Uchiha Family's Reincarnation

Chapter 240 Blood Dragon Eye and Hidden Star Village

A young Kumogakure ninja said indignantly.

The fourth Raikage also held the same idea as Mingjing, bringing these young and potential ninjas out to perform such tasks for training.

"Belei is right, it is time to teach these guys a lesson, but you must also be vigilant. I don't want any of you guys to die here."

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The fourth Raikage bit the bear paw fiercely and said, with a flash of surprise in his eyes.

He looks like a reckless man, but he is actually a reckless man with a rough and delicate mind. He lost his arm nearly 20 years earlier in this time and space, and during that time he lost his respected father, the third Raikage, and his most trusted think tank, Tutai. After suffering such a series of blows in a short period of time, most people would only be devastated, but the fourth Raikage grew up in the process.

Although he lost a hand and his strength declined, he became more cautious.

Such a Fourth Raikage would be more difficult to deal with than before.

"After sneaking into the range of the Hidden Star Village, Sakai and Afui, you guys should switch constantly and maintain the perception ninjutsu. Don't rush to go up when you encounter danger. Let the summoned beasts go up first to test. They can summon back at any time, which will be safer. If an unexpected situation occurs, don't hesitate to give up the mission! You guys are much more important than the broken stone in the Hidden Star Village!"

After eating, the Fourth Raikage wiped his mouth with his sleeve and set off again with the rested Cloud Hidden Ninja Team.

He didn't know that almost at the opposite corner of the Bear Country map, Uchiha Mingjing also brought Might Guy and others to the Bear Country through the Gold Country.

Both the Gold Country and the Bear Country are located in relatively remote areas of the Ninja World. They are typical mountainous landforms with inconvenient transportation and small land.

The difference is that there are many gold mines in the Kingdom of Gold. In the early years, many people came here to pan for gold, which boosted the local industry. The former daimyo had foresight and realized that the gold mines would eventually run out, so he presided over the industrial upgrading of the entire country. Taking advantage of the fact that there were many gold diggers in the country, casinos were opened all over the country.

Those who succeeded in panning for gold easily spent their money here when they became rich overnight.

Even if you don't gamble, there are also consumption places such as flower streets around the casino.

Wherever you make money, you spend it there, and try to prevent these gold diggers from taking a penny home.

Therefore, the Kingdom of Gold has also become a famous gold-spending den in the ninja world, and Tsunade used to be a frequent visitor here.

Compared with the prosperity of the Kingdom of Gold, the Kingdom of Bears seems much poorer.

However, there are business opportunities here.

Mingjing now takes Might Guy, Asuma and Yuhi Kurenai to accept a caravan escort mission and go to the Kingdom of Bears with the caravan.

"Ah, worthy of the legendary Shunshin Mingjing, a student alone can kill such a powerful A-level bounty ninja!"

A mustache wearing square sunglasses looked at Might Guy and others who were cleaning the battlefield in front of him with amazement, and exclaimed.

"President Yuya, thank you for the compliment, but according to the rules, if an A-level bounty ninja or a jonin-level enemy from a hostile ninja village appears during the mission, the mission will automatically rise to A-level, and the reward will be forcibly raised to the highest level of A-level missions. I guess you should have no objection."

Mingjing sat cross-legged on the top of the carriage, staring at Yuya Shiroen and said.

A caravan actually had a ninja of this level to intercept it. This Yuya City Chamber of Commerce is obviously not ordinary.

In particular, Mingjing could vaguely feel the pupil power contained in Yuya Shiroen's eyes under the square sunglasses.

It was a kind of pupil power that was very close to the Sharingan, but completely different!

The memories of the previous life and the records seen in the intelligence analysis class quickly flashed in Mingjing's mind. Under the influence of the huge mental power, he quickly retrieved the information about this person.

Yuyashiro En, a descendant of the Blood Pond Clan, died of his beloved wife due to the struggle within the family, so this guy did the same thing as Uchiha Itachi.

He slaughtered the family!

In the end, only his daughter Chino was left.

After that, Yuyashiro En started doing business, and even had a certain relationship with Orochimaru in the original time and space, and received funding from Orochimaru. In the light chapter of Sasuke's true story, the chamber of commerce under his name has become a super chamber of commerce spanning multiple major countries.

"Of course!"

Yuyashiro En pushed his glasses and said to Mingjing.

"To express my respect to you, Master Mingjing, I will pay twice the highest reward for A-level tasks."

Yuyashiro En showed a humble smile on his face.

This future super rich man in the ninja world has just established his own chamber of commerce. Although he has made the chamber of commerce develop rapidly with his outstanding skills, he has also offended many people while gaining benefits.

However, if he can establish a little relationship with the Konoha high-level in front of him, it will definitely make many people give up the idea of ​​​​shooting him.


Mingjing turned his head, opened the MangekyĹŤ Sharingan, and stared at Yuyashiro En.

Under the powerful pupil power of the MangekyĹŤ Sharingan, Yuyashiro En's square sunglasses also lit up with a blood-red light.

"Mingjing, what do you mean?"

Yuyashiro En asked in a deep voice.

The pupil power of his Blood Dragon Eye was almost as strong as the Sharingan of the Three Magatama, and even a jounin might not be his opponent, but under the gaze of Uchiha Mirror, he felt a palpitation in his heart.

If you take action, you will die in an instant!

"You are indeed a member of the Blood Pond clan. It was us Uchiha who accepted the employment of the Daimyo of the Land of Thunder and escorted your entire clan to Hell Valley. Now we have found me..."

"Mr. Mirror, I have absolutely no intention of going against you or the Uchiha clan!"

Oya Chengyan said hurriedly.

"The Blood Pond Clan no longer exists! I have no intention of causing trouble for Uchiha on behalf of the Blood Pond Clan. After all, if there are really other people from the Blood Pond Clan living in this world, , then I should be the first person he takes revenge on, because my hands are stained with much more blood from the Blood Pond clan than from the Uchiha clan.”

"Oh? Really? The Blood Pond clan...does it really mean that there is no longer any clan member?"

Ming Jing's face showed a half-smile expression.

"President Oyajo, don't forget that my teacher Kato Dan is the best intelligence ninja in the world. Now I am also the monitor of Konoha's intelligence analysis class..."

Oya Chengyan's heart moved.

Does Uchiha Mirror really know something?

But even the people from the Oya Castle Chamber of Commerce don’t know that Qianno is his daughter...

"Both the Blood Dragon Eye and the Sharingan come from the legendary God Indra. We have a common ancestor. Now that the Blood Pond clan has weakened to this point, we might as well try to integrate into Konoha. Of course, if we can As Konoha grows, those who will become Konoha's own people..."

Ming Jing jumped off the carriage, put his mouth in Miya Cheng Yan's ear and whispered something, then turned and left, leaving Miya Cheng Yan with a gloomy expression.

Metkai, Kurenai Yuhi, and Asuma have already cleared the battlefield. A little further on is the stronghold established by the Oya Castle Fire Chamber of Commerce in the Bear Country. By then, the mission will be considered complete.

For the Oya Castle Flame and the Blood Pond clan, it can only be regarded as a trick laid by Ming Jing as a high-ranking official in Konoha.

If this can happen, then in a few years Konoha will have a new blood family to strengthen its heritage.

In the future of the original time and space, Miyajo En can become a super rich man, and he has quite deep underground power. He is also a person with great investment potential, and he is definitely a good hand in business. Maybe Konoha can make another money. bag.

It doesn't matter if it doesn't work, it won't have any impact on the overall situation.

After bidding farewell to Oya Castle Flame, Ming Jing, Metkai, Asuma and Yuhi Kurenai embarked on the road to Hoshigakure Village.



Inside Star Hidden Village.


A big hole was made in the wall.

The Fourth Raikage held the Third Hoshikage's neck with one hand and raised it high.

"Raikage-sama... we... I... are willing to give up the title of Kage!"

The Third Hoshikage's face turned red as his neck was pinched, and he spoke intermittently to the Fourth Raikage.

"I don't care about titles like Star Shadow. It's not recognized by the five major countries. No matter how loud you shout, you just close the door and entertain yourself inside. It has no impact. What I want is your meteorite. And the secret technique developed based on meteorites!”

The Fourth Raikage looked calm as he threw the Third Hoshikage to the ground and said.

The Third Hoshikage took two deep breaths of air before looking at the Fourth Raikage with horrified eyes.

He finally knew how much he, Hoshigakure and the ninjas of Hoshigakure had been watching the sky from a well!

Some of the jounin and chuunin they had sealed had little power to fight back in front of these ninjas from Cloud Hidden Village. A few people who had practiced the peacock magic to a relatively advanced level wanted to fly, but they were too late to even seal the seal and were directly killed. The Fourth Raikage, who was as fast as lightning, killed him on the spot!

The third generation Hoshikage tried his best to delay it for a little while, allowing the couple Yingying Mars and Summer Star, who had practiced the Peacock Magic to the highest level, to escape and take away the meteorite.

Even if all the Star Ninjas here die, as long as these two most outstanding Star Ninjas in the history of the village survive, then with the power of the meteorite, there will be a chance for the Star Hidden Village to be re-established!

"I'm sorry, Lord Raikage. Meteorites are the foundation for the establishment of Star Hidden Village. If there are no meteorites, Star Hidden Village will no longer exist!"

"If you can't take it out now, then I don't mind destroying your Hoshigakure Village now. The man and woman you ran away are quite strong, but the Jonin in Kumogakure Village are much stronger than them!"

The fourth Raikage threatened the third Hoshikage.

The latter just turned away and stopped talking.

Hotaru and Natsuhi can fly, and as long as they don't meet a kage-level powerhouse like the Fourth Raikage who is extremely fast, or a ninja who can fly like the Third Tsuchikage, no one can catch them.

After the Fourth Raikage leaves and the news passes, Hoshigakure Village can still be rebuilt in another place.

"It seems like you old guy is planning to resist to the end."

The Fourth Raikage raised his foot and stepped on the head of the Third Hoshikage, then turned to look at the young ninjas around him.

"Sakayi, use all your strength to sense and track the chakra of those two guys. If the chakra is not enough, switch to Afui to sense it. I don't believe they can keep flying!"

The eyes of the third generation star shadow gradually became desperate.

"Yondaime-sama! I sensed the chakra of the man and woman! It's just..."

Sakai exclaimed.

"Just what?"

"Just... there is an extremely powerful chakra reaction source and several smaller chakra reaction sources around them. The smaller one is probably close to the strength of a jonin, and the larger one seems to have more chakra than you!"

The Fourth Raikage frowned and looked at another perceptive ninja.

"Afuyi, come!"

Afuyi is a special jonin who has experienced the entire Third Ninja World War and has a better perceptual ability.

After the Fourth Raikage spoke, Afuyi made seals with both hands, closed his eyes and carefully sensed it. Then his face suddenly changed, and he opened his eyes and looked at the Fourth Raikage, exclaiming:

"It's Uchiha Mingjing!"

The Fourth Raikage's face suddenly became serious.

"Uchiha Akie? How could he be here? Afui, are you sure?"

"I might have mistaken someone else's chakra, but I saw with my own eyes how that guy destroyed the Raikage Building in the village that year. I will never forget that moment! Even if he turns to ash, I can still recognize his chakra!"

The Fourth Raikage took a deep breath and calmed down. Then he stepped hard on the neck of the Third Hoshikage and broke it. He glanced at the ruins of the Hoshigakure Village and said:


He knew very well that he was not a match for Uchiha Akie even at his peak. The opponent could remain undefeated when facing the AB combination of himself and Killer Bee at the same time. His strength was almost beyond the five previous Hokages except the first Hokage and Uchiha Madara.

Not to mention that he has lost an arm now.

With the current lineup against Uchiha Akie, the final result would probably be Uchiha Akie injured and the Kumogakure lineup wiped out.



In the other direction of the Hidden Star Village.

Ming Jing stepped on the moon step and easily used the illusion of the MangekyĹŤ Sharingan to capture two flying Hoshigakure ninjas from the Hidden Star Village.


"Natsuhiko." "Firefly Star."

"The box in your hands contains the meteorite of the Hoshigakure?"



Under the manipulation of the illusion, the two Hoshigakure ninjas answered Ming Jing's questions with their eyes reflecting the Sharingan pattern.

Their strength may be considered top-notch among ordinary jonin, but they can't resist the eye power of the MangekyĹŤ level at all.

Soon, they explained everything that happened in the Hidden Star Village.

Ming Jing touched his chin and figured out the whole story after several questions and answers.

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