Uchiha Family's Reincarnation

Chapter 199 Lightning Chakra Mode

"Lord Orochimaru, there is news from the perception class that the Fourth Ai has appeared!"

A Konoha ninja with blood on his forehead ran to the vicinity of Ten Thousand Snakes and shouted loudly to Orochimaru above his head.

"Senior Orochimaru, leave the fourth generation Ai to me."

Ming Jing stood on top of Slug's head and said to Orochimaru beside him.

According to the plan they discussed before, if the fourth generation Ai appears, Ming Jing, a ninja who is also extremely fast, will deal with it.

The Third Raikage handed it over to Orochimaru.

Even though his ability to fight head-on is not as good as that of the Third Raikage, Orochimaru's difficulty level is definitely top-notch. No matter how powerful the Third Raikage is, he will never be able to kill Orochimaru.

"Then I'll leave it to Mr. Ming Jing."

Orochimaru nodded slightly towards the mirror.

At this time, Mingjing also removed the gang-curing technique and allowed the slugs to perform on their own.

Although using the Tsunade Healing Technique can achieve the effect of one person milking the entire army, and even like Tsunade, when the Yin Seal is released, he can milk the entire Konoha ninja with his own strength, but when using this technique, you need to disperse A lot of energy from the caster.

Ming Jing's figure rushed very quickly along the place where the previous ninja reported. At the same time, he unfolded the domineering spirit of seeing and hearing, capturing all the information around him.

Soon, a blue figure quickly shuttled across the battlefield appeared in his perception.

The A in the AB combination of Kumogakure's generation, the Raikage candidate, Ai!

"Breath of the Sun·Type of Wu·Train!"

A raging flame slash quickly impacted the blue lightning on the field with a force like a train collision.


A tooth-aching metallic sound sounded in the center of the battlefield.

The fourth generation Ai retreated violently, his two bucket-like arms crossed in front of him, and he used the metal wrist guards on his forearms to block Ming Jing's blow.

"This kind of powerful swordsmanship... I'm afraid it can break through anyone's defense except for dad!"

The fourth generation Ai looked at the two deep scratches on the metal wristband, his face looked a little solemn.


Wisps of white air were exhaled from the sky along with scattered sparks, and a pair of scarlet kaleidoscope sharingan eyes reflected the tall and muscular figure of the fourth generation Ai.

"Uchiha Mirror, it's you, no wonder you have such attack power, no wonder you have the speed to keep up with me!"

The fourth generation Ai activated the Thunder Chakra mode to its peak, raised his beard and hair, and looked at the tall and tall Uchiha mirror in front of him.

A few years have passed, and Ming Jing has further grown from a height of about 1.7 meters when he was sixteen years old to a height of just over 1.8 meters.

Although he is shorter than the fourth generation Ai who is nearly two meters tall, he still has a superior aura.

"Tsk, tsk, it's so fast that it's almost beyond human reaction, and you have a body that's harder than rock. It seems like you're a pretty good whetstone."

Ming Jing raised the tail feather of the sky with one hand and walked towards the fourth generation Ai step by step. Every time he took a step forward, a clone appeared on his body, and finally surrounded the fourth generation Ai.

This guy is too fast. In order to prevent him from running into other battlefields and interfering with other battlefields, Mingjing chose to use this method to limit him to this range.

"Treat me as a whetstone? I just don't know if your sword will be broken by my whetstone!"

The fourth generation Ai snorted disdainfully, and instantly turned into a bolt of lightning, striking towards the location of Mingjing's body.

"Heavy flow storm!"

Yondaime's speed was so fast that his movements were almost invisible.

However, for Mingjing, who has the Haki of Seeing Colors and the Mangekyō Sharingan, he can clearly see the elbow that is constantly enlarging in front of his eyes.

Obviously, the fourth generation Ai knew that Ming Jing's attack might break his defense, so he deliberately used the metal arm guard to face Ming Jing when attacking.

However, to Yondaimei's expectation, Mingjing did not choose to use his sword to meet this attack. Instead, he waved his left hand and also rushed forward, hitting Yondaimei's attack with a heavy punch!

Strange power + armed color domineering!

The fist wrapped with black metallic luster collided heavily with the Fourth Raikage's elbow flashing with blue electricity at this moment!

The surging air waves spread around the two people.

Under the reaction of the force, the figures of Ming Jing and Fourth Ai retreated in unison, and then sprinted back at a faster speed!

The fourth generation Ai maintained his violent attack and competed with Ming Jing's sword moves, his heart filled with shock.

He had never thought that besides his father, there was someone who could suppress him in physical combat!

"It's stronger than me. It's probably the strange power this guy learned from Tsunade-hime, and the black substance that can stick to the surface of the fist. It should be similar to the earth escape hardening technique that acts on the body to temporarily strengthen it. Defense ability ninjutsu.”

Fourth generation Ai was frightened and couldn't help but quickly analyze Ming Jing's ability.

He looks like a rough and tumble barbarian, and his personality is indeed very impatient, but he can still be considered rough but fine. As the successor of the Raikage who was trained by the Third Raikage since he was a child, his tactical qualities can definitely match his own strength.

"In other words, his absolute physical fitness may be very strong, but he probably can't compare with me who uses the thunder escape chakra mode. That kind of ninjutsu, which is similar to the earth escape hardening technique, should only cover certain parts of the body. A part, otherwise it will cause the same defect as sclerosis, which will cause the body to become stiff!"

The fourth generation Ai began to try to attack different parts of Ming Jing's body continuously in a short period of time.

However, it had no effect.

Because he couldn't hit the mirror at all.

The mirror teleportation allows Ming Jing to switch positions in an instant to avoid the attack of the fourth generation Ai.

This gave Yondaimei the illusion that he was fighting a dozen people at the same time.

Of course, the fourth generation Ai is also very fast, especially when he knows that the attack power of Mingjing's swordsmanship can break his defense, making it difficult for Mingjing to inflict damage on him even if he possesses the Mangekyou Sharingan and the Haki of Seeing Colors. How much actual harm.

The real way to break the situation is when both sides attack and contact at the same time, which is the most likely time to cause damage.

However, while the two sides were in a stalemate, Fourth Ai felt a little uneasy.

Because he knew that Kumogakure's strongest person, the Third Raikage, was not in Kumogakure's position.

Orochimaru, who has lost the suppression of the Third Raikage, will be unstoppable on the battlefield.

"Still haven't found the Third Raikage?"

Orochimaru looked at the giant purple snake raging on the battlefield ahead, and asked a sentient ninja behind him.

"No, Orochimaru-sama!"

Orochimaru frowned slightly, and his first reaction was whether the Third Raikage was cheating.

The Third Raikage himself has a somewhat irritable personality, but his assistant, Raikage Courtmaster Dodai, is a wise man that even Orochimaru admires.

This is a character similar to Nara Shikaku.

This man is indispensable for the development of Kumoyin Village over the years. Together with the third generation Raikage, he gradually brought Kumoyin to its peak.

In previous battlefields, this man had also set many traps for Orochimaru.

"Wan She, continue. All the Kumogakure ninjas killed by you here can become your food."

"Not enough, not enough! Orochimaru, I want two hundred sacrifices after this is done!"

Wan Snake wreaked havoc on his body, turned his head, looked at Orochimaru with a pair of huge snake eyes and said.

Orochimaru counted the number of failed experiments in the base he secretly set up on the front line, and said to Wan She:

"Only a hundred."

"make a deal!"

All the snakes rushed towards the Yunyin on the battlefield like they were having fun.

No matter what Todai had planned, those Kumogakure ninjas who were killed were real.

As long as he kills enough Kumogakure, Orochimaru is not afraid that the Third Raikage won't come out!


The Third Raikage is not on this battlefield!

Kumogakure's Chinese army position.

As the main commander of the Kumogakure ninja, Dodai is now having a headache.

Yondaime Ai was stopped by Konoha's teleportation mirror, and the opponent had the speed to keep up with Yondaime Ai, making Yondaime Ai entangled by it and unable to escape.

On the battlefield, Orochimaru and Wanshe turned into arrows without being blocked by opponents of the same level, leading the Konoha ninjas to charge, causing Kumogakure to suffer extremely heavy losses.

"Sadei, I'll leave it to you to take command here. Troy, you and I will stop Orochimaru!"

Tutai looked at the huge purple snake that had appeared in his field of vision, and finally made up his mind.

When the fourth generation Ai was blocked by Uchiha Mingjing, someone had to take action to stop Orochimaru!

Dodai himself has been the deputy of the Third Raikage for many years, and is also the reviewer of the Zeuniu Thunder Plow Hot Knife. He possesses the blood inheritance limit of Melting Release, and his strength can be compared to Kakashi during the Chuunin Examination in the original time and space.

And Troy, who was summoned by him, was also an elite jounin who controlled the limits of magnetic escape and blood stains.

In the original time and space, this person was reincarnated by Yakushi Kabuto on the battlefield of the Fourth Ninja War. Finally, he was blown up by Naruto's shadow clone and sealed by Kumogakure's sealing class ninja.

After gathering the strength of the two of them, Dodai believed that he could barely fight against Orochimaru.

"Psychic·Ten Thousand Snakes Formation!"

Densely dense venomous snakes were summoned by Orochimaru and crawled over a large battlefield. Driven by Orochimaru, they mercilessly devoured the lives of every Kumogakure ninja they saw.


A large ball of rubber mucus rushed from a distance, wrapped around these poisonous snakes, and quickly condensed into a solid body to bind them.

"Raikage Court Minister, Tutai? I didn't expect that even you would take action. It seems that the Third Raikage is not on this battlefield."

Orochimaru stuck out his long tongue and licked his lips excitedly.

A blood-successor ninja of Melting Escape, and his strength is quite good. What a perfect experimental material!

Suddenly, as if he noticed something, Orochimaru stretched his hand behind him, and countless Orochimaru flew out of his sleeves and rushed back.

"Latent Shadow Snake Hands!"

"Magnetic Release: Exciting Shuriken!"

The incredibly fast shurikens traced traces in the air with precision, cutting all the Orochimaru summoned by Orochimaru into several pieces, and then returned to Troy nimbly, spinning around him.

"Magnetic Escape Troy..."

Orochimaru became even more excited.

Another experimental material!

This person's Magnetic Escape is different from the Sand Gold and Sand Iron Magnetic Escape in Sand Hidden Village, but it is also unique.

"I almost succeeded in a sneak attack by you, but you two also want to stop me?"

Orochimaru's lips curved into a disdainful smile.

In order to prevent these two high-quality experimental materials from running away, he decided to take action with all his strength!

"Go on, Ai, let me see where your limits are!"

Ming Jing's eyes were flashing red with excitement, and the tail feathers in his hands were waving so fast that he could almost only see the afterimage.

"Righteous thunder axe!"

With a bang, the fourth generation Ai Shi's powerful and heavy kick was neatly dodged by Ming Jing's mirror.

"Lei Dou Ninja encounters the Toto Reiki Sword!"

Three more clones were destroyed in succession, and the hand knife of the Fourth Ai, which carried terrifying piercing power, approached Ming Jing again.


A layer of light golden-orange large spine protects the main body of Ming Jing.

Although Susanoo in the initial stage was beaten into pieces by Yondaimei's attack in the next moment, Ming Jing also took advantage of this opportunity and swung his sword forward with all his strength.

"Breath of the Sun·Thirteen Types!"

This is the Thirteenth Form that combines the essence of the previous Twelve Forms and is unique to Uchiha Mingjing's Breath of the Sun!

The dizzying metallic sound sounded again.

The powerful explosive power carried by the tail feathers of the sky caused the huge body of the Fourth Ai to be hit hard.

"This guy... is really difficult to deal with!"

The fourth generation Ai looked at the pair of metal wrist guards on his wrists that were almost scrapped, as well as a deep sword wound on his chest. A trace of fear flashed through his eyes as he looked at Ming Jing.

After he mastered the Thunder Chakra Mode, this was the first time he was suppressed.

But with his character, he would not take a step back even when facing Uchiha Madara!

Amidst the sizzling sound of electricity, Fourth Generation Ai forcibly controlled the lightning to stimulate the muscle cells in his chest to expand, causing the wound to close and stop bleeding.

"Piercing, bursting, shaking... No wonder no one can crack the thunder escape chakra mode of Yunyin Village. It turns out that this ninja technique actually incorporates so many changes in the nature of thunder escape."

Ming Jing is trying to steal the thunder escape chakra mode of the fourth generation Ai through the combination of Mangekyō Sharingan + Transparent World.

This is almost the Ninja Taijutsu that has the greatest effect on improving Taijutsu in the Naruto world, except for the Eight Gates of Armor.

Moreover, there are no side effects of Eight Door Dunjia.

But seeing that now, Ming Jing has almost understood the principle, and knows that it may be difficult for him to completely copy it.

Because this ninjutsu is very interesting, it combines several changes in chakra properties to stimulate cells under normal conditions. While exercising the function of the cells, it also enhances the explosive power and piercing ability of the attack. It can be called a master of lightning escape.

And Ming Jing has only mastered the more mainstream lightning escape property change of piercing until now. Other aspects may be special property changes that are unique to Yunyin Village.

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