the window.

Saitama followed Ming Jing's gaze.

A towering, naked giant was walking slowly through the city.

A rough estimate is that this giant is definitely over a kilometer tall!

With the size of this giant, Ming Jing estimated that if he opened the Eternal MangekyĹŤ Sharingan one day, and relied on the complete Susanoo, he might be able to fight with it.

This is definitely a dragon-level monster with the ability to destroy several towns, and its frontal destructive power is also among the top among dragon-level monsters!

"Ah hahaha, Ou Doudou, my mind plus your muscles, the combination of the strongest intelligence and the strongest body! As long as our brothers work together, we can conquer everything on the earth! Reach the pinnacle of all things!"

The scientist brother stood on the shoulders of the giant brother, holding a test tube with a little potion left in his hand, dancing excitedly.

"Qiudou Madai, what happens after you become the strongest? What do you think? What do you plan to do?"

Saitama didn't know when he stood on the other shoulder of his giant brother and asked expectantly.

Ming Jing teleported to Saitama's side using the power of his heavenly hand, stared at the giant brother's exoskeleton-grown brain, and fell into deep thought.

This scientist brother seems to be quite powerful. He can transform his younger brother into this look with just a tube of potion.

"Damn it! Why would someone appear here!"

The scientist brother was suddenly shocked.

"Um...can you please put Pang Ci on? For such a big person, doing this will affect the appearance of the city."

Saitama said while rubbing his head.

"No, Saitama, there's a reason why people don't wear clothes. How can such a big man find a fat suit that suits him?"

Ming Jing stood aside and complained silently.

"Souda! So that's it!"

Saitama looked like he suddenly realized something.

A "#" symbol representing anger appeared on the scientist brother's head, and he shouted:

"Damn it! Brother, kill the person on your shoulder!"

The giant was silent for a moment, and just when Ming Jing was about to use his heavenly hand power to run away, the giant reached out and patted one of his shoulders, and then spread his palm in front of him.

In the palm of the hand, there are blurred flesh and white pieces of rags.

He tapped the shoulder where his brother was standing.


Ming Jing couldn't help but cover his ears.

The giant's voice was ridiculously loud.

Originally, he was thinking about taking a look at the research results of his scientist brother, but judging from the giant's dull look, he probably couldn't break through the brain problems in biotechnological transformation.

"Why is this happening! I just want power. I just became the strongest man. Why is this happening!"

Saitama opened his mouth with an expression as if he was watching a funny TV show.

However, Ming Jing had already used his heavenly hand power to escape.

His small body can't withstand the rampage of a monster of the level of his giant brother, so it's better to leave it to Saitama to deal with it.

However, in order to show loyalty, Ming Jing still left a shadow clone at the scene.

"Hey... Saitama, this guy has already caused a lot of damage. You'd better stop playing around and get rid of this guy as soon as possible. Otherwise, if we start fighting, the aftermath alone may be enough to destroy the entire city."

Ming Jing's shadow clone patted Saitama's shoulder and said.

"Oh I see."

Saitama nodded seriously when he heard this.

He really wanted to try to see if such a big giant could hurt him, and wanted to play with him for a while.

But as a hero, even a hero out of interest, Saitama felt that his new friend who had just met for a day was right.

It's better not to let this monster cause more damage.

Thinking of this, Saitama reached out to block the slap from the giant brother above him, and then made a fist with his right hand.

"Punch seriously!"


With one punch, the giant brother's head was instantly blown open, and his huge body fell backwards.

"Hey, did you really solve it with one punch? Overwhelming power is indeed boring."

Saitama scratched his head and said.

"Hey hey hey! Saitama!"

The main body of Ming Jing stood in the distance, silently looking at the giant brother in front of him who was pressing down on his urban area.

"But... such a big monster corpse should be able to provide me with a lot of strength."

Ming Jing silently pulled out the tail feathers of the sky.

"Bruce, it's time to get to work!"

The third stage of Susanoo unfolded instantly. This time, the Ten Fist Sword was much enlarged compared to before. It was burning with blazing bloody flames, and two bat fang-like spikes appeared at the tip, which were inserted straight into it. The body of the giant brother.

As early as the day before Saitama killed the Vaccine Man, Ming Jing left Tian Tailha at the scene and asked Bruce to absorb the Vaccine Man's body.

After that, while Ming Jing was transforming the power absorbed by Bruce, he came up with a new idea.

When the Ten Fist Sword was held by Susanoo, the Ama no Tailha had a powerful sealing ability. So, could he combine this sealing ability with Bruce's blood-sucking transformation ability?

This is the first time Spiegel has tried it, and the effect is unexpectedly good.

Because the giant brother had died and became a corpse that could not resist, the Juken Sword quickly sealed his huge body. Unlike the original work, Saitama had obviously killed the giant brother, but And because the giant brother's body fell to the ground, a large area of ​​the city was destroyed.

As the huge body of the giant brother disappeared, Mingjing lifted Susanoo and felt a message from the tail feather of the sky in his hand.

Bruce: I'm full.

In the next period of time, Bruce needs to convert these absorbed things into pure qi and blood energy for Ming Jing to absorb.

"Hey, why are there two Uchiha mirrors! Is it some kind of clone technique of those ninjas in the movie? Also, how did you just make such a big guy disappear?"

Saitama followed the shadow clone to Ming Jing's side. His eyes were full of curiosity. He looked at Ming Jing and poked the shadow clone.


A puff of white smoke came out, and the shadow clone disappeared without a trace in an instant.

"Ah, it is indeed one of the ninja's clone techniques. However, this kind of clone is easily broken when hit, so it is usually used as a bait to attract enemies."

Ming Jing, who had released his shadow clone, said to Saitama.

"Oh, oh, that's it."

Saitama nodded dully.

I understand, but I don’t seem to understand.

"Forget it! Let's go home and have hot pot. The hot pot ingredients I just bought in the supermarket are enough for a good meal!"

"Ah, you are still as considerate as you think."



After the giant brother was dealt with, City Z became much calmer.

Those who appeared were all ordinary wolf-level and tiger-level weirdos.

These weirdos can be solved with the strength of ordinary heroes in the Hero Association.

Two dragon-level monsters, the Vaccine Man and the Giant Brother, appear in succession in a short period of time, which is rare in the One Punch World.

Situations like this are normal.

Otherwise, if there were dragon-level monsters destroying towns every day, then even if there was a Hero Association, humans would have been exterminated long ago.

And Ming Jing also returned to the Naruto world after telling Saitama that he was going on a business trip.

There was something important still waiting for him.

Naruto World, Konoha Village, Root Base.

Orochimaru, Namikaze Minato, and Jiraiya have returned from Takigakure Village.

It is regrettable that Takigakure Village was killed by Kakuzu fifty years ago and its inheritance was cut off. Orochimaru and the others only found some fragments related to the local resentment, and there was no substantive information.

But the good news is that Orochimaru has another piece of research material.

Hero water.

"According to the legend of Takigakure Village, as long as you drink the Hero's Water, you can increase your chakra dozens or hundreds of times. However, these treasures can only be obtained from the giant trees in Takigakure Village every one hundred years. "

In the root base, Orochimaru took out a bottle containing some solution and displayed it in front of Konoha's senior officials.

"But this thing is not without a price. While gaining powerful power, the user's life will also be devoured. Therefore, it was sealed and hidden by the high-level officials of Takiyin Village. Only when they encountered an irresistible foreign invasion, they would It will make the dead soldiers drink the hero water and repel the foreign enemies."

In fact, this is part of the reason why Takigakure Village was in a state of decline after the Kakuzu Rebellion, but it was able to firmly establish a foothold in the ninja world. As for the rest, it was because their predecessor, the Seven-Tailed Jinchuuriki, was able to exert some of his power. The power of Nanao is no match for ordinary ninjas.

But now, that person has reached the end of his life. Before the next Seven-Tails Jinchuuriki grows up, Takigakure Village without the hero's water as a trump card will probably have a very difficult life.

"After I came back last night, I captured a few death row prisoners for experiments and figured out how the Hero's Water works."

As Orochimaru spoke, he called up the photos and various data taken at that time on the large equipment next to him.

"The reason why Hero's Water can increase a person's chakra amount a hundred times depends on the nature of chakra, which is spiritual energy and physical energy."

"The function of this thing is actually to squeeze the body to a great extent in a short period of time, strongly stimulate the spirit, and extract chakra from the human body to the maximum extent. To a certain extent, it is the same as part of the principle of Bingliangwan, because Bingliangwan Liangwan also uses the medicinal ingredients in it to squeeze the body and mind to quickly restore chakra."

"The difference is that the makers of the Bingliang Pills will add other drugs to them during production to restore the body, warm the spirit, and reduce side effects. But even the most exquisite Bingliang Pills made by Tsunade still have It will put a certain burden on the ninja's body.

However, the consequences of the Bingliang Pill can be recovered with medical ninjutsu and careful cultivation. However, the irritation of Hero Water is a thousand times more powerful than the Bingliang Pill. If you only take a small amount, it is okay, and you still have a chance to survive. Yes, although there will be great consequences.

But if you take too much in one go, your body and mind will reach their limits at the same time..."

Orochimaru made a gesture like fireworks blooming.

I've been a little busy these past two days packing my luggage and getting ready to go home. I'll have to pay for the full attendance with four thousand.

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