Uchiha Family's Reincarnation

Chapter 244 Power Bank Enelu

Chapter 245 Power Bank Enel

Even his ancestor, Shimotsuki Ryoma, was a great swordsman who, like "Hawkeye" Mihawk, forged a black sword and reached the pinnacle of the sword art in the pirate world.

Mingjing gently stroked the blade of Tianzhiweiyu and recalled what Shimotsuki Koshiro said.

According to Koshiro's description, every great swordsman has an extraordinary swordsmanship background and a first-class physical foundation in the entire sea.

This is the basic prerequisite for becoming a great swordsman.

And the most important thing to become a great swordsman is to polish the "intention", or the sword intention.

The concept of sword intention was summarized by Mingjing himself.

Koshiro's own statement is to condense the swordsman's own beliefs into a rock-solid state that can cut through everything, and to be able to integrate it into the weapon through domineering as a medium, so that the power of the attack is greatly enhanced.

Those who can do this are great swordsmen.

The battles between great swordsmen, or some powerful men on the sea, are not only about physical fitness, fighting skills and fruit abilities, but also about the collision of wills between each other.

As for how to condense the swordsman's faith to that point, Koshiro himself didn't know, but he told Mingjing the story of Shimotsuki Ryoma.

This world's number one swordsman hundreds of years ago never lost a battle in his life, experienced countless life-and-death battles, washed away the lead in the battle, and described his feelings about kendo when he was instructing the younger generation before his death.

"Those who master exquisite sword moves can become qualified swordsmen, those who can flexibly use the sword as if it were a part of their body are excellent swordsmen, those who can unite the sword with their mind, and achieve the direction of the mind, the direction of the sword, and perfectly control the sword in their hands. Even if they only have a small knife in their hands, they can still exert a shocking strength. Only then can they be the top swordsmen."

In Mingjing's understanding, this is probably an explanation of the realm of the unity of man and sword. The primary unity of man and sword is the unity of body coordination and sword skills, and later, it is the unity of the inner will, body, and sword.

This also puts forward requirements for the swordsman's kendo foundation, physical ability, and control of domineering.

Mingjing's own kendo foundation is definitely enough, and his physical fitness and control of domineering are also up to standard. From the so-called great swordsman, he may lack an opportunity to solidify his sword intention.

As for this opportunity, Mingjing can't say what it is.

But he knew that as long as he could slowly integrate all the swordsmanship he had learned and witnessed before and establish his own swordsmanship school, he would definitely be able to enter the realm of a great swordsman on the day he completed it.

And if there was a great swordsman to compete with Ming Jing during this process, it would definitely shorten the time.

"Teacher Yunyi! We have now entered the waters near Gaya Island. Next... are we really going to that whirlpool?"

Kerla manipulated the rudder and said to Ming Jing.

She and Sabo have now changed their words, and the way they address Ming Jing has changed from the slightly unfamiliar captain to teacher.

"Ah, yes, we have to go to that whirlpool. For four hundred years, the golden country that Rolando talked about has never been discovered by people because part of Gaya Island was washed up to the sky by the rising current, forming an island in the sky.

The appearance of the rising current is caused by the release of a large amount of seawater at one time when the whirlpool in this sea area is saturated with water. Since no one will approach the dangerous whirlpool, naturally no one can ride the rising current to go to the island in the sky. According to the calculations of the people on the dragon side, the cycle of this whirlpool is about to end, and the rising current will come soon."

Mingjing explained briefly, and then watched Kerla drive the ship to the depths of the whirlpool.

Suddenly, the whirlpool on the sea surface disappeared.

The sea became unusually calm at this moment.

The next moment, the sea water became unusually agitated again, pouring out from the bottom of the sea, lifting the ship and rising into the air.

"Wow! So spectacular!"

Sabo held the railing, fixed his body, and looked at the marine creatures outside that were wormed out by the rising current.

There are many huge sea kings among them.

The rising current lasted for a long time.

Sailing in the sky at an altitude of 10,000 meters, there are white clouds not far away, which seem to be within reach.

In front of them is Angel Island.

Not far away is Arpayard. Through the white mist, you can see a huge vine extending into the higher clouds.

"We have two missions here, but it is no problem to integrate them into one. That is to collect the gold of Shandora, the hometown of gold, as military funds for the development of the revolutionary army. Secondly, it is the historical text hidden at the bottom of the golden bell there, but the situation here is a bit complicated and may be a bit troublesome."

"Yoshi, then prepare to do a big job!"

Sabo rubbed his hands excitedly.

"Forget it, there is no need to do a big job."

Mingjing suddenly frowned and looked in the direction of Arpayard.

"Because trouble has come."

As soon as the voice fell, Mingjing opened the Mangekyo Sharingan hidden under the beautiful pupils, and the figure disappeared instantly.

"Lightning Style: Chidori!"

A bolt of lightning from the sky was cut off on the spot.

"The range of this guy's perception of sight, hearing and color is indeed quite large. Is it the result of using the electric waves from the Thunderous Fruit? He's quite talented if he can figure it out on his own."

Ming Jing commented lightly and immediately flew in the direction of Apayado on moon steps.

Apayado, Enelu sat on the top of a building, with a look of interest on his face.

"Very good, these Qinghai people seem to be quite capable, but if they offend the god's territory, they should be punished!"

Enelu's figure also turned into a bolt of lightning and disappeared.

Not long after, dull thunder sounded in the air.

"Kerla, let's go too. It seems that the guy who attacked us has some helpers."

Sabo pressed his hat and looked at the several priests of Enel who noticed movement in the distance and flew towards them with fluttering wings and said.

"People from Qinghai, tell me what you are doing here, and then... surrender to me! Surrender to... God!"

Enelu held the golden scepter and slowly landed in front of the mirror in a manner that looked full of ecstasy.

"Tsk, even among my tribe, it's rare to find someone as good as you."

Ming Jing looked at Enelu and shook his head, thinking of a guy wearing a red cloud and black robe.

That guy also likes to call himself God.

If you think about it carefully, this may be a special psychology of some people after they suddenly master powerful power.

"You guy..."

Enel's face darkened.

Ever since I gained this god-like power a few years ago, I have never met such a person who dared to disobey me!

"30 million volt monster!"

Enelu tapped the small drum on his left shoulder and released a giant wolf formed from thunder and lightning.

Ming Jing was somewhat pleased to see Lie Xin, and formed a seal with his hands while Anilu was playing the drums.

"Thunder Release: Thunder Beast Chasing Fang!"

A wolf-dog, also formed from thunder and lightning, appeared and bumped into Enel's Thunder Beast.

Enelu couldn't help but look stunned.

This was the first time that he saw that others could use the power of thunder and lightning.

"This guy...actually stole the power that belongs to God..."

Enelu raised his golden cane and pointed it at the mirror.

Ming Jing also pulled out the tail feathers of the sky simultaneously and pointed at Enelu.

"God's sanction!"

"Breath of Thunder·Type of One·Thunderbolt Flash!"

Ming Jing holds the tail feathers of the sky wrapped with armed domineering energy. He operates the thunder escape chakra mode and thunder breath, maximizing his resistance to thunder and lightning, and then splits the cylindrical current released by Eniru with a sword. , attacked Enelu.


Enelu's body was instantly blasted into the ground, knocking down dozens of houses.

"How...how did you attack me!"

Enila said with a look of horror.

"There are still many things you don't know."

Ming Jing clenched his fists and made a clicking sound.

"Heavy flow storm!"

"Thunder bomb!"

"Sanda Mu Liu Dou!"

A series of moves belonging to the Thunder Chakra mode, combined with armed domineering, were used by Ming Jing to greet Eniru.

I have to admit that the reason why the Raikage's lineage likes Mang so much is because it's really satisfying to be punched so hard.

"Yes, although you are very annoying, I suddenly don't want to kill you anymore."

Ming Jing held Enelu with one hand and showed an excited smile.

His physical strength has not improved significantly for a long time!

A few years have passed, after eating a lot of food from the pirate world, and improving his physical body through breathing methods, thunder escape chakra mode, etc., although the physical strength of Ming Jing is not low, it is still far away from those monster-level powerful ones in this world. There is still a gap.

But just now, after using the Thunder Chakra mode under the stimulation of Enel's high-voltage lightning, Ming Jing could faintly feel that his physical body had become a little stronger.

High voltage lightning quenching body!

This gave Ming Jing the idea of ​​capturing Enelu and using him as his body-building tool.


Enelu's body was hit hard to the ground again.

"Submit to me!"

Ming Jing said to Enelu with a stern look in his eyes.

"You... a devil from hell, don't expect God to surrender..."

"God, you are so fucking stupid!"

Seeing that Enel was still immersed in his own world and unable to extricate himself, Ming Jing did not intend to push him any further.

What should I do if my second grade child disobeys? Just give it a beating!

If it doesn't heal after a good beating, it means the beating wasn't hard enough!

After using the illusion of the Mangekyo Sharingan to control Eniru's body so that he could not move around, Ming Jing launched his strange power fist, picked up one of Eniru's feet, first threw it from left to right, and then swung it. Get up and hit it to the right, hit it twice more, and then switch sides and swing it to the right to continue hitting.

After a while of tossing, Enilu lay in the pit with eyes blank and his mind was haggard.

"What a weak god."

Ming Jing commented, and once again looked at Enel with the Sharingan covered by contact lenses, using illusions to plant psychological hints and deepen fear.

Even though the pupil power will be weakened through the contact lenses, the pupil power at the kaleidoscope level is still strong. In addition, the use of the Mangekyō Sharingan does not need to take into account the consumption of pupil power. Mingjing has put a lot of effort into this illusion. .

"Submit to me!"

Enelu looked at the mirror in front of him that seemed to be exuding a demonic aura, and silently accepted the reality.

He was eating hot pot and singing on Sky Island, relying on the power of the fruit to bully others and proclaim himself a god. As a result, a demon from Qinghai below came one day and defeated him with an unknown power! He also wanted to drag him down with him.

And he, the determined Enelu, could only choose to stay by the side of the demon, try to learn the power of the demon, and finally defeat the demon and win back his glory as a god!

This is how Enelu convinced himself to surrender.

When Mingjing solved Enelu and appeared in front of the four priests with Enelu, these followers of Enelu also lost the will to resist and were captured alive by Sabo and others.

On this day, both the Shandia people and the natives of Sky Island discovered the disappearance of Enelu.

Some were happy and some were afraid and worried, but these had nothing to do with Mingjing.

After quietly setting a seal on Enelu, Mingjing handed over other matters to Kuina and others to handle.

Mingjing will definitely take Enelu's power bank and use it as a tool for body building. It must not be left on Sky Island.

Mingjing didn't plan to take care of these things. Let the people here solve them by themselves. If Kuina and others want to take care of them, let them solve them by themselves.

There are only two things that Mingjing should do.

Bring back the gold from the Golden Country - this task is not difficult. Enelu has collected a lot of gold before, and the rest will not take much time. Mingjing and Enelu only need to use the high temperature of fire escape and lightning to reshape it into a shape that is easy to carry down.

However, the amount of gold is large and heavy, so it needs to be transported several times.

In a few days, Ivankov, the commander of the Great Line Army of the Revolutionary Army, will bring people to take away most of the gold as military expenses.

With this gold, the strength of the Revolutionary Army in all aspects can be greatly improved.

The rest is used as the funding for Mingjing and others' voyage. As long as they don't spend money like the Celestial Dragons, they can hardly be used up with normal expenses.

The second thing, of course, is to find the historical text under the golden bell and give it to Robin for interpretation.

The content recorded on this historical text stone tablet is about the location of the ancient weapon Sea King. All the content above will be sent to Dragon after being translated by Robin.

The so-called Sea King is actually the "King of Sea Kings". It is a mermaid princess who can communicate with Sea Kings and command them only once in hundreds of years.

The current Sea King is Princess Shirahoshi of Mermaid Island.

If Dragon wants to rebel against the World Government, it is necessary to control Sea King and Pluto.

Thank you for the 500 starting coins rewarded by Bie Rumi!

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