Uchiha Family's Reincarnation

Chapter 195: Mighty Dai's Moon Step

Hatake Kakashi graduated as a Genin at the age of five and became a Chunin at the age of six, breaking a series of records. {What? You don't know yet|Read COM, read the chapter without error|Google it now}

Now his strength has reached the passing line of Jonin in the eyes of Mingjing and Namikaze Minato. Even if it is not a dimensionality reduction attack in this Chunin exam, it can be said to be far ahead.

This is because this Chunin exam is the first joint exam between two villages, and there are many Genin with super strength.

In just a few minutes, Kakashi successfully found a Sand Village team through the traces left by other teams when they were camping.

For him, finding people is much simpler than looking for information aimlessly.

"Hey, hey, hey? How can there be two Rins!"

Uchiha Obito wiped his eyes, glanced at Nohara Rin beside him, and then looked at the girl in the Sand Village team opposite who was wearing a white cloth bag on her head and carrying a large bundle of scrolls on her back.

Nohara Rin also looked extremely surprised.

If it weren't for the fact that my three generations of ancestors were all Konoha villagers, I'm afraid I would really think that I have some kind of kinship with the other party.

There is no other reason. The two look 80% similar. Except for the slight difference between their eyebrows and eyes, they are almost carved from the same mold.

"Obito, now is not the time to talk about this. The most important thing now is to get rid of this Sand Village team! I just saw them find the intelligence scroll in the bird's nest on the tree!"

Nohara Rin held the kunai tightly in her right hand, and her left hand had reached into the ninja tool bag, pinching a few detonating tags.

"According to the intelligence issued by the village before, this white-haired man should be the son of Konoha White Fang, which means that the other people in this team are also students of Yellow Flash. As long as we can get rid of them, we should be able to eliminate a strong competitor!"

Maki was also ready to go, staring at the three people opposite.

Although he was surprised that his teammate Juan looked very similar to Nohara Rin, his excellent ninja qualities made him ready for battle at the first time.

As one of the best ninjas among the younger generation in the Sand Village, he formed an elite team with Ye Cang's disciple Juan and the outstanding puppeteer Yura.

Yura was the Sand Village senior ninja who was pushed to the position of Kazekage by Mirai and Maki, and was finally controlled by the Red Sand Scorpion with the subconscious manipulation technique.

The fact that Mirai can sit in the position of a senior ninja in the Sand Village also shows that after he grows up, his strength will most likely reach a level that is relatively excellent even among the senior ninjas.

"Leave the son of White Fang to me! Yura, you go deal with that Uchiha, and the last woman to Juan!"

Maki glanced at the three people opposite and made a quick judgment.

"Don't worry, Lin, I will protect you!"

Uchiha Obito stood firmly beside Nohara Lin and drew out the ninja sword from his waist.

"I think you should take care of yourself first."

Yura sneered, and two scrolls quickly slipped out of his sleeves, summoning two puppets to kill Uchiha Obito.

Nohara Rin held a kunai and met Juan.

"This guy... is much stronger than I thought!"

As soon as they fought, Maki's heart sank.

Even if he faced a master of the special jonin level, he had the strength to fight, but in front of Kakashi, he was completely suppressed.

He can only hope that his teammates can open up the situation!

"Flame Breathing·Second Form·Ascending Blazing Flame!"

The ninja sword drew a perfect arc in the air, leaving a semicircle formed by flames.

Uchiha Obito's mouth was filled with white mist, and he used the not very proficient Flame Breathing to resist the attacks of Yura and Juan with the support of Nohara Rin.

There was a certain amount of pressure, but since Uchiha Obito was behind Nohara Rin, in this case, Uchiha Obito could exert 120% of his strength, but he was not suppressed too much on the scene.

"Swordsmanship that can wield flames! This Uchiha guy can use the moves of Instant Body Mirror!"

Seeing the flames rising from the ninja sword in Uchiha Obito's hand, Juan couldn't help but exclaimed.

Her teacher Ye Cang had been beaten by Uchiha Mirror on the battlefield for countless times, and had a certain understanding of the characteristics of Uchiha Mirror's moves.

"This is troublesome!"

Yura hid her figure behind Juan while controlling the puppet to attack.

Uchiha Mirror and Hatake Sakumo are probably the most feared people by these Sand Village puppet masters, because their fighting style is the most restraining to puppet masters, and the number of Sand Village puppet masters who died at their hands is also the largest.

"Don't worry, this Uchiha doesn't have a Sharingan, so he can't see your chakra line that easily, and it's still within the range of handling!"

Jian comforted Yura beside him, and actually began to think about how to retreat better.

"Let's retreat!"

Before Juan finished thinking, Maki couldn't hold on anymore and called his teammates to retreat.

The three of them were very strong, and they had a certain degree of tacit understanding with each other. With the help of Yura's puppet, Maki successfully got rid of Kakashi and ran deep into the forest with his teammates.

Anyway, the intelligence was already in hand, and since they couldn't beat them, it was understandable to choose a tactical retreat.

"Kakashi, the enemy is running away, what about the intelligence!"

Uchiha Obito looked at the three people walking away and quickly turned to look at Kakashi.

"give it to me."

Kakashi replied briefly, took a deep breath quickly, and a stream of white steam floated from the corner of his mouth. He leaned forward and held the handle of the White Fang dagger in his right hand.

"Breath of Thunder·Shape of One·Thunderbolt Flash!"

In just a moment, Kakashi's figure suddenly turned into a bolt of lightning and disappeared from the place.

Outside the examination room, inside the invigilator room.

There are large TV-like monitors placed on one wall here, monitoring every corner of the Death Forest.

These things are already considered high-tech in this era, and Konoha installed these things in order to prepare for this Chunin Exam.

When Ebizo saw Kakashi's sword, he stood up from his stool.

"Your Majesty Ebizo, what's wrong?"

Namikaze Minato, who was also in the proctoring room, watched this scene and couldn't help but ask Ebizo.

Ebizo just looked at the screen and uttered two words.

"White Fang!"

Namikaze Minato suddenly understood.

What Hatake Kakashi is holding is indeed the White Fang dagger that Hatake Sakumo left behind.

But in fact, what really shocked Ebizo was the similarity between Kakashi and Hatake Sakumo.

The same white hair, the same white dagger, and the same lightning-fast speed!

"As expected of the White Fang's son, he has a bit of Hatake Sakumo's style at this age. I'm afraid there will be another White Fang in Konoha in a few years!"

There was a hint of emotion in Ebizo's tone.

First came the White Fang of Konoha, and within two years the Sannins of Konoha and Dan Kato appeared, and then came the Golden Flash and the Instant Mirror, and now it looks like there has to be another White Fang!

Why are all the geniuses gathered together in Konoha?

On the contrary, Sunagakure Village can be said to have suffered a fateful fate.

His sister Chiyo's son and daughter-in-law were of the same generation as the Sannin White Fang. They were killed by the White Fang of Konoha. Then the Third Kazekage also disappeared. After that, Scorpion, who was supposed to compete with Uchiha Mingjing and others at this time, also defected. .

Now the best of the new generation, Markey, was completely crushed by White Fang's son.

Ebizo felt a little helpless.

"Another White Fang? I do think that with Kakashi's talent, he may not be able to surpass the original Sakumo-senpai. And don't forget, Kakashi is not the only one outstanding among the younger generation in Konoha."

Ming Jing stood beside the two of them, crossing his arms and saying.

Namikaze Minato nodded repeatedly in agreement.

Return your gaze to the forest of death.

After paying the price of Yura's two puppets being blown up, Maki almost having his head cut off and his chest being severely injured, the three people from Sunagakure Village finally managed to escape successfully.

But correspondingly, Kakashi took the opportunity to grab the scroll containing the information.

"Are you going to the center of the forest...and if you want to enter the tower, you must hand over the information scroll to the chuunin referee guarding the tower. The most important thing is that the tokens in the tower are limited!"

Kakashi couldn't help but be grateful for the decision he had made before.

If you really want to slowly look for information on your own, and then set off to the center of the forest, you don't know how much time you will waste.

After all, in terms of intelligence searches, they really have no advantage over teams that are good at reconnaissance.

At the same time, in another part of the Death Forest.

"Haha, as expected of me, those examiners really put the information scrolls in the bear's den!"

In the cave, Ebisu looked excited and held the scroll embedded on the top of the cave.

"Yoshi, now let's take a look at what is recorded in the scroll! With our speed, we will definitely be able to complete the mission before Kakashi and the others!"

Metkai said impatiently while inserting a nunchuck into his belt.

At his feet lay a lifeless three-meter giant bear.

"Okay! According to the content of the intelligence scroll, we need to go to the tower in the center of the forest as soon as possible and hand the scroll to the referee in exchange for the qualification to advance!"

Shiranui Genma held a thousand books in his mouth and called his companions to leave the cave and rush towards the tower.

An important reason why the Forest of Death was chosen as the venue for the Chunin Examination is that there are many outstanding ninja beasts here, some of which can even pose a threat to ninjas at the Chunin level.

In the past, many civilian ninjas who had no way out would look for some powerful ninja beasts to train here, and contracted with them to be psychic beasts that could help them fight.

It is naturally impossible to go fast in such an environment.

When the three genin from the Mirror class arrived here, Hatake Kakashi also arrived at the same time with the other two people from the Minato class.

"Hey! Kakashi, you're already here! You are indeed my opponent! Now let's start our 41st showdown. Let's see who enters the tower first and gets the token!"

Metkai showed his big white teeth to Kakashi and ran towards the tower in a hurry.

Seeing this, Kakashi quickly activated his breath of thunder, turned into a bolt of lightning, and ran past Metkai towards the entrance of the tower.

Shiranui Genma and Ebisu looked at each other, and in tacit agreement, they drew their swords and stepped forward in an attempt to stop Kakashi.

There are only five tokens for clearing the level.

Although he knew that he had arrived very early, since Kakashi Hatake had also arrived, there was no guarantee that no one else had been here.

What if there is only one token left in the tower now?

Even though the probability is very small, Ebisu and Shiranui Genma will not gamble.

"Wind Breathing·Three Types·Seiran Kazeki!"

"Water Breathing·Three Types·Ryu-Ryu-Mai!"

Kakashi's forward steps were forced to stop.

"Obito, let's go!"

Nohara Rin also rushed over with Uchiha Obito.

Ten minutes later, when Might Guy and Kakashi threw the intelligence scroll to the referee and touched the token almost at the same time, the dispute finally stopped.

The reason why they chose to fight quickly was because the third team came outside the tower.

The team of Sarutobi Asuma and Yuhi Kurenai.

"Kakashi, this competition is a draw! But you have to be careful in the next third round!"

Before leaving, Might Guy waved goodbye to Kakashi.

After Asuma Sarutobi, the Maki team also teamed up with a relatively strong team from the Sand Village to obtain two intelligence scrolls, becoming the fourth and fifth teams to arrive at the tower.

Until here, all five teams that advanced to the third round were born.

The next game will be held in half a month, when the Fourth Kazekage will also come to Konoha.

Therefore, all the contestants began their own special training.

"So, you want to try to open the fifth gate, but you are worried that your physical fitness cannot support it and cause damage..."

Mingjing touched his chin and scanned the body of Might Guy in front of him.

"With your current physical fitness, you can barely afford to open the Dumen. I think the key to the problem is that your physical strength is unlikely to support the use of Dumen for more than three moves."

Might Guy nodded seriously.

"Yes, I think so too, but if Kai can use Dumen, maybe he can use the Moon Step that I just perfected, and the chances of winning will be greatly increased!"

Hearing this, Mingjing's eyes lit up.

"Oh? Has the requirement for the Moon Step been reduced to five gates?"

"Yes, the original Moon Step uses the powerful physical strength, using enough force to step on the air instantly to compress it, thereby generating the air-holding force, but I also used the nature of the Eight Gates to explode chakra, and added a step to vibrate the air with the help of chakra, making it less difficult."

While Might Guy was speaking, he also unlocked the Eight Gates, opened the fifth gate, and jumped into the air to step on the Moon Step.

Quietly, Ming Jing also opened the Mangekyō Sharingan, and copied the skills used by Might Guy with the help of the transparent world, and then began to try it as well.

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