Uchiha Family's Reincarnation

Chapter 200 The Death of the Third Raikage

"Look again."

Ming Jing silently strengthened his suppression of the fourth generation Ai, trying to make the chakra flow in his body clearer.

However, at this moment, several figures were chased by Wan She and came to the vicinity of the battlefield.

It was Todai, Troy and two Kumogakure jounin who came to support when they saw the situation was bad.

Tutai was blinded in one eye, and Troy lost an arm.

On Wan She's head, Orochimaru looked at Dodai and the others who were escaping in a hurry below. He took out a sealing scroll and sealed one of Troy's arms. Then he stuffed it into the mouth of a python and released it. Channel the spirit and send it back to Longdi Cave.

"No! Orochimaru deliberately drove us to Master Ai's battlefield, hoping to force Master Ai to distract us and support us!"

Tudai used his only remaining eye to see Ming Jing and Fourth Ai fighting in front of him, and couldn't help but be surprised.

"Tutai! Are you okay? I'm here to rescue you right now!"

Yondaime Ai caught a glimpse of Tutai and the others nearby, gritted his teeth and overloaded the Thunder Escape Chakra mode.

"Oh? Not bad, can it actually become stronger?"

Ming Jing also saw the figures of Tudai, Orochimaru and others, and couldn't help but chuckled.

Now that this is the case, there is no need to fight to the death. All you need to do is maintain the current rhythm and hold off the fourth generation Ai.

Anyway, it's not him who is anxious.

"We can't continue like this!"

A stream of thunder and lightning was generated in Dodai's palm, and he pressed it on the eye that was blinded by Orochimaru, gouging out the nearby flesh and blood. Under the high temperature of the lightning, the bleeding was quickly stopped.

With the ability of medical ninjutsu in the ninja world, it was originally possible for him to replace another eye afterwards, but unfortunately, if no measures were taken now, Orochimaru's snake venom would seep into his body.

Tutai could only do this, and he did not lack the cruelty and courage to do so.

But among Kumogakure's ninjas, there were some more ruthless than him.

"Damn it, even Lord Ai was stopped by Konoha's instant mirror!"

Troy stopped the bleeding on his shoulder in the same way, gritted his teeth, and took out a seal scroll from his back.

"Lord Tudai, after a while, I will do my best to stop Orochimaru from cutting off your queen. Then I will ask you to support Lord Ai and lead him to break out! As long as Lord Raikage arrives, we will definitely turn defeat into victory!"

Troy's tone was full of trust in the strength of the Third Raikage.

They believe that the Third Raikage, who possesses the "Strongest Spear" and "Strongest Shield", is invincible.

"We will stay with Troy. Master Tutai, you are an indispensable arm in helping the third generation lead the development of the village. Master Ai is also the influence of the future of the village, so there is no room for loss!"

The other two Kumogakure jounin looked at each other and said to Dodai.

Under the iron fist of the Third Raikage and the assistance of Dodai, the cohesion of Kumogakure Village is the highest among the five great ninja villages.

"Then, I'll leave it to you two!"

Tutai took a deep look at the three Trojans with his one eye, and continued to rush towards the place where Ming Jing and the fourth generation Ai were fighting.

The remaining three people stayed in place, turned around decisively, and faced Orochimaru.

"Thunder Escape·Thunder Phantom Lightning Pillar!"

A Kumogakure jounin released endless lightning, blinding everyone around him indiscriminately.

Except for Troy and another Kumogakure jounin who were prepared in advance.

They closed their eyes early and launched an attack in the direction where Wan She was before.

"Thunder Release Web Spider!"

A huge mesh current barrier appeared on the ground centered on the location of another Kumogakure jounin, effectively blocking Wanshe's progress.

And everything they did successfully bought time for Troy.

Densely packed and overwhelming Fuma shurikens were suspended in mid-air, with lightning connections between each shuriken.

Under the influence of the magnetic escape, these wind demon shurikens rotated rapidly in mid-air, making a buzzing sound.

"Magnetic Escape·Super·Shocking Bird Blade!"

Tens of thousands of Fuuma shurikens, after receiving the blessing of magnetic release, carried powerful cutting power and shot endlessly towards Orochimaru.

The original intention of the three Kumogakure ninjas was actually to blind Orochimaru through a lightning beam, restrain him with a web spider, and finally have the strongest Troy launch the final blow.

However, Orochimaru ordered all snakes to curl up at the beginning and blocked the lightning beam with his body as huge as a mountain.

As a snake, Wanshe can use its sense of smell and infrared temperature to sense external conditions.

Orochimaru can also know everything happening outside through Wanshe.

"Haha, why don't you take the initiative to stay and divorce your wife? You are so brave."

Orochimaru stretched out his long tongue and washed his face, quickly formed seals with his hands, and slapped them on the ground.

"Psychic art·Threefold Rashomon!"

Three huge Rashomon gates like hell appeared in front of Wan She.

Since the first Hokage, only Orochimaru in the ninja world has made a successful contract with Rashomon. It has super strong defense and can perfectly defend against Troy's trick.

"Next, it's my turn."

Orochimaru stood on top of the snakes again, looking at the three Kumogakure ninjas in front of them who were supporting each other and looking forward to death.


A black fist with a metallic luster hit the Fourth Ai's chest hard, knocking him away.


His chest was hit hard, and Yondaime couldn't help but spit out a mouthful of blood on the ground, like a defeated lion king.

Now, the metal arm guard on his arm has been completely scrapped, and there are deep sword marks on his body. His aura has obviously declined a lot compared to the beginning.

However, just when Sidai Ai thought he was about to be defeated, Ming Jing's final blow did not come.

"Rongdun Mo Liuhe!"

Rubber mucus like a big river spurted out from Tutai's mouth in the distance, blocking Ming Jing's pursuit of victory.

"This is……"

Ming Jing frowned and looked at the location of the previous clone.

After the clone was scalded by the high temperature carried by the rubber slime, it dissipated directly.

The melting of the earth platform is very special. These rubber slimes have extremely high temperatures and cool down extremely quickly.

After cooling, it will form an extremely tough rubber, which can not only be used to trap enemies, but also has a very impressive effect when used as a means of self-defense.

Just like now.

When the fourth generation Ai saw the earth platform for the first time, he picked up the earth platform with his big hands like cattail leaf fans, turned into a bolt of lightning and rushed towards the distance.

Seeing this, Ming Jing naturally switched to the clone closest to their position.

However, Tutai used his full strength to create a thick rubber circular shield between them and Ming Jing, blocking Ming Jing's sword moves.

And when the speed reaches the level of Yondaime Ai and Namikaze Minato, even if the opponent is a master like Ming Jing who can keep up with their speed, it only takes such a short time to escape.

"It's a pity. If no one else intervenes, even if Ai can't be killed, he can still leave something behind before leaving."

Ming Jing shook his head and sighed.

At this moment, Orochimaru finally packed Troy's body and walked towards the mirror with elegant steps.

"Haha, as expected of Shunshen Mingjing, his speed is not inferior to that of Fourth Generation Ai, and he can completely suppress it. This kind of strength is probably no worse than that of Third Generation Teacher and the others."

There was an inexplicable smile on Orochimaru's face, and there was a hint of fear in his eyes as he looked at Ming Jing.

"Senior Orochimaru, you deserve the award. I'm still very young and I still have many shortcomings compared to the Third Generation."

Even though Ming Jing now believes that his strength may indeed have surpassed that of the Third Hokage, he still has to be humble.

Orochimaru smiled and said nothing more, but continued to chase the Kumogakure ninja with Wan She.

Before the arrival of Ming Jing, the Konoha ninjas he brought here could only resist Kumogakure's attack with difficulty. Now he finally defeated Kumogakure and had a chance to be proud. With Orochimaru's character, he would not do it so easily. Let these Kumogakure go.

What's more, these Kumogakure ninjas captured alive on the battlefield are also excellent experimental materials.

Ming Jing glanced at the direction Orochimaru was leaving, and instead of pursuing him, he went back to cooperate with Slug in treating the wounded in the battle.

When he first arrived, he suppressed the fourth generation of Ai in this war, which can basically be regarded as his first achievement. There is no need to compete for those credits.

Treating the wounded through medical ninjutsu would allow him to win more reputation among these Konoha ninjas.

They continued to work until dark, and then the battle came to an end.

"At this time tomorrow, remove the bandage and replace it with new medicine. It will take two days to regain combat effectiveness."

Ming Jing skillfully bandaged the wound of a Konoha ninja and explained to him.

"Thank you so much, Master Ming Jing!"

The Konoha ninja thanked the mirror with a grateful expression.


Ming Jing smiled and nodded to the Konoha ninja, calling for the next wounded person.

However, it was Orochimaru who walked into the medical team's tent.

"Haha, Mr. Mingjing, there are no seriously injured people outside now, so there is no need for you to continue taking action."

Orochimaru looked calm and sat down opposite Ming Jing very naturally.

"Senior Orochimaru, is there something important?"

Ming Jing asked Orochimaru.

"Mr. Mingjing's guess is good. There is indeed something very important. Moreover, it is a good thing."

Orochimaru licked his lips, with an uncontrollable joy on his face.

"Just now, I received information about the Third Raikage. The reason why this one did not appear on the battlefield is because he had secretly evacuated the battlefield with part of Kumogakure's elite a week ago and sneaked into the battlefield. After arriving in the Kingdom of Earth, he plundered a large amount of resources from the Kingdom of Earth, but in the end he was surrounded by the Third Tsuchikage with tens of thousands of Iwagakure ninjas. Finally, in order to protect his subordinates, he took the initiative to cut off the rear and fought with the 10,000 Iwagakure ninjas led by Onoki. He fought for three days and three nights, and finally died of exhaustion."

The Third Raikage is dead?

And the way of death is the same as in the original time and space.

However, this person's character is there. If the battle with Konoha cannot open up a situation and cannot gain much profit, with the usual bandit mentality of Kumogakure Village, it is indeed very likely that he will rob someone who was originally an ally. The land of earth.

"I have never fought against the Third Raikage, but I also know that this is a strong man on the same level as Lord Hokage. The number of ordinary ninjas does not mean much to them. With their strength, they may not be able to fight a bloody way to escape. , It seems that Onoki, a strong man of the same level, restrained him, which led to such consequences. "

After hearing this news, Ming Jing couldn't help but sigh.

"That's right. Even a person like the Third Raikage who has reached the pinnacle of the entire ninja world will eventually have his life come to an end."

Compared to Mirror, Orochimaru seemed to have more emotions.

He and the Third Raikage had fought many times during the Third Ninja War.

Although the opponent couldn't do anything to him, Orochimaru was actually the one who was suppressed by the Third Raikage in every frontal battle.

His feelings are the deepest.

"No matter how powerful a person is, on the day he dies, it will all be in vain and meaningless. What do you think, Mr. Mingjing?"

"I didn't realize that Orochimaru-senpai, who everyone thinks is the calmest and most rational person, would actually say such sentimental words."

Ming Jing washed his hands a little, took out the tea set and tea leaves from the seal scroll, and brewed a pot of tea in front of Orochimaru.

This tea is the best tea that comes from Fugaku's family.

"This is not sentimental, Mr. Mirror. I think this is a philosophical question, a proposition about the meaning of life."

Orochimaru calmly picked up the freshly brewed tea and took a sip gracefully.

“Good tea.”

"Does Senior Orochimaru believe that only by possessing eternal life can the meaning of life be equally eternal?"

Ming Jing looked at Orochimaru and said.

"Isn't it, Ming Jing-kun, you seem to be only about twenty years old now. You are still very young and still have very strong strength. But as a ninja, one day, you will be used to life and die and say goodbye until it's your turn. yourself."

Orochimaru added two more examples.

"Just like the Third Raikage who died yesterday, or the more powerful First Hokage, leaving only a rock carving as the last trace of himself in this world."

At this point, Orochimaru had the intention to leave again, and took a gulp of the tea in the cup.

Although he and Ming Jing are both direct descendants of Hokage, their friendship is actually not very deep.

The ones who really have a deep friendship with Orochimaru are Ming Jing's two teachers, Tsunade and Kato Dan.

But now both sides are also competitors for the position of Hokage.

In this case, it is obviously not suitable to communicate with each other.

When he came to Ming Jing, he just took a fancy to Ming Jing's ability and tried to ask him about his views on life to see if he could find someone with similar thoughts to his own.

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