Uchiha Family's Reincarnation

Chapter 233 Election Success

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"Ah, it's okay, Minato, I was just like you when I was young. In other words, how many Konoha ninjas don't dream of becoming Hokage?"

Kato Dan smiled and shook his head.

Namikaze Minato will also be an important member of the Fourth Hokage team in the future. When his victory is determined, he will not care about it.

At this time, Tsunade, Uchiha Mingjing and other high-status Konoha ninjas had already come to the stage to vote.

Then came the jounin who had already been confirmed to belong to Kato Dan's faction, such as Yuhi Mahko and Shiroun Tokinobu, and they quickly accumulated more than twenty votes.

There were only two votes for Namikaze Minato, cast by Jiraiya and Uzumaki Kushina.

Next, there were nearly fifty votes from the three ninja clans, the Uchiha clan and Inuzuka Aburame, and more than twenty votes from the three Inokacho clans led by Akimichi Torifu.

More than half of the jounin of Konoha have voted for Kato Dan.

This means that Namikaze Minato has essentially been eliminated from the Hokage campaign.

At this time, Hyuga Hizu led more than 20 jounin from the Hyuga clan to vote for Kato Dan.

Whoever wins, they choose.

By now, about one hundred and twenty Jonin had voted for Kato Dan, nearly two-thirds of the total.

Seeing this scene, Namikaze Minato couldn't hide his disappointment in his eyes, but he still turned around and congratulated Kato.

Now, those two-dimensional ninjas and ninjas from small and medium-sized families who could not distinguish the situation before also voted for Kato Dan.

And the number of votes for Namikaze Minato finally changed.

Kakashi gave him a vote.

"Kakashi, thank you."

Namikaze Minato tried his best to calm down, smiled and touched Kakashi's head.

"And Kushina and Jiraiya-sensei, thank you very much."

Jiraiya sighed.

He felt that his disciple did have what it took to become Hokage, and had the ability to become a Hokage even better than the Third Generation. But unfortunately, Tokiya's fate meant that Namikaze Minato would probably never be able to be the Hokage in the future.

Kushina forced a smile and snuggled into Namikaze Minato's arms.

Looking at Kushina in his arms and Jiraiya and Kakashi beside him, Namikaze Minato suddenly felt that it was not a big deal if he couldn't become Hokage.

[Even if I can't become Hokage, I can still be like Hokage and use my life to protect the village, my companions, and these most precious things! 】

"From today on, I am no longer the Hokage, but an ordinary Jounin of Konoha. I should also have the right to vote."

The Third Hokage took off his Hokage hat, slowly walked down the platform and said to Kato Dan.

He made the choice after the overall situation was decided. ơɱ

"Of course, you can do whatever you want, Third Generation-sama."

Kato Dan bowed slightly and said.

More than two-thirds of the votes went to him. Now, it is not an exaggeration to say that he is the fourth generation Hokage. No matter what the third generation wants to do, he cannot change this result.

"That's good."

The Third Hokage nodded and cast his vote for Kato Dan. Then he turned to look at the ten or so jonins of the Sarutobi clan who had not made any move, and scolded:

"Why are you still standing there?!"

All the jounin of the Sarutobi clan woke up and went up to vote for Kato Dan.

Seeing this scene, Koharu and Mito Kadeni looked at each other before sleeping, sighed respectively, and made the same choice as the Third Hokage.

Kato Dan's becoming the Fourth Hokage is about to become a reality. By doing so, the Third Hokage is actually protecting the Sarutobi clan.

After all, after the third generation stepped down, let’s not say whether the Sarutobi clan can still obtain a lot of benefits as before, but what is certain is that if the fourth generation of Hokage is offended, the Sarutobi clan will definitely have a difficult life in the future.

That's why the Third Hokage made this move to ease the relationship between the two parties.

When several Jonin of the Shimura clan saw this scene, they gritted their teeth and voted for Kato Dan.

In the end, the result of the Jonin vote was that Kato Dan passed with a super high number of 182 votes.

Next, he will go to the Daming Mansion to obtain the recognition of the Daiming.

Not to mention that this matter is just a process, but considering the biological relationship between Tsunade and the daimyo, it is impossible for Kato Dan to be rejected by the daimyo.

After returning from the daimyo, you can return to the village to hold the Hokage Ceremony to announce the birth of the Fourth Hokage to Konoha and the ninja world.

The Hokage campaign was a great success, and Ming Jing finally had some free time to focus on the world of pirates.

In the next few years, the overall situation in the ninja world will be peaceful, and there will not be many things worthy of his intervention.

Pirate world.

When Ming Jing came here using the Samsara Watch, the shadow clone's movement was only a slight pause before being replaced by the native who used the mirror teleportation body.

Sitting in the cabin with his legs crossed, Ming Jing cleared the memory from his shadow clone in just a few seconds.

The Dragon Pirates have been defeated by Sabo, Kuina and Korra.

As the mini-boss that Luffy encountered in the early stage, the Dragon Pirates are very suitable to be the benchmark for measuring the strength of the three of them.

After defeating the Dragon Pirates, Korra took the initiative to leave part of the wealth of Dragon Paradise to the villagers of Cocosia Village and Poconoa Village, and seemed to have formed a friendship with Nami and Nochigo. Not a bad relationship.

Eighty percent of the remaining treasures were hidden by her, waiting for the "accidental" discovery of the subsequent revolutionary army, and finally became the funds of the revolutionary army.

Twenty percent was left on the ship as a source of income for the group to go to sea.

In addition to these, they also received the last legacy of the Dragon Pirates.

Moo, the sea cow.

This huge, cute-looking sea cow was controlled by Ming Jing with illusion to help them pull the boat.

And now, with the help of Moo, their ship is about to land in Rogue Town.

There, Ming Jing can use the relationship he had with Yumuchic to go directly through the Calm Belt to the Grand Line with the navy's warships.

Not everyone goes to the Grand Line through the Upside-Down Mountain, which is dangerous.

In pursuit of safety, many caravans will pay a fee to the World Government to let their fleets follow the navy's warships through the Calm Belt - the bottom of the navy's warships is inlaid with seastones, which can drive away those dangerous sea kings.

As for the fact that there is no wind as a power source in the Calm Belt, it is nothing. There are many ways to replace the wind as a power source for ships to sail. Even if you pay enough, you can let the navy's warships pull your ships in front.

Therefore, the navy will have tasks such as escorting merchant ships every once in a while, which makes those merchant cars like to get together, hire the navy together, and form a fleet that crosses the Calm Belt.

This can bring huge profits to the navy and the world government.

Mingjing and others are not pirates with bounties, and with the relationship of Yumushichi, it should be possible

The ship docked at the port of Loge Town. After leaving the manatee Moo Moo to guard the ship, Mingjing and his party passed through the archway with Loge Town written on it and entered the bustling neighborhood.

"You can go shopping by yourself. If you want to buy anything, go buy it by yourself. I will go to the Navy Branch Base to register."

Mingjing greeted Kuina and others, and then turned to the Navy Branch.

But not long after he walked, he found that the passers-by looked at him strangely.

There was even a man with a knife on his back following him, but this tracking method was full of loopholes in front of a qualified ninja.

"This is..."

Mingjing frowned slightly, took the initiative to get into the crowd, turned a few corners, and sneaked into the corner of an alley.

He put his hands together and made a seal, and the transformation was successful.

When he walked out of the alley, Mingjing had turned into a blond young man in a blue long coat.

After turning into Minato Namikaze, Mingjing came to a newsstand and bought the latest issue of the newspaper.

When they were sailing on the sea for the first two days, they did not encounter the news bird, so they had no way to know the latest current affairs news.

"Shocked, the prince of the Kingdom of Brujoa was expelled because he was too handsome?"

"A severe drought is coming! Rain has stopped in the entire Kingdom of Alabasta except for the capital Albana, suspected of illegal use of dancing powder!"

Without spending too much time on world news, Mingjing quickly turned the newspaper to the East China Sea page.

"The death of Baiji Kro! The new hero of the 153rd Marine Branch, Monka!"

"The sea restaurant Barati launched new dishes, which were well received!"

"The sand town in the Konomian Islands has become a ruin, and the suspect is actually him?"

Mingjing frowned slightly and looked at the third news.

The top photo on the cover of this page is a destroyed town, and below it are photos of Mingjing, Kuina, Sabo and others.

"The red swordsman Yoriichi Tsugakuni, who has defeated many swordsmanship masters in the Grand Line, is considered by many to be an admirer of Red-haired Shanks, one of the new Four Emperors, because of his powerful swordsmanship and red hair. According to a reporter's interview with Colonel Mouse of the 16th Navy Branch in the East China Sea, a few days ago, this powerful swordsman brought his newly recruited men to a dispute with the Dragon Pirates, which separated from the Sun Pirates, and killed them."

"And shortly after that, the town of Sand near Dragon Paradise suffered a devastating blow."

"Colonel Mouse believes that the Alrita Pirates and the Dragon Pirates in the Konomi Islands at the time had conflicts with Yoriichi Tsugakuni one after another, so this swordsman known as 'Little Red Hair' is the only suspect, please be careful!"

"World Economic News Agency reports for you."

Mingjing looked dark and flipped through the newspaper.

"Hey, little brother, you've been reading for so long, are you going to buy it or not? If you keep reading, I'll charge you a fee!"

The newspaper owner in flowery shorts waved a palm leaf fan and said to Ming Jing.

Ming Jing raised his head slightly, left a Bailey bill, took the newspaper and turned to leave.

The huge mental power quickly searched in his mind, and the memories of the past emerged one by one in his mind.

The scumbag colonel who was a navy but cooperated with A Long to oppress the people?

It seems that his people killed A Long, causing this guy to suffer a lot of losses, but he didn't dare to come to him in person, so he used his identity as a navy colonel to play such a trick?

Ming Jing immediately had the idea of ​​returning home.

It's not that he was afraid, but he wanted to go to the 16th branch of the navy to invite this rat colonel to have a cup of tea.

At the previous high-level meeting of the revolutionary army, they had set a part of the next action plan.

It is up to Ming Jing, the strongest member of the Revolutionary Army besides Dragon, to try to become a Shichibukai, and then seek a territory in the new world like Doflamingo, which can serve as a springboard for the Revolutionary Army to open up the new world.

It is worth mentioning that Bartholomew Big Bear is now also a Shichibukai, and is currently the king of the Solbe Kingdom in the South China Sea.

It is also one of the secret bases of the revolutionary army in the South China Sea.

Previously, Ming Jing was worried about how he would get a spot in the Shichibukai since he was not a pirate.

After all, in addition to being powerful enough, the Shichibukai must also be a pirate, because his definition is a big pirate recognized by the world government and possessing the power of privateering.

If you ask Ming Jing to burn, kill, and loot like other pirates, he might not be able to do it, but if he attacks the navy, especially the scum in the navy, he won't have any psychological burden.

Rogge Town Naval Branch, Base Commander's Office.

"Colonel Mouse, G2 Branch Major General Yumucic does not approve your application to report Jiguoyuan and his gang as bounty prisoners. He believes that swordsman Jiguoyuan is a neutral strongman that the navy can win over, and requests to go to the East China Sea in person. Investigate this matter."

"This... Marshal of the Warring States Period, this is against the rules! Moreover, what happened in Sha Town was definitely done by Ji Guoyuan. If it hadn't been for him, could it be that it was me and the navy of the sixteen branches that couldn't have done it?"

Colonel Mouse was sweating profusely and said while holding the phone bug.

On the sofa on the other side, a young white-haired man was smoking a cigar and looking at Colonel Mouse with a playful look.

In the past few years in the East China Sea, Yumucic had occasionally received guidance from Ming Jing, so his swordsmanship improved a lot. After his strength greatly increased, he was discovered by Garp who returned to his hometown to visit relatives. After being recommended, he was promoted to the rank of major general. Now Serves as Lieutenant General Gumir's deputy on the G2 branch of the Grand Line.

After that, Smoger came to Rogge Town to replace Jumusic.

"I know what you mean. Yumucic has a personal relationship with Ji Guoyuan, and there is a possibility of covering up for him, so I rejected his application."

Colonel Mouse couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief.

"The Warring States Marshal is wise!"

"Well, but the investigation must continue. During this period, Mouse, you can stay at the Rogue Town base for a while. I have ordered Smoker to set off for Konome after you arrive at Rogue Town. Islands for investigation.”

After hearing the last words of Warring States Period, Colonel Mouse couldn't help but stood there stunned.

What is this thing called?

If the investigation reveals what he has done, will he be imprisoned in Xiongcheng University Prison? No, at least he could survive after entering Impel Down City, but Colonel Mouse was not a fruit-powered person, so he might not even be able to get to Impel Down City.

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