Uchiha Family's Reincarnation

Chapter 254 Tsunade is pregnant

Chapter 255 Tsunade is pregnant

ten minutes later.

Caesar held the design drawing and his legs turned into gas and floated around the church several times, scratching his head and ears.

"This unscientific!"

After Caesar came back, he pointed at the design and said.

"The mechanical structure above cannot support such a large-scale church!"

"Hey! Sissy, isn't it you who can't do it?"

Enelu looked at Caesar with disgust and said.

"Damn it, what are you talking about, long ears?"



"Long ears!"


"Long ears!"


The two people with natural fruit abilities just started to yell at each other like primary school students in the open space as if no one else was around.

"Could it be that this is not a design at all? Caesar just said that the building in this picture does not conform to the mechanical structure..."

Kerla held her chin up and said while holding the design she snatched back from Caesar.

"No, this is the blueprint."

Ming Jing looked around for a while with the transparent world and then said.

As a ninja and the leader of Konoha's intelligence team, he is very good at deciphering these things.

Ming Jing quickly took out a pencil and a piece of white paper, and with a clear view of the world, he used Su to push out the design of the cathedral.

"The original design does not comply with mechanics because it is an incomplete design."

Der Spiegel overlapped the two design drawings.

"Well, this is in line with the mechanical structure! And according to this design, this church can withstand a major earthquake of up to ten magnitudes. No wonder it can stand here for hundreds of years!"

Caesar appeared out of nowhere and commented.

"The two design drawings are overlaid to form a complete design drawing. It points out all the secret passages and mechanisms inside the church, as well as the location of the secret room. Adoya, if your grandfather or father inherited your great-grandfather's Craftsmanship, becoming an architect, may not take so much time to crack the secret, but now it seems that they have not.”

Adoya was stunned for a while, then shook his head and said with a bitter smile:

"My grandfather didn't want to be a mason and focused all his attention on cracking the treasure. My father even wanted to become a pirate after learning about Roger's deeds. I am the owner of an ordinary hotel..."

Without giving Yadoya too much chance to feel sorry for himself, Ming Jing took the lead and led everyone into the church.

There is no switch at the entrance of the secret passage. You need to dig down to a depth of four to five meters at the corresponding location to access the secret passage. This is why no one has been able to find the treasure for so many years.

Because there is no entrance to the treasure.

This depth is not difficult to defeat Mingjing.

Although the ground here is paved with a very solid stone, it is only a matter of one punch for Ming Jing.

The tunnel was very deep and long, and there were countless mechanisms inside, but Ming Jing and the others, who had the blueprints, were not trapped. They walked forward for more than a thousand meters, and the front suddenly became open.

The secret room has arrived.

On the dusty stone door, there are also two luminous pearls inlaid to provide light sources.

Sea Tower Stone was added to this stone gate to make it stronger and have the ability to defend against those with abilities.

But there is a way to open the stone door on that blueprint - a mechanism coded lock hidden in the corner.

The stone door opened smoothly, revealing the mysterious veil of the secret room.

Like most other pirate treasures, there are various jewelry and emeralds on display here, and there is even a crown inlaid with oversized diamonds. I don’t know which unlucky king took it off for this group of pirates a hundred years ago.

But the most eye-catching thing is the crystal box in the middle.

Through the transparent water mirror, one of the purple Devil Fruits with a cirrus pattern can be clearly seen.

Bat Fruit·Phantom Beast Species·Vampire Form!

Adoya's breathing was a little rapid, and his eyes kept peeking.

"I have already given you the reward, but the things inside do not belong to you."

Ming Jing turned around and looked at Adoa.

There was a bit of unwillingness on the latter's face, but it quickly subsided.

"I know, and as an ordinary person, I don't have the ability to guard so many treasures, right?"

Mirror expressed satisfaction with Yadoya's sobriety.

"I allow you to take away any treasure from here except the Devil Fruit as a final thank you gift. However, I will delete some of the memories related to today. What do you think?"

"Can I pick first?"


Mirror made a gentlemanly gesture of invitation.

Adoa wandered in the secret room for a long time, and after thinking for a while, he finally selected the largest gold product in the room.

It was an artistic statue made entirely of gold.

"Can I ask you to melt this thing into a gold bar and give it to me? Many of the things in here have their origins. It is best for me to melt this thing into a gold bar, even if its value will decrease a lot."

Adoya said while holding the golden statue with difficulty.

"I really appreciate your rationality more and more. If you can gain a certain amount of strength, you might be able to make a name for yourself in this ocean."

"You become famous, and then what? Will you end up buried in this sea like my father? Successful pirates like you only account for less than one thousandth of the total number of pirates."

Adoya shook his head and said.

Ming Jing smiled, then looked at Enelu.

"Help her melt this thing."

Enelu nodded and released high-temperature lightning from his hand, melting and shaping the golden statue.

Ming Jing walked up to Yadoya, raised his fingers and performed an illusion to make her fall into a deep sleep. Then she placed her hands on Yadoya's head and sealed part of her memory with a sealing technique. Then she let Gu Ina takes her back to the hotel.

"Pack everything away, and then it's your turn to start working. Caesar, Sabo, keep an eye on this guy."

"Promise to complete the mission!"

Sabo and Caesar said in unison.



Naruto World, Fire Country, Konoha Village.

Hokage's office.

"During the time when Tsunade is pregnant, the medical department needs you to pay more attention to her."

Kato Dan poked his head out of the thick stack of documents and said to the mirror.

"Ah, I understand, Teacher Duan."

Ming Jing sat opposite Kato Dan, peeling an orange and said casually.

After Kato stopped working hard for many years, Tsunade finally became pregnant, and her due date is June next year.

During this time, there is no one in charge of the medical department, so Ming Jing, whose medical ninjutsu is second only to Tsunade, is the most suitable replacement.

Mirror doesn't care much about this.

Just kidding, Tsunade ran around in the casino from morning to night being a fat sheep, and exploited Kato Dan from night to morning, and didn't take care of the medical department at all. How much else could the medical department do?

As the leader of the medical department, Tsunade is well versed in how to deal with troubles. She has handed over most of the affairs to the pharmacist Nonou and other senior leaders of the medical department early. There are only some things that require Tsunade's nod, or there is something that can make Tsunade When incurable diseases that interest me arise, Tsunade will personally deal with them.

Mingjing only needs Xiao Gui and Cao to follow and continue the system of Tsunade's period.

"By the way, does the intelligence analysis class have any news about the mysterious masked man who is suspected to be Uchiha Madara?"

Kato Dan finished processing the documents, straightened his posture and said.

"Not yet. The intelligence from Genbu, Anbu and other mission ninjas who are performing missions outside has been gathered together, and no news related to the mysterious person has been found. If it is a legendary ninja like Uchiha Madara, even if you and I take action, You may not be able to catch any clues, let alone other ordinary ninjas."

Ming Jing shook his head.

"But there are two things worth noting. There is not much information in the Kingdom of Rain and the Kingdom of Water. Some of them are just insignificant things that can be spread through caravans. To a certain extent, Rain Hidden Village and Kirigakure Village have become black holes of information. If the mysterious man is hiding, then these two places are the most likely. Even if not, I think it is possible to find other things that he does not want us to know. intelligence."

"So what do you think we should do?"

"Stay still. If Madara doesn't want others to know, then those ordinary intelligence ninjas will have no chance of detecting the news, and will only lose their lives in vain. If we want to take action, with Madara's strength, we must use everything we can to High-end combat power, and to do so, we must achieve a fatal blow! So before that, we must do everything possible to expand our winning rate.”

"Gather your strength, make a decision and then take action..."

Kato Dan understood what Ming Jing meant.

"Orochimaru's research on the Sage Mode has already made a breakthrough. Although there is still a big gap between the perfection he mentioned, I think Orochimaru's current research results are worthy of use. Next, I plan to select elite ninjas above the Jonin level within the village, including all the village’s senior officials, to learn the breathing method you invented and see if I can unearth outstanding ninjas who can master the Sage Mode.”

The breathing method is still only spread on a small scale, but people close to Ming Jing, such as Kato Dan and Tsunade, have been taught it.

If there can be a few more masters who master the Sage Mode, or if Konoha's current high-level officials can learn the Sage Mode and further improve their strength, then it will indeed strengthen our own strength to a great extent.

"Yes, Kakashi, Kai, Nohara Rin and Obito, as well as Genma and Ebisu, they are all young jounin who have made great achievements in breathing techniques and can serve as instructors, plus Orochimaru-senpai As a leader, you can use this opportunity to cultivate breathing method ninjas, collect more relevant data, and improve the system of the new sage model. "

In a few words, Ming Jing and Kato Dan decided on the matter.

Kato Dan and Tsunade have practiced the breathing method to a level close to that of Changzhong. The former has also signed a contract with Shigulin and is in the process of learning immortal arts.

Thank you for the 500 starting points for the reward!

I have to write a lot of graduation-related materials tomorrow. I’m not sure if I can update them on time. I might put aside 4,000 yuan to cope with perfect attendance.

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