Uchiha Family's Reincarnation

Chapter 230 Namikaze Minato: Third-generation sir, Konoha has

Chapter 230 Namikaze Minato: Third Generation, Konoha can no longer accommodate Danzo!

Danzo obviously also knew that his psychic beast's shortcoming was that it was afraid of fire, and he also knew that the Uchiha clan were all good at playing with fire, not to mention the Uchiha Mirror.

Danzo did this just to buy time.

The two shurikens were wrapped with sharp wind escape chakra, and they were shot at the mirror quickly and selectively in the air.

Under the powerful dynamic vision of the Mangekyou Sharingan, Ming Jing accurately used the tip of the Sky's Tail Feather to jam the center of a Wind Release Shuriken, and then spun around in a circle to protect it in front of him. , blocked another shuriken from Danzo.

"Wind Release, Super, and Vacuum Waves!"

It is the same ninjutsu as the mirror flash that suppressed Ming Jing before, but this time the scale is larger and the method of use is different.

Because several super large wind blades were stacked together and flew toward the mirror like a formation.


Dots of sparks accompanied by white gas overflowed from the corners of Ming Jing's mouth.

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"Uchiha flow·breath of the sun·halo dragon dance!"

The flame dragon roared and faced the giant wind blade tit for tat.

"This kind of wind release power, I'm afraid even the shell of Susanoo in the third stage will be difficult to defend against. It's amazing! Danzo Shimura, among all the wind release ninjas I have ever seen, I call you the third Top two!"

Among the fire dragons, Uchiha Mingjing's excited shouts came.

In terms of Fengdun's attainments alone, Danzo is indeed the strongest that Mingjing has ever seen, but he is not the strongest Fengdun ninja that Mingjing knows.

Namikaze Minato is.

Although his Wind Release is half a level lower than Danzo's, with the addition of Flying Thunder God and Sage Mode, his overall strength is above Danzo's.

In the distance, Danzo Shimura's face darkened.

Is this praising him or scolding him?

Danzo didn't understand, nor did he intend to understand. He just used his hands to remove the bandage that had been wrapped around his head and covering his right eye.

A scarlet Mangekyō Sharingan suddenly appeared in Danzo's eyes.

"Uchiha Mirror, I remember that you and Mirror have a very close blood relationship. Hiruzen has always planned to train you to be the second Mirror. It just so happens that you can die under Mirror's eyes now."

Danzo said with a frozen expression, and then looked at the mirror with the Mangekyō Sharingan that originally belonged to the Uchiha mirror, as if scanning something.

Danzo's Wind Release move is very powerful. Strictly speaking, it can be regarded as a top-notch move in the hands of any shadow-level expert.

However, fire escape restrains wind escape.

Although it is said that if the level of the ninja who uses Wind Release is high enough, it may not be possible to suppress Fire Release, but this is obviously not suitable for use between Ming Jing and Danzo.

After the power of several giant wind blades was exhausted, the Halo Flame Dragon continued to rush towards Danzo unabated.

"about there."

Danzo uttered a few words silently, and the Mangekyō Sharingan in his right eye shed a line of bloody tears.

"Yun Waijing!"

The mirror image of Uchiha reflected in Danzo's Mangekyō Sharingan seemed to come alive at this moment, appearing in front of Danzo, and also used the Halo Dragon Dance towards the front.


The two halo flame dragons collided with each other at this moment, making an earth-shattering sound.

At the same time, Sarutobi Mansion.

Sarutobi Hiruzen, who was wearing Hokage robes, also heard the loud noise.

He had already started preparing to set off when the Four Purple Flame Formation rose in the Death Forest. However, he was stopped by a person.

Someone he couldn't believe would stand in his way.

Namikaze Minato!

"Minato! Do you know what the hell you are doing!"

Sarutobi Hiruzen listened to the chaotic noise outside and couldn't help but question Namikaze Minato.

"Sandaime-sama, everything I do is for Konoha!"

There was a look of guilt on Namikaze Minato's face, and then he said firmly.

"It seems that you were also involved in what happened in the Death Forest. Tell me what is going on!"

"Sandaime-sama, last night, Kakashi found me and took the initiative to kneel in front of me, begging me to help Sakumo-senpai restore his reputation."

Namikaze Minato sighed and said.

Sandai's heart suddenly skipped a beat, and he had a bad premonition.

"Sandaime-sama, I have never told you before that Obito awakened the same eyes as Ming Jing and Fugaku. It was with the help of Obito's pupil technique that Kakashi sneaked into the root and learned the truth of that year. Learned about the countless crimes Danzo had committed over the years.

And coincidentally, at this time, Ming Jing also came to me and told me that he planned to work with Danzo-senpai, Tsunade-senpai, Orochimaru-senpai and Fugaku to eradicate the cancer in the village of Danzo. I agreed and promised Help them stop the biggest obstacle they will face in eradicating Danzo, which is you. "

Namikaze Minato said to the third generation with a sincere face.

"Danzo... his crime is not that serious. I know that everything he did was for Konoha."

"Sandaime-sama! I do this for Konoha!"

Namikaze Minato replied firmly.

"After what happened at the border of the Land of Rain, I have been investigating this matter. For the sake of the stability of the village, I chose to hide it from the mirror. Later, what happened to Setsuna-senpai and you did punish Danzo, but But it was quickly revoked.

Then last year, he tried to attack Obito again and take him into his own hands. He even colluded with Kirigakure for this, and revealed that he secretly used the cells of the first Hokage to create clones to spy on the ninjas of the same village. These are all things I witnessed with my own eyes. What I saw, before that, was Sakumo-senpai..."

Half of the evidence that Namikaze Minato cited was not Danzo's fault.

But when Sarutobi Hiruzen listened, he also felt that this was something Danzo could do.

Before, he wanted to recruit Uchiha Mingjing under his command to fight against himself, the Third Hokage!

Now it's just because after the original attack on Uchiha Mingjing failed, he did the same thing to Uchiha Obito, but the method was more radical.

"Then colluding with Kirigakure is not a problem..."

Sandai finally choked out a sentence, trying to find a flaw.

"How do you explain Na Lin's matter?"

The three generations responded in silence.

"Sir, Third Generation, if Danzo continues like this, the entire village will only be messed up and even torn apart in the future."

Namikaze Minato continued to persuade.

"Minato, you know, I have always wanted you to be the Hokage..."

The third generation saw that Namikaze Minato was unmoved and had to play other cards.

He could only hope that Danzo could hold on a little longer until he arrived.

"The Third Generation Sir..."

There was some longing and excitement on Namikaze Minato's face, but he quickly returned to his previous state.

"Thank you for your trust, but compared to me, Ming Jing's strength and military exploits are more qualified to be Hokage. His thinking and vision are also broader. He is more suitable to be Hokage than me. Even he can't become Hokage, let alone I am, if the Yondaime is really me, I am afraid that the village will fall apart immediately.

Except for Jiraiya, my teacher, Orochimaru-senpai, Tsunade-senpai, and Dange-senpai will probably not be convinced. At least I can be sure that with Orochimaru-senpai's proud character, it is impossible for him to succumb to Jiraiya-sensei. Disciple, you should know this better than me. "

Sarutobi Hiruzen sighed deeply.

Why doesn't he understand these principles?

"But Minato, with your relationship with Ming Jing, if you become Hokage, you may be able to convince him, just like the old man and Danzo, one light and one dark, complement each other to govern the village, and Orochimaru and the others, no matter how Dissatisfied, they are the ninjas of Konoha after all. If the village encounters difficulties that you and Ming Jing cannot solve, they will not stand idly by. "

Sarutobi Hiruzen silently stated the best situation he had conceived.

"Third generation sir, if Duan-senpai or Tsunade-senpai become Hokage, with their abilities, they can completely balance the relationship between all the people just mentioned. Ming Jing and I will still protect the village wholeheartedly. This is not better than what you said. Is the situation better?"

The third generation was silent for a moment.

If that is the case, then the interests and power of him and the interest groups represented by the current senior executives will be occupied by this new group of senior executives in a short period of time.

"Hey, Minato, the fact that you can think like this means that you are indeed more suitable to become Hokage than me. My selfishness is still a bit too serious, but..."

Sarutobi Hichi Station took off the Hokage hat and took off the Hokage robe, revealing a set of old-fashioned armor with a somewhat Sengoku era style inside.

"But in addition to being the Third Hokage, I am also Sarutobi Hiruzen, a companion who has been following Danzo since childhood with the Second Hokage. With the bond between us, it is absolutely impossible for me to just sit back and watch Danzo die!"

"I respect your thoughts, Third Generation-sama."

Namikaze Minato watched the third generation bite his finger to channel the monkey demon, and he also clapped his hands and entered the sage mode.


"Fire Release: Fire Dragon Flame Bullet!"

"How is this going?"

Koharu and Mito Kadoen went to bed and had just made preparations for the Jonin voting tomorrow. When they came out of the Hokage Building, they saw the four-purple flame array rising in the distance, which was quickly replaced by the Uchiha flame array. .

And they also saw a group of ninjas from the police force in the distance heading towards somewhere in the village under the leadership of Yashiro Uchiha.

"If the police department doesn't manage the unusual movements in the Death Forest, why should they go in that direction? Is there something there?"

Mito Kadobu pushed up his glasses with a puzzled look on his face, then woke up suddenly, looked at each other with Koharu who was sleeping, and said in unison:


Coupled with the Uchiha fire formation that had just appeared in the forest of death and penetrated the sky, the two people instantly realized that this was the Uchiha clan's plan to attack Shimura Danzo.

"The Uchiha clan, are you planning to rebel on the eve of the Hokage's election?"

Mito Kaden tried to walk in front of Uchiha Yashiro and others and stop them.

But they were stopped by others first.

"Xiaochun, Yan, long time no see."

A fat man with a stocky build, a black hat, and a Jounin vest with the word "food" written on it stood in front of the two advisors.

Akimichi Tofaze, among the many disciples of the Second Hokage, is the one with the lowest sense of existence except for the deceased Uchiha Kagami.

He is also the only one among the existing Second-generation Hokage disciples who has not participated in Konoha's government affairs and has become a high-level person in the village.

"Qifeng, why are you here?"

Xiaochun was very puzzled when he went to bed.

"Senior Qiao Feng was invited by me."

Blue light shone, and Kato Dan slowly fell from the sky with the support of his mind, floating next to Akimichi Tifeng.

"Duan...it's actually you. What is going on? And Qiu Feng, why are you here?"

Qiudao smiled and said nothing.

The other disciples of the second generation, except for him and Uchiha Kagami, who died young, are either Hokage or Hokage advisor. How can he not feel resentful after being excluded by everyone?

And Kato Dan gave him something he couldn't refuse.

"Several of you, when Teacher Tobirama died in the battle and Hiruzen came to power, the reason why I was able to lead Konoha to win the first ninja war was because I used the Butterfly Technique to block the Third Raikage, so Hiruzen could lead the Great Ninja War. I won a complete victory. For this reason, all the fat I had accumulated for many years disappeared, my life was hanging by a thread, and my strength was greatly damaged. It was not until today, thirty years later, that I recovered."

Qiu Daofeng sighed, seeming to think of the scene when the second generation passed away and their senior brothers worked together.

But because of this, he lost the power and glory he should have had in the past thirty years. After recovering, it was when Sarutobi Hiruzen stepped down, and their generation was about to step off the stage of power.

But here, Kato Dan came to him and offered him something he couldn't refuse.

"Xiaochun, Yan, why don't you go to Qiudao's house with me and catch up on old times?"

Akimichi Tofeng said while looking at Koharu and Mito Monen who were sleeping.


Mito Kadoen and Koharu, who had transferred to the dormitory, looked at each other.

"Zhoufeng, congratulations on your recovery of strength, but now Danzo is in danger, and Hiruzen seems to be held back by something. Let's talk about old things later."

After turning to bed, Xiaochun took the initiative to step forward and persuade.

"No, from today on, it's hard to say whether Danzo can maintain his identity as a Konoha ninja, so we don't have to care about him. On the contrary, as for the remarkable past of several seniors and the Third Hokage when they were young, I, a junior, can Very curious."

Kato Dan stretched out his hand to stop Mito Kadoyan who was about to leave, and said with a smile.

"Hey... Duan, you are already very close to the Hokage's position, why do you need to do something like this again? I know Danzo has conflicts with you, but it really won't come to this point."

Mito Kadoyan sighed and said helplessly.

"No, Senior Yan, I don't like unexpected situations when doing things, so no matter how sure I am, I will do my best to eradicate these unexpected sprouts. As for Elder Danzo..."

A sneer curled up at the corner of Kato's mouth.

"Whether it's Tsunade and I, Ming Jing and Orochimaru, including Namikaze Minato and Uchiha Fugaku, or even the Nine-Tails Jinchuuriki, most of Konoha's top combat forces can no longer accommodate him."

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