Uchiha Family's Reincarnation

Chapter 192 Sage Mode

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At this moment, Kakashi felt a little pressure.

"Kakashi, are you okay!"

Nohara Lin trotted to Kakashi's side and treated him with healing techniques.

Although this little girl's talents in ninjutsu and taijutsu are pretty good, she is still a little behind compared to the top ninjas of the same period.

However, her talent in medical ninjutsu is surprising. Although she is still young, she already has quite good medical ninjutsu under the guidance of Ming Jing.

Even if placed in Konoha's medical department, Nohara Rin's current medical ability can already be ranked in the middle and upper reaches——

Considering her age, as long as she doesn't die young, she will most likely become a first-class medical ninja in the future.


Uchiha Obito looked at the scene of Ye Lin helping Kakashi heal his injuries and became jealous again.

"Kakashi, when you recover from your injury, I will challenge you too!"

Uchiha Obito put one hand on his hips and pointed at Kakashi with the other, and said fiercely.

If he beats Kakashi, he can show off in front of Lin. If he loses, he can be treated gently by Lin, which is no loss at all.

"I'm not interested in fighting a weakling. Wait until you defeat Kai and then challenge me."

Kakashi looked at Uchiha Obito with a pair of dead fish eyes and said expressionlessly.

"Damn it, damn it, damn it! Kakashi, you are so hateful!"

Uchiha stamped his foot rustically.

"Ding Jing, why don't we two also compete."

Namikaze Minato looked at the training ground and suddenly turned his head to look at the mirror.

"Oh why?"

"I can feel that you are getting stronger again."

Namikaze Minato looked into Uchiha Mingjing's eyes and said.


Ming Jing nodded slightly.

Namikaze Minato's feeling was not wrong.

Not long after Long left Donghai, Ming Jing also left Donghai in the pirate world.

There is no help in improving his strength there.

So after that, Mingjing went to Rogge Town. With the help of Yuqimula, he once again went to the Grand Route, and once again borrowed the masters on the Great Route to hone his swordsmanship.

What was different from the last time was that Ming Jing began to deliberately practice his domineering power according to the manual left by Long.

Most people may have to train their ability to avoid attacks when they are constantly facing threats. This ability can only be developed in times of crisis.

But it is not difficult for someone who has strong mental power and has long since developed a mirror that can see through the world.

What is really difficult is the armed color Haki.

The Sixth Form of the Navy, Matt Dai has now reluctantly localized it.

The reason why I say it is reluctant is because the Moon Step technique requires strong physical support, and Matt Dai himself can only use it perfectly in the six-door state.

Now Spiegel is also working hard to help it better integrate the chakra system into it, so that it can better leverage it when moving in the air.

The topic returns to Armed Color Haki.

After this period of hard training, Ming Jing has mastered the armed domineering spirit and strengthened it to a certain extent.

Although he is not like Luffy, who has the caring guidance of a cute teacher, who can shoot Sakura with one stick, dominate with two sticks, and awaken with three sticks, but fortunately, he can ask the dragon for advice from time to time through the encrypted phone bug.

The latter may not be as good as the famous teacher Kaido in terms of teaching, but he still has something to offer.

The current Mingjing has been quite effective in hardening and entangling its weapons. Its attack and resistance capabilities have been greatly improved. It is still lagging behind the top powerhouses in the sea, but it can already play a great role in improving its own strength. Big addition.

Ming Jing is confident that even if he doesn't use the MangekyĹŤ Sharingan, he is still considered an absolute powerhouse among the ranks of Kage.

If he met Rasa again, he was confident that he could hold down the opponent's hammer. If he used the Mangekyo Sharingan eye technique, it would not be a problem to kill that guy.

"What, Mr. Mingjing is actually going to duel with Mr. Minato!"

When Metkai saw Ming Jing and Minato Namikaze standing on the sidelines, he couldn't help but shout excitedly!

Shiranui Genma and Ebisu don't even train anymore.

Kakashi signaled Nohara Rin not to rush into bandaging for the time being.

Uchiha Obito gave Nohara Rin a bag of potato chips. He didn't want to share it with Kakashi, but Nohara Rin NTR gave half of it to Kakashi in front of him...

"Minato, I'm going to start."

Ming Jing stood opposite Namikaze Minato, released the seal of opposition, and in the next moment, his body shape suddenly changed, splitting into more than a dozen clones, and rushed towards Namikaze Minato at a very fast speed.

Namikaze Minato also threw countless trident kunai at the same time, scattered on the ground.

However, Ming Jing arranged for each clone to guard the Flying Thunder God Kunai in an area, so that he could attack Minato Namikaze as soon as he teleported.

The two have known each other for such a long time and have had many discussions in the past, so they naturally know how to deal with each other's abilities.

Namikaze Minato has two response plans.

One is to create two shadow clones to help him share the burden, and the other is to increase the number of trident kunai and make them move.

"Shuriken Shadow Clone Jutsu!"

Overwhelming, densely packed kunai shurikens appeared, heading towards the dozen mirror clones in the field. Along with them, the figures of Namikaze Minato and two shadow clones kept jumping and flashing among them.

Ming Jing naturally blended in among the clones, avoiding these kunai and shurikens.

His true body can resist with the help of armed color and Haki, but the shadow clone cannot.

"This...this, the speed of Teacher Mingjing and Teacher Minato is so ridiculously fast that I can't even see clearly!"

Ebisu pushed up his glasses and realized that he couldn't learn anything from this battle.

"Is this how speed ninjas fight after they reach their ultimate limit..."

Kakashi Hatake held the White Fang dagger at his waist and did not dare to blink.

But soon, a burst of yellow light forced Kakashi to close his eyes.

"Spiral Flash Chaos Roar Three Styles!"

Several flash bombs were thrown by Namikaze Minato, emitting a dazzling yellow light.


Namikaze Minato and the two shadow clones used the Rasengan together, quickly sweeping away Ming Jing's clones, and quickly attacking Ming Jing's body.

"Use all-round flash blinding to block my sight, and then use Flying Thunder God to quickly clear the area in a large area? Unfortunately, it doesn't work for me."

The domineering appearance of the sight made it possible for Ming Jing to easily capture Namikaze Minato's figure.

Ming Jing quickly turned around, and the Heavenly Tail Feather in his hand quickly slashed out two flames entwined with flames. The aftermath of the power alone was enough to leave two thick and long scratches on the ground.

The speed of the flame slash was too fast. Even with Minato Namikaze's speed, he had to lose a shadow clone before he rushed to Ming Jing's side.

Two blue spiral pills hit Ming Jing hard.


Scattered flames were released from the corners of Ming Jing's mouth. He turned around and twisted his hips. He lifted up the tail feather in his hand and struck, carrying the blazing flames and colliding with the Rasengan.

At this moment, another Namikaze Minato also attacked diagonally from the side, and another Rasengan was pushed towards Ming Jing.

"Magic·Yaohang Technique!"

Ming Jing's eyes quietly turned on the form of a kaleidoscope.

With a bang, the shadow clone of Minato Namikaze, who was struggling to wrap around the mirror with the Rasengan, collapsed.

The Rasengan and the flaming tail feathers of the sky collided again.

Minato Namikaze didn't dare to give Ming Jing time to activate his teleportation, and he didn't even dare to look into Ming Jing's MangekyĹŤ Sharingan, lest he follow in the footsteps of his shadow clone and be controlled by illusions, and was quickly suppressed to a disadvantage.

If he hadn't been fast enough and had good skills, he would have been defeated the first time he came into contact with Mingjing.

In fact, if he hadn't developed the Rasengan, a ninjutsu with considerable power and instantaneous use, he wouldn't even have the ability to confront Mingjing head-on.

"It's now!"

The figure of Namikaze Minato suddenly appeared above the mirror again.

That was the result of him throwing the Flying Thunder God Kunai vertically into the air.

When it is halfway down, throw the Flying Thunder God upwards to teleport. As long as the chakra is not consumed, Namikaze Minato can always stay in the sky.

This is the method that Namikaze Minato summed up from many previous encounters with Ming Jing.

Having known each other for many years, Namikaze Minato naturally knew how powerful Ming Jing's close-range perception ability was.

This allows Ming Jing to always capture the position where Namikaze Minato appears through the Flying Thunder God's mark at the first time. In addition, Ming Jing's ability to move within a certain range will not be inferior to Namikaze Minato's too much, which causes the wave to Every time the Feng Shui Sect competed with Ming Jing, they were severely restricted and unable to use their strengths.

Only by using this method to move your position to a farther distance in the sky, avoiding the mirror's perception range, and then using gravity acceleration to increase your speed to a level that even the Sharingan has trouble reacting, can you defeat him Mirror.

"Psychic art!"

The figure of Namikaze Minato was hanging in the air, and he spread out a circular psychic spell with his hands in the air to summon Gamabunta.

Due to inertia, Gamabunta at this time also has the super speed when falling from high altitude.

"Water Release·Water Iron Cannon!"

Gamabunta opened his mouth wide and spat out a large ball of water bombs as fast as a cannonball. At the same time, he followed closely behind and slashed down from above with his double swords.

"Well done!"

A trace of excitement flashed in Ming Jing's eyes, and he killed the shadow clone in front of him with a slash of his right hand, while quickly making three seals with his left hand.

"Fire Release: Dragon Fire Technique!"

A fire dragon whose size was not inferior to the water iron cannon flew out and collided with it.

With Ming Jing's current fire escape attainments, he has been able to greatly simplify the process of forming fire escapes of this difficulty.

In the next moment, Gamabunta's figure passed through the steam generated by the collision of fire type and water type, and swung the two real 40-meter machetes heavily towards the mirror.

The speed was so fast that the two knives ignited flames during the friction with the air, burning red.

"Uchiha flow·breath of the sun·halo dragon dance!"

The Halo Fire Dragon, which was so powerful that its size was no less than that of Gamabunta, appeared at the same time, crushing towards Gamabunta with an unstoppable momentum.


The strong shock wave knocked Kakashi and others around him directly to the ground, unable to stand.

Gamabunta's two machetes were unable to hold an inch in front of Tenno's tail feathers, which were only more than one meter tall.

"How can this guy... be so strong!"

Gamabunta bit the huge pipe in his mouth, looked at Ming Jing standing at the head of the fire dragon, and backed away.

At this moment, he noticed that the blade of Tianzhi Tail Feather was exuding a metallic black luster.

Although Ming Jing can't permanently transform his sword into a black sword like Hawkeye and Ryoma, he can also add armed color domineering to the weapon to increase its power.

"Minato, I can't stand it anymore!"

Gamabunta raised his head and shouted, then overwhelmed, he released the psychic spell and dissipated into a ball of white smoke.

The power of the Sun Halo Dragon Dance was finally released at this moment, creating a sword mark with a bottomless depth and a width of more than ten meters, running through the entire training ground.

"Thank you, Mr. Toad!"

Namikaze Minato whispered to himself, and appeared from a distance. A touch of orange eye shadow appeared in the corner of his eyes, and his eyes changed into a shape similar to a toad.

Different from the original time and space, in this world, Namikaze Minato and Uchiha Mingjing, a person with a similar age and strength, can compete with each other and improve, which further accelerates his growth rate under pressure.

Although he is still not able to clap his hands to open the immortal like Minato Namikaze did when he became the Fourth Hokage in the original space and time future, he can still absorb enough natural energy in the time gained by relying on the psychic beast to enter the immortal. model.

"Immortal Technique·Super Large Jade Rasengan!"

The figure of Namikaze Minato jumped up high, and from top to bottom, he smashed a huge Rasengan with a radius of more than two meters towards the mirror.

"Is it magic..."

Ming Jing seemed a little surprised that Namikaze Minato actually mastered senjutsu.

It stands to reason that the current Namikaze Minato has not learned the sage mode yet.

But considering that his arrival has caused quite a butterfly effect in this world, considering Namikaze Minato's talent, it is unexpected and reasonable that he can learn the Sage Mode under the pressure of his own competition. .

"In that case..."

Sporadic flames appeared again at the corners of Ming Jing's mouth.

Namikaze Minato, who was in sage mode, could clearly feel that the surrounding natural energy was quickly converging towards the mirror!

"Breath of the Sun·Thirteen Types!"

This is a Thirteen Form that is different from any other use of the Breath of the Sun before.

The original Thirteen Forms are performed by combining the One to Twelve Forms of Breath of the Sun. After reaching the ultimate level, it is probably like following the example of Kuni Enichi, where he can cut more than 1,300 swords in an instant.

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