Uchiha Family's Reincarnation

Chapter 255: Conditions for practicing the art of spiritualization

Chapter 256 The conditions for practicing the art of spiritual transformation

After the matter was dealt with, Kato Dan and Ming Jing walked out of the Hokage Building together.

Pedestrians saw the two people on the road from time to time and came up to say hello.

During the period when Kato Dan came to power, Konoha has indeed swept away its previous shortcomings and become more dynamic.

At this moment, a female root ninja wearing a mask and purple hair suddenly appeared in front of the two of them.

"The Fourth Generation, Lord Mingjing, and Lord Orochimaru have invited me. They said that the thing that Lord Mingjing brought back some time ago has already been researched."

"I understand, Snake, please step back first. Ming Jing and I will go right away."

Kato Dan said with a gentle smile to such a young-looking root ninja.

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The other party nodded slightly, saluted, and disappeared again.

"Is that Anko?"

Seeing that the female ninja just now had the same hair color as Mitarai Zixiao, Ming Jing was able to determine the identity of the other party.

"Well, before the end of the Third Ninja War, Anko became Orochimaru's disciple. Now she is a Jonin. Speaking of which, she can be regarded as you and Minato's little junior sister."

Are you already a jounin?

His arrival has indeed changed a lot.

Kato Dan came to power, and the Nine-Tails Rebellion did not happen. Although Madara also caused trouble in Konoha, it did not bring excessive losses to Konoha. Orochimaru did not defect, but served as a high-level Konoha executive and took over the root. Replaced Shimura Danzo's position in Konoha in the past.

Orochimaru did not defect, and Mitarashi Anko was naturally not feared or suppressed by Konoha's top brass, but could wholeheartedly train under such an excellent mentor as Orochimaru.

A sixteen-year-old jounin is considered very outstanding. Even if he cannot become a Kage-level expert in the future, with Orochimaru's guidance, he will probably become an elite jounin that is not inferior to his father.

Instead of being like the original time and space, during the period when the ninja's strength was growing the fastest, he encountered a big change in his life and did nothing, and in the end he could only be a special jounin.

Whether there is guidance from a strong person, and whether one can obtain enough Ninjutsu resources that are suitable for oneself, these will have a great impact on the growth of a ninja.

"With Minato and I as seniors here, Kakashi and Genma at the same time are still my and Minato's disciples, Anko should be under a lot of pressure."

"Ah, she is always thinking about topics like the new Sannin, but Kakashi and the others have made rapid progress during the same period, so the pressure is indeed not small."

Before the mysterious man suspected of Madara attacked Konoha, Uchiha Mingjing was hailed as the new pinnacle of the ninja world, and Namikaze Minato was also considered to be the top powerhouse in the first echelon of the ninja world on the same level as the third generation Hokage and the third generation Raikage. .

It's not an easy thing to stand side by side with these two people.

During the conversation, the two of them had arrived at a root base.

The previous root base had been scrapped due to the fight between Ming Jing and the God of Wind and Thunder, and was now being repaired. This root base was new, and it was also the place where Ming Jing and Orochimaru discussed cultivating immortality last time.

"Duan, there is also Mr. Mingjing."

Orochimaru welcomed Ming Jing and Kato Dan into the base.

"I have conducted comprehensive testing and research on the star meteorite brought back from Hoshigakure Village. After testing the samples taken from it, I found that this thing is very different from any material in the ninja world. , even after I conducted the test, I found that there was not even an isotope in this thing, and it was a completely new element.”

Orochimaru brought Ming Jing and Kato Dan to a room.

The star meteorite was placed in one of the black translucent glass boxes, and there were various sealing techniques on the outside.

"This is a brand new radioactive element. It is definitely not a native product of the ninja world. It should come from outside. It is an extremely powerful radiation source - radiation has two sides. It contains energy and can be used in medical treatment, communications, etc. However, if it is too strong, it may induce various changes in the body and even cause cancer.”

"Those ninjas in the Hidden Star Village are using the energy of radiation to strengthen their own chakra, and can cause the chakra to undergo mutation and activation, which is what they call the Peacock Magic Technique."

Orochimaru snorted and smiled, seeming to be very disdainful of Peacock's magic.

With his ninjutsu talent, if he got this meteorite, he could create a ninjutsu that was ten times more exquisite than the Peacock Mystic Technique.

"Of course, I have wrapped this meteorite with special materials that can absorb radiation. The radiation it emits now is not enough to cause harm to the human body."

Kato Dan walked around the meteorite and looked at it for a while before asking Orochimaru:

"So is there a way for the village to use this meteorite? Also, Orochimaru, you also know what happened to me back then. Have you figured out the reason now?"

"Whether or not to use it depends on your own decision."

Orochimaru said this.

"As long as you want to use radiation, you can't avoid close contact with it, which will definitely lead to physical mutagenesis. For example, the couple in Xingyin Village, the woman is okay, she is expected to live for more than ten years, and the man It's probably only in the past two years. If you need it, I can continue to research and develop suitable ninjutsu to provide training for those who need it. The upper limit can definitely exceed that couple. "

Kato Dan hesitated for a while.

"Senior Orochimaru can develop the ninjutsu first. Although Konoha's current strength does not lack this level of power, it can be regarded as a trump card. We can seal this ninjutsu in the sealed book afterwards. Once When the village weakens in the future, volunteers can be selected to practice and become the foundation of the village like the Eight Gate Dunjia."

Looking at Kato Dan's appearance, Ming Jing immediately suggested.

"This is also a way. Just do what Der Spiegel says first."

"The funds for ninjutsu development..."

"Five million taels, no more. Now the village is vigorously carrying out business reforms under Shuimen's rectification, aiming to increase the village's financial income. Before that, the village's funds were used for production in addition to supply development. Golden Potion.”

"Haha, Duan, you have reminded me of this. I also want to use the radiation from this thing to shine on the cells of the first generation and White Zetsu to see if anything interesting will happen."


Kato Dan waved his hands helplessly.

"By the way, you haven't answered my other question yet."

"The answer to this question is actually very simple. At that time, you were performing the art of spiritual transformation and existed in the state of a spiritual body. Your physical body was not exposed to radiation, so it naturally had no impact on your body. And because you lost your physical body, By blocking the restriction, your spirit body can absorb the special radiation energy of the star meteorite more directly and efficiently, strengthening the soul.”

Orochimaru gave another example.

"Remember the Peacock Technique created by those Hoshigakure ninjas? It is a way to activate chakra energy. It can shape chakra into various shapes and has high strength. This is the same as the secret knowledge in the village. The super beast pseudo-painting is somewhat similar, except that the latter’s practice process is safer, and it also requires the use of special ink to replace the steps of activating chakra, which involves a lot of knowledge about Yin Escape.”

"As for Yin Escape, the art of spiritual transformation is obviously a very representative Yin Escape Ninjutsu. When your spirit body is exposed to radiation, it also absorbs a large amount of energy and becomes "alive". This activation process is somewhat like when atoms enter an excited state and undergo electronic transitions due to gaining energy at high temperatures. However, this energy can only support the activation of your spirit body to a certain extent, and it can no longer continue to strengthen, just like Electrons make transitions at high temperatures, and they can only jump to this orbit at the current temperature. "

Kato Dan couldn't understand at first.

In his time, the ninja school was taught by a group of old ninjas who had retired from the Warring States Period. They learned how to lay traps, how to obtain intelligence, how to carry out assassinations and other things. For such scientific things, he I really haven’t learned much.

"In other words, people who don't practice spiritual transformation can't use star meteorites to practice?"

Kato Dan finally concluded.

What Orochimaru said was just an analogy, and he could roughly understand what he really meant.

"Yes, only exposure to radiation in the spiritual state can ensure the safety of the physical body."

Orochimaru nodded.

"In this case, we are actually in a dilemma. Apart from me, even Mingjing is trapped in the bottleneck of the spiritual transformation technique and cannot make any progress. Once it fails, it will be very dangerous."

"Actually, in theory, even if it fails, there is no danger."

Ming Jing suddenly said.

Orochimaru and Kato suddenly turned their attention to the mirror.

"Teacher Duan mentioned a water cup theory to me before. To practice the art of spiritual transformation, one needs to be able to gather water and turn it into ice, so that the water turns into ice and the cup can hold most of the water. With Teacher Duan's current ability, it is enough to A layer of protection is applied to the outside of my soul, and then my soul is exposed to radiation from the star meteorite to increase its strength. Then there is only the last step left, which is how to let the soul smoothly return to my body, and the village There happens to be a technique inside that allows the soul to be accurately positioned on the body."

"Are you talking about the reincarnation of dirty soil..."

Kato Dan had some doubts, but he finally agreed. He just asked that anyone who wants to perform dirty earth reincarnation must report to him, and the material for reincarnation must not be from the village.

Next, Orochimaru will continue to improve the plan mentioned by Ming Jing based on some of the principles of the dirty land reincarnation.



Pirate World, Mogara Kingdom.

Mirror's ship has been parked here since it left the town of Torrance.

This seems to be a non-world government country in the New World, but in fact every aspect of it has been infiltrated by the revolutionary army.

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