After hearing that the Fourth Raikage was also in Star Hidden Village, Ming Jing immediately let go of his senses and looked in the direction of Star Hidden Village.

The Fourth Raikage was indeed there, and he was still moving quickly in the opposite direction. He probably sensed Ming Jing's chakra.

"Oh? It seems that the Fourth Raikage also has a good perception ninja around him. He actually discovered my location from such a distance."

Ming Jing raised his eyebrows and said slightly surprised.

When did this barbarian act so cautiously? When I go out, I actually bring a Sensing Ninja with me to watch out for possible dangers.

However, many things in this time had already changed due to his arrival. In the original time and space, the fourth generation Raikage had no interaction with Hoshiyin Village.

This book is first published on 𝟔𝟗Book Bar→96𝔰𝔥𝔲.𝔫𝔢𝔱, providing you with a reading experience with no wrong chapters and no out-of-order chapters.

In this time and space, after the Fourth Raikage was defeated by Ming Jing, he became even more crazy about plundering all the blood successors, secret techniques and treasures that could improve Yunyin Village, which made them appear here.

But since the Fourth Raikage planned to leave, Ming Jing had no intention of forcing him to stay.

Although Ming Jing's current strength can defeat the Fourth Raikage, it will come at a certain price.

The most important thing is that Ming Jing is not sure whether he can protect Asuma and others while getting rid of the Fourth Raikage.

Anyway, the goal of this trip has been achieved. The fourth generation of Raikage made a mistake and caused Xia Xingxing and Yingming Mars to send the meteorite into their hands.

"Let's return."

Ming Jing weighed the box containing the meteorite in his hand and said to Asma and others.

"Eh? The mission is over now? Didn't we ask the Hidden Star Village to ask their leader to remove the title of 'Shadow' and bring back the Star Meteor?"

Asuma looked disappointed.

He thought he could show off his skills in this mission and show off his strength in front of Hong and the new teacher.

"Asuma, listen to what these two prisoners just said, the Fourth Raikage also appeared in Hoshiyakure Village. The nature of this mission has changed because it involves a game between big countries! "

Yuhi Kurenai comforted Asuma Sarutobi.

"But isn't Teacher Ming Jing more powerful than the Fourth Raikage..."

Metkai raised... one foot and said.

He is now walking upside down.

"Hong is right, this kind of thing is not something you can interfere with, but the reason why I returned is because the mission has been completed.

These two men have already sent the star meteorite for us. As for the so-called 'Third Generation Star Shadow', the Fourth Raikage must have given him a good warning in their own way. "

Ming Jing glanced at the two star ninjas who fell on the ground, stretched out his hand to use the Five Elements Seal to seal the chakra of the two people, and called on Metkai and Asuma to pick them up and take them away.

This mission was surprisingly easy.

The headquarters of the Miya Castle Chamber of Commerce.

After arriving here, Oya Chengyan, who was supposed to discuss the purchase of goods with the local nobles, did not set out immediately, but stood in front of the door and waited quietly.

Seeing Ming Jing and others, Oya Chengyan quickly ran to greet them.

"It seems you have made your choice."

Ming Jing looked at Miya Chengyan who was standing in front of him and bowed to him and said.

"Oya Cheng Yan, I am willing to serve Konoha and... Lord Ming Jing! To be honest, I have a one-year-old daughter in my family. I don't know..."

"You can send her to Konoha. In the future, she will spend her childhood in a ninja school. The future mentoring Jonin will be my student. I will also recommend you to Namikaze Minato, the top executive in charge of business in Konoha, to become Investors in Konoha Development, should you repay me and Konoha?"

Ming Jing bent down and said to Oya Chengyan with a smile.


"Don't rush to answer now, I know what you can do, but how to do it specifically, you have to go to Konoha and observe it before making a decision."

Miyajo En is definitely the leading business genius in the ninja world. In the original time and space, he was able to start from scratch and become a business giant whose influence spans both black and white.

Naturally, it is incomparable to the Five Ninja Villages, but the power under his command should not be underestimated, especially after other underworld figures and wealthy businessmen blinded Sasuke's reincarnation eyes with lard, and were killed by Sasuke alone. The fisherman further exaggerated his power after benefiting from it.

Of course, even so, the Wedge Fudo Society, which evolved from the original Oya Castle Chamber of Commerce, could not become the top force in the ninja world.

Because the biggest backer of the Wedge Fudo Society is Oyajo Enmei himself, and at most he has some friendship with Orochimaru.

However, now that Oya Castle Flame is connected to Konoha, which is more than twice as powerful as the original time and space, under his own influence, the development will inevitably be smoother.



Half a year passed leisurely.

Pirate World, Alabasta.

In the past six months, Kuina, Sabo, and Kerla have already begun to use the two-color Haki. At some point, they also formed a friendship with the royal princess of Alabasta, Neferutali Vivi.

It was precisely because of these companions that Weiwei did not join the Baroque Studio like she did in the original time and space and lurked for two full years before investigating the truth behind Crocodile's troubles.

As things progressed, the two sides soon started a war.

"The fight was really lively."

Ming Jing put his hands in his pockets and looked at the figures fighting in the dust in the distance.

"Do you think so? Vice President of Baroque Studio, Miss Sunday, I should still call you... the son of the devil, Robin."

Robin's eyes moved slightly as he stood next to Ming Jing.

"You know me?"

Ming Jing did not answer, but put his hand on the sword at his waist and looked into the distance.

It seems that someone is looking for trouble, and they are not weak.

The most important thing is that there is an aura that Ming Jing is quite familiar with.

"Are you in trouble?"

Seeing Ming Jing's face, Robin seemed to realize something.

"It must be the navy. Just a few of your crew members can push Crocodile as a Shichibukai to this point. You must be very strong. In the first half of the entire Grand Line, the only thing that can make you show this kind of The only force with good looks is the navy.”

Robin smiled and said with an unclear look in his eyes.

She didn't know why the step country Enichi wanted to go against Crocodile, but why he didn't attack her.

But she knew that since Ji Guoyuan did this, it must be because she was of value!

Considering that the other party knows his identity, then...

"It's a little trouble, but I didn't expect them to come to me now."

Ming Jing slowly pulled out the tail feather from his waist and held the sword hilt with both hands.

Above the desert, at the end of the field of vision, marines are rushing here quickly.

When Robin saw this scene, he hurriedly took out some unknown things from his bag and wiped it on his face. After a few simple fiddlings, it turned into a different look.

Carrying a high bounty of 79 million, she has been hiding from the World Government since she was a child. She has mastered many methods to hide her identity and face.

"Hey! Navy over there! I'm the Shichibukai Crocodile! Now I'm arresting the pirates Tsukuni Enichi and his gang who have a bounty of 250 million taels! Come here and help me!"

Crocodile waved the golden scorpion tail hook and turned one arm into a huge crescent-shaped scimitar to resist the attacks of Kuina and the other three and shouted loudly.

Lao Sha was really a little panicked.

Just three young people can fight like this with him, but what about Enichi Jiguo?

In fact, Lao Sha didn't like this guy very much at first. Although he had defeated many sword masters in the Grand Line, he had never been to the New World, so in Lao Sha's opinion, he was just like that.

In the first half of the Great Route, Lao Sha was strong enough to dominate.

But the problem is that after meeting Ming Jing, Lao Sha finally realized that this person's strength was probably a bit ridiculous.

Among the people he had ever seen, there were probably only a few people like Whitebeard who could bring him a greater sense of threat than this guy.

But these navy did not directly intervene in the battle between Crocodile, Guina and others, but surrounded the place.

"Mr. Yuanyi, I have established a relationship and asked the Warring States Marshal to send trustworthy people to investigate Colonel Mouse. But Mr. Yuanyi, why did you kill Colonel Mouse yourself in front of everyone?"

Yumucic said with a complicated expression, holding a Western sword and standing opposite the mirror.

"I'm a person who always likes to avenge myself. If I have the ability, it's best to do it on the spot."

Ming Jing randomly found an excuse and said.

"That's why you free-spirited guys easily become pirates who destroy the order of the sea. Yumucic, if you don't want to take action, then leave it all to me!"

A vice admiral with a head shape and body similar to Patrick's star stood in front of Yumucic at this time, holding a pair of swords, staring at the mirror and saying.

He is Gumir. Like many senior navy generals, he is a disciple of Navy Admiral Zefa. He is currently the base commander of the Navy G2 branch.

Seeing that his opponent was Gumil, Ming Jing relaxed slightly.

The other party gave him the feeling of being an ordinary vice admiral.

If the person coming was a general or Garp, Ming Jing would run away immediately without hesitation.

Having seen Kizaru's strength, he knew that he was still no match for the general.

If it is the two general candidates, Cha Dou and Tao Tu, then Ming Jing will try to fight. Even if he cannot defeat them, Ming Jing is confident that he can lead Guina and others to escape.

In addition, as long as there are not more than two of these ordinary vice admirals, even if they are elite among the lieutenant generals, Ming Jing can easily handle them.

Just like now.

Gumir held two swords and quickly attacked Ming Jing.

"Uchiha Style: Moon Blossom Slash!"

"Breath of the Sun·Shape of Four·Magic Sun Rainbow!"

Seeing that the Vice Admiral was good at wielding two swords, Ming Jing couldn't help but become somewhat interested in fighting with him.

Even without the Mangekyo Sharingan, the current Ming Jing's strength is extremely terrifying.

Super strong body and swordsmanship, lightning speed, the Haki of seeing and hearing that evolved from the transparent world, and the Haki of deep weaponry, as well as all kinds of wonderful ninjutsu that a ninja possesses.

The combination of these abilities allows Ming Jing's combat power to steadily suppress those strong men who are considered elites even as vice admirals in the navy.

"Very good swordsmanship, although still far behind me."

Der Spiegel commented on Gumir’s swordsmanship.

Gumil obviously did not take Ming Jing's words to heart, but tried his best to cope with Ming Jing's attack.

He was originally a generous person. After the original time and space Fire Fist Ace made a big fuss in the G2 branch, he was still able to happily accept the suggestion in the letter from Moda that Ace handed over, and changed the branch's beverage from coffee to milk...

Seeing that Gumil was completely suppressed, Yumushichi gritted his teeth and joined the battle group with a rapier.

However, he was able to become a rear admiral of the navy because he was taught swordsmanship by Mingjing, and his strength increased. Mingjing can be said to be very familiar with his swordsmanship.


The powerful shock wave rippled in the desert, forcing Kuina, Sabo, and Kerla to give up the fight with Crocodile and distance themselves from the battlefield where Mingjing was.

Crocodile also hurriedly turned into a gust of sand and dust to avoid it.

"Not bad, Xiqi, your strength has improved a lot."

Mingjing shook his fist, which was slightly painful, and looked at the two navy generals who were half-kneeling on the ground in front of him.

Gumil's coat of justice was stained with blood, and Yumusic's rapier had been broken into two pieces.

Using the super strength in the lightning chakra mode, and integrating the essence of the four-handed technique, using the lightning chakra to stimulate the hand muscles to enhance the explosive power, and then combining it with the punch of armed color domineering, he achieved such a result.

This move was the first time Mingjing used it after it was developed, and he didn't even have a name.

"In order to avoid your navy sending a general to capture me, I won't kill you, but I also hope that you will advise Marshal Sengoku not to use precious troops to deal with people like me, and focus more on those evil pirates, such as this Mr. Shichibukai."

Mingjing turned around with a smile and looked at Crocodile who was about to escape quietly.

Crocodile's face changed, and he quickly turned into wind and sand and tried to escape.

A blue lightning flashed across the desert.

Crocodile waved the golden scorpion hook in his hand and quickly blocked more than ten attacks from Mingjing.

Being able to take the attack from Admiral Akainu in the war at the top, Laosha's strength is still quite good. His personal advantage is that the development of the fruit ability has reached a very high level, and even other substances can be turned into sand together, which means that the fruit ability has at least reached the level of awakening, making it easy to bully weak ones, and he can also fight against people who are stronger than himself.

However, Laosha's domineering aspect is a shortcoming, and his ability has certain weaknesses, which makes Laosha likely to be defeated by people with weaker hard power than himself.

As a ninja, Mingjing is best at making corresponding tactical arrangements based on intelligence and targeting the enemy's weaknesses.

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