Uchiha Family's Reincarnation

Chapter 239 When you reach middle age, always have wolfberries on hand

As for Kakashi, no one will doubt that he will not grow to the height of Kage level in the future.

He became a jounin at the age of twelve, directly brushing off the previous records of the three ninjas, Minato and Mingjing, becoming the youngest jounin in the history of Konoha.


And those who reach the level of Jonin at the age of thirteen or fourteen will, without exception, become the top powerhouses in the ninja world if they do not die midway.

"Yes, I think Shisui also has the potential to grow to this level. Like Obito, maybe one day in the future, he will also open the Mangekyo Sharingan, and an ordinary life is not suitable for a potential Uchi It would be a waste of his talent to grow up. In a peaceful era, only ANBU can fully unleash the talents of these new generation geniuses."

Ming Jing said to Kato Dan.

Kato Suan nodded slightly.

"I remember that Yamato, the Wood Release ninja who was discovered at the root of Danzo, was defeated by Shisui. He also had great potential with Wood Release. He happened to be about the same age as Shisui, plus he was stuck. Cassie, three young people can form a team."

Kato Dan dragged his chin and thought for a while, then said:

"We still need to assign a strong and experienced ninja to the three of them as the captain to lead the team. Although they are all good, they still have a lot to learn, but there is no suitable candidate now..."

"What about the young man from Aburame's family? He and Yamato both came from the root. His strength is also good, so he should be more suitable. The only drawback is that his personality was a little abnormal due to Danzo. He is just right for Kakashi. Go and influence Shisui."

"Are you talking about Aburame Ryoma? His words are not bad."

Aburame Ryoma, after the defection of Orochimaru from the future of the original time and space, he was promoted by Danzo and served as the second-in-command in the root. The upper limit of his strength can definitely reach the level of an elite jounin.

This ninja, who is only slightly younger than Ming Jing, was forced to come here by Danzo from the Aburame clan after graduating from the ninja school.

If it weren't for his excellent grades and outstanding achievements in the ninja school, Danzo would not have targeted him.

But it is precisely because of this that although Aburame Ryoma has been in the process of being brainwashed by Danzo, she is much better than those orphans who were abducted at the age of six or seven. She was only kidnapped when she was in her teens. Danzo took him away, so he still has a considerable sense of identity with the Aburame clan, otherwise Kato Dan would not have arranged for him to join the ANBU.

And many years of root career have also given them extremely rich working experience in this type of department, and they are fully qualified to use it to stop water.

After Kato Dan signed and issued the transfer order to several people involved in the matter, he stopped Ming Jing who was about to leave.

"Is there anything else? Teacher Duan?"

"Have you not reached the fourth level of your spiritual activation technique?"

Kato Dan asked to the mirror.

"It's still a little short of that, but I have already practiced the art of mental activation to the peak of the third level last year, but there is still no way to do this last bit. It seems to have reached the upper limit of what my own mental power can achieve. "

Mirror replied.

"It seems that you have encountered the same problem as me. The fourth level of the art of spiritual activation is to use mental power to initially affect reality. Only by cultivating mental power to this point can the soul be separated from the body. , cultivate the art of spiritual transformation.”

Kato decisively told Ming Jing to sit down, and then continued:

"Without the protection of the entity, the soul cannot exist alone, and the ninja's body and soul are mutually exclusive. The soul brings spirituality to the body, allows the brain to work normally, and allows each part of the body to perform its duties. The physical body provides protection and nourishment for the soul, and the strength of the physical body will also drive the growth of the soul. Only a strong soul can better control the powerful physical body. Ming Jingyou's physical body is very strong, so there is no problem in this regard. But the next step in the art of spiritual activation has nothing to do with the physical body.”

While Kato Dan was talking, he took a cup and poured some wolfberry tea from the kettle into it.

Ming Jing glanced at Kato Dan teasingly.


Kato Dan's face turned red.

"Your teacher Tsunade's physical body is also very powerful. If I want to subjugate her, of course I need something to strengthen it."

"I understand, I understand, Mr. Duan, if you are embarrassed to ask Mr. Tsunade to prescribe nourishing prescriptions, I can do it for you. I usually let the ANBU do the cooking and other things."

It is said that a woman is like a wolf at thirty and a tiger at forty. Tsunade, who is now in her thirties, is at the age where she is like a wolf and a tiger. And when Kato is middle-aged, she is naturally often beaten by wolfberries.

"Ahem, we'll talk about these things later. Let's get down to business first."

Kato pointed to the cup filled with wolfberry tea on the table.

"The relationship between the soul and the body is like water and a cup. Without a cup, water cannot be carried. But if I remove the cup and freeze the surface of the water into ice, thus forming an ice cup, then in Before the ice melts, it can still hold the cup.”

Ming Jing knows that this is the principle of spiritual transformation.

"And what you have to do next is to learn how to turn water into ice. In the realm of the soul, that is, to turn your spiritual energy from virtual to real. It has some characteristics of virtual and physical bodies at the same time, which can make your spirit Interfere with reality and form the most primitive telekinesis. In this way, your soul can temporarily leave the body under the protection of telekinesis. This is the art of spiritualization. Even when your ability to interfere with reality is further improved, it will be with Cha Combined with Carat's system, it can transform into the same mind escape as me.

Kato Dan used his telekinesis to hold up the water in the cup and demonstrated to the mirror.

"Transform spiritual energy from virtual to real? How to do this?"

Ming Jing thought for a while and then asked.

"It's very simple. Strengthen your spirit and use all methods to temper your will. Just like when I was in a life-and-death crisis, my will was sublimated at that time, and I pushed the art of spiritual activation to the fifth level, but... …In fact, there is also a way to use external forces.”

Kato Dan said in a slightly reminiscence tone.

"What external force?"

"A meteorite, a meteorite called a star."

Kato Dan said this, then stood up again and took out a map of the ninja world.

"The meteorite is hidden in a small village called Star Hidden Village in the Country of Bears. The local ninjas borrowed the energy emitted from the meteorite to practice, thereby changing the nature of their own chakra, and even developed a new type of chakra called Peacock. The secret technique of Miaofa was also carried out twenty years ago when I was on a mission in the Bear Country. At that time, I was just an ordinary jounin. I accidentally entered there and came into contact with the meteorite because I was trying to escape from the enemy's ninjas."

Twenty years ago, Ming Jing probably just learned to walk.

"The people who were chasing me at that time were the Explosion Force of Iwagakure Village. That was also the period when the Explosion Force was the most powerful. There were more than ten Iwagakure Jonin with the Explosion Blood Successor. The people who were chasing me at that time were With more than three Jonin, this was almost an unsolvable situation for me at the time.”

"The only chance of survival is to use the spiritual transformation technique to allow my soul to cross the extremely long distance and contact other Konoha ninjas in the Bear Country, because at that time we were a whole combat force sneaking around the Bear Country to attack Sunagakure's logistics , but they intercepted them midway and dispersed the troops. Only by reuniting the main force can we have a chance to break out. "

"With the idea of ​​success or failure, I used the spiritual transformation technique for the first time and successfully contacted my teammates. However, when I was about to return to my physical body, I found that my soul was close to collapse. How can I return to my physical body at this time? , will become a vegetative state like those who failed to practice spiritual transformation in the history of the Kato clan."

Kato Dan's eyes were full of seriousness, remembering an experience that was extremely close to death twenty years ago.

"In the state of spiritual transformation, because I have no limitations of the physical body, I have extremely strong perception ability. At that time, I sensed the fluctuations of the ninjas in Xingyin Village using meteorites to practice ninjutsu. Then It is a very special kind of radiation that can change chakra, and chakra, as a combination of spiritual ability and physical energy, is closely related to a person's soul. If I returned to my physical body at that time, I would definitely become a vegetative state. So I just went to touch the meteorite.”

"As long as I don't take the initiative to show up, the ninjas in Xingyin Village can't find me at all, so I successfully came into contact with the meteorite, and my soul was also quickly absorbing the radiation energy of the meteorite, which replenished and replenished the power of my soul. Enhancement, that is, during this process, I was able to use my mental power to initially affect reality, to the point where I could move a needle. In the process of escaping later, I even used my mental power to control a poisoned Qianben. , killed an Iwagakure ninja."

"It's just that when I went to Xingyin Village later, I found that the radiation there had no effect on my soul."

While Kato Suan was narrating, Ming Jing was also quickly recalling everything about Hoshiyin Village.

Star Hidden Village is a small ninja village located in the Bear Country. Its leader is called "Star Shadow", but he is really self-proclaimed.

Because this village, not to mention compared to the five great ninja villages, even if it is placed in the small ninja village, it cannot compare with the stronger ninja villages such as Amegakure and Takigakure. During the Ninja World War, none of the five great ninja villages had stars. Hidden Village, because this village is really weak. The Bear Country is also a small country with a narrow territory. It is located between mountains. In terms of geographical conditions, it cannot be used as the main battlefield for the five major ninja villages. The number of ninjas and There is not much value in using the strength.

At most, as Kato Dan said, they can bypass the Bear Country to sneak attack on other strategic locations of the enemy.

This makes Yelang, a small villager, arrogant and believes that he can challenge the five major ninja villages in the future by relying on the peacock magic technique he borrowed from meteorites. The leader of the ninja village also calls himself "Shadow".

That is, they are too weak and no one cares about them.

Even if he is as strong as Sansho Hanzo, he cannot turn Amegakure Village into the sixth greatest ninja village. Even though people think that he is as strong as the Kage of the five greatest ninja villages, they do not admit that he is a Kage.

After listening to Kato Dan's statement, Ming Jing immediately said:

"I will go to the intelligence analysis class later to see if there is any detailed information about the Hidden Star Village. I will take someone to the Hidden Star Village by the way. I believe that Senior Orochimaru should be able to decipher the mystery contained in this meteorite."

Ming Jing moved quickly and was ready to go in no time.

There were three subordinates accompanying him.

First, there was Might Guy, a student, and then there was Asuma Sarutobi.

The latter is now also a student of Ming Jing, and is learning the breathing method.

After passing a series of tests, Ming Jing taught him the breathing of smoke.

This is a breathing style composed of wind breathing and flame breathing. In the Demon Slayer world changed by Ming Jing, it was used by Tokito Ichiro and became a smoke pillar.

Wind attribute chakra and flame attribute chakra are exactly what Asuma is good at, and he even happens to be a smoker!

That's right, Asuma, who is only fourteen years old now, is already a little smoker.

As for the last one, it is Yuhi Kurenai.

This girl and Asuma Sarutobi are teammates. The teammates from the Shimura clan originally arranged for them by the third generation died in the Third Ninja World War.

It happened that Might Guy's two teammates joined the Anbu, resulting in him being alone for the time being, so the three of them decided to form a new team temporarily and carry out the mission together.

Ming Jing, who originally wanted to train the two students, simply took her along.

Coincidentally, it was not just Ming Jing who was eyeing the Hidden Star Village.

Bear Country, border.

The armless Fourth Raikage grabbed a bear paw that was roasted and greasy, and stuffed it into his mouth without caring about the burn.

"The mission goal this time is very simple. Led by Lord Raikage, we will rush directly into the Hidden Star Village. The main goal is to snatch their Peacock Magic and Star Meteorite. The second is to ask their leader to cancel the title of Shadow."

A middle-aged white-haired ninja sat on the side roasting another bear paw and said to several Kumogakure ninjas around him.

His name is Sadei. In the past, he had always served as the deputy of the former Raikage courtier Tudai. During the Third Ninja World War, facing the combination of Uchiha Ming Jing + Orochimaru, Tudai was killed in the battle, and he took over the position of Raikage courtier.

Although his ability is not as good as Tudai, he is the only person suitable for this position in the Hidden Star Village, which is almost full of rough men. Xiao Guicao followed, and the Hidden Star Village, which inherited most of the policies during the Tudai period, recovered well.

Under his suggestion, the ninjas of the Hidden Cloud Village began to plunder various secret techniques and bloodlines in the ninja world, intending to enrich the foundation of the Hidden Cloud Village and speed up the recovery of the village's strength.

Now the Hidden Star Village happened to be targeted by them.

"The leader of a small ninja village with only a hundred ninjas dared to call himself a shadow. This is simply a provocation to our five major ninjas! It's time to teach them a lesson!"

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