Uchiha Family's Reincarnation

Chapter 194: Chunin Exam

Namikaze Minato came back quickly.

Since both parties have the intention to cooperate, Namikaze Minato set out as an envoy this time. In addition to discussing the details of the Chuunin Exam, the main purpose was to represent the third and fourth Kazekage and high-level discussions in Sunagakure Village. Next are the details of the strategic cooperation between the two parties.

As the protagonists of this Chunin Exam, those Genin who took part in the exam were actually the group who learned about the Chunin Exam relatively late.

"Eh? The Chunin Exam?! It's jointly held with other villages!"

Ebisu pushed up his glasses and said in surprise.

Konoha holds the Chunin Exam twice a year, but this is the first time it is held jointly with another village.


"Let me tell you, no wonder the amount of training has been so heavy recently. It turns out that it is to prepare for the Chuunin exam. Watch out for Kakashi, I will definitely perform better than you this time!"

Uchiha Obito shouted excitedly, but Kakashi replied "Idiot".

Ignoring Uchiha Obito's noise, Kakashi turned his attention to Uchiha Mingjing and Namikaze Minato.

"Minato-sensei, Mingjing-sensei, I have been a chuunin for a long time, and I have been accumulating merit recently to prepare for promotion to a special jounin. I shouldn't need to take such a low-level exam like playing house."

"Hey, Kakashi, this Chunin Exam is not what you call playing house. It is a booth jointly organized by the village and Sunagakure to showcase the power of the two villages. As a basis for this Chunin Exam, Examiner, I can tell you clearly, Kakashi, that you were personally named by the Third Generation to take part in this Chunin Exam."

Mirror said while wagging his index finger at Kakashi.

"It's like this, Kakashi, your strength has far exceeded the level of chuunin. You can show the style of the new generation of ninjas in Konoha to a great extent. There are other people who are also very good. So you all have to take part in this Chunin Exam."

Minato Namikaze took over the topic, and by the way, he and Ming Jing took out several forms from the ninja tool bag and handed them to everyone.

"Yoshi, Kakashi, let this Chunin Exam be our forty-first duel! Let's see who goes further in the Chunin Exam!"

Metkai gave Kakashi a thumbs up, showing his big shining white teeth, and said.

"If you are still the same strength as before, then you can't beat me."

Kakashi glanced at Metkai and said calmly.

"Don't worry, Kakashi, I have specially prepared new moves for you!"

Metkai patted his chest and showed a confident expression.

Time soon came to the start of the Chunin Exams.

This time the Chunin Exam was jointly organized by two Ninja Villages for the first time. Therefore, there was nothing new in the exam content. Instead, the most conventional method used in Chunin Exams in the past was chosen to conduct the assessment.

Intelligence collection, team combat, and individual strength arena battles.

More than forty genin from Sunagakure Village, as well as their leading ninjas, came to Konoha with Ebizo, the elder of Sunagakure Village.

As the Kazekage, Rasa will only appear in the finals with the Third Hokage, while other senior officials of Sunagakure, such as Chiyo and others, have fought against Konoha's masters on the battlefield, and even have a blood feud that is difficult to resolve. In order to avoid any accidents, Ebizo is the most suitable candidate.

Ninja school, big classroom.

Hundreds of genin from Konoha and Sunagakure Village taking part in the Chunin Exams gathered here early.

"It seems like there's a strong smell of gunpowder. Ebizou-senpai, people from your village seem to be very rude as guests~"

Outside the large classroom, Ming Jing trimmed her nails with the tail feathers of the sky, lowered her head and said to Ebizo next to her.

Everything that happens in the classroom can be seen clearly from where they stand.

"Really? But as the master of this place, Konoha doesn't seem to have much hospitality. However, I feel that with the prestige of the instant mirror, just standing up at this time will definitely deter those dishonest people. Little brat."

Hai Lao was hiding aside and stroking his beard with a smile, Mianli Zangzhen said.

Ming Jing rolled his eyes at Ebizo silently.

The cause of the incident was that some genin of Sunagakure Village learned that Metkai, Shiranui Genma and Ebisu were disciples of Uchiha Mirror.

On the battlefield, Ming Jing didn't even know how many Sunagakure ninjas he had killed. Many of these genin had relatives and masters who died tragically at Ming Jing's hands, and not even their whole bodies were left behind.

After all, before Ming Jing gained the title of "Instant Mirror", he was known as the "Beheading Ming Jing" in the underground black market. Basically, all the opponents he fought had their heads neatly chopped off by him.

In this way, if Ming Jing showed up on his own, people might say things like bullying the small and being petty.

"Tiemen, you are the examiner of the first exam. It is up to you to settle this matter."

Ming Jing waved his hand and said to a white-eyed ninja behind him.

This person is none other than Hyuga Tetsumon, who graduated at the same time as Ming Jing. He is also the most outstanding ninja who has developed over the years, except for the three members of Kato's class, and is now one of the many Jonin of the Hyuga branch.

"Yes, Lord Mirror!"

Hyuga Tetsumon placed his hands tightly on both sides of his thighs, bowed and nodded quickly to the mirror, and left in a flash.

"The disciples of Shunshin Mingjing and Golden Flash must be the most outstanding new generation ninjas in Konoha. I wonder if Mingjing-kun is willing to make a bet with me?"

Ebizo looked at the candidates who were shocked by the Hyuga Iron Gate, turned his head and asked Mingjing.

"What do you want to bet? Let me make it clear first, I am not the legendary big fat sheep like Teacher Tsunade. On the contrary, I am very good at some gambling methods."

With the observation Haki derived from the transparent world, Mingjing can easily gain a huge advantage in projects such as rolling dice and guessing the size.

"Of course, I bet on whether the ninjas of your Konoha Village will go further in this exam, or whether the younger generation of our Sand Village will perform better. Let's bet on which side will be eliminated less in each round of the exam. The loser..."

Ebizo silently took out a silver note of 100,000 taels from his bag.


The first round of the Chunin Exam is actually a normal theoretical knowledge exam.

This kind of exam tests the intelligence gathering ability of the ninja.

That is to see who cheats better.

However, there are a few exceptions among the people present.

One is Hatake Kakashi, one is Ebisu, and the other is Nohara Rin.

Kakashi is a real all-round top-level academic master. He didn't even think about these questions and just wrote them down.

Ebisu's theoretical knowledge is extremely solid. In the future, he can even be chosen by the third generation as Konohamaru's tutor, which shows his ability in this regard.

As for Nohara Rin, although there is a certain gap in theoretical knowledge with the above two, most of the questions are also easy to do.

In sharp contrast to them are Uchiha Obito and Might Guy.

This brother in distress was in the situation of "taking turns to sit in reverse, and today it's my turn" when he was in the ninja school.

Uchiha Obito's entire paper, except for his name, there is no place to write anything.

Might Guy is a little better than him, because he remembers the test skills mentioned by Mingjing, and he guesses C for every multiple-choice question, and always gets a few questions right.

Fortunately, they were not fighting alone.

Nohara Rin quietly used the technique of throwing ninja tools, combined with some illusions of the eye-catching type, and successfully shot the small paper ball onto Uchiha Obito's desk.

Shiranui Genma used a small mirror to project the contents of Ebisu's paper onto Might Guy's paper through a special refraction angle, and even the questions were exactly the same. Might Guy only needed to write down the things one by one according to the shadow.

Two hours later, the exam was over.

"First row, fourth, second row, seventh, fourth row, third..."

Hyuga Tetsumon stood up from the podium and pointed out more than 20 people below.

"Your cheating is too obvious, you are eliminated!"

In the first round of exams, Mingjing, the chief examiner, meant to eliminate at least a quarter of the people.

Under Hyuga Tetsumon's all-round gaze, those who collected intelligence in a too clumsy way could be seen at a glance, and Ebizo appeared outside to prevent Konoha's examiners from favoring Konoha during the invigilation process.

Fortunately, Ebizo agreed with Hyuga Tetsumon's judgment.

"Eleven people from the Sand Village were eliminated, while Konoha was eliminated by twelve people. It looks like you are going to lose, Mingjing-kun."

Ebizo said with a smile.

"The first round of the exam is not over yet. It's not good to make a conclusion so early."

Mingjing shook his head at Ebizo and clapped his hands.

Hearing the sound of clapping, the few people behind Mingjing also quickly went into the classroom, each took a test paper, opened their Sharingan, and corrected the answers.

These are the people Mingjing temporarily transferred from the police department, and each of them is an Uchiha elite with Sharingan opened.

When the Sharingan is opened, they check the test papers very quickly, and there is no need to correct them too detailed. They only need to take a look and check the correct answer, and finally mark a score, without ticking or crossing.

The sound of papers being flipped was heard continuously in the examination room. The hand speed of the Uchiha who was marking the papers was so fast that afterimages appeared.

Finally, after a few minutes, these papers were marked in an extremely efficient way. After summarizing the results, Hyuga Tiemen wrote the rankings on the blackboard.

"First place, Hatake Kakashi."

"Second place, Ebisu."


"Seventy-first place, Kamijou Izumo."

"Seventy-second place, Gangzi Tie."

In the first round of the exam, a total of seventy-two people passed the exam.

Among those who were eliminated, there were seventeen people from Konoha and eighteen people from Sunagakure.

"It's a pity that they are slightly inferior in the end."

Ebizo sighed and handed the 100,000 taels of silver to Mingjing willingly.

Mingjing opened his Mangekyō Sharingan and checked it repeatedly until he was completely sure that there was no trick on it. Then he separated a new pocket in his wallet and put it down, intending to spend it immediately after arriving outside the village, and not keep it in his hands.

Ebizo didn't care about Mingjing's cautious attitude.

It was normal for ninjas to use some tricks to plot against others, so most of the strong people in this world were extremely vigilant.

The first exam was over, and soon the second one came.

The examiner of the second exam was also an acquaintance of Mingjing.

A large group of black bugs flew from outside and entered the classroom, scaring many candidates.

These flying insects gathered on the podium and transformed into a young woman wearing sunglasses and a hood.

Aburame Nami.

Years of wars have caused most of the older generation of ninjas to die and wither, and at this time, the younger generation of Konoha began to enter the mainstream stage.

Except for the most famous Uchiha Meike and Namikaze Minato, among Meike's ninja peers, in addition to Hyuga Tetsumon and Aburame Nami, this generation's Ino Shika Butterfly, Inuzuka Yu, etc. have also played in various places in Konoha. play its own role.

"I am Nami Aburame, your examiner for the second round. Remember, I will only speak once. Now everyone assembles in teams and sets off to the Forest of Death with me immediately!"

Aburame Nami's special appearance and cold tone were full of intimidation to these genin.

She also has a certain reputation among Sunagakure.

Seventy-two genin were divided into twenty-four teams and came to the Death Forest.

The area of ​​the Death Forest is neither large nor small. Strictly speaking, the entire Death Forest is included in Konoha's largest training ground, the 44th Training Ground, with a total of forty-four entrances. Each entrance is a full ten kilometers away from the top of the tower in the center.

These twenty-four teams entered from twenty-four of the forty-four entrances.

However, they did not know that there was a tower in the center of the forest. They were only told to find a scroll recording key information in the forest of death. Finally, they found five tokens according to the prompts on the scroll. Only those who could find it were considered to have passed the first chapter. Second round.

These five tokens are actually inside the tower.

A team can only obtain one token, which means that only the five teams that arrive at the tower first can advance to the third round.

"It is indeed a very complicated rule!"

Uchiha Obito was furious when he heard this.

"The next thing to do should be to find information about the scroll, right?"

Nohara Rin followed Uchiha Obito, holding a kunai in her hand and looking around.

"No, our team does not have professional intelligence ninjas. It is too inefficient to directly search for information. It is more convenient to directly hunt down other teams and snatch information from their hands."

Kakashi Hatake held the White Fang dagger in his hand, and his sharp eyes like an eagle kept scanning the surroundings, looking for suspicious traces.

Regarding the area of ​​the Death Forest, it really makes people want to complain that Kishimoto has no concept of numbers. The 600 billion detonating talisman is like this, and the area of ​​the Death Forest is also like this.

The data about the Death Forest in this chapter are all from Chapter 115 of the original comic.

According to the map inside, if the light radius of the Death Forest is ten kilometers, then the diameter of Konoha is several times that of the Death Forest, which is estimated to be at least forty or fifty kilometers.

But in fact, the diameter of urban areas in some super first-tier cities is less than 30 kilometers in diameter...

Let’s make some light complaints.

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