Uchiha Family's Reincarnation

Chapter 243: Newly born Sasuke and soon-to-die Madara

Chapter 244 Newborn Sasuke and Madara who is about to die of old age

"Don't worry, Your Majesty the King, we just want to see the historical text tablet collected by the royal family.

Der Spiegel said it very directly.

Cobra looked stunned, and quickly exchanged glances with the two confidants below, then smiled again and nodded in agreement.

He has no right to refuse such a person who is much stronger than Crocodile.

Not to mention that because of Vivi's relationship with Kerra and Kuina, the relationship between the two parties is quite harmonious. Cobra also wants to become a foreign aid with such a powerful person.

"Yes, but I hope Mr. Yuanyi will not reveal this matter."

Cobra thought for a while, added another sentence, and then stood up to lead the way.

Der Spiegel had no interest in the historical text. Reading this was purely a request jointly made by Robin after getting in touch with the dragon through the phone bug.

Anyway, he already roughly knew what was recorded on this historical text tablet, and it was nothing more than related to the location of Pluto's battleship.

This thing is buried in Wano Country.

The World Government's erasure of the blank hundred years and ancient writings will inevitably prove that the truth behind this can be concealed to the World Government's rule of the world.

What is recorded on the historical text stone tablet is nothing more than the huge ancient kingdom 800 years ago, and some things that happened in the next 100 years. During this period of changing dynasties, Im and the twenty people who established the world government The king must have played some disgraceful role, and the historical text does indeed record information related to powerful ancient weapons——

Public opinion is combined with powerful forces, and they will certainly think that these things can threaten their rule.

The world of Naruto, the land of the Uchiha clan.

There was a lot of joy and laughter in the patriarch's mansion.

This is because the second son of the patriarch’s family holds a full moon feast.

Uchiha Fugaku's face glowed brightly as he greeted every guest.

Now that he himself has become a high-level official in Konoha, all the conflicts between the Uchiha clan and the old high-level officials in the past no longer exist. After the reform of the police department, the conflicts with the villagers have also been alleviated to a certain extent. As time goes by, this contradiction will eventually dissipate invisible.

Among the current high-level officials in Konoha, Kato Dan was busy with his affairs and did not attend the event in person. However, the presence of Tsunade, his wife, and Ming Jing, his disciple, was enough.

After Orochimaru became the leader of the Roots, he handed over all matters to Mitarai Zixiao. He was only responsible for controlling the general direction. He was obsessed with scientific research and was not present.

Also not present was the Third Generation - as the former Hokage, he would theoretically be a high-ranking figure in Konoha no matter what.

Logically speaking, in the Ministry of Education, where things don't have that much going on, the third generation would certainly be able to come if they wanted to. However, due to the relationship between the older generation of senior officials represented, he was not present in person.

However, Asuma and Sarutobi Biwako were present, and the latter hugged Sasuke for a while, which was considered a courtesy.

Among the remaining senior executives, Namikaze Minato took the time to come with Kushina, and Akimichi Tofaze, who had a relatively free life in the logistics department, also came with the contemporary Inokacho.

"Little Sasuke is really cute too!"

Kushina looked at Sasuke in Mikoto's arms and said with some envy.

Uchiha Itachi on the side couldn't help but smile when he heard the words of praise for his younger brother.

"Speaking of which, Kushina should be close too. How about it, Minato, have you decided on a name?"

Uchiha Fugaku finished dealing with the guests and came over with a smile and asked.

Kushina's belly is already very big. It is because she is a ninja and has the immortal body of the Uzumaki clan that Kushina can still walk at this stage.

Of course, this was with Minato supporting him all the way.

"Ah, I haven't decided yet. The name Kushina initially prepared was Menma, but I would rather use Naruto as the name."

Namikaze Minato replied with a sunny smile on his face.

"Um...Menma and Naruto? What does it mean?"

Uchiha Fugaku obviously did not expect that Minato and his wife would come up with such names.

Menma means dried bamboo shoots, and Naruto means Naruto roll, both of which are common ingredients in ramen.

"Kushina thought of Menma because she especially wanted to eat ramen with dried bamboo shoots during her pregnancy. As for Naruto, this is the name of the protagonist in Jiraiya-sensei's book."

"Yes, yes, Minato goes to Ichiraku Ramen every day after get off work. Anyway, it doesn't take much time to use the Flying Thunder God to get to and from get off work."

Kushina interjected from the side.

"The name in Jiraiya-senpai's book?" Fugaku was even more confused.

Didn't he remember that the book Jiraiya wrote was not that kind of book? Although the writing is very good, the protagonist of this kind of book should be the name...

No, he remembered that when he watched it before, the protagonist's name was not that.

"Sasuke, this kid, has a beautiful face and clear eyes. He has inherited the blood of Mangekyou. I think he will definitely grow into outstanding ninjas like Ming Jing and Shisui in the future."

Uchiha Yu said while leaning on crutches and stroking his beard, looking at Sasuke who was held in Mikoto's arms.

"Ah, Sasuke will definitely be able to shoulder the honor of the family together with Itachi in the future."

Uchiha Fugaku said with a smile.


Uchiha Yu looked at Uchiha Itachi and nodded with satisfaction.

Itachi often trains with Shisui, and Shisui often asks Uchiha Yu for advice. Therefore, Uchiha Yu also understands Itachi's situation very well, and will give Uchiha Itachi advice from time to time, and is very satisfied with it. .

Judging from current performance, Itachi's ninja talent may not be worse than that of Ming Jing and Shisui.

Coupled with Uchiha Obito who has opened the Mangekyō Sharingan, the next generation of Uchiha will be even more prosperous!

But in Uchiha Yu's view, it could actually be a little more prosperous.

"Ding Jing, you see, Fugaku, who is the same generation as you, already has two children, Minato's child is about to be born, and even Obito, who is almost ten years younger than you, has a little girlfriend who is inseparable. …”

Uchiha Yu said to the mirror with a profound expression.

"Ahem, Grandpa Yu, didn't I say before that it wasn't urgent yet?"

Ming Jing replied in a slightly embarrassed tone.

"That's all from last year's almanac."

Uchihaha shook his head.

What an old almanac last year is!

Ming Jing couldn't help but look at Fugaku, Minato and the others for help.

Fugaku pretended to be nonchalant and pointed his finger at Sasuke's face.

Minato smiled awkwardly and scratched his head.

He didn't know how to help Ming Jing.

"It's okay, Elder Yu. Kushina and I will match up Ming Jing with outstanding girls in the village. High-quality unmarried men like Ming Jing are the most popular among the sisters. Don't worry about not finding them."

At the critical moment, it was Uchiha Mikoto who came out to rescue Ming Jing.

Ming Jing looked at Mikoto with grateful eyes.

"It's true that I should take a closer look. Before I met Mikoto, I had devoted all my energy to the revitalization of my family. I didn't look down on ordinary vulgar fans at all. I should also take a closer look before I meet Mikoto. correct person."

Uchiha Fugaku said with a smile, and looked at the somewhat shy Mikoto.

"I really can't give you much advice in this regard, Ming Jing. After all, Kushina and I have known each other since we were in ninja school."

Namikaze Minato expressed the same sentiment while hugging Kushina.

Ming Jing felt like he had been stuffed with dog food.

Is it really okay to abuse singles like this?

At this moment, Sasuke suddenly burst into tears again.

"Look, you must have poked Sasuke's face too hard just now, and it hurt the child."

Mikoto rolled her eyes at Fugaku in disgust.

"This... I remember Itachi clearly didn't object to me doing this when he was a child. He would laugh and say when he came back, why did he cry when he got to Sasuke?"

Facing Sasuke who started crying, Fugaku seemed a little at a loss.

At the critical moment, Itachi picked Sasuke up and coaxed him back to health.

Ming Jing glanced at Sasuke with a smile.

Good boy, this wave of attention has been diverted so well! Your uncle Ming Jing will never treat you badly in the future!

But having said that, Sasuke is now full moon, which means that there are only less than two months left before Naruto is born.

I wonder if there will be a Nine-Tails Rebellion this time if Obito has not turned black.

Ming Jing's eyes were deep, looking towards the horizon in the distance.

You still need to be more prepared. After all, that old guy Uchiha Madara is probably still alive.

But then again, if Madara is still alive, will Sasuke still be the reincarnation of Indra?

If Indra has not yet been reincarnated, then Minato and Kushina's child may not be the reincarnation of Asura.

If that's the case, it's hard to say how the world will change in the future.

Uchiha Madara is indeed still alive.

But even though he was still alive, he was also dying.

Almost dying of old age.

Uchiha Madara, who once dominated the ninja world, can now only sit cross-legged in a dark underground cave, waiting day after day for the news of "his own will" and Black Zetsu's information.

"Black Zetsu! Tell me the situation of Uchiha Obito and Uchiha Shisui!"

Uchiha Madara looked at Black Zetsu ahead with cloudy eyes and said.

"Madara-sama, Uchiha Obito's Mangekyō Sharingan is the same as Uchiha Mirror. It has the time and space pupil technique. It is difficult to attack it. It also never leaves Nohara Rin's side. We can't find any space for layout at all. "

Hei Jue sighed inwardly and said.

It is not an easy task to deal with an Uchiha who uses the Mangekyou Sharingan.

"So... what about Uchiha Shisui? He is also an Uchiha who is qualified to be my heir."

"Madara-sama, Uchiha Shisui has now entered the ANBU of Konoha. The members of the team are Hatake Kakashi and the Wooden ninja. The leader of the team is also a jounin from the Aburame clan. His overall strength is very high. Strong, it’s also difficult for us to start.”

Uchiha Madara was a little silent.

Now, the most important thing before completing the plan is to find an Uchiha who can inherit his will and execute the Eye of the Moon plan on his behalf.

But unfortunately, the plans for the three plan candidates, Uchiha Mingjing, Uchiha Obito and Uchiha Shisui, all failed.

"But Madara-sama, following Uchiha Shisui, I found another Uchiha kid who may be able to inherit your will. His name is Uchiha Itachi. Although he is only five or six years old, he has a talent that is not inferior to that of Uchiha. The qualifications of Ming Jing and Uchiha Shisui..."


Madara Uchiha interrupted Black Zetsu.

"No matter how talented Uchiha Itachi is, it is no longer useful. The limit of my lifespan should be only one or two years. At least, there is a high probability that I will not last until next winter."

Uchiha Madara said with a sigh.

"It's okay, Madara-sama, I have found the power that will allow you to continue to survive. Maybe I can even restore your youth."

Black Zetsu said to Madara with a respectful attitude.

He did know something that could allow Madara to continue to survive and become younger.

It's just that he doesn't want to face a young and powerful Uchiha Madara.

The aging Uchiha Madara does not have so much energy, so he can only leave everything to him, and the chosen heir will also fall into his guidance, which is more conducive to Black Zetsu's plan to promote the infinite Tsukuyomi and resurrect Kaguya.

But now, it's time to take out this trump card.

"Restore youth?"

Uchiha Madara's cloudy eyes lit up with scarlet light.

He longs to regain his youth.

"Tell me! What's the method!"

"As you command, Madara-sama!"

Black Zetsu smiled and bent down in response.

The world of pirates, above the sea.

Kerla controlled the rudder, causing the ship to sail quickly on the sea.

Sabo was leaning on the lounge chair, sleeping in the sun, while Kuina sat beside him, taking care of the weapon in his hand.

This was the trophy she got from killing MR.11 of Baroque Studio in Alabasta, the famous sword Huazhou, and Kuina couldn't put it down.

Robin, who was newly on board, called a news bird passing by in the sky, took down 100 beli, and bought the latest issue of the newspaper.

Ming Jing sat cross-legged on the bow of the boat, placed the Heavenly Tail Feather in his hand across his knees, closed his eyes and meditated.

In the world of Naruto, everyone thinks that Ming Jing's swordsmanship has reached its peak, but Ming Jing knows that he has definitely not reached the limit of his swordsmanship yet.

Due to the different power systems between the two worlds, ninjas do not have that incredibly powerful body, so naturally they can only push the kendo based on body movements to a new level.

There, if the strength wants to reach the point of surpassing the shadow, basically it can only rely on blood. Being able to cultivate to the level of Namikaze Minato is basically the limit that ordinary ninjas in the Naruto world can achieve.

Fortunately, although the world of pirates also has such things as blood theory and fatalism, at least there are strong people who rely on their own abilities to stand on the top of the world, without even relying on the power of fruits. The more typical one is "Eagle Eye" "Mihawk.

In addition to him, there are other great swordsmen who have reached the pinnacle of swordsmanship.

But Ming Jing is not a great swordsman yet, and he didn’t know how to become a great swordsman before.

But Shigetsuki Koushiro knew.

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