Uchiha Family's Reincarnation

Chapter 232: Hokage Election Site

Ming Jing attached his mouth to Danzo's ear, and after speaking softly, he twisted the tail feather in his hand, shattering Danzo's heart, and then used Mirror Teleport to switch himself outside the barrier.

Before entering this battlefield, he had already left a shadow clone outside in advance to prevent accidents.

Danzo staggered, looking at the Uchiha Mirror in front of him that disappeared into the air, his eyes full of disappointment and regret.

It's a pity that this guy is so careful.

He was also thinking about whether he could use the last trick on Uchiha Mingjing. As long as he touched Uchiha Mingjing when he activated the curse seal, he could pull him and die together with him.

With the emergence of the Rishi Four Seals, with Danzo as the center, all objects within a radius of tens of meters were sealed into it, turning into a huge hemispherical pit.

The red barrier of the Uchiha Fire Formation disappeared, and Ming Jing led the four Uchiha to the edge of the pit.

"Given Danzo's personality, his brain was probably destroyed by the seal when the seal was activated. Even if the body is left behind, no information can be gleaned, so it is better to burn it. A person like him does not deserve to be left behind when he dies. Whole body."

Ming Jing put the blind Mangekyō Sharingan into a test tube that was half full of solution, gave a faint instruction, and turned around to leave.

"Yes! Lord Mirror!"

The four Uchiha half-knelt on the ground. After watching Ming Jing leave, they turned around in unison and formed the same hand seal.

Four powerful fireballs released by Uchiha at the Jonin level destroyed the last trace of Shimura Danzo left in this world.

"Ding Jingjun, has the matter been resolved? It took longer than I expected."

Seeing Ming Jing walking out of the Forest of Death, Orochimaru walked to Ming Jing's side and said with a smile.

"After all, this old dog has lived decades longer than us. It's normal to have some trump cards."

As Ming Jing spoke, he took out the test tube containing the Uchiha Mirror's Mangekyō Sharingan.

"Whose Mangekyou Sharingan is this?"

Tsunade asked curiously.

"This is the eye of Shisui's grandfather, my second grandfather Uchiha Kage. Danzo used it to destroy it in this battle."

Tsunade pursed her lips, seeming to remember something from the past.

When she was young, she also had some dealings with this disciple of the Second Hokage.

"Unexpectedly, Kagami-senpai's eyes actually fell on Danzo's hands. I remember that Kagami-senpai was in the same team as Danzo and the Third Generation, and they were very close. Now it seems that his disappearance had something to do with me. Even the most trusted people are involved.”


Jiraiya shook his head with a complicated expression.

This kind of dark politics has always been something he has avoided facing.

“We’ve been delayed here for so long, and we don’t know what’s going on in other places.

Root headquarters.

Even though the barrier was broken by Obito and Metadai, the root ninjas here still resisted extremely tenaciously.

And when Danzo died, the seal of tongue bane that was planted on them also disappeared.

Some root ninjas continued to attack the enemy desperately after this, while others silently gave up resistance.

The former are basically Danzo's die-hard loyalists, while the latter are mostly younger ninjas who have not yet been brainwashed by Danzo.

"Fire Release: Dragon Fire Technique!"

"Wood Release·Wood Spindle Wall!"

Uchiha Shisui was holding a Zuki Kiri and fighting against a root ninja with dull eyes who looked younger than him.

"I didn't expect that Danzo actually trained a Wood Release ninja. It seems that he is really using any means to target Uchiha!"

Uchiha Fugaku looked at the Wooden ninja who was fighting Uchiha Shisui with gloomy eyes and said.


"Ninja Technique: Ichito Light Array!"

With the dual comfort of illusion and sealing techniques, the wood escape ninja was finally controlled by Shisui, and was captured alive next to Uchiha Fugaku. Together with other captives, he was handed over to several Uchiha jounin for guarding.

"Shisui, you have done a great job. You are worthy of being Ming Jing's younger brother and the first of the new generation of ninjas in the family."

Uchiha Fugaku seemed very satisfied with the fact that Uchiha Shisui defeated the Wooden Ninja with Sharingan.

"It's nothing. Compared to Brother Mingjing, I still have a lot to learn."

Shisui smiled modestly, scratched his head and said to Fugaku.

Uchiha Fugaku nodded and looked at the other ninjas around the Wooden Ninja.

"Aburame Ryoma, Yamafaze... when the Jonin voting ends tomorrow, return them to their respective families. For the others, after Ming Jing and Dan come back, I will discuss them with them before making a decision."


"Third generation sir, I accept the offer."

Namikaze Minato gasped and said to Sarutobi Hiruzen.

The trident kunai in his hand was lying across the latter's neck, close to the skin.

At this moment, he and the Third Hokage both had wounds on their bodies, and their jounin vests and old-fashioned armors had become tattered.

The Third Hokage couldn't help but sigh.

"Minato, you have surpassed me."

Sarutobi Hiruzen's sigh contained both relief and reluctance.

"The barrier has disappeared. It seems that my old friend has also gone to the Pure Land to meet the first and second generation teachers."

Sarutobi Hiruzen closed his eyes helplessly and opened them again after a long time.

Danzo's death was a foregone conclusion, and Namikaze Minato's will was equally firm and unshakable. Sarutobi Hiruzen could only convince himself to look forward and find the best solution under the existing conditions.

Many years of Hokage career allowed Sarutobi Hiruzen to suppress all the emotions in his heart in the shortest possible time.

The general trend is irreversible, but the small trend can be changed.

It is inevitable that Konoha's young faction will come to power and take charge. He must take advantage of the fact that he still has enough power to protect the interests of the interest groups behind him as much as possible, especially the interests of the Sarutobi clan.

I believe that in order to achieve a smooth transition of power between the two generations of Hokages, Kato will not refuse.

After dawn.

On this day, except for a small number of jounin who failed to return to the village in time and were responsible for arranging security and protection within the village, all Konoha jounin gathered at the Hokage Building as scheduled.

What happened last night seemed to have no impact at all.

More than a hundred Konoha jonins were sitting cross-legged in the conference room with solemn expressions. Sitting at the end of the last row were Kakashi and several other newly promoted jonins who had been promoted for less than a year.

"Sir, Third Generation, the total number of Konoha Jonin should be one hundred and eighty-six, but the actual number is one hundred and eighty-five. The one who is absent is Danzo Shimura, the Hokage's advisor. Please tell me."

As the current Jonin squad leader of Konoha, Kato Dan stood at the front of all the Jonin with a decent smile on his face and reported to the Third Hokage.

The Third Hokage, who had changed back into the Hokage robe, had a calm face and could not see the joy, anger, sorrow and joy in his heart.

"Tell me, what happened with Danzo."

Mito Kadoyan, who was standing next to Sarutobi Hiruzen, saw that the third generation didn't answer for a long time, so he took the initiative to speak out.

For what happened last night, the two consultants and the third generation only knew a rough idea.

A smile appeared on Kato's lips and he clapped his hands.

"Send it in."

A subordinate named Kato Dan and the Uchiha ninja from the police force distributed documents one by one to every Konoha jounin present without saying a word.

Several ANBU ninjas waiting on the sidelines wanted to step forward to take action that should have been theirs, but were stopped by Hiruzen Sarutobi shaking his head.

A document was also placed on the desks of the Third Hokage and two advisors.

What is recorded here are the crimes committed by Danzo carefully selected by Ming Jing and others.

Of course, these things have been edited out.

"The rumors that Lord White Fang had originally...were they actually spread out deliberately by Danzo in order to get rid of his rivals for the position of Hokage?"

"Transplanting the Sharingan! Murdering friends from the same village!"

"This guy dares to desecrate the body of the First Lord!"

"Mirror-sama was also destroyed! If it weren't for Dane-sama and Tsunade-sama, I don't know what else would have happened!"

"Ming Jing-sama's great-uncle and disciple of the Second Hokage, the disappearance of Mr. Jing-senpai was actually Danzo's fault!"

For a time, many Jonin in the conference room were talking, and some people looked at Kakashi sitting in the last row. Apparently, the White Fang incident brought back memories of that year.


The Third Hokage slammed the table and silenced all the sounds in the room.

"Duan, there is also Ming Jing. You said that Ming Jing was killed by Danzo, so... where is the evidence!"

The Third Hokage's voice was full of doubts.

He couldn't believe that his companion was killed by another of his companions.

"Sir, the evidence is here."

Ming Jing took out the psychic scroll and took out the test tube that housed Uchiha Mirror's Mangekyō Sharingan.

"This is the Mangekyō Sharingan of my second grandfather Uchiha Kyou. However, during my fight with Danzo, he took the initiative to make it blind in order to prevent this eye from falling into my hands."

Mirror changed the facts slightly to prevent the information about the power of the Mangekyo Sharingan from leaking out.

"But although you are blind, Third Generation Sir, you can ask the laboratory of Konoha Hospital to test whether the DNA of this eye belongs to my second grandfather. Even if there is no DNA sample left by my second grandfather, his son Uchiha Tatsumi But he is still alive and can conduct a DNA paternity test.”

The Third Hokage and the other two advisors looked stunned, with complex expressions on their faces.

"Haha, Sarutobi-sensei, if you want evidence of other things, I, the second-in-command at the root, can provide some. By the way, there are also experiments on the first-generation cells, but Danzo even hid it from me. "

Orochimaru looked towards the back of the crowd with a smile.

There stood a short-haired boy with dull eyes.


Tsunade walked up to him and touched his head.

"Yamato, show your abilities to the Third Generation and the other jounin."

How could Tsunade not be concerned about Yamato, who inherited his grandfather's abilities?

Even though the Senju Clan no longer exists, as the current leader of the Senju Clan, she gave the child the surname Senju and the name Yamato.

However, for Yamato, who was still under Danzo yesterday, it was obvious that he was still unable to adapt to the changes that were taking place now, and he stayed in place hesitantly.

He was used to obeying Danzo's orders.

"Yamato, show your abilities, treat this as an order from the Hokage."

When Ming Jing saw this scene, he immediately said to Yamato.

The third generation looked at this scene and did not deny the Hokage's order that Mingjing said.

As soon as he heard the word "order", Yamato responded "yes" reflexively, and then slapped his hands on the ground.

"Wood Release: Big Tree Technique!"

A tree as high as three or four meters appeared in everyone's sight.

The calm face of the third generation finally changed.

The Wood Release that disappeared in the ninja world for decades finally reappeared in the world!

For the older generation who have seen the power of the first generation of Hokage, Wood Release represents invincible power!

"Your name is Yamato?"

The third generation of Hokage walked down the platform and stood in front of Yamato and asked.

Yamato glanced at Tsunade.

"My name is Senju Yamato, this is the name given to me by Tsunade-sama."

"Then... what was your previous name?"

"The ninja of the root has no name. I only have a code name, called 'Jia'."

Sarutobi Hiruzen fell silent.

He knew that this meant that Danzo was training this Wood Release Ninja to be a tool, a killing tool that belonged only to Danzo.

"What about before the code name Jia? Didn't he have any other names?"

"No, I've been called Jia since I can remember."

Yamato was instilled with the idea of ​​loyalty to Konoha and Danzo by Danzo since he was a child.

Now that Danzo is gone, and the Hokage represents Konoha to a large extent, he knows all the questions of the Third Hokage.

"I understand."

The Third Hokage sighed.

In front of so many people, with solid evidence, it is unlikely that he will help Danzo overturn the case.

"Next, let's start the voting for the Hokage candidates. The original candidate Danzo has been removed, so only Kato Dan, Namikaze Minato and..."

"Sarutobi teacher, I withdraw from the Hokage election."

Orochimaru said with a smile.

What's good about being a Hokage? There are endless official duties to deal with every day.

Although this was his dream when he was young, he is no longer young.

Compared to those complicated official duties, Orochimaru felt that it was more interesting to do experimental research and explore the truth of the world.

"In that case, the candidates for the final election are only Minato and Dan. Let's start voting now."

The third generation looked at Minato Namikaze and Dan Kato, knowing that the latter's promotion was an inevitable fact, and spoke.

Although Dan Kato was not as suitable for him as Minato Namikaze and Orochimaru when he was young, the third generation could accept it.

He could only accept it.

"I'm sorry, Dan senior, although I know I am not your opponent, but Hokage is my lifelong dream. If I have this opportunity, no matter what the result is, I still want to make a final attempt."

Minato Namikaze apologized to Dan Kato.

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