Uchiha Family's Reincarnation

Chapter 231: Master Danzo, I wish you a happy life in the Pure Land

Chapter 231 Lord Danzo, I wish you a happy life in the Pure Land.

"Shimura Danzo must die today. This is the consensus of most of Konoha's high-level combat forces. The political significance behind it is to take a stand and use his death to unify us into a whole. While declaring the end of the previous era, we are declaring a new generation of Konoha’s core group.”

With a perfect smile on his face, Kato Dan, together with Akimichi Tifū, sent Koharu and Mito Kadeno into the territory of the Akimichi clan.

"Hey...are you resenting us, Qifeng?"

Mito Kadoyan took off his glasses, took a breath and put them on again, and asked Akimichi Tofeng.

"Otherwise, my strength has been reduced to a level that is inferior to that of an ordinary jounin due to the use of the Butterfly Transformation Technique, but it's not like I can't do anything. At least I can coordinate logistics from behind like Koharu."

Akimichi Tifeng seems to be in a good mental state today, perhaps because he can still say the same thing today after having accumulated it for thirty years.

"It seems that I have promised you my position, Qiao Feng."

Xiaochun sighed leisurely when he went to bed.

"Yes, that position should have been mine."

Akimichi Tifeng looked at Akimichi Dingzao who was standing at the door to greet everyone, nodded, and then walked in with his head held high.

Roots has established multiple bases in Konoha, some are responsible for training, some are responsible for resources and logistics, and some are responsible for experiments such as first-generation cells.

After all, Danzo had too many things to hide from the Third Generation.

But on this night, the elite Uchiha of the police force came out and captured multiple bases in the root based on the addresses provided by Orochimaru.

Now, only the last headquarters remains.

"This is the four-terminal black formation. According to the information given by Orochimaru, it is a simplified version developed by Danzo based on Konoha's protective barrier. It has extremely strong defensive capabilities and is extremely difficult to attack from the front, so... "

Uchiha Fugaku looked at a temporary elite team behind him.

"Obito, I need you to use your time and space pupil technique to send Dai in and break their barrier from the inside."

"Chief Fugaku, don't worry, just leave it to me!"

Uchiha Obito slapped his chest loudly.

"Kakashi, I will leave Rin to you to protect her for the time being, but please don't let the same thing happen again!"

"Don't worry, Obito."

Kakashi promised.

"I'm here to watch. Everything will be fine. Obito, you can start."

Uchiha Fugaku prompted.

"Senior Dai, are you ready?"

"Youth is preparing for every moment!"

Uchiha Obito's two Mangekyō Sharingan glared at Matt Dai, and the two vortexes spun in the air simultaneously, twisting their bodies and disappearing from everyone's sight.

In less than ten seconds, a phoenix burning with flames broke through the barrier, blooming with endless brilliance under the night sky.

"Night Phoenix!"

Seeing this scene, Uchiha Fugaku gave an order, and the Uchiha from the police department opened their Sharingan eyes, swarmed out, and rushed towards the root headquarters.

Set your sights back on the forest of death.

"Tsunade, Orochimaru, did you call me here just to see this? Didn't I tell Minato to tell you that I won't take action."

Jiraiya looked at the barrier rising in the center of the forest and sighed helplessly.

"Don't worry, Jiraiya, there are many people who want Danzo killed tonight, it's not your turn to do it."

Orochimaru stood beside Jiraiya with a smile, looking at some Konoha ninjas who had gathered in the distance to investigate after noticing the movement here.

Tsunade took the initiative to stop these people and started talking with them.

"In fact, there is nothing wrong with calling you here. I just need you to be here and wait with us until dawn tomorrow when the Jonin voting begins."

Orochimaru glanced at Jiraiya and said.

"Capture the traitor of the village... Who is he? He actually wants the three ninjas to join forces!"

Mimura Hazaki looked at Orochimaru and Jiraiya talking in the distance and said in surprise.

"I'm afraid it has something to do with the top management of the village, otherwise..."

Mumu Gongdao, whose hair had turned white, glanced at the relief of the Death Forest, then shook his head and said nothing.

When such a big event happened, the third generation Hokage was not present, and none of the other senior officials were present. Considering that it was the day before the Hokage election jounin vote, this can already explain something.

However, if even a figure like the Sannin is placed in front of them, then Kato Dan, Uchiha Mingjing and Namikaze Minato, who are closely related to the Sannin, must also be on the same side as the Sannin.

If these people get together and want to do something, even the Third Hokage can't stop them.

"Now that everything is ready, it just depends on how long it will take for Ming Jing to capture Danzo."

Tsunade walked towards Jiraiya and Orochimaru, then looked at the barrier in the center of the Death Forest and said.

As for whether Ming Jing can win Danzo, Tsunade has a positive attitude towards this.

Because even she, a teacher, can't see through Uchiha Mingjing's strength now.

Facing Danzo, at best, it will be a tough fight temporarily because he is older and has more life-saving cards in his hand, but the final result is certain.

Uchiha Mingjing is indeed in a rather tricky situation now.

Because in front of Danzo, there is a person who looks almost the same as him.

As we all know, a person's face is not completely symmetrical. The left and right halves of the face are actually different. In other words, the image of your mirror image in the mirror is exactly the image of you in reverse.

And the person who appeared in front of Uchiha Mingjing is just such a mirror image.

"Uchiha Mingjing, this is your second grandfather, the pupil technique of Uchiha Jing's Mangekyō Sharingan, Yunwaijing, which can materialize the mirror images of all enemies it sees, and has the same power as the original body, even the blood limit!"

Shimura Danzo covered his bleeding eyes and said fiercely.

What answered Danzo was a flaming sword energy as fast as lightning.

The next moment, the entire barrier was full of blue streamers.

[In addition to Fire Release, my Mirror Body can also use the Mirror Body, and my physical body and swordsmanship are almost exactly the same as mine, even...]

The two pairs of scarlet Mangekyō Sharingan looked at each other in an instant, competing in illusion.

"Even Mangekyō-level illusions can be performed!"

Mingjing was a little surprised at the performance of the mirror body, but he quickly analyzed the situation of the mirror body rationally.

Danzo said that the mirror body can have all the strength of the original body, including the blood limit, which is debatable.

At least Mingjing did not see the mirror body use the eye technique of his own Mangekyō Sharingan.

Otherwise, the mirror body only needs to teleport itself outside the barrier first, and then exchange positions with Danzo inside the barrier, so that Danzo can escape from the barrier.

[It may be impossible to copy the eye technique of the Mangekyō Sharingan, but it is more likely that it can only copy the abilities I have used! Because so far, this thing has used the abilities I have shown before, because if Danzo is paying attention to Uchiha, it is impossible for him not to know the time-space eye technique I used on the battlefield! 】

Ming Jing made up his mind that unless he could ensure a one-hit kill, he would never use the power of the sky hand in front of the mirror body easily.

No matter how powerful Yunwaijing is, it will inevitably consume a lot of pupil power when using it. If it drags on, Ming Jing will definitely win!

Because Orochimaru is not like in the original time and space, he did not connect the arm of Shin with the first-generation cells transplanted to Danzo, so Danzo definitely does not have the ability to restore the pupil power of the Mangekyō Sharingan.

Seeing that Ming Jing did not use the space-time ninjutsu, Danzo could not help but feel disappointed.

He did have the idea of ​​letting the mirror body copy Ming Jing's space-time pupil technique to send him away.

"Have you guessed the ability of this eye... You are really worthy of it, Uchiha Ming Jing, but in this way, you can only fight against the mirror body with the same strength as yourself, plus an old man, what should you do?"

Shimura Danzo sneered, pinched his hands, and released the wind escape again, combined with the fire escape of the mirror body to form a combination ninjutsu, attacking Ming Jing.

"Danzo, old dog, do you think too highly of yourself? At my level, people like you are insignificant."

Mingjing sneered, and while strategically despising the enemy, he began to think quickly about how to crack this eye technique.

Any ability, as long as he has used it once, the mirror image can be perfectly reproduced.

That is to say, he must kill Danzo the first time he uses this method.

But Mingjing's current speed is almost the same as the previous four generations of Raikage because of his practice of the Lightning Chakra mode, without counting the mirror instant body and the power of the sky.

That is the ultimate speed that can catch up with the Flying Thunder God Technique in a small range!

Adding the mirror instant body, the speed of movement in a small range is even more amazing.

This is the first time that Mingjing is distressed because of his own strength.

Danzo is also distressed by Mingjing's strength at this moment.

Because he found that he seemed to be really as Uchiha Mingjing said before, he could not play any role in this battle.

The speed of these two people is really too fast! Even though Danzo could see the movement trajectory of the two people with his Mangekyō Sharingan, he couldn't keep up at all!

Even the mirror image had to take a few hits from the mirror image to protect Danzo.


[Maintaining this level of battle consumes too much pupil power! 】

Shimura Danzo felt that the pupil power in his eyes was decreasing rapidly.

He never dared to use this eye in front of outsiders, and would only use it when it was a matter of life and death.

Under normal circumstances, he would copy Sarutobi Hiruzen, and occasionally the Third Raikage.

Because these two were the strongest among the people he had fought, he had copied them secretly, but because Danzo was very familiar with Sarutobi Hiruzen and could produce a good chemical reaction with him, he used them more often.

However, after many years, most of the pupil power in this eye had been consumed, and there was almost only one chance to use it, and it was possible to go blind at any time.

At this moment, the mirror image had roughly set up the tactics.

In this situation, if you want to kill Danzo with one blow, you must first restrict your mirror image.

But the problem is that Mingjing's mirror image is too fast and not so easy to limit.

Faced with this situation, Mingjing decided to increase the distance between Danzo and the mirror image as much as possible.


A little spark of fire spread along with white gas at the corner of Mingjing's mouth, and a spiral of flames rose from the sword of Tianzhiweiyu, turning into a huge fire dragon with arcs of electricity on it.

This is the Halo Dragon that has been integrated with the nature change of Thunder Release, with stronger attack power and more penetrating power.

Seeing this scene, the mirror image immediately made the same move.

According to the ability he copied now, only the same move can block Mingjing's move.

"Uchiha Style·Sun Breath·Halo Dragon Dance!" ×

The two huge fire dragons circled and entangled each other, and then collided fiercely, stirring up a strong shock wave.


Mingjing's eyes glared, and after performing Amaterasu without considering the pupil power, the front half of the Halo Fire Dragon's body was almost completely rendered black.

Seeing this, the mirror image also followed suit and performed the Amaterasu that he had just copied.

However, only the head of his Halo Fire Dragon was black, and it was completely suppressed.

Mingjing's eyes lit up, and he glanced at Danzo with his peripheral vision.

Danzo looked like he was overwhelmed, half-kneeling on the ground, covering his bleeding Mangekyō Sharingan with his hands.

In order to avoid the aftermath of the flames of the two Amaterasu Fire Dragons, he had moved to the edge of the barrier.

The remaining pupil power of this eye was not enough to perform Amaterasu of this scale!

"Good opportunity!"

The time had come, and Mingjing no longer hesitated, activated the power of the sky hand, and teleported himself in front of Danzo.

With his right hand, he held the tail feathers of the sky wrapped in flames and pierced Danzo's heart; with his left hand, he stretched out two fingers and pinched his claws, reaching for Danzo's Mangekyō Sharingan.

Danzo's eyes were full of fear.

He wanted to summon Mingjing's mirror image to send him away.

Because the mirror image had just copied Ming Jing's time-space pupil technique, Danzo was eager to escape.

But just as the mirror image was about to move, the pattern in Danzo's Mangekyō Sharingan faded and turned into a dull white.

The mirror image also disappeared in an instant.


With Danzo's scream, the blind Mangekyō Sharingan was dug out by Ming Jing, and the tail feather of the sky in his right hand also pierced Danzo's heart fiercely.

"Uchiha... Ming Jing... If I had known that there would be such a day, I should have put you..."

"Danzo, the past is the past, people should look forward, ah, sorry, I forgot, you have no future, anyway, I wish you a happy life in the Pure Land."

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