Uchiha Family's Reincarnation

Chapter 198: Mist Hidden Army Dispatches

The roar was accompanied by crackling thunder and lightning.

In the arena of the Chunin Examination, Metkai and Kakashi fell into a fierce fight.

"You are worthy of being my opponent, Kakashi!"

Metkai gave Kakashi a thumbs up.

"But the next move is a stunt I have specially prepared for you for a long time. Burn it, youth! The fifth door of the eight-door armor formation, Dumen, open!"

An extremely ferocious wave of chakra burst out from Metkai's body.

Kakashi lowered his face silently, his expression became extremely serious, and he quickly formed seals with his hands.

Ugly - Mao - Shen.

"Thunder Release Chidori!"

A sound like a thousand birds chirping in unison, accompanied by dancing lightning, appeared in Kakashi's palm.

This outstanding change in the nature and form of Thunder Release Chakra surprised many ninjas below.

This son of the White Fang has almost reached the standard of a Jonin in all aspects. Even if they go up on their own, they may not be able to defeat Kakashi.

The appearance of this kind of strength in the Chunin Exam was definitely beyond everyone's expectations.

A blur of lightning flashed, and Kakashi's figure disappeared instantly.

But Metkai's actions were beyond everyone's expectations.


A Konoha Jonin was dumbfounded on the spot.

Metkai used Tsukibu's floating ability to avoid Kakashi's Chidori, and even attacked Kakashi with his nunchucks from a condescending position.

Even the third generation looked very surprised.

In the ninja world, flying ninjas are extremely rare.

For example, Rasa, the fourth Kazekage who is by his side now, and Onoki, the third Tsuchikage of Iwagakure Village.

Just when the battle between Kakashi and Metkai entered a fever pitch.

Mito Menyan and Ebizo arrived hand in hand.

"It seems that we are reporting the same thing."

Mitomon Yan looked at Ebizo and said.


The only response to Mito Kadoyan was a sigh from Ebizo.

"Elder Ebizo, what happened."

Luo Sha couldn't help but turned her head when she heard the noise.

"Just now, Kirigakure declared war on Konoha and Sunagakure at the same time!"

Ebizo's tone seemed very serious.

Mito Monoyan revealed more information.

"According to the news sent by Danzo's spy at the root of Kirigakure, the main reason for this war was the death of the third Mizukage. The fourth Mizukage was succeeded by Gotachibana Yagura of the Gotachibana clan. This person just took office, and he is probably Want to use foreign war to establish their prestige.

At present, Goju Yagura has not appeared yet, but the Seven Kirigakure who appeared in the Second Ninja War have already appeared on the small island country at the junction of Konoha and Kirigakure. "

The Third Hokage rubbed his head with a headache and reluctantly ordered the Chunin Exam to be suspended.

Even though this was the most important final of the Chuunin Exams.

Because the threat of war is the first trouble they have to face now.

The Chunin Exams were interrupted.

Rasa and Ebizo had to return to Sunagakure with their personnel immediately.

Sunagakure is currently in a weak state, and Garura is pregnant. Chiyo alone may not be able to stop Kirigakure.

On Konoha's side, after the third generation and a few advisors held an impromptu small meeting, a Jonin Conference was held immediately.

According to Konoha's rules, the Jonin Conference, including notifying each Jonin, maintaining order, assigning seats, etc., is all arranged by the Jonin class leader before the Hokage arrives.

However, Konoha's current Jonin squad leader, Kato Dan, and the former Jonin squad leader, Orochimaru, were both on the front line at this time, so this job was temporarily handed over to the senior Mokumu Kato.

Due to the war with Iwagakure in the northwest and Kumogakure in the northeast, the number of jounin still in the village is only about 40% of the total number of jounin.

Also because of the absence of Kato Dan and the Konoha Sannin, Ming Jing and Minato also managed to sit at the forefront.

"I believe that when you came here, you should have received news from the attack swords or ANBU members. The newly appointed fourth generation Mizukage Gotachibana Yagura led Kirigakure to send troops. Now they have overturned our defenses at the old site of Whirlpool Country. The defense line is close to the mainland of the Fire Country."

Sarutobi Hiruzen was still wearing the Hokage robe he wore during the Chunin Examination, and his old but still sharp eyes quickly scanned below.

"Luping, what do you think?"

Although the Third Hokage had already held a small meeting with several of his old classmates and made a preliminary decision, at this time, he still had to listen to the opinions of the jounin below.

Especially the old head of the Nara family.

This person's wisdom is still highly recognized by the third generation.

"Sandaime-sama, according to my suggestion, reserve troops should be dispatched as soon as possible, relying on the cities and fortresses on the border, to form the first line of defense to block Kirigakure before they land."

Nara Shikahei walked up to the Third Hokage, bowed slightly to show respect to the Third Hokage and several advisors, and then quickly circled a few points on the map hanging on the wall and connected them into a line.

"After the first line of defense is stabilized, there are two things that need to be done. One is to prepare the second line of defense to avoid unfavorable situations in the war. If the war situation goes smoothly, Kirigakure's army needs to be mobilized. Divide, because the sea area is huge, only in this way can we gradually eat away at Kirigakure's power and fight it back. "

After hearing this, Sandai nodded, but sighed heavily.

"The strategic design is very reasonable, but the current strength of the village can only establish the first line of defense at most. We do not have enough troops before the battles between Iwagakure and Kumogakure can achieve results."

The third generation looked a little sad.

He had to arrange for the Ninja School students to graduate early again.

"Sandaime-sama, if this is the case, I have a suggestion!"

A young jounin with a pineapple head similar to Nara Shikahira stood up from the crowd.

He is the son of Nara Shikaku, Nara Shikupei, and the young clan leader of the Nara clan. In the past few years, he became a jounin in almost the same batch as Inuzuka and others.

"Say it, Shikaku."

Sarutobi Hiruzen looked at Nara Shikaku with some expectation in his eyes.

"If the troops are insufficient, then we only need to mobilize a certain number of elites to protect several important nodes in the eastern part of the Fire Country and ensure that Kirigakure cannot land on the Fire Country's mainland on a large scale and pose a threat to Konoha. Kirigakure is in While declaring war on Sunagakure, it is absolutely impossible to concentrate all our efforts on breaking through our blockade.”

"Next, what we have to do is to mobilize the main forces and give priority to the other two battlefields. As long as one of them can be solved, we can liberate thousands of absolute elites who have experienced the baptism of many years of ninja wars, ushering in The turning point of the war!"

Sarutobi Hiruzen nodded uncontrollably.

"That's it!"

The war started, and the entire Konoha began to rotate rapidly.

Namikaze Minato will take the Minato squad to the battlefield of Iwagakure to join Kato Dan, Tsunade and Jiraiya.

The older generation of Pig, Deer and Butterfly were also arranged there.

When these three elite jonin join forces, even Kage-level masters cannot underestimate them.

Sarutobi Hiruzen planned to gather these four strong men there and give priority to solving the Iwagakure front.

Ming Jing was entrusted with the position of deputy commander, and took the three members of Ming Jing's squad, as well as Inuzuka Rui, Aburame Nami and others to the Kumogakure front to support Orochimaru.

In fact, the Third Generation initially wanted to assign Ming Jing to Iwagakure's side. However, considering that it was difficult for Orochimaru to resist the Third Raikage, Ming Jing was transferred to the Kumogakure front.

"Are we going to the battlefield again... ugh."

In the Uchiha clan, Uchiha Yu leaned on a cane and sighed as he looked at Ming Jing packing up his ninja tools.

"Grandpa Yu, given my strength, aren't you still worried? Even if we meet the Third Raikage, it's hard to say who will win and who will lose!"

Uchihaha shook his head.

"I'm not only worried about you, but also about Shisui. Although he has just graduated, it seems that he may be like you ten years ago. Less than half a year after graduation, he will embark on the most cruel battlefield in the world."

Ming Jing couldn't help but pause as he packed up his ninja tools, and then took off the Demon-Zukiri from his waist as a backup weapon.

"Grandpa Yu, this Zukiki Kiri is an imitation made by a swordsmith I know after seeing the tail feather of the sky. Although it is not as good as the original version, its sturdiness is also top-notch in the ninja world. I will hand it over to you. Give it to Shisui."

Uchiha Yu shook his head.

"It's up to you to hand it over to Zhisui yourself. In addition, you can also take this opportunity to teach his grandfather's mirror teleportation to Zhisui."

Ming Jing calculated the time slightly and found that he would not be late, so he nodded in agreement.

That night, the same thing happened not only in Ming Jing's home.

Nara Shikaku, Yamanaka Kaiichi, and Akimichi Choza also took over the position of family patriarch from their fathers and put new pendants on their ears.

The next day, early in the morning, the army set out.

The country of soup.

This is considered a country where war has been forgotten, and Yunin Village is also known as the most peaceful ninja village.

But now, due to the years of war between Konoha and Kumogakure, this place has been in constant turmoil and has become one of the best habitats for cults and Langnin.

"Mr. Mingjing, long time no see."

Orochimaru sat in the camp, welcoming Ming Jing's arrival.

It can be clearly seen that there is a layer of bandage wrapped around his shoulder.

Seemingly noticing Ming Jing's gaze, Orochimaru took the initiative to explain:

"The Third Raikage's Intense Hand is said to be the strongest spear that can pierce any object. It is extremely powerful. If I hadn't used the Orochi-ryu Substitution Technique in time, I would not only have been injured, but also He will die on the spot."

There was a hint of fear on Orochimaru's face.

Ming Jing curled his lips secretly.

Who can kill you old man?

I'm afraid that even if the first Hokage is resurrected, he won't be able to do it.

In terms of hard power, although Orochimaru is outstanding, there is still a certain distance compared to the peak Kage-level powerhouses such as the third generation. But in terms of life-saving ability and difficulty level, this one is definitely the only one in the ninja world. .

"It doesn't matter, Orochimaru-senpai, you can leave your injuries to me."

Ming Jing glanced at the position of the bandage and made a judgment within a few seconds.

"Oh? Did you see the problem with my injuries?"

Orochimaru stretched out his long tongue and licked his lips, saying with interest.

Uchiha Mingjing didn't open his Sharingan just now, but he could see the problem with him at a glance.

Orochimaru could naturally tell that the opponent must have used some extremely powerful sensory ninjutsu.

Ming Jing nodded slightly to Orochimaru.

"Senior Orochimaru must be curious why his medical ninjutsu is so weak on this wound, right?"

"I'd like to hear more about it."

"If I'm not mistaken, when the Third Raikage used the Ippon Kanjutsu, he also attached the Black Thunder Secret Technique to his hand, which would leave a certain amount of chakra current near the wound, disrupting the chakra of the medical ninjutsu that stimulates cell regeneration."

Orochimaru laughed.

"What Mingjing said, I had already noticed on the day I was injured, but this chakra current is extremely subtle and will be mixed with the body's own bioelectricity, making it extremely difficult to remove. I wonder what Mingjing has in mind?"

"Does Senior Orochimaru know about medical parasites?"

Mingjing asked Orochimaru in return.

A hint of interest suddenly appeared on Orochimaru's face.

"Is it a special parasite cultivated by another disciple of Tsunade? Yes, since it is a parasite, it must have the ability to devour alien chakra, and this medical worm itself has excellent healing ability. It is indeed a very good method."

"Without further delay, I will take Senior Orochimaru to find Nami."

Everyone has his own specialty.

The special ability of the medical parasite is the same as the transparent world. It can play a specific role in some aspects, which Tsunade cannot do.

It took less than an hour for Orochimaru's injuries to be cured. When he left, Orochimaru also asked Aburame Nami for some samples of medical parasites for research.

The next day.

After the new reinforcements had a night of rest, Orochimaru decided to go all out the next day to launch a counterattack and push back the position of Kumogakure.

The Kumogakure side obviously had a very good command. Facing the sudden attack of Konoha, they advanced and retreated in moderation, and the battle between the two sides was deadlocked for a while.

"The second melee squadron, go to the eighth position in the east for support."

"The third long-range unit, go around to the left wing of the battlefield, cooperate with the first melee squadron to attack the enemy position, which should be the location of the Kumogakure reserve team. As long as they are forced to fight, one of their backups can be eliminated directly."


Orochimaru stood on the head of the huge snake, his pair of golden vertical pupils quickly scanning the battlefield, and commanded in an orderly manner.

A mollusk that was no less in size than the snake was lying next to the snake.

Mingjing stood on the head of the slug, while using the slug's split body to treat some injured Konoha ninjas, and at the same time distracted himself to learn Orochimaru's command skills.

I will try to update it tomorrow and the day after tomorrow.

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