Uchiha Family's Reincarnation

Chapter 191 Danzo: This time it really wasn’t me who did it!

Chapter 191 Danzo: I really didn’t do it this time! (4K)

Not to mention the Uchiha clan, it might cause an uproar in Konoha alone. With a little guidance, big things will definitely happen within the Uchiha clan. ▲𝐺𝑜𝑜𝑔𝑙𝑒 Search for 𝑠𝑡𝑜𝑐𝑜𝑚Read▲

"Then what does Elder Mingjing think we should do?"

Uchiha Yosuke asked the mirror.


"I think Captain Yosuke should already have a choice in mind, right?"

Ming Jing sat on the sofa, looking directly at Uchiha Yosuke and said.

Uchiha Yosuke was silent for a moment, then stood up with Uchiha Masada, and bowed to the opposite mirror.

"From now on, I hope Elder Mingjing will take care of me!"

"Me too!"

From the perspective of Uchiha Shinsada and Uchiha Yosuke, they have no other choice but to seek refuge in Uchiha Mirror.

In the past, they followed Setsuna Uchiha and stood on the opposite side of Fugaku. Even if Fugaku could tolerate them, they could only become marginal figures.

He chose to be alone but was afraid of being killed by Shimura Danzo.

They can only choose to seek refuge in Uchiha Mirror.

And after making this decision, they thought it seemed pretty good?

At least it was better than following Setsuna Uchiha before.

Obviously, as the only owner of the Mangekyō Sharingan in the Uchiha clan, Ming Jing is bound to become the other extreme in the clan.

Moreover, he is also the disciple of the third generation. He has two powerful teachers, Kato Dan and Tsunade. His own strength is also one of the two most outstanding among the young generation of ninjas in Konoha. He has a bright future. Not surprisingly, the future may be uncertain. There is also a great chance of becoming Hokage!

"Okay, okay, I have two of them, like a fish in water!"

Ming Jing made an excited expression and held one of Uchiha Shinsei's and Uchiha Yosuke's arms with both hands.

Regarding the disappearance of Uchiha Setsuna, Ming Jing and Fugaku had a tacit understanding and blamed it on Shimura Danzo.

Fugaku pushed it onto Danzo, so that's what his wife Mikoto thought.

Uchiha Mikoto knew, which meant that her close friend Kushina also knew.

As soon as Kushina knew, it meant that Namikaze Minato knew.

Namikaze Minato even went to find Uchiha Mirror for this purpose.

It happened that Uchiha Shinsada and Uchiha Yosuke were at Ming Jing's home reporting on the matter of accepting Uchiha Setsuna's inheritance.

Under the subtle hints of these two Uchiha jounin who once had a close relationship with Uchiha Setsuna, Namikaze Minato learned the truth and was filled with anger.

Namikaze Minato expressed his anger at sacrificing his companions in the village for such a dirty political struggle, but was still killed by his own people, and took a mirror to find the third generation that afternoon.

Before Hiruzen Sarutobi, who had just returned from the Daming Mansion, had time to rest, he was approached by Namikaze Minato and Uchiha Mingjing.

"Did Danzo...actually do such a thing again..."

Sarutobi Hiruzen rubbed his brows tiredly, wanting to smoke a cigarette to calm down.

"Third generation sir, if Elder Danzo is a spy dealing with other villages, then not only will I not have any objections, but I will also express my absolute support, but Setsuna-senpai is also a companion who has fought bloody battles for the village. In any case, with this method I can never forgive you for using dirty methods against your companions from the same village!"

Namikaze Minato said to the Third Hokage with a sincere expression.

The third generation turned his attention to the mirror.

"My opinion is the same as Minato's. From the day Konoha was founded, the Uchiha clan has been the most loyal member of Konoha. Even that person could not take away anyone in the clan when he defected. Uchiha Wave will always be the Uchiha of Konoha, Danzo Shimura did go too far this time.”

After Ming Jing finished speaking, he turned his head and glanced in the direction of the window.

Sarutobi Asuma, who was hiding in the corner outside the window and eavesdropping, was suddenly startled, and was soon taken away by his ears by Sarutobi Lake Biwa.

The Third Hokage sighed helplessly.

He also felt that this was something Danzo would do, because it was so in line with Danzo's style of doing things.

The third generation only complained about why Danzo couldn't wait for him to come back. The two of them had a good discussion before taking action, but now he had to wipe his ass again.

"Did that guy Danzo actually do such a thing while I was away..."

Sandai exhaled a heavy puff of smoke, his old brows furrowed tightly.

"It's just that now, Danzo and his roots have also played a very important role in the war. Danzo is responsible for a large part of the village's external intelligence work. I have too many things to deal with. If Danzo is dismissed Position will inevitably have an impact on occupation.”

"Does it have to be Danzo?"

Ming Jing has already been on the opposite side of Danzo in previous incidents, so he naturally hopes to seize this opportunity.

"Segment is the best intelligence ninja and can replace Danzo. Orochimaru is also a perfect ninja in all aspects. He also served as deputy in the root before and is also a very suitable candidate, but they are now serving as commanders on the front line. There’s obviously no way to come back.”

Sarutobi Hiruzen put down the pipe in his hand and said.

"But Third Generation-sama, are we just going to let Danzo do whatever he wants?"

Namikaze Minato continued to ask the Third Hokage.

He had heard that Danzo's reputation was not very good among the jonin, but he still respected the elders of this village, but he did not expect Danzo to be such a person.

Sarutobi Hiruzen silently watched the two young men in front of him.

Namikaze Minato was his favorite successor, so it was better not to get too involved with the dark side of these villages.

Uchiha Mingjing was quite suitable, but now he was the deputy director of the police department and had the right to speak in the medical department second only to Tsunade. If he was given some of the authority of the root, it would seem that Mingjing had too much power.

The Third Hokage was worried.

"This matter is my fault. I let Danzo go too deep into the darkness. I will summon Danzo to the Hokage Building in a while and give you an explanation."

The Third Hokage finally made the same plan as before.

If he dragged it out and played the role of a peacemaker, the matter would be over.

Namikaze Minato chose to believe in the Third Hokage as always.

Although Uchiha Mingjing guessed what the Third Hokage would do, this matter was not originally done by Danzo. He just let Danzo take the blame and then took advantage of it.

He didn't lose anything in the first place. He also gained two Uchiha Jonin subordinates for free and accepted Uchiha Setsuna's inheritance.

Of course, Mingjing was still very happy if he could bring some trouble to Danzo.

Sarutobi Hiruzen handled the matter quickly and gave Mingjing and Namikaze Minato a reply a day later.

Danzo's position as the leader of the Root was taken away again. Sarutobi Hiruzen directly led it. In fact, Mitomon En took the position before Orochimaru and took charge of all matters of the Root.

Danzo felt very wronged.

Because he really didn't do anything, but he took the blame inexplicably.

"Monkey! You actually did such a thing during your absence, and now let me bear the consequences for you!"

In the Hokage's office, Shimura Danzo roared at the Third Hokage with an unwilling look on his face.

How many things did he take for the Third Generation!

Before, when the Third Generation asked him to take the blame, he would hint or discuss it with him, but now he just threw the blame to him without saying a word.

"Okay, Danzo, you know what you did. Now the village is still in the war. For the unity of the village, I can only sacrifice you first."

The Third Generation said to Danzo helplessly to comfort Danzo.

"Hiruzen! It is the moment when the village is in danger, so I am indispensable!"

"Danzo, enough!"

"Hiruzen, you will regret it!"

"Danzo, I am the Hokage!"


The door was shut heavily.



Summer cicadas and winter snow, but a glimpse of reincarnation.

Time has come to the spring of the new year.

Fire Country, Konoha Village, the third training ground.

"Wind Breathing·One Type·Dust Whirlwind·Slashing!"

"Water Breathing·Seven Type·Shizuku Wave Stab!"

The sound of swords colliding is endless.

Shiranui Genma and Ebisu are currently engaged in a fierce battle.

Ming Jing had already taught the two of them the wind breathing and water breathing in the internal breathing method after their physical fitness reached the standard half a year ago.

However, up to now, they have not mastered all the sword forms corresponding to their respective breathing methods.

Ming Jing learned all of them by copying the three-magatama Sharingan at the beginning. Hatake Kakashi's talent is the top among regular ninjas, and his affinity with thunder breathing is also very high. Now he has mastered all the first six forms of thunder breathing.

As for the seventh form of Fire Thunder God, since Agatsuma Zenitsu in another world did not suffer the same life and death training with Tanjiro as in the original time and space, and did not have the experience of betrayal by his senior brother and grandfather committing suicide to atone for his sins, he naturally would not develop the sword that reached the pinnacle of thunder breathing.

The situation of Might and his son is somewhat similar to Kakashi.

In terms of ninjutsu, their talents are far inferior to the genius Kakashi, but they are very good in physical skills.

With their well-trained bodies and rock-like indomitable will, they have reached an incredible level of compatibility with Rock Breathing. They are not much slower than Kakashi in learning the five forms of Rock Breathing.

They even improved Rock Breathing further based on the original method of Ming Jing, making it more suitable for themselves - this is also due to the experience accumulated by Might Guy in the past 20 years of perfecting the Eight Gates Formation.

Therefore, the duel between Might Guy and Kakashi is much more intense than that between Shiranui Genma and Ebisu.

Half of the training ground is covered with deep pits and sword marks.

"Kakashi, come on!"

Nohara Rin stood on the sidelines, jumping and waving to cheer Kakashi.


Uchiha Obito turned his head away in disgust.

To be honest, he envied Kakashi and Might Guy.

Because both of them have mastered all the breathing methods taught by Ming Jing.

But Uchiha Obito is not like that.

At the request of Minato Namikaze, and also for the sake of being of the same clan, Ming Jing agreed to teach Uchiha Obito the breathing method and passed on the Breathing of Fire to him.

In the original time and space, Uchiha Obito finally became an unforgivable person for various reasons, but in this world, he has not done those things after all. If he really did something to Uchiha Obito because of this, , if nothing else, Ming Jing himself will be greatly criticized and break with Namikaze Minato.

However, now that the world has undergone such changes, it is still unclear whether those things will happen to Uchiha Obito.

Der Spiegel is also confident that his current strength is enough to make more changes.

If the same thing as in the original time and space really happened, Ming Jing was sure to get rid of Uchiha Obito himself.

Uchiha Obito's foundation was not as good as those of others at the same time, so he started learning the inner breathing method one month later than Shiranui Genma and Ebisu.

In five months, he had only learned two forms of flame breathing.

"It's really amazing, Mirror. Kakashi and Gai now are probably more powerful than us at the same time."

Namikaze Minato stood in the corner of the training ground with his arms crossed and said with a warm smile on his face.

"The current Kakashi's strength should have reached the standard of a Jonin. Gai's words are also close. He should be able to break our record. At least Kakashi will definitely be able to."

Ming Jing said while looking at the two people fighting on the field.

Both he and Namikaze Minato became jounin at the age of fourteen.

In fact, Ming Jing himself had a jounin-level combat capability when he was twelve years old, but he had not mastered the changes in the nature of the second chakra at that time, and his own merits were slightly insufficient, so he was only a special jounin at that time.

As for the one who was faster than them, only Orochimaru became a Jonin at the age of thirteen.

"You have more confidence in Kakashi than I do."

Namikaze Minato said with a smile.

Spiegel did not doubt that Kakashi could become a jounin at a younger age than they had.

In the original time and space, Kakashi became a jounin when he was twelve years old. Now that he has become stronger, he will only become a jounin earlier.

"you lose."

With a flash of lightning, Kakashi placed the White Fang dagger in his hand in front of Metkai's neck.

"Kakashi, you are worthy of it! But in the next duel, I might be the winner!"

Metkai took back the nunchaku in his hand and gave a thumbs up.

It was Kakashi who risked injury just now to seize the opportunity. Although he won, his arm was also injured by Metkai.

"I am waiting."

Kakashi's tone was indifferent, but actually he was not at peace inside.

At the beginning, the strength gap between him and Metkai was still very large. Facing Metkai, although Kakashi couldn't kill him instantly, he could basically end the battle within a few moves.

But later on, Metkai has been able to support him for a long time. Even now, he can be inseparable on the scene and has a certain chance of winning.

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