Uchiha Family's Reincarnation

Chapter 256 Bat Bruce

Chapter 257 Bat Bruce

And in a certain corner of the Mokara Kingdom, in a laboratory.

"I'm telling you! A small problem like this can't trouble me as the greatest scientist in the world! Caesar!"

Caesar stood in the center of the laboratory, dancing and looking at the ceiling.

There, a large bat about two meters high was hanging upside down on the roof, staring at everyone in the field with a pair of blood-red eyes.

Maybe it was because Caesar was too noisy, which made it irritated, or maybe it thought Caesar was the weakest among everyone present. The big bat immediately jumped down from the roof, pressed on Caesar's body, and showed off its slender horns. tooth.

Caesar was almost scared to death. He quickly activated the fruit's ability to turn into gas and escaped, cursing:

"Damn it, how dare you treat your creator like this..."

"Okay, Caesar."


Ming Jing's footsteps came slowly, and along with them, a strong sense of oppression surged toward the bat.

Although Caesar swore that adding his own blood during the manufacturing process would make this creation born from the tail feathers of the sky + vampire form and bat fruit innately obey his orders, the Mirror still needs to confirm that this weapon The weapon that has been with him for more than ten years can still be held in his hands.

Feeling Ming Jing's arrival, the giant bat's eyes flashed with clarity, and then shrank its body, turning into a small bat only the size of a palm, and stopped on Ming Jing's shoulder.

It is very familiar with the smell of mirror.

"Can you understand what I'm saying? Little one, just nod if you can."

The little bat squeaked and nodded.

"Very good, now return to your original form."

The bat fluttered its wings and flew, its body shape changed, and finally turned into a long sword that was 60 to 70% similar to the previous Sky's Tail Feather.

The length and weight of the sword have not changed much. It still has the familiar feel of Ming Jing. The difference is that the sword tangs on the hilt have turned into an inverted V shape, looking like a pair of unfolded bats. wing.

Ming Jing held the new tail feathers of the sky, shook his sword, then went to the open space outside and fired a sword energy into the sky.

"The power has indeed been improved to a certain extent, and it can also add the bat's ultrasonic attack, which is very good."

Like a child who got a new toy, Ming Jing kept playing with the new tail feathers of the sky.

Suddenly, a thought came out from the tail feathers of the sky.

A deep joy suddenly appeared on Ming Jing's face.

"Do you want a name that's the same as a human's? Since it's the image of a bat, let's call it Bruce."

The bad taste prompted Ming Jing to choose such a name.

I don’t know if I will ever reach that world one day.

What makes Ming Jing happy is not just that he can communicate with Bruce while holding the tail feather of the sky.

In addition to the name request, Bruce just sent him an important ability.

It sucks blood and infuses part of the power of the sucked blood into the user to enhance the user's physical energy and blood.

With this thing, it means that Ming Jing can finally embark on the path of killing monsters and upgrading like the protagonists in those novels.

With a thought in his mind, Ming Jing planned to go to the sea to find a sea king to try his hand at.

But now, he doesn't have to go on his own.

Throwing the Heavenly Tail Feather in his hand into the air, the slender sword suddenly turned into a bat.

"big big big!"

Following Ming Jing's command, Bruce rapidly grew in size, and finally transformed into a giant bat with a height of more than four meters and a wingspan of more than ten meters, soaring in the sky carrying Ming Jing.

"Wow! It's amazing, Caesar! He can actually turn Teacher Yuanyi's weapon into such a big bat!"

Underground, Sabo raised his hand and looked into the distance, exclaiming as he watched the giant bat turn into a small black dot in the sky and go away.

"Hey, hey, hey, I am the best super scientist in the world. This little thing is not a big deal!"

Caesar raised his head and said with a proud look on his face.

"Indeed, this sissy does have some skills."

Enel couldn't help but nodded in agreement.

A fruit and a weapon can actually create such a creature. Enel, who grew up on an empty island and had little knowledge, also said that his eyes were opened.

"Hey! Long ears, who are you calling a sissy?"

"Whoever answers the question! Sissy!"

"Long ears!"


"Long ears!"


Kerra touched her chin and looked at Caesar and Enel who were arguing in front of them.

Robin moved his long legs and walked slowly to Kella's side.

"What, do you want to recruit this sissy scientist to join your team?"

Robin asked Kella.

"Well, although it is definitely not as good as Vegapunk, but according to the news from Dorag, this guy is also a first-class scientist almost second only to Vegapunk in the Science Department of the World Government. Now it seems that it is true With so many skills, the most important thing is that he was previously known as an authoritative expert in the development of powerful weapons. With such a talent, he can definitely bring a lot of good things to the revolutionary army. What I am worried about now is the world government. there……"

"With Vegapunk here, the World Government won't care too much about Caesar."

Robin said with great conviction.

No one understands this better than her.

In the original time and space, Caesar could even return to Punk Hazard to continue his experiments within a year after the accident, which shows that the World Government did not attach too much importance to him.

They believed that with Vegapunk, their scientific research strength could match that of all scientists.

Caesar and Enelu, two natural fruit ability users, fought again, and the final result was still that Caesar was beaten black and blue.

At this time, on the sea.

Bruce had switched to weapon mode and was held in Mingjing's hand.

The powerful observation Haki quickly searched for the breath of life in the sea, and soon, Mingjing found the experimental target.

A sea beast shaped like a loach.

Although its size was not as amazing as those sea kings, it was also 20 to 30 meters long, which was not small.

A sword light flashed, and the whole body of the loach sea beast was immediately split into two, and a large amount of blood immediately dyed the nearby sea surface red.

Ming Jing used chakra to absorb the soles of his feet and walked on the sea surface. The Heavenly Tail Feather in his hand switched to the third form.

Blood-sucking form!

The sword body became more slender, and two bat-like spikes emerged at both ends of the sword tip.

The long sword sank into the body of the loach sea beast, and red blood light was transmitted along the sword body into Ming Jing's body.

Gulp, gulp, Ming Jing seemed to hear the sound of blood boiling.

The blood in his body was indeed boiling, and wisps of blood-red steam were emerging from Ming Jing's body.

The essence of the blood and qi of the loach sea beast was transmitted into Ming Jing's body along the Heavenly Tail Feather, and then transformed into Ming Jing's body, so such a strange phenomenon occurred.

"It is true that I can rely on this thing to enhance my physical strength, but the efficiency of transformation does not seem to be high? And some of the resentment and spiritual fragments of the absorbed will also be transmitted into my body."

Ming Jing sensed it and frowned slightly.

Those resentments and mental fragments will be filtered by Bruce before being transmitted into his body. With his current mental strength, these things will not have much impact on him.

But Bruce is not like that.

It will be affected by the vampire fruit and become more bloodthirsty and brutal. Even if Bruce's consciousness disappears one day, the sword will still become a demon sword.

However, in a short period of time, I can still rely on this weapon to strengthen myself, but I need to keep a good time interval to reduce the impact as much as possible.

As for the next, Mingjing thinks it's time to open a new world.

Although my strength has not reached the upper limit of the pirate world, if I want to reach the level of the four emperors of the admiral, I only need to spend time to polish my sword intent and continue to strengthen my domineering. I will definitely reach that level, but it will probably take a long time.

In the next world, Mingjing prefers a world with sufficiently advanced biotechnology, preferably genetic technology, which can upgrade my Mangekyō Sharingan to the Eternal Eye.

As for the pirate world, I will stay in the Kingdom of Mogara for the time being and let the shadow clone train the crew. When the opportunity changes on the sea, I should have the ability to stir up the world situation.



The world of Naruto.

As a senior official of Konoha, it is not difficult for Mingjing to arrange a legitimate reason to go to Loulan.

The war between Konoha and Sand Village has stopped for some years, and as an important node connecting the two countries, Loulan has become a force that cannot be ignored with the deliberate support of Konoha.

Caravans from all over the world gather here, and the population and economic scale of Loulan City continue to grow, providing a large number of mission resources for the neighboring Konoha and Sand Village.

These mission resources are icing on the cake for Konoha, which is rich and profound, but for Sand Village, it is an important channel for them to restore the vitality of the village.

It is for this reason that Sand Village and the Daimyo of Wind Country have wanted to incorporate Loulan into their territory more than once.

The former is for a large number of mission resources and the abundant economic and material resources here, while the latter is envious of the large amount of tax revenue that Loulan's population economy can provide.

And this is naturally what Konoha does not want to see.

Although Loulan is geographically closer to the Wind Country, the Queen of Loulan is willing to get close to Konoha, and is considered to be protected by Konoha and is also within Konoha's sphere of influence.

"In other words, I came here to represent Konoha to support Loulan."

In a luxurious hotel box, Mingjing said to Yuya Shiro Yan.

This restaurant is the property under the name of Yuya Shiro Yan.

This future super-rich businessman in the ninja world has become one of the top ten businessmen in the Fire Country with the support of Konoha in the past one or two years, and is currently expanding business outside the Fire Country.

"I understand, Master Mingjing. This is all the relevant information that the Yuya City Chamber of Commerce has collected in the past three months. According to the information my men have found, the high-level person sent by the Sand Village this time is Ye Cang, who is not as radical as Luo Sha. The Sand Village sent her here, probably intending to take a conciliatory approach."

"To me, there is no difference between radical and conciliatory."

Mingjing took a sip of tea and turned his eyes indifferently to the window.

In Loulan City, there are a lot of cars and people, so lively.

"Yes, for you, as long as it is not the legendary mysterious person, there is really no big difference between other people in the ninja world."

Yuya City Yan pushed his small black glasses and complimented.

He now has to hold on to Konoha's thighs in order to make his chamber of commerce grow and develop. Holding on to Mingjing's thighs is equivalent to holding on to Konoha's thighs.

His current goal is to develop his chamber of commerce to integrate into all aspects of Konoha, to the point where he cannot do without him, so that he can provide enough status for his daughter who now lives in Konoha.

With a goal, you will naturally work hard.

"Next, you can transfer part of the focus of the chamber of commerce to Loulan. Don't worry about insufficient strength. Konoha's Anbu, Root and Intelligence Analysis Team will secretly support you. What Konoha wants now is a Loulan with certain strength, who is friendly to Konoha and can control the Sand Village. This is a long-term plan with a goal of ten years. If the Ninja World War happens again in the future, Loulan will either become Konoha's most powerful barrier in the west, or... become Konoha's springboard for attacking the Sand Village!"

Yuya Shiro En's heart jumped, but he took on the task with a serious face.

"I understand, Master Mingjing, but according to the news from my side, although Ye Cang has been quite at odds with Luo Sha in recent years, his strength has grown rapidly. You are naturally fearless, but you still have to be careful with the subordinates you brought with you."

"Well, Konoha has also collected information about Ye Cang's situation, and I know all this. Okay, someone is coming, you can leave first."

Mingjing picked up the tea and drank it all.

"Then I will take my leave first."

Miyashiro En stood up, bowed slightly to Mingjing, turned around and walked to the wall next to him and knocked, opened the mechanism and walked into the secret passage.

"Teacher Mingjing!"

"The Queen of Loulan is here!"

"Teacher Mingjing, it is said outside that you and the Queen of Loulan are having an affair, is it true?"

Might Guy, Yuhi Kurenai and Asuma broke into the room where Mingjing was.

Asuma, who asked the last question, looked at Mingjing with admiration.

"Me and the Queen of Loulan? Who told you that?"

Ming Jing couldn't hold it in and almost spit out the tea he had just drunk.

"That's what people say outside. Could it be that you, Teacher Ming Jing, abandoned her after having an affair..."

Ming Jing was speechless for a moment.

Although he didn't do anything at the beginning, the Queen of Loulan and her maid thought he did it, and it was so fierce that it only took five minutes for the Queen of Loulan to fall into a coma.

Ming Jing also knew that there was a high probability that these rumors were spread by the Queen of Loulan herself.

Thanks to the book friend 20220804231118713 for the reward of 100 Qidian coins!

Damn, I got a stiff neck when I got up in the morning, and I felt uncomfortable even when I was typing. Does anyone have any way to relieve it?

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