Uchiha Family's Reincarnation

Chapter 235: The fourth generation ascends to power and serves as a senior executive

Jiraiya himself plans to travel around the ninja world to collect inspiration during peacetime to create the sequel to Intimate Paradise.

On the other side, Sarutobi Hiruzen stood not far from Kato Dan, seemingly lost in memories, as if he saw what he looked like thirty years ago when he took over as Hokage.

Mito Kaden and Koharu, who had transferred to the dormitory, stood behind Sarutobi Hiruzen, looking at Akimichi Tifeng with deep envy in their eyes.

"Teacher Duan, the Daimyo Crown Prince has arrived as an envoy. It's time to start the ceremony."

During the ceremony, the guard Inuzuka walked to Kato Dan's side and reminded him.

𝟔𝟗Book Bar

"Ah, I understand, then..."

Kato Dan looked at the Third Hokage.

The former is wearing a new Hokage robe, a short-sleeved robe, which looks handsome and energetic, while the latter is wearing an old-fashioned Hokage robe.

The tailor who made the new Hokage robe had sewed Hokage robes for the first and second Hokage more than forty years ago, because she was the best tailor in the village because she was fashionable and young.

The piece worn by Sarutobi Hiruzen was also made by her stitch by stitch thirty years ago.

But obviously, the style from thirty or forty years ago is now outdated, so this old lady who is nearly seventy years old designed a new style, which means the arrival of a new era.

"Ah, I know."

Sarutobi Hiruzen nodded to Kato Dan, and both parties walked to the stage hand in hand, entering the eyes of all Konoha ninjas.

All the ninjas in the square fell into silence at this moment.

This is an extremely sacred moment for every Konoha ninja.

"Please, Yondaime."

Sarutobi Hiruzen took off the Hokage hat on his head and gave it to Kato Dan's hands.

From this moment on, Kato Dan has become the orthodox Fourth Generation Hokage.

"I am willing to give my life to protect Konoha!"

Kato Dan took the Hokage and put it on his head in front of everyone's attention.

(It looks like this, just think of the clothes as Minato's.)

After putting on the Hokage hat, Kato Dan turned around, looked at all the Konoha ninjas, and announced loudly:

"From today on, I am the fourth Hokage of Konoha Village, Kato Dan!"

Suddenly, the sound in the square surged like a tide.

"After putting this outfit on, it looks like it really fits you!"

Uchiha Fugaku crossed his arms, looking at the scene in front of him, the corners of his mouth couldn't stop rising.

Kato Dan's becoming Hokage means that starting from today, the Uchiha clan has officially entered the core of Konoha's high-level.

Tsunade stared blankly at Kato Dan's tall figure, seeming to think of her two grandfathers.

When I was a child, I seemed to be like this, looking behind me at the figure wearing the Hokage robe to protect me from the wind and rain.

Namikaze Minato stood between his lover and mentor, looking at the figure receiving everyone's cheers in the distance, there was uncontrollable envy in his blue pupils.

Fortunately, God gave me another gift as a supplement when I missed my dream.

Thinking of this, Namikaze Minato couldn't help but cast his eyes on Kushina's belly.



In less than a week after Kato Dan took office as Hokage, Namikaze Minato married Kushina. According to Tsunade and Ming Jing's judgment, the child was already two months old. After the belly grew bigger, Not suitable for wearing a wedding dress.

Ming Jing once again put on a formal suit and became Minato Namikaze's best man. Kato Danya also served as a witness at the wedding, sending blessings to the couple.

Even Jiraiya postponed his travel plans and awkwardly put on formal attire to attend the wedding.

After this wedding, Konoha began to undergo a series of personnel changes after the Fourth Hokage took office.

Koharu and Mito Kaden submitted their resignations, and formally entered retirement with the third generation.

The logistics department in charge of the former has also been handed over to the new Hokage advisor Akimichi Tofaze, and a series of matters such as diplomacy, industry and commerce, etc. in charge of the latter have been handed over to Minato Namikaze.

After Kato Dan took office, he divided a series of functions such as diplomacy, negotiation, and industry and commerce into the scope of the Ministry of Government to centralize power. Minato Namikaze currently serves as the director of the Foreign Affairs and Commerce Division of the Ministry of Government. In addition to being responsible for the Ninja World The diplomacy of other countries is also responsible for the connection between Konoha Village and the Daming Palace, as well as the commercial activities of some Fire Nation merchants and nobles in Konoha.

While Uchiha Fugaku served as the Hokage advisor and became a high-ranking member of the village, he still served as the head of the police department. Orochimaru, the former second-in-command, basically took over most of Danzo's former positions, serving as the Hokage advisor and root minister at the same time, but compared to Remembering Danzo in the past, his power has also been subject to certain restrictions.

Tsunade serves as the Hokage's assistant and also serves as the head of the medical department.

As for the mirror.

"I plan to make you the squad leader of the Jonin class, and also be in charge of the village's intelligence analysis class, or serve as the minister of finance. You know, I will only give the position of finance minister to the person I trust most, but Tsuna hand……"

Kato Dan sat in the Hokage's office and sighed.

God knows what will happen to Konoha's finances if Tsunade becomes the Minister of Finance.

"Damn it, Duan, what's that look in your eyes!"

On the other side of the table, Tsunade, who was about to lie down in the pile of documents and sleep, couldn't help but said angrily.

"Uh hahaha, what I mean is that Tsunade is already very tired in charge of the medical department, so it might not be appropriate to stuff you with the finance department."

Kato Dan smiled and scratched his head.

"It is more appropriate for the three most important powers, the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Government Affairs, and the ANBU, to be in the hands of the Hokage."

Spiegel shook his head and refused to become finance minister.

This is a very important department with real power, and it has a lot of money. Even if it doesn't make money, the financial power in its hands can still block the lifeblood of many departments.

However, there are many things going on in this position, so Ming Jing is naturally unwilling to do so.

"I'll still serve as the squad leader of the Jonin class, and just add an intelligence analysis class. However, I may need to recruit a few people to help."

Ming Jing said after thinking for a while.

The intelligence analysis class is actually not small in size. It is connected with the Anbu, Roots and Government Affairs Departments. Like the sealing class, it is an extremely important department in the village and is not inferior to the logistics department and other departments.

Kato Dan has also stayed in this position in the past, because he has the art of spiritual transformation and is the best intelligence ninja in the ninja world.

"Is that so? That's fine. You, Rui, and Nami have also learned a lot from me in the past. They are all very good intelligence ninjas. The helpers you want are probably the two of them."

Kato Dan casually stamped a red seal on a document and said to the Mirror with a smile.

"It's them, but I still want to be alone."


"Yamanaka Haiichi."

In the original time and space, during the Fourth Ninja War, a ninja with intelligence said that the image of his idol in his heart was shattered when he heard Yamanaka Haiichi's last words saying that he had hidden his private money.

At that time, Yamanaka Haiichi was the intelligence ninja with the strongest intelligence ability in the ninja world. With the blessing of instruments, he could even use the art of communication to connect the ninja coalition, which totaled more than 80,000 people.

As the former squad leader of the space-time intelligence analysis class, there is no doubt about Yamanaka Haiichi's ability.

Coupled with Inuzuka Inuzuka and Aburame Nami, who also have excellent intelligence capabilities and can be completely trusted, the three of them form a check and balance, which is enough to take on most of the intelligence analysis team's work for Ming Jing.

"It's so rude of you to ask for help. You ask for three elite jounin as soon as you open your mouth."

Kato laughed and cursed, but still agreed to Ming Jing's request.



Hyuga clan.

The Zong family’s residence.

"Hizu, what are you waiting for! The Fourth Hokage has been in power for a week! There are already two Uchiha figures in the top management, but what about the Hyuga clan? Are they just being outdone by the Uchiha clan?"

The great elder of the Hyuga clan, Hyuga Ryoma, leaned on crutches and asked Hinata Hizashi in front of him.

Hinata Hizu sat on the main seat, a little speechless.

Ever since Uchiha Mingjing became famous, their Hyuga clan has been in a state of being outmatched by the Uchiha clan.

Uchiha Mingjing is a disciple of the Fourth Hokage, and he has the tendency to be the strongest in the ninja world. Uchiha Fugaku also has the MangekyĹŤ Sharingan, which is powerful. The two of them led the Uchiha clan together and expressed it before the Fourth Generation came to power. In order to gain support and have the ability to follow the dragon, the fourth generation Hokage reciprocated and gave two high-level positions.

But the Hyuga clan...

"Elder Ryoma, although I am also determined to strengthen the family, the Uchiha clan surrendered to the fourth generation before the fourth generation came to power. Although the family also voted for the fourth generation, in the end, it was just the icing on the cake. "Hey, you want me to compete for a high-level position, but I really can't do it!"

Hinata Hiashi said with a sigh.

He thought it would be fine to keep things as they were.

Even if the Hyuga clan is not as powerful as the Uchiha clan, it is still the most powerful clan in the ninja world after the Uchiha. Coupled with the strategic role of the Byakugan and the caged bird strategy, no matter who the top management of Konoha is, they will have to deal with the Hyuga clan. If a clan maintains a certain level of attention, no matter how weak it is, it won't weaken much.

"Hmph, the Hyuga clan and the Uchiha clan are both powerful ninja clans with pupil skills. Outsiders have been comparing the clan with the Uchiha clan. No matter what the situation is, as the head of the Hyuga clan, you have the obligation to lead the clan to win Greater reputation, at least, cannot make outsiders think that our Hyuga clan is inferior to Uchiha!"

Hinata Hizu was really speechless.

During the Warring States Period and the beginning of the establishment of the village, Senju Hashirama and Uchiha Madara were present. Since then, the Hyuga clan has been unable to compare with the two wealthy families, Senju and Uchiha.

Now, there are many jounin in the entire Hyuga clan, but there are really no top masters who can do it. How can he compete with Uchiha Mingjing and Uchiha Fugaku!

If you, Hyuga Ryoma, could be like Uchiha Ha, the elder of the Uchiha clan, and train me a Hyuga mirror, that wouldn't be a bad idea.

However, Hyuga and Hinata also know that as long as the caged bird system exists, the Hyuga clan will never have that kind of character.

It's just that Hinata Hizu just thinks about these words in his heart and will not say them in front of Hyuga Ryoma.

"I try my best."

Hinata Hizu sighed and agreed to the matter, planning to go back and fool him casually.

It is impossible to hold a high-level position. All the real power departments of Konoha Village have been divided up by the current high-level sects. Even the Ministry of Education is regarded as the private territory of the Third Hokage, and it is not their turn at all.

Hinata and Hizu can only hope to get some seemingly high-status positions, but in fact they don't have much influence, so as to fool these clan elders.

Return the view to the Hokage's office.

"I can agree to your request, but you have to agree to one of my requests, or the request of the Third Generation."

Kato Dan told Ming Jing that he could ask for people, but he also had to help me share some things.

Ming Jing raised his eyebrows slightly.

"The Third Generation's request?"

After Sarutobi Hiruzen stepped down from the position of Hokage, he took the initiative to ask to go to the Ninja School to be the principal and lead students.

"Well, this can be regarded as a political exchange between us and the Third Generation."

Kato Dan said.

"Tell me, what does the Third Generation want me to do?"

Ming Jing asked curiously.

"The Third Generation hopes that you can accept his second son, Asuma, as a disciple. In exchange, my control over the Anbu will be much smoother in the future."

With Kato Dan's explanation, Ming Jing gradually understood the Third Generation's intention to do so.

The position of Hokage!

It's just the future Hokage.

Anyone with a discerning eye knows that after Kato Dan takes the stage as the Fourth Hokage, the Fifth Hokage will most likely fall to Ming Jing, and it is estimated that he will be extremely stable, almost reaching the level of the Fourth Hokage Ai during the reign of the Third Raikage.

The Third Hokage naturally knows this, so he hopes to make Asuma a disciple of Ming Jing.

Since the position of Hokage will most likely fall to Ming Jing in the future, let Asuma become Ming Jing's disciple, and he will also be the orthodox Hokage in the future. In addition, the Third Hokage is his father, and he is a legitimate Hokage.

As long as his strength is up to standard, there is still a great probability that he will compete for the position of the Sixth Hokage in the future.

"Tsk tsk, when it comes to planning such things, the Sandaime's vision can actually become so long-term?"

"Anyway, the Sandaime has been a Hokage for more than 30 years, so it's not surprising that he can see this level. As for Asuma, I also went to learn about this kid in detail. Although his talent is not as good as that of Kakashi, he is also outstanding among his peers. In the future, he will most likely become an elite among the jonin. If he has some opportunities, he may also touch the level of Kage. He is still qualified to be your student."

Kato Dan said with a smile.

He hoped that Mingjing would agree.

He has a harmonious relationship with the Sandaime. If he gets the full support of the latter, Kato Dan's administration will face much less resistance in all aspects in the future.

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