Uchiha Family's Reincarnation

Chapter 237 Kato Dan: Third generation, I am the Hokage!

Ming Jing glanced at everyone in silence.

He remembered that they came to discuss the Hyuga clan at the beginning, right?

Why did it become like this again?


But it was good this way. They got a large amount of investment from the village leaders and the ninja clan behind them, which would definitely be good for their experiments.

But after discussing for a while, they didn't continue talking about the golden potion.

To discuss this matter, it would be better to call Orochimaru, and Tsunade, an insider, also needs to be present.

The Konoha high-level officials decided to talk about it later.

Ming Jing didn't care about it. He and Fugaku were the two high-level officials, plus Orochimaru and the other two. The share of the three of them would not be reduced. If others wanted to join in to expand production, they would benefit in the end.

Then, they finally got back to the topic and discussed the Hyuga clan.

"I think that we should appease the Hyuga clan. You just took office as Hokage, and the stability of the village is the most important thing, but it is still necessary to crack down on them."

After taking a puff of his pipe, Sarutobi Hiruzen made a general suggestion and stopped talking.

Now the Fourth Hokage, not the Third Hokage, is in charge of Konoha. The specific approach should be discussed by Kato Dan and the current senior management.

"What the Third Hokage said makes sense. Those old guys in the Hyuga clan are indeed a little ungrateful. I guess this is also a test of their attitude towards me, the new Hokage."

Kato Dan also agreed with the Third Hokage's opinion and gave both carrot and stick.

"Specifically, what we should do is nothing more than to divide and win over. Those people from the main family don't know what's good for them, so we should give the position to the branch family. In terms of military exploits and strength, the contribution made by the branch family ninja to Konoha is far greater than those of the main family ninja. With the position and the support of the village's high-level officials, the main family will not dare to do anything excessive to this branch family. We will give some guidance, and something will happen after a while. The candidates and positions are up to you to decide."

Kato Dan stopped talking and looked at the other people.

"Let's talk about the candidates first. I recommend Hyuga Hiashi, the head of the Hyuga branch family. In terms of strength, he is also an elite among the jonin. In terms of military exploits, he also made outstanding contributions in the Third Ninja World War. He should be the most convincing person in the Hyuga clan."

Namikaze Minato raised his hand to recommend.

"I agree. Hiashi has also teamed up with me to carry out missions. He is qualified in terms of ability and military exploits."

Mingjing also agreed.

"I agree."

"I agree."

"I agree."

"Lord Orochimaru said that the selection of personnel is entirely up to the senior officials, but because the Hyuga clan pursues the appearance of a wealthy family, the root hidden underground is not suitable, but he welcomes Hyuga clan ninjas to serve in the root."

After saying this, Mitarashi Shisho sat in the corner.

"There are only three teams in the intelligence analysis class. I have already prepared to give the captain positions to Nami, Ryo and Haiyi. There is no position for Hizashi."

Mingjing knocked on the table and said.

"If someone is willing to come to the Ministry of Education, I have no objection, but with Hizashi's talent, it would be a waste of talent if he came to a place like the Ministry of Education. "

Sarutobi Hiruzen also took a puff of his cigarette and politely refused.

For some ordinary middle and lower ninjas, the Ministry of Education is definitely a first-class place to go, and it is a place that countless civilian ninjas are trying their best to get into.

Becoming a middle ninja, then working in the Ministry of Education, and becoming a teacher in a ninja school may be their best destination, because this place is not like other departments, where you need to go on missions frequently and risk your life to fight hostile ninjas.

The Ministry of Education is the safest department, and it is also a place for many ninjas who have made outstanding military achievements but have become physically disabled due to the war to live in their old age.

The experience they can pass on to the students of the ninja school is one of Konoha's most precious treasures.

However, for Hizashi Hinata, who is less than 30 years old and is also an elite among the jonin, going to the Ministry of Education is undoubtedly a great waste of his talents.

"The Logistics Department is short of people, but like the Ministry of Education, it is not suitable for such young and powerful jonin. Of course, if Hizashi is willing to come, it's nothing. "

Akimichi Tofu took out a bag of potato chips and ate while talking, even in the meeting.

The Akimichi clan is like this, usually they like to eat something high in calories to store fat.

"The people in the police force are all Uchiha."

Uchiha Fugaku said only one sentence and then said nothing more.

This is already a rejection.

And Mingjing's heart moved, thinking of some things in the past few years.

Now it seems that the logistics department and the root seem to be the only two choices, but among them, going to the logistics department is a waste of the talent of an elite jonin like Hyuga Hizashi, and going to the root is not a waste of talent, but it seems that it cannot meet the demands of the Hyuga clan.

"Who cares, the position is requested by the Hyuga clan, and they have no right to be picky."

Akimichi Tofu commented while chewing potato chips.

Kato Dan nodded.

He is also more inclined to arrange Hyuga Hizashi to the root.

"Actually... In addition to the root, the police department is not impossible. "

Ming Jing suddenly interrupted.

Uchiha Fugaku raised his eyebrows and looked serious.

"Ming Jing, what do you mean..."

"It seems that the Fugaku clan leader has also thought of the suggestion I made a few years ago. The Sandaime and Minato should also have some understanding of it."

"Reform the police department and allow non-Uchiha ninjas and civilian ninjas to serve in it to alleviate the conflict between the Uchiha clan and the village..."

Hiruzen Sarutobi smoked his pipe and glanced at Ming Jing and Fugaku, wondering what he was thinking.

The purpose of the Second Hokage's establishment of the Police Department was to allow the Uchiha clan, a powerful super wealthy family, to be responsible for ensuring the safety of Konoha. The illusion and insight of the Sharingan are also very effective in detecting spies and criminals. .

At the same time, it can also restrict the "evil Uchiha" in the eyes of the second generation to the police department. With the urine of the Uchiha clan, the process of law enforcement will definitely cause conflicts with the villagers of Konoha.

The relationship between the Uchiha clan and the village is relatively relaxed now, because Uchiha Mingjing and Uchiha Fugaku, two of Konoha's top combat powers, have considerable influence and have high prestige to suppress these conflicts.

But contradictions exist after all.

According to what Spiegel said, let the police department, like other departments, introduce other ninjas so that these firepower can be spread out.

"The head of the police department is still the Fugaku clan leader. After the introduction of other ninjas, the main body of the police department is still Uchiha, but overall, this will also lead to the police department's power being too expanded. Mirror, it's not that I don't believe it. Uchiha, but in the past, the police department was autonomous from Uchiha, with fixed responsibilities and scale. However, once it is reformed, it is no longer suitable to be the one voice of the Uchiha clan. "

Sarutobi Hiruzen took a puff of his pipe, glanced at Ming Jing and Fugaku, and spoke.

After being pushed down from the position of the Third Hokage, standing on the outside, he could see things more clearly, and his actions were less involved in interest politics than before.

In addition, the Uchiha clan now has two high-level officials, and they are an important part of Konoha's high-level combat power. The interest entanglements with other high-level officials are also deeper than in the past. Therefore, for the future development of Konoha, Sarutobi Hiruzen Now I also think that it is a good thing to eliminate the barriers between Uchiha and the common people of the village.

However, Danzo's death is still like a thorn stuck between him and the current Konoha executives, especially Uchiha Mingjing who personally killed Danzo and the Uchiha ninja who led the police department to break through the root. Uchiha Fugaku.

He still doesn't have much fondness for the Uchiha clan. Like the Second Hokage, he believes that this clan needs to be restricted, but it won't be as overly aggressive as Danzo and the Second Hokage.

With Ming Jing and Fugaku around, as well as other senior officials, it would be useless for him to be aggressive.

The other senior executives immediately fell silent and looked at Ming Jing and Fugaku.

If one of them is bad, they will probably offend the two Uchihas.

"The Sandaime's words make sense. If the police department is reformed, then I think some of the top positions should be reserved for others, so that people other than Uchiha can have a certain say."

Ming Jing gave Uchiha Fugaku a calm look and continued:

"However, the Uchiha clan gave up their power to solely control the police department, and also took up the position of senior police officer. I think we, the Uchiha clan, also have the power to enter and hold positions in other departments of the village. Of course, If you want a position, it depends on how you fight for it."

Sarutobi Hiruzen smoked his pipe and remained silent.

The Hyuga clan is restricted by caged birds, but the Uchiha clan is not. With the size of Uchiha as a wealthy ninja clan, if the Uchiha clan is no longer restricted to the police department like in the past, I am afraid that there will be many combat departments in the village. All positions will be taken by Uchiha ninjas.

By that time, Uchiha will really be integrated with all aspects of Konoha. If you want to limit it...

"I think it works."

Kato Suan knocked on the table and said, looking at Uchiha Fugaku.

"Fugaku, what about you?"

"I have no opinion."

Uchiha Fugaku replied with a serious face.

Just kidding, the previous conflicts between him and Ming Jing were just for acting for Hiruzen Sarutobi. Now the Hokage in power is the fourth generation Kato Dan, so why should he act?

If Uchiha's reform is really successful, then Uchiha Fugaku will still be the minister of the Police Department and a high-level official in Konoha. The main core of the Police Department will still be Uchiha, while other ninjas and civilian ninjas will be With the addition, the size of the police department will definitely expand, which is equivalent to expanding his power and the influence of the Uchiha clan in disguise.

Not to mention that in the future, Uchiha will also enter combat departments such as Anbu and Roots - that is simply the most suitable position for Uchiha.

"What about the rest?"

Kato Dan glanced around.

"Of course I agree with eliminating the barriers between the village and the Uchiha clan."

Namikaze Minato raised his hand in agreement.

"If an elite Uchiha who has opened the Sharingan is willing to enter the root, Lord Orochimaru will also welcome it."

Mitarashi Zixiao also said something.

Uchiha, who possesses genjutsu, hypnosis, super insight, and the Sharingan Eye, is indeed the kind of ninja that departments such as Anbu and Roots need most.

"I agree, although I don't think the ninjas of the Uchiha clan will be willing to retire in our logistics department."

After Akimichi Tifeng finished speaking, he raised his head and poured the last bit of potato chips in the bag into his mouth.

Now that most of the high-level officials and the Fourth Hokage have agreed, the Third Hokage's opinion is no longer important.

"Well, let's do this, Fourth Hokage, I hope you won't regret it one day."

Sarutobi Hiruzen sighed secretly.

"Third Hokage, I am the Hokage!"

Sarutobi Hiruzen: ...

Why do I feel like time and space are out of whack?

"Then... what position should we give Hizashi?"

Akimichi Toukaze took out a new bag of potato chips and said.

"The Hyuga clan wants a position that can highlight their status as a wealthy family, and Hizashi is also a jonin with considerable military exploits. You police department should at least give him a position as a squad leader, right?"

"Squad leader? No, no, no, the Hyuga clan is a wealthy family, how can the head of their branch family only serve as a squad leader? Why not, like me, hold a position as deputy director in the police department? As for the squad leader, we have a more suitable candidate."

Mingjing smiled.



In the Naruto world, Konoha's police department launched a large-scale reform after the fourth Hokage took office, and Konoha had different views on this.

But everyone agreed with two of the views. One is that this matter must be related to the two current Uchiha high-level officials of Konoha, and the other is that this should be a reform carried out by Kato Dan, the newly appointed fourth Hokage, to strengthen his own authority and influence.

If a new leader takes office and does not do something or make some changes, how can he show his courage and talent, and how can people realize that the situation has changed? How can the new leader gain the right to speak and influence in the team?

For example, the fourth Kazekage and the fourth Mizukage took the initiative to launch wars when they took office. While diverting internal conflicts, they were eager to use the victory of the war to bring themselves prestige and tell the people below that I can lead you to achieve results and win the battle.

However, doing so will inevitably be risky. If the new leader is not talented enough, it will only lead to complaints, not only failing to solve the problem, but also creating new troubles.

Now that the Ninja World War is over, all villages have begun to recuperate, and most of the Konoha ninjas are eager for peace. Kato Dan will naturally not provoke a war. Carrying out a certain degree of internal reform and eliminating some of the existing drawbacks in the village is the best way.

But outsiders could never imagine that the cause of the incident was just the unreasonable demands made by a few elders of the Hyuga clan to Hyuga Hiashi.

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