Uchiha Family's Reincarnation

Chapter 193 Shisui Graduation

And Mingjing now has his own unique understanding of breathing and swordsmanship, and has developed his own thirteen forms, integrating the essence of the previous twelve forms into one sword. {What? You don't know yet|Read COM, read the correct chapter|Google it quickly}

If you want to give an analogy, it's probably the last palm of the Eighteen Palms of the Dragon Subduing, Kanglong Youhui, which integrates the previous seventeen palms.


Another violent shock wave.

The rolling air wave knocked Kakashi and others who had finally stood firm again to the ground again.

Drops of cold sweat flowed down Minato Namikaze's forehead.

Uchiha Mingjing felt okay.

His physical fitness was stronger, and his body could withstand fighting like this for a day and a night, and his chakra was even greater.

Minato Namikaze's chakra volume has already entered the threshold of the Kage level, but it is far inferior to Mingjing.

Ming Jing is confident that the only person in Konoha who can surpass him in chakra is Kushina, the Nine-Tails Jinchuriki.

Even Tsunade, who has both Senju and Uzumaki bloodlines, has less chakra than Ming Jing.

Because chakra is a one-to-one combination of spiritual energy and physical energy.

In terms of spiritual power, the only person in Konoha Village who is stronger than Ming Jing is Kato Dan. Now that his physical strength has been replenished, his chakra is of course huge.

When Minato Namikaze's senjutsu chakra runs out, it will be difficult for him to be on par with Ming Jing on the field.

"Okay, Minato, Ming Jing! Stop it, the third training ground has been almost destroyed by you. If you keep fighting, do you want to tear down the entire Konoha!"

Sarutobi Hiruzen's voice sounded in the training ground at some point.

After hearing this, Ming Jing and Namikaze Minato realized that the surroundings had become a mess. Behind the Third Generation stood a large group of Konoha ninjas attracted by the noise here. They stopped their actions tacitly.

In the past, even if there was a big noise in the training ground, other people would not come.

But this time the noise was too big. Not only was the entire training ground demolished, but it also caused a certain impact on the surrounding areas of the training ground.

"Uh... Third Generation, and everyone else, I'm really sorry!"

Namikaze Minato scratched his head a little embarrassedly.

Ming Jing also showed an embarrassed look on his face, and he kept apologizing with Namikaze Minato.

Sarutobi Hiruzen looked at the two of them unhappily, and then glanced around.

The ground of the entire training ground had been plowed, and there were deep pits caused by the explosion of the Rasengan and sword marks made by the sword energy everywhere on the ground.

Especially the deep gully caused by the Halo Dragon Dance, which was more than ten meters wide and divided the entire training ground into two, and the small crater-like pit that was blown out by Minato Namikaze when he used the super-large Rasengan to fight Mingjing.

Sarutobi Hiruzen had seen that scene when he came.

And the third generation was very sure that even he would find it difficult to separate the two sides in the battle, so he could only let Mingjing and Minato disperse the ninjutsu on their own.

"Okay, I will punish you two to do an S-level task each, and use the rewards of the task as funds to repair the training ground. Do you have any objections?"

Sarutobi Hiruzen did not directly ask Mingjing and Minato for their answers, but looked at the Konoha ninjas behind him and the villagers who came to watch.

"Of course I have no objection, Third Generation!"

"I support the decision of the Third Generation!"

The villagers behind the Third Generation shouted in reply.

Uchiha Akie and Namikaze Minato are now the young generation of Konoha. They are handsome, strong, good-natured, and popular. The villagers have a good impression of them. As long as they do not infringe on their interests, they are very tolerant.

"Ahhhh, Akie and Minato are so handsome!"

"I heard that Minato already has a girlfriend. Does that mean Akie is the only one who has a chance now?"

"Who said that? As long as you use the hoe well, there is no corner that you can't dig down!"


These are some women whose focus is not right.

Some other ninjas focus on other aspects.

"The entire training ground has been almost destroyed!"

"Is this the strength of legendary ninjas like Golden Flash and Shunshin Akie!"

"So strong, in my perception, their chakra volume is so huge, especially Akie!"

This is also the key point that Sarutobi Hiruzen focuses on.

Coupled with the power of the second half of the fight between Ming Jing and Minato, and the speed of the two people who are already in the first echelon of the ninja world, even the third generation himself felt that he was not very sure to fight against them. The only plan was to use large-scale combined ninjutsu to bombard all directions without interruption, and gamble before the chakra was exhausted.

Because in the years after Senju Tobirama, until the rise of Ming Jing and Minato, the entire ninja world really did not have a speed-type ninja with such strength, and White Fang and Hanzo could only be counted as half each.

"Young people nowadays are really amazing. I'm afraid that in a few years, I will be surpassed by you."

The third generation silently took out his pipe and waved his hand, asking the members of the Anbu present to evacuate the crowd.

"Sandaime-sama, is there anything else?"

Seeing that Sarutobi Hiruzen was still standing there, Namikaze Minato couldn't help but ask.

"I have something very important to talk to you about."

While smoking his pipe, Sarutobi Hiruzen took out a folded document from the inner pocket of the Hokage's robe and handed it to Ming Jing and Minato.

"According to the results of ANBU's investigation, Kirigakure Village has been mobilizing supplies and gathering troops recently. It is very likely that troops will be sent."

Hearing this, Minato Namikaze couldn't help but frowned after reading the document, and then passed the document to Uchiha Mingjing beside him.

"If Kirigakure sends troops to Konoha, then the situation that has gradually become clear will probably have many more changes."

Sarutobi Hiruzen sighed.

According to the previous momentum, Orochimaru and Jiraiya are dealing with Kumogakure in the northeast, and Kato Dan and Tsunade are dealing with Iwagakure in the northwest. The situation has gradually become clearer, and the victory of the war may be achieved in less than a year. .

But if Kirigakure, one of the five great ninja villages, takes action, Konoha will be besieged from three sides again, and Sunagakure Village has an ambiguous attitude. Even if its strength is damaged due to previous defeats, as long as it shows a certain posture, Konoha also allocated a large part of its energy to deal with Sunagakure.

"However, due to the closed policy of Kirigakure Village, it is difficult for even the best spy ninja to obtain accurate information from them. Will they take action against Konoha, which is at war on two fronts, or will it fall into decline due to defeat? It’s possible for Sunagakure to take action, so now, it’s actually Sunagakure who is more panicked than us.”

Sandai smoked his pipe and said slowly.

"So I made a suggestion. Konoha and Sunagakure jointly hold the Chunin Examination. This can not only demonstrate to the outside world the war potential that the two villages still have, but also use the momentum of the alliance between the two villages to deter other big countries. "

"Sunagakure Village has agreed to my proposal, but the specific details require both sides to send envoys to each other to discuss."

Having said this, Sarutobi Hiruzen turned his attention to Namikaze Minato.

"Because En is now responsible for the root instead of Danzo, I plan to let you, Minato, serve as the envoy to the Sand Hidden Village. With the ability of the Flying Thunder God Technique, even if there is any unexpected situation, you can be there in the shortest possible time. get away."

"As for Ming Jing, in the previous war between the two villages, you followed Duan and many ninjas from Sunagakure Village and formed a rift. Although you are not suitable to be an envoy, with your identity and ability, you will be able to serve as a ninja in this time. As the examiner, I am very cooperative and can use the power of the police force to better prevent spies from other villages from sabotaging during the Chunin Exam. "

Chunin exam?


"Sandaime-sama, I will arrange this exam."

Uchiha Mingjing nodded to the third generation and replied.

It was just a slightly larger Chunin exam.

It might be a big deal for those genin, but it doesn't matter to Ming Jing. He just needs to do his own thing well.

If the Kirigakure Village was determined to send troops, they would not give up just because of a chuunin exam.

It is impossible for the third and fourth generation Kazekage not to understand this truth. It is more likely that they want to use the alliance between the two villages to put some strategic pressure on other ninja villages.

Sarutobi Hiruzen continued to speak:

"Minato, before you leave the village, go to Yan first. He will tell you some things you need to pay attention to in diplomacy. In this regard, you can also learn more from them."

"I understand, Third Generation-sama."

Namikaze Minato nodded slightly, and together with Ming Jing watched the third generation leave after explaining the matter.

For Namikaze Minato, the only thing that was difficult to accept was leaving Kushina for a while.

"Ding Jing, during the time I am away, Kakashi and the others are asking you to help guide them."

"Just leave it to me."

Ming Jing waved his hand and said.

It was common for him and Namikaze Minato to lead each other's students to deal with each other when they were on missions.

"I have to seize the time to consult the Mitomon elders, and I have to say goodbye to Kushina, so I'll take my leave first."

After Namikaze Minato finished speaking to the mirror, he activated the Flying Thunder God and disappeared in an instant.

"In that case, let's end today's training here, dismissal!"

Mirror looked at the time on his watch and dismissed Kakashi and others.

Because he has other things to do today.

Ninja school, outside the gate.

A group of parents are crowded here.

Ming Jing stood next to Uchiha Yu and Uchiha Tatsumi, looking at the familiar scenery in the ninja school.

Today is the day when Uchiha Shisui Genin graduates, and the three of them came specially to greet them.

"I didn't expect that in the blink of an eye, Shisui would have graduated, and I would be getting old. Time really doesn't spare anyone!"

Uchiha Ha watched the young genin walking out of the school gate one after another, their faces filled with joy and vitality, and sighed.

He is eighty years old this year, almost one of the oldest people in Konoha, and can be called a living fossil in the ninja world.

"Grandpa Yu, please don't say that. Your eighty-year-old body is healthier than many eighteen-year-old boys."

Ming Jing stood next to Uchiha Yu and said with a smile.

Uchiha Yu was a powerful jounin when he was young, and he is still tough even now that he is older.

In addition, Ming Jing used his own abilities to help Uchihaha eliminate the hidden wounds left in his youth and help him recuperate his body. It is an exaggeration to say that he is healthier than an eighteen-year-old boy, but his actual physical condition is not worse than ten years ago. How many.

"Yes, Elder Yu, I have to rely on you and Ming Jing for Shisui's growth in the future!"

Uchiha Tatsu stood next to Uchiha Yu, with a faint smile on his face as well.

He cherishes every day of his life now.

However, although he is only in his thirties, his physical condition is worse than that of the eighty-year-old Uchiha Ha.

His problem is congenital. Even if medical experts like Ming Jing and Tsunade help him treat it, it can only be delayed but not cured.

However, Ming Jing is already planning to see if he can find an animal-type Devil Fruit in the pirate world and give it to Uchiha Tatsumi to enhance his physique and vitality.

"Shisui is very good now. Under my guidance, he may already have a combat power no less than that of a chuunin. Ming Jing, didn't you say that the third generation intends to let you be the examiner of the next chunin exam? We should be able to arrange to try to make you the examiner." Shisui goes to practice."

Uchiha Yu tapped his cane and said.

"I'm afraid it's not a good idea. The Chunin Examination requires testing not only personal abilities, but also teamwork skills. This will place demands on Shisui's teammates. Moreover, Shisui has graduated now. It is estimated that he will have to wait until the second half of the year to complete the number of tasks. Meet the criteria for taking the Chunin Exam."

Ming Jing shook his head and said.

"Is there still such a request? It's quite reasonable."

Uchiha Feather nodded slightly.

He has never experienced anything like the Chuunin Exams.

More than forty years ago, when the first generation and Madara founded Konoha, he was already a powerful ninja with the three magatama sharingan activated, and he automatically became a jounin as soon as the village was established.

"It's a pity that you already have a group of genin with you. Otherwise, if you could be Shisui's guidance genin, it would be more conducive for him to learn and practice the application of Sharingan."

Uchiha said with a sigh.

"It doesn't matter. He's not Shisui's guidance jounin, so it doesn't hinder my guidance to him."

"Well, by the way, by the way, who is Shisui's mentoring Jonin?"

"I asked the Third Hokage yesterday to find out. It's Yuhi Zhenhong. She has certain uniqueness in illusions and swordsmanship. Among the Jonin, she can be regarded as the elite among the elite."

Having said this, Ming Jing immediately fell silent.

Because at the school gate in front, Uchiha Shisui was already trotting towards here.

"Father! Grandpa Yu! Brother Mingjing!"

A bright smile spread across Shisui's face.

"Let's go to the Akimichi Clan's BBQ restaurant to celebrate our Shisui's successful graduation as chief!"

Uchiha Tatsumi smiled and took Shisui's hand, and left with Ming Jing and Uchiha Yu.

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