Uchiha Family's Reincarnation

Chapter 260 Vaccine Man

Chapter 261 Vaccine Man

𝟔𝟗Book Bar→96𝙨𝙝𝙪.𝙣𝙚𝙩

The first one is about Sweetheart Mask, the current number one A-level hero in the Hero Association, and his various deeds since his debut.

The second book is an introduction to the rankings and title abilities of all heroes in the current four levels of the Hero Association: S, A, B, and C.

Once here, Ming Jing roughly knows which world this is.

One Punch Man!

I just don’t know when the timeline is now.

However, an S-class member has appeared in the Hero Association, which means that a certain bald devil has been born.

Looking at the introduction in the "Heroes Illustrated Book", there are only sixteen S-class heroes today, and Spiegel did not see an introduction about "Devil Transformed Man" in it, indicating that it is most likely before the start of the main plot.

Gently putting the two books back on the bookshelf, just when Ming Jing was about to find a map to understand where he was, a violent explosion suddenly sounded.




Through the window, one can clearly see that big explosions are happening one after another in the urban area in the distance.

The guests in the library screamed and ran out of the door to join the people on the street.

In the world of One Punch, weirdos are rampant, and attacks by weirdos occur every once in a while.

So the people here are very experienced in escaping.

There was still some order in the chaotic escape, and with the assistance of the traffic police and others, they quickly moved towards the shelter.

Ming Jing watched this scene silently, then turned to look into the distance.

This level of destructive power has surpassed most shadow-level powerhouses in the world of Naruto.

It’s really a world full of dangers!

"Everyone, please look at this huge explosion! The monster's destruction is unprecedented, and it is still escalating!"

A reporter wearing a yellow hard hat stood on the street and talked to the camera.

Z City is an uninhabited area.

A bald man in pajamas was watching TV and quickly opened the wardrobe, revealing the yellow uniform inside.

"The Heroes Association has just issued a notice. The level of this monster's disaster is..."


A blue energy ball fell from the sky.

A huge explosion interrupted the reporter's speech.

However, the TV signal was only briefly disturbed by the explosion and quickly returned to normal.

"Dragon, dragon level!"

The man wearing a yellow safety helmet hurriedly held the hat that was about to fall off on his head, dumbfounded.

"I... survived?"

Behind him stood a young man wearing a blue and black haori with a red and white fan pattern on his clothes.

Centered around the young man, there was a golden barrier like a rib.

The entire surrounding streets had been destroyed and turned into ruins.

Apparently, the explosion had just happened all around them.

"It seems a little tricky."

Ming Jing frowned and looked at the blue energy light balls that were still shooting around in the distance.

"The surrounding citizens have evacuated. You should leave quickly. I won't be able to take care of you in the rest of the battle."

Ming Jing glanced at the reporter beside him, then stepped forward.

If the weirdo continues to destroy it, this town may soon turn into ruins.

Ming Jing admits that he is not a saint, but he is not the kind of heinous villain. If he has the ability, there is nothing wrong with trying to protect some of these ordinary people.

Seeing the reporter's retreating figure, Ming Jing turned around, clapped his hands, and entered immortal mode.

"Breath of the Sun·Fourteen Sword Forms!"

Countless flaming sword energy filled the sky, intercepting the blue light balls and detonating them in mid-air.


A blue creature with tentacles on its head glanced at the sky in surprise, then jumped on both feet and jumped in the direction of the sword energy.


The library building where Ming Jing was standing just now was now in ruins.

"who are you?"

asked the blue weirdo.

Ming Jing looked at the other party and felt that he looked familiar.

"I'm just an ordinary ninja who works part-time as a swordsman."

Ming Jing waved the tail feathers in his hand and said calmly.

The other party wants to talk nonsense, but he is happy to continue talking nonsense and delaying time.

If this guy is the weirdo he thinks, then Saitama should be arriving soon, and he just needs to hold him back.

In this world, he still wants to hug Saitama's lap - in other worlds, it might be okay to side with the villain, but in this world, there is really no future for hanging out with the villain.

If you become a villain, no matter how awesome you are, you will be reduced to ashes with one punch.

"I am a vaccine person born from an environment that is constantly polluted by humans!"

"The earth is a complete life! Earthlings, you are the pathogenic bacteria that erode life on earth. In order to eliminate human beings and the harmful civilization you created, I used the will of the earth to be born here!"

The vaccine man waved his arms and shouted passionately. Then he stopped talking nonsense and rushed towards the mirror.

"Well, I originally wanted to keep arguing for a while."

Ming Jing sighed, and then the Armed Haki climbed onto the tail feathers of the sky and started fighting with the Vaccine Man.


This is the first impression that vaccine people gave Spiegel.

The speed, strength, explosive power, and those blue energy balls are all terrifyingly intense.

The strength of this weirdo is far higher than the normal Uchiha Madara!

The only thing worth celebrating is the Vaccine Man's resistance to illusions.

Born through the will of the earth, the mental resistance of the vaccine people is actually not low, but fortunately, Mingjing can still barely use illusions to interfere in the battle, and with the help of the teleportation of the Tenshou and the real damage caused by Amaterasu, he can still survive Deal with it.



City A, headquarters of the Heroes Association.

"Mr. Xiqi! The weirdo was stopped by an unknown hero who suddenly appeared. This was a scene taken by a reporter who was nearby just now!"

A young lady sitting in front of the big screen pointed to a split screen on the side of the screen and said.

What was playing on the screen was the scene where Ming Jing used the yellow Susanoo to save the reporter.

"Terrible destructive power! Zoom in on the satellite image, I want to see the scene situation more clearly!"

Xiqi said with a serious face and his hands on the table.

He is a high-ranking cadre of the Heroes Association and a rare responsible executive in the association.

The technician followed Xiqi's instructions and enlarged the image captured by the satellite.

This high-tech satellite built and launched by Metal Knight faithfully transmitted the picture.

The two warring parties were making too much noise, the smoke and dust were dispersed, and satellites could not see the specific conditions of the battlefield at all.

"Where are the other heroes nearby?"

"The 19th ranked A-level Lightning Max and the 26th-ranked Smiling Superman are about to arrive, and the sixth-ranked Qing Yan and the eighth-ranked Death Gatling are also rushing to the battlefield!"

"I've seen Lightning Max and Smiling Superman."

Xiqi said as he looked at the smoke and dust gradually dispersing in the satellite image.

At this time, Mirror and the Vaccine Man had already fought their way to the other side, and on the ground at this time, Lightning Max and Smiling Superman could just be seen lying on the ground.

"It seems that the weirdo is even stronger than we expected! Let's see if the two heroes who are at the top of the A-level heroes can buy more time with this unknown hero! Also, someone Do you know the location of the S-class hero closest to the battlefield?"

"Commander Xiqi! We have detected King's contact signal near the battlefield!"

Xiqi was immediately happy.

"That's right! Since the strongest man on the surface is nearby, as long as he arrives, there is no need to worry about this disaster!"

Xiqi let out a heavy breath and said.

He was completely relieved now.

In the past three years, there has been no monster that the strongest man on earth cannot defeat!



The strongest man on earth is panicking now.

The streets that had been reduced to ruins were filled with the sound of the beating of the emperor's engine - this was actually caused by King's heart beating too fast because he was too scared.

At the corner of the street, King was hiding in a trash can, with his head on the lid and hands on the edge of the trash can, looking at the battle scene in the distance with a frightened expression.

"Have you already fought over there? Very good, just take advantage of this opportunity and run away immediately!"

King quietly stood up from the trash can. Just when he was about to lift his legs and take a step, a blue energy ball suddenly flew to a nearby high-rise building that was only half blown away, completely destroying it. destroy.

And a stone accidentally fell down and hit the lid of the trash can.

Protected by the lid of the trash can, King was lucky not to suffer any serious injuries, but he fell into a coma due to the force transmitted through the lid.

The Imperial Engine ceases.

Ten seconds later, Qingyan and Death Gatlin arrived at the scene.

"What's going on? Why do I feel like I just heard the sound of King's imperial engine here?"

Death Gatlin said as he looked at the surrounding streets with curiosity.

"Maybe I heard it wrong! Don't worry so much, let's go help quickly! The unknown swordsman seems to be unable to hold on!"

Qing Yan reminded his companions, and then ran forward quickly.



Ming Jing wiped the bleeding corners of his mouth and looked at the vaccine man walking towards him slowly.

"Why hasn't Saitama come yet?"

Ming Jing was very depressed inside.

Just now, he thought that reinforcements were coming, thinking that this matter could be solved, but the reinforcements came, but they were not Saitama, but two heroes from the Hero Association.

However, although the two heroes from the Hero Association were quite capable, they were vulnerable to dragon-level monsters like Vaccine Man, and were beaten into a coma after a few hits.

In order to prevent these two buddies from being killed in the aftermath of the battle, Ming Jing had to use the power of heaven to transfer the position of the vaccine man and move the battlefield to another place.

"This black flame is really painful. I admit that you humans who destroy the environment do have some strength, but it is a pity that you met me! The vaccine man born by the will of the earth!"

The Vaccine Man cut off his left arm that was burning with Amaterasu Black Flame with one hand.

There was a burst of flesh and blood squirming, and the vaccine man's left arm quickly grew out again.

Ming Jing only felt more headache.

In the original work, this guy was destroyed by Saitama's punch, and he didn't have time to show his ability to heal himself.

"As long as I am not killed instantly by one move, I, who was born from the will of the earth, can use the power of the earth to restore my strength infinitely. Insignificant human beings, feel the despair!"

The Vaccine Man raised his hands to the sky, and spikes appeared on the surface of his body. His body quickly enlarged and turned into a giant that was even larger than the tailed beast.

"Hey, hey, hey! This is a foul!"

Mingjing was shocked.

He had a hard time dealing with the first form of the Vaccine Man, let alone the second form of the Vaccine Man.

This guy's strength is definitely among the top among the dragon-level monsters!

Mingjing had to activate the third stage of Susanoo to barely resist the attack of the Vaccine Man.

But even with the Sun Wheel Mirror with super defensive ability that Susanoo brought, Mingjing estimated that he could not hold on for long.

Why hasn't Saitama come yet!

In fact, although the Vaccine Man was directly killed by Saitama with one punch at the beginning of the anime, in fact, before that, this guy had defeated 31 association heroes including Smiling Superman, Lightning Max, Blue Flame, and Death Gatling. Xiqi had already planned to mobilize multiple S-level heroes to encircle and suppress them.

It was the delay of these 31 heroes that gave Saitama, who saw the news on TV, time to come.

But now, the jobs of these 31 heroes have been replaced by Mingjing.

"Hey! Hold on! We are here to support you!"

Death Gatling and Qingyan looked at each other and swallowed their saliva when they saw the two behemoths fighting in front of them.

This time, the monster is a bit cruel.

"We...remote support?"

Death Gatling said, holding up the mechanical arm equipped with a modified Gatling.

"Good idea."

Qingyan silently spread his hands forward.

In an instant, the fierce blue flames, accompanied by a storm of bullets that could tear through steel, poured out towards the vaccine man.

These two people can be ranked in the forefront of the A-level heroes, so they naturally have certain strength.

Although the joint attack of the two did not cause much substantial damage to the vaccine man, it at least made him feel pain and attracted some of the vaccine man's attention.

Vaccine Man punched Ming Jing's Susanoo angrily, then turned around and threw a sky full of blue energy balls, which blew up at Death Gatling and Blue Flame.


The continuous explosions immediately made Death Gatling and Blue Flame follow the footsteps of Smiling Superman and Flash Max.


Ming Jing's eyes lit up, and the Ten-fist Sword in his hand pierced Vaccine Man's chest.

In the ninja world, sealing is the best choice to deal with such powerful and large things, such as Wuliang and Wu.

The Ten-fist Sword transformed by Tianweiyu has a high-level sealing effect.

Even if it can't seal Vaccine Man, at least it can seal part of his power!

"You guy..."

A drop of cold sweat flowed from Ming Jing's forehead.

Vaccine Man actually clamped the Ten-fist Sword with both palms!

The two sides were in a wrestling match, and Ming Jing was the one at a disadvantage.

The main reason why he could fight Vaccine Man until now was because of his teleportation ability of Sky Hand Power, and Vaccine Man was in the first form at that time.

And now Vaccine Man has entered the second form.

Mingjing estimated that if he wanted to defeat Vaccine Man, he would have to have the power of Uchiha Madara and Senju Hashirama in their prime.

Susanoo was overwhelmed, and cracks appeared on its surface.

At the same time.

King, who was awakened by the explosion, scratched his head and got out of the trash can, looking at the two behemoths fighting in the distance, and the heroes of the Hero Association lying on the ground.

The Emperor Engine started again.

"That guy... is he going to die? Now... who can come out to save me?"

King had a blank expression on his face, but he was thinking desperately in his heart.

At this moment, King saw a very shining bald head flashing before his eyes.

The cracks on Susanoo became more and more obvious, and Mingjing could clearly feel that the output of pupil power was a bit overloaded.

Even though he had entered the Sage Mode and tried his best to cover the attacked area with Armament Haki to strengthen the defense, he could not match the Vaccine Man.

He could rely on his own speed and Sky Hand Power to deal with the Vaccine Man, but if they really had to fight head-on, there would still be an absolute gap in strength between the two sides.

Ming Jing closed his left eye with blood and tears, and prepared to use Sky Hand Power to escape the moment Susanoo was broken.

He had already used up all his strength to stop it until now. If Saitama didn't come again, he would have to escape.


The sound of Susanoo being overwhelmed sounded.

The Vaccine Man excitedly opened his big mouth full of fangs.

Suddenly, a gust of wind came, and Ming Jing captured an extremely terrifying force in the induction of Observation Haki.


Ming Jing only felt that the pressure on his body was relieved, and the upper body of the Vaccine Man in front of him had been smashed, and a pool of green blood flowed out.

Mingjing's heart moved, and he quietly disbanded Susanoo and inserted the Heaven's Tail Feather in place.

"Hey...are you okay? I see your eyes are bleeding, and even your eyeballs are red. Do you want eye drops? I should have a few bottles left at home."

Saitama quietly poked Mingjing's shoulder.

"Ah, I'm fine, thank you."

Mingjing wiped the blood and tears from his eyes and stretched out his hand to Saitama.

"Let me introduce myself, Uchiha Mingjing, a ninja who works part-time as a swordsman."

"Oh, my name is Saitama, a hero who does it out of interest."

Saitama didn't care about the blood on Ming Jing's hand and shook hands with Ming Jing in a friendly manner.



"Huh...have you finally been dealt with...the weirdo?"

Xiqi rubbed his brows tiredly and said as he looked at the battlefield gradually calming down in the satellite surveillance.

Although the smoke and dust have not dispersed, and it is difficult to see the specific situation, it can be seen that the fighting has stopped.

Now that the weirdo has not continued his destruction, the final result is already very clear.

"Who on earth dealt with this dragon-level weirdo, that swordsman wearing a feathered cloth, who is he? Is he a member of the Sword Saint Association?"

Xiqi planned to ask Atomic Warrior later.

They are both masters of swordsmanship, so the other party might know something.

"Commander Xiqi! The smoke in the satellite image has dissipated. It's King! It's King who defeated the weirdo!"

The technician lady looked at the big screen in front of her with joy.

There, King, who was covered in garbage and rags, looked at the half-vaccine head that fell in front of him with a confused expression.

"Is the fruit King-san? I know there are no weirdos that he can't deal with! Seeing how tattered he is now, he must have gone through a very difficult battle with the weirdos!"

Xiqi looked at the big screen in front of him and said with admiration.


The scene changes.

"Hey, hey, hey! You are so delicious!"

Saitama sat in the noodle shop, covering his face with his hands.

In front of him was Ming Jing, who was eating udon noodles crazily.

On one side of the table are bowls stacked high, almost reaching the ceiling.

"Hiccup~, it's okay. I fought with that weirdo for so long during the day, so it's normal for me to eat more to replenish my strength, right?"

"You call this normal?"

Desperately, Saitama took out the banknotes from his shriveled wallet and paid the shopkeeper.

"Damn it, do you know what day tomorrow is? How dare you spend money so lavishly!"

Saitama said frantically.

"Um...what day is it?"

Ming Jing asked curiously.

"Tomorrow is Saturday! There is a special sale in the supermarket. The money you just spent is what I plan to use tomorrow to buy food for the next week!"

"Ah, so that's it."

Ming Jing took out a toothpick and sat down to shave his teeth comfortably.

"It's just a little money, no big deal."


Saitama was suddenly startled and looked at Ming Jing's outfit.

He didn't know much about fashion, but he could tell that Ming Jing's clothes were quite high-end.

"It seems that you must be very rich. How about tomorrow's supermarket sale..."

"Oh no, I don't even have a dollar on me."

Ming Jing puffed up his chest and said proudly.

He just came to this world, how can he have any money?

Saitama suddenly fell into disbelief.

He just happened to meet a colleague who was injured in a battle with a weirdo, and he wanted to exchange experiences with him, so he treated him to a meal——

The food is still the cheapest noodle restaurant around here.

How could this happen?

"It's okay. Before going to the supermarket tomorrow, you can go to a bank or something with me and you'll have money."

Ming Jing casually took out a gold bar and waved it in front of Saitama.

Not to mention his net worth as a high-ranking official in Konoha, just in the pirate world, he has obtained a lot of gold from the treasures on Sky Island and Torrance Town.

This kind of hard currency is feasible in most worlds.

The next day, early morning.

After the alarm went off, Saitama stood at the door with sleepy eyes, wearing a rustic yellow hero uniform.

Next door, Ming Jing yawned, stretched and walked out of the door.

As long as you are not afraid of weirdos, the houses in the no-man's land of City Z are free, and they also have water and electricity - this seems to be a society with high welfare due to high technology, and water and electricity are free within a certain limit.

"Yoshi, go to the bank to change money first, and then go to the supermarket to start today's special sale!"

Saitama rubbed his eyes, took out a supermarket special sale poster from behind his butt, and walked forward excitedly.

Since he lost his job three years ago and began to exercise and become a hero out of interest, he has been relying on his past capital and government subsidies for unemployed people as his source of income.

Now that he finally has a rich elder brother, it's definitely time for Saitama to embrace him!

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