Uchiha Family's Reincarnation

Chapter 242: The application of sealing techniques in the pirate world

Chapter 243 The application of sealing technology in the world of pirates

"Thunder Release·Snake Thunder!"

Thunder snakes were released from Ming Jing's hand and charged towards the surrounding sand.

Under the high temperature of thunder and lightning, a large area of ​​surrounding sand suddenly turned into glass.

Crocodile's terrain advantage in the desert was eliminated in a short time. Even if he could turn glass into sand again, it would take time.

"You should, you don't have any other tricks."

Ming Jing stood on the sand dune that was turned into glass, pinched Crocodile's neck with one hand, raised it with one arm and said.

Crocodile could only put his hands on his neck, trying to pull away Ming Jing's iron-like palms, and his feet shook uncontrollably, trying to touch the ground.

Gumir, who was watching this scene from a distance, silently guessed at Ming Jing's fruit ability.

Being able to control thunder and lightning, could it be the Thunder Fruit?

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With the strength that Jiguoyuan has shown so far, if coupled with the thunder fruit of the natural fruit, the strength would be extremely amazing even if it is not to the level of the three generals!

"Why... I didn't offend you, why do you want to deal with me... Jiguo Enichi..."

Crocodile's tone was full of doubts and unwillingness.

"The drought in Alabasta must have something to do with you, right?"

"Even if it has something to do with me, what does it have to do with you?"

"Ah, this? Maybe it's because I'm jealous of your position as the King's Shichibukai. After all, I was unlucky enough to become a pirate. If I could become a Shichibukai, the navy wouldn't be like this again. You're causing trouble for me. After thinking about it, if you want to become a Shichibukai, the easiest way is to find an existing Shichibukai as a stepping stone, right?"

Ming Jing casually said to Crocodile.

Gumil's eyes flashed in the distance.

With Tsukuni Enichi's strength, except for "Eagle Eye" Mihawk, no one among the current Shichibukai seems to be better than him. If you want to be a Shichibukai, your strength is absolutely qualified.

And compared to other pirates, this one hasn't done any bad things. Letting him serve as the Shichibukai will be easier for the navy to accept.

Especially Jumusic.

This person is probably already thinking about how to push Tsukuni Enichi to the position of Shichibukai.

"There are so many people in the Shichibukai, and there are also weak persimmons who are weaker than me. Why... is it me?"

Crocodile was unwilling to accept it.

"Of course it's because you are closest to me. You are so high-profile in Alabasta every day. You should be the best person to look for in the Shichibukai, right?"

"Is that why?"

Crocodile couldn't believe it.

"That's not entirely true. As you just said, your strength is actually pretty good, and you can just use it to train my crew.

Crocodile's eyes lost their luster.

Is this my level in your eyes?

Lao Sha felt hit.

But soon, Crocodile's eyes glowed again.

"I still have an extremely important message in my hand. Once you get the information, you will have the most powerful power in the sea..."

"You want to use this news to buy your life?"

Ming Jing let go of his hand.

He knew what Crocodile was referring to.

News about the legendary ancient weapon Pluto.

It is said that the power of this thing can destroy an island with one blow, but no one knows how big the island is, so no one knows the specific power of Pluto.

If it were an ordinary small island, it could be easily destroyed by the strength of the four emperors.

But if it is a large island, for example, the country of Alabasta has a land area of ​​more than 10 million square kilometers, which is already larger than the area of ​​Oceania. It is no problem to say that it is a small continent.

If it really had this kind of power, even if the Immortal of the Six Paths were to resurrect, even one shot would probably be uncomfortable.

"If you can agree, I am willing to automatically launch the Shichibukai, leaving the quota for the Shichibukai vacant."

Crocodile said in a deep voice.

Hawkeye, Jinbei, the Empress, Moonlight Moria, plus Big Bear and Doflamingo are the six places in the Shichibukai.

If Lao Sha doesn't withdraw, the quota for the Shichibukai will be full.

Of course, after being defeated, the World Government will most likely directly deprive Crocodile of his place in the Shichibukai, but this does not prevent Crocodile from using this as the most negotiated condition.

"However, this news can only reach your ears. These navy..."

Crocodile glanced at Gumir and Jumusic, as well as a large circle of navy who were watching eagerly.

If the navy knew about him knowing about Pluto, there would be trouble next.

Of course, the premise is that he can save his life under Ming Jing's hands.

"Let's withdraw!"

Gumir took a deep look at Ming Jing and Crocodile, and decisively gave the order to retreat.

Although they also wanted to know what news Crocodile wanted to say, they had no intention of letting them know.

What's more, they are no match for Jiguo Enichi.

Retreating is the only option at the moment. As for the follow-up, let's just leave it to the Warring States Marshal.

Under the command of Gumir, the navy retreated like a tide.

In front of people of this level, these ordinary marines are not even qualified to be cannon fodder.

When the last marine left Ming Jing's perception range, Ming Jing released his left hand and put Crocodile down.

"Are you trying to buy your life with the news about Pluto?"

Ming Jing chuckled and said to Crocodile.

The latter's expression immediately changed.

"how do you know?"

The news of Pluto is recorded on the historical text tablet of Alabasta.

According to the information Crocodile knew, the royal family of Alabasta was in possession of a historical stone tablet.

This is also an important reason why he seeks the country of Alabasta, and it is also in order to be able to decipher the content on the historical text tablet that Crocodile is willing to shelter Robin and let him serve as the vice president of Baroque Studio.

This scholar from the destroyed O'Hara is the only one who can decipher the ancient texts.

"It turns out that your target is the same as Crocodile, the legendary ancient weapon Pluto. It seems that you kept me because of this."

Robin, who had regained his original appearance at some point, walked to Ming Jing's side with his long legs.

"Ancient weapons... Hades..."

Korra and Sabo looked at each other.

If this thing could be in the hands of the revolutionary army, it should be able to greatly enhance the strength of the revolutionary army, right?

Is this the real reason why Captain Yuanyi took action against Crocodile?

Kella felt that she was gradually realizing everything.

"So, is this the real reason why you attacked me..."

Crocodile also felt that he understood everything.

It turns out those words you just said were all false! Because you can't even mention Pluto in front of the navy!

"Now that you know the news about Pluto, then take action. After all, I have no use to you anymore."

Crocodile slowly took out a cigar from his waist pocket and said while smoking.

"You look really tough, why don't you try to escape?"

Mirror looked at Crocodile and asked.

"If I could run away, I would have run away long ago."

Crocodile smoked a cigarette and opened the collar of his coat, revealing a black curse mark.

"I don't know what your method is, but I can feel that my strength has been weakened. I was no match for you just now, and I'm afraid I won't be even more so now."

This is the five-element seal that Ming Jing conveniently printed when he strangled Crocodile's neck.

Sealing technique is an important skill branch in the chakra system. When reached to the extreme, it can even seal a six-path powerhouse like Kaguya, and it can also seal the soul like the corpse seal.

The essence of chakra is formed by the combination of a person's spiritual energy and physical energy.

In other words, the sealing technique can seal a person's extraction and use of his own spiritual energy and physical energy, as well as some other forms of energy.

Although the mainstream system in the pirate world is fruit abilities and Haki, using fruit abilities and Haki will still consume physical strength and mobilize one's attention to use moves and so on.

The effect of sealing techniques on this aspect may be strong or weak. The effect of temporary curse seals like this is relatively weak and can only reduce part of the enemy's strength. However, if it is an entity seal such as a cloth binding seal or a sandstorm burial, borrowing It is possible to achieve a complete seal by sealing entities such as cloth and sand.

"That's it. Do you have any last words?"

Ming Jing pressed the tip of Tian Zhi Tail Yu's sword against Crocodile's neck.

"If I have any regrets, it's probably that I couldn't challenge Whitebeard for the last time. Following the fate of the country, I have never asked anyone else in my life, but now, I want to ask you to kill me and find Pluto. Challenge Whitebeard on my behalf."

Crocodile threw the finished cigarette butt to the ground and said, closing his eyes and waiting for death to come.

He was not afraid of death, but regretted that his death was not vigorous enough.

At this moment, Robin, who had been whispering to Kerla before, took a long step forward, walked to Ming Jing's side, looked at Ming Jing and said.

"Mr. Yuanyi, if possible, I hope to save Mr. Crocodile's life."

"Are you trying to negotiate terms with me?"

Ming Jing turned to look at Robin with interest.

"You, and the people behind you, probably need me very much, or need my abilities. This should be of great help to what you want to do in the future."

"Oh? It seems you know something."

Mirror looked at Kerla.

The latter was nodding gently to Ming Jing.

"Okay, but what's the cost?"

"The price is myself. I will work hard for you, and Crocodile will also attract Pluto's attention for you. In addition to these, Crocodile also has great value."

While Robin was talking, Kerra also walked to Crocodile's side.

Just when Lao Sha was thinking about whether to capture this woman as a hostage, Kerla said something that made Lao Sha freeze in place.

"Krokdal, we can have a handle on you~ By the way, I forgot to tell you that we have a friend named Ivankov..."

"I see."

Crocodile couldn't help but interrupted.

"No wonder you came to me. It turns out that besides Pluto, you are also for Robin... Even masters like you are their people. It seems that the future will become very interesting. I want to survive now to see what great things you will do."

"Instead of watching us do it, why don't you join us?"

Mingjing walked to Crocodile's side and covered the place where the five elements seal was set just now.

Crocodile felt that his strength was gradually recovering.

"Of course, you are a rebellious guy. I can't trust you completely, so I left you a small restriction. Does anyone have a mirror? You can let Mr. Crocodile look at his tongue."

Kerla took out a mirror and placed it in front of Crocodile.

Crocodile opened his mouth and immediately saw several black lines on his tongue.

"What did you do to me!"

Crocodile said loudly.

"You can try to talk about any information related to me."

Mingjing clapped his hands and said with a smile.

Crocodile opened his mouth and found that his whole body was paralyzed. He couldn't speak or move.

"This weird ability... What kind of fruit are you!"

Robin looked at this scene with some horror.

"This is not a fruit ability, so Crocodile, don't think about trying to remove it with sea water or something."

Mingjing shook his head, called Kuina and the other two, and left with Robin, leaving Crocodile staggering in the desert.



"Thanks to Mr. Yunyi and all of Vivi's friends for their help, we defeated Crocodile and saved the Kingdom of Alabasta!"

The King of Alabasta, Cobra, was sitting in the palace, smiling and holding a glass to entertain Mingjing and his party.

Accompanying them were the captain of the Alabasta Kingdom's guard, Ikalem, and the lieutenants of the guard, Bell and Gaga.

Princess Vivi was also sitting below, staying with her two best friends, Kuina and Kerla.

It can be seen that Cobra, who is obsessed with his daughter, is very happy that Vivi can find friends of similar age.

Especially these friends helped him solve a big problem.

As for the identity of Mingjing and others as pirates -

They did not do evil like other pirates, so Cobra didn't care about it.

"Your Majesty, we have a request, and I hope you can agree to it."

After eating and drinking, Mingjing said to Cobra.

"You are friends of Alabasta, and I will agree to anything within my ability as a king."

Cobra said with a smile.

They are all kings whose countries were stolen by pirates, and Cobra's level is obviously much higher than that of heroes and good men.

He didn't say too much.

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