Uchiha Family's Reincarnation

Chapter 236: Hyuga Hiashi's Request

"Okay, this kid is already 13 or 14 years old, past the most troublesome age, and his basic skills are still good. He has enough room for improvement, so it's not impossible to train him. What? You don't know yet | Read COM, read the chapter without error | Google it quickly}"

Mingjing nodded, and agreed to this matter.

The third generation is the third generation, and Asuma is Asuma. This kid is not a political creature like his father. Instead, he is rebellious and likes to show off. He is a typical middle school boy. His personality is also quite generous. Mingjing doesn't have any bad feelings towards him.

In the original time and space Shippuden period, the sum of various ninja values ​​of Sarutobi Asuma in the peak period in the Book of the Ninja reached 65.

This is undoubtedly a very high value, on par with Kakuzu.

Of course, in terms of strength, Asuma and Kakuzu, who are real Kage-level strongmen, are definitely one level lower, but overall it also shows that his comprehensive quality is up to standard, and he may only need an opportunity to reach the Kage level.

Kakuzu was an elite jonin of Takigakure when he was young. After being betrayed by the high-level to assassinate the first Hokage, he turned around and slaughtered all the high-level people of Takigakure.

When Asuma was 30 years old, his strength was probably at this level. The difference was that Kakuzu had obtained the secret technique of Earth Grudge, and his five-attribute ninjutsu and his own survival ability were greatly improved, which made him a master of the Kage level.

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If Asuma Sarutobi could also obtain the Earth Grudge, or learn Flying Thunder God, and cultivate a blood limit, then his strength could also enter the ranks of Kage level.

Just as Mingjing and Kato Dan were talking, an Anbu came to the Hokage's office instantly.

"Fourth-generation sir, Mingjing-sir, the head of the Hyuga clan, Hyuga Hiashi Jonin is here to visit."

Mingjing and Kato Dan looked at each other, and the latter immediately said:

"Bring the people in."

"Fourth-generation sir, and...Mingjing consultant."

Hyuga Hiashi did not expect Mingjing to be here, and when he thought of the purpose of his visit, he felt a little embarrassed.

"Hiashi, is there anything?"

Kato Dan asked Hyuga Hiashi.

"This...Fourth-generation sir..."

Hyuga Hiashi glanced at Mingjing, gritted his teeth, and said.

"And Mingjing consultant, I'm sorry, I have to come here under pressure from the elders of the clan."

In the helpless tone of Hyuga Hiashi, Mingjing and Kato Dan finally knew what happened.

"I say...Hashi clan leader, the elders of the Hyuga clan, are you too ungrateful?"

Mingjing couldn't help but complain.

During the process of the fourth generation ascending to power, your Hyuga clan did nothing except adding icing on the cake when the situation was almost settled and voting for Kato Dan. In the Third Ninja World War, although the overall achievements were not low, there were no war heroes with outstanding achievements. How can you have the nerve to make such a request?

"I'm very sorry!"

Hyuga Hiashi looked very embarrassed.

"However, I also know that this is a fantasy, so my idea is, if the Hyuga clan is willing to pay a part of the interests, can we arrange a position similar to the captain of the dark department for our Hyuga clan, so that I can report to the elders in the clan."

Mingjing can see that Hyuga Hiashi is quite a coward as the clan leader. He has to be checked and balanced by the elders and clan rules in all aspects. In the original time and space, he was under the pressure of the third generation and had to let his younger brother Hizashi die for him.

They are all wealthy and powerful families that have been passed down in the ninja world for thousands of years. If Mingjing had not appeared, it would have been almost the day of the Uchiha clan's extermination.

However, the Uchiha clan changed because of the appearance of Mingjing, revitalized the reputation of the Uchiha clan, and flourished.

But the Hyuga clan, after the emergence of the caged bird system during the Warring States period, went from being a super-rich family that could compete with the Senju and Uchiha clan in the early days to a declining state, barely maintaining the size of a wealthy family.

However, with the Byakugan bloodline and the caged bird system, the Hyuga clan can indeed maintain the bottom line, and it is difficult to fall into the situation of extinction like the Uchiha clan in the original time and space.

"The positions of the Anbu, the Political Affairs Department, and the Finance Department, Hiashi, you also know the importance of these. Only people who are truly trustworthy by me can take up these positions. Although the Hyuga clan has ninjas who have learned medical ninjutsu, no one can reach the level of being able to hold important positions in the medical department. The same is true for the sealing class."

Kato Dan drank a sip of tea lightly and eliminated about half of the important departments in Konoha in one breath.

"I understand."

No one else was present, and the head of the main family, Hyuga Hiashi, bowed his head respectfully to the Fourth Hokage.

Looking at Hyuga Hiashi's gesture of submission, Kato Dan's mouth curled up a smile.

"As for other departments, the Root, the Logistics Department, the Police Department, the Police Department and the Intelligence Analysis Team, you need to talk to other high-level officials in the village and the Third Hokage. I have no objection. The only requirement is that the candidates you Hyuga clan put forward must meet the requirements in terms of strength, military exploits and prestige."

Kato Dan raised a finger and put forward a condition to Hyuga Hiashi.

Hyuga Hiashi knew that this condition was to restrict the people of the main family from holding positions.

In terms of military exploits alone, no one from the Hyuga clan could pass the test. The only one who stepped onto the battlefield because of the stimulation of Uchiha Mingjing and Uchiha Fugaku didn't achieve much military exploits. Instead, he was given to Kirigakure Village. Gouged out a white eye.

"By the way, I remember that there are many excellent intelligence ninjas in the Hyuga clan. After all, the Byakugan is very useful in detecting intelligence. Now Mingjing is here. If you have anyone you want to recommend, you can contact him."

Kato pointed to the mirror and said.

"Everything is decided by the fourth generation of adults."

Hinata Hizu said decisively.

In this way, no matter what happens next, he can blame Kato Dan and tell the elders: This is the decision of the Fourth Hokage.

"Then I'll discuss it with the other senior officials. You can step down first."

Kato Dan thought for a while and said.



It didn't take long for Uchiha Fugaku, Namikaze Minato, Akimichi Torifu and the third Hokage to arrive at the Hokage's office.

Sarutobi Hiruzen has already planned to use his remaining energy in the ninja school to train a few more ninjas like the Sannin for Konoha. Seeing the village prosper and develop is what he wants to see most in the rest of his life.

Tsunade, on the other hand, ran into the casino without knowing when. Regarding this matter, she only said to the ANBU who was sent to inform her, "Anyway, it's not like stuffing people into the medical department. It’s up to them to figure it out themselves.”

Turning around, the big fat sheep continued to happily give away money to other gamblers.

"Where's Orochimaru?"

Sarutobi Hiruzen asked curiously after understanding what happened.

The ninjas of the Hyuga clan are actually quite suitable for working in places like Anbu or Roots.

"Lord Orochimaru is still in the laboratory, so he sent me."

A root ninja with brown-purple hair and a green Jounin vest answered.

He is Mitarai Zixiao, Konoha's elite jounin, and Orochimaru's lifelong loyalist. After Orochimaru became the root minister, he transferred him to the root to handle most of the trivial matters for him, allowing Orochimaru to Put your energy into those experiments.

So now, Orochimaru is still hiding in the laboratory under the police department.

"Experiment? Yondaime, have you restarted the experiment on wood escape?"

Sarutobi Hiruzen looked at Kato Dan with a serious expression, and Namikaze Minato also moved his gaze.

"Wood escape experiment? That's not true, but the cells of the first Hokage are indeed a treasure of the village and have great research value."

Kato Dan shook his head at the third generation and said.

"After I succeeded to the throne of Hokage, I saw the human experiments related to the former wood escape research. Such things that may harm the companions of the village are absolutely impossible to happen during my tenure."

"Let's put aside the affairs of the Hyuga clan and talk about the experiment you and Orochimaru started. Now that you are the fourth generation, I can't stop you from whatever you want to do, but I still hope to understand it."

After a moment of silence, Sandai took a puff of his pipe and said.

"That's fine."

Kato nodded, then glanced at the mirror.

"Take out the stuff, the potion."

Ming Jing was stunned for a moment, then realized what Kato Dan was talking about, so he took out the sealing scroll and took out one of the only two bottles of golden potion left on his body.

"This potion is a Yang escape potion made by Senior Orochimaru using a certain method to extract serum from an item similar to the cells of the first generation Hokage. To a certain extent, this thing has the potential to become a panacea. By taking this medicine for a long time, it can subtly improve a ninja's potential, enhance physical fitness and chakra volume. It can also be used as a precious supplementary medicine to restore chakra like Bingliang Pill, but the effect is that of ordinary Bingliang Pill. More than a thousand times.”

Namikaze Minato couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

As long as they don't conduct inhumane human transplant experiments like Danzo did.

"Enhance physical fitness and chakra, and quickly restore chakra. This does sound like the ability of the Senju clan."

Sarutobi Hiruzen nodded and asked again:

"Does this potion have any side effects? If not, it is indeed something that can greatly enhance the village's heritage. At least from the perspective of quickly restoring chakra, if it is equipped with strong men in the village during the war, it will It is enough to greatly enhance the endurance of the battle.”

"Tsunade-sensei, I, and Orochimaru-senpai have tested it together. The medicine does not have any side effects, unless you are too energetic for a few days after drinking it and are prone to insomnia at night."

Ming Jing took the potion back to the sealing scroll and said.

The price of this one is over 6 million taels, which is worth his remuneration for performing five or six S-level missions.

"Then I can rest assured. So, what is the production cost of this medicine? Is it possible to install it on a large scale?"

Sarutobi Hiruzen asked again.

If this thing could be produced on a large scale, let alone one for every Konoha ninja, as long as the jounin in the village could have one in their ninja tool bag, it would undoubtedly be of great help in battle.

"It's difficult. The production of this potion requires the use of a large amount of precious medicinal materials containing Yang Escape Chakra, and then uses the serum produced by Orochimaru using the biotechnology developed by the first-generation cells. Even if the precious generation equipment is excluded, , the other costs are several million taels to produce, which is why I want Orochimaru to continue research and development, try to improve the production method, or make a weakened version to reduce the cost. "

Before Ming Jing could answer, Kato Dan took the initiative to answer.

The cost alone is several million taels? !

Namikaze Minato was startled.

He had just recently used most of his savings to buy a house in the center of Konoha as his and Kushina's wedding house. The remaining money he had left could probably buy a car at most.

"It seems that it is difficult for ordinary ninjas to afford this kind of potion. At most, they can only prepare one or two for the village's important combat power."

Akimichi Tofeng commented.

He felt that this thing went well with the Butterfly Transformation Technique.

This thing can replenish a large amount of chakra in a short period of time. If he had one when he was on the battlefield, he would not have burned all the fat in his body and almost died while his strength was greatly reduced.

"The fourth generation, the logistics department should have a lot of precious medicines with Yang escape properties in their inventory. You can take some of them out first. In addition, I can persuade the Nara clan to provide the laboratory with Yang escape medicinal materials at cost prices. However, in the future, the production of medicines will , I hope that the Pig, Deer and Die clan can get a certain share or have the right to purchase it first.”

Akimichi Tofeng said to Kato Dan.

"The Uchiha clan was the first to sponsor Orochimaru-senpai's experiments, and has invested more than 200 million taels in the past six months. If there is a right of first refusal, the Uchiha clan should be the one with the highest priority."

Uchiha Fugaku couldn't help but stand up and said.

The golden potion is an important item that can restore the power of the Mangekyo Sharingan Eyes. Although the Uchiha clan has mastered a complete set of production materials, no one can reproduce this potion except Uchiha Mirror.

And let Mingjing do it, the cost price is actually much higher than Orochimaru.

After all, Uncle Snake is the real professional in this matter.

"I also invested 100 million taels on behalf of the Sarutobi clan, and the conditions are the same as Feng Feng."

Sarutobi Hiruzen also said impatiently.

If this thing is used well, it can save lives even if it is placed in the hands of a shadow-level powerhouse.

"Um... Well, Kushina and I don't have much money, but we can buy two first to show our support for Orochimaru-senpai's research."

Namikaze Minato raised his hand and said.

He planned to prepare one for himself and Kushina for this life-saving thing, but he probably only had enough money left to buy one now, and Kushina probably had to buy the remaining one.

After being the leader of the sealing squad for several years, Kushina also performed S-level tasks such as repairing the barrier. Coupled with some inheritance left by Mito Uzumaki, she was actually a little rich woman.

Thank you for the 500 starting coins for the reward!

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