Uchiha Family's Reincarnation

Chapter 172: Instructing the Jounin (4K)

From now on, the third generation has gradually recognized Uchiha Mingjing, thinking that he, like Uchiha Jing, was assimilated by the Hokage line, inherited the fire will of Uchiha Jing, Tsunade, Kato Dan and others, and is absolutely qualified in terms of ideology and politics.

Moreover, with Namikaze Minato and Jiraiya as guarantors and guarding the side, even if something happens, it can be stopped in the first time.


The third generation uttered two short words.

"I highly recognize Mingjing's fire will. Let him use the Mangekyō Sharingan to help Kushina suppress the Nine-Tails. I think there is no problem."

After some consideration, the third generation finally agreed.

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But he also put forward conditions.

"But the Nine-Tails is the most powerful tailed beast. You must be vigilant. When Ming Jing uses the Mangekyō Sharingan to help Kushina, Minato and Jiraiya must watch from the sidelines to avoid accidents."

The premise for Sarutobi Hiruzen to agree to this matter is that Minato Namikaze and Jiraiya, two powerful and absolutely trustworthy people, will serve as the last insurance.

"No problem, thank you, Third-generation sir." Minato Namikaze said gratefully.

"Don't worry, old man!" Jiraiya patted his chest and assured.


The Third-generation nodded slightly, and then looked at the time.

"The division of this year's Genin is about to begin. In a while, the other leading Jonins will be here soon. Minato, Ming Jing, this is the information of your subordinates. It's just right to take this time to get familiar with it first."

The Third-generation took out several files of ninja students from the drawer and handed them to Ming Jing and Minato.

[It turned out to be the three of them...】

Ming Jing raised his eyebrows, a little surprised.

Ebisu, Shiranui Genma, and Might Guy.

The three of them were also members of a Genin team in the original time and space, and in the future war between Konoha and Kirigakure, they were unlucky enough to encounter Kirigakure's Seven Ninja Swordsmen.

But the more unlucky ones were actually the Seven Ninja Swordsmen, because they were kicked into the Three Lucky Treasures by Might Guy's father, Might Guy, who came to support them, using the Eight Gates.

Ebisu was arranged by Sarutobi Hiruzen to be a tutor for his grandson Sarutobi Konohamaru in the future, which shows that he has a solid foundation, otherwise he would not be recognized by Sarutobi Hiruzen.

Looking at the transcript, he is also the first in theoretical knowledge of this class, but he can only be considered above average in practical combat.

It is probably because he was born a commoner and did not get any resources and inheritance. Although his talent is not bad, it is not too strong to be too outstanding. He is still a special Jonin in his twenties.

Might Guy is the opposite of him in theoretical knowledge. His theoretical knowledge score is second to last, and the last one is Uchiha Obito, because the latter is late for every exam.

However, Might Guy's actual combat performance is quite good.

As for the last Shiranui Genma, his performance in every aspect is very good. Although he can't reach the top level, he is actually a solid jonin seedling. I don't know how he will be a special jonin in the future.

In fact, what Mingjing didn't know was that in the original Konoha Chunin Exam, when the Konoha collapse plan happened, this guy blocked the elite jonin Maki of Sand Village and almost fought to a draw with the opponent. He even had a good performance when fighting against Black Zetsu and the second generation of Tsuchikage in the Fourth Ninja World War. His strength is definitely not as simple as a special jonin.

As for the reason, it is estimated that he served as the Hokage guard of the Fourth Hokage who died young - he stood on the wrong side. After all, no one expected that the Third Hokage would return to Konoha in the end.

"Eh? Hatake Kakashi? I remember he graduated a long time ago and is already a Chunin. Why is he still in my team?"

Beside Mingjing, Namikaze Minato looked at the photo of Kakashi with a cold expression in a file in his hand and asked curiously.

"Kakashi... Alas!"

The Third Hokage sighed deeply.

"The incident with Sakumo had a huge impact on him. This incident should be blamed on me. I didn't expect Sakumo's character to be so strong. After that, Kakashi's character became extreme. In order to complete the mission, he would do anything, even abandoning the lives of his teammates. So even though he is already a Chunin, no other ninja is willing to team up with him."

The Third Hokage's tone was a little sad.

The impact of Hatake Sakumo's suicide was too great. The Third Hokage must treat Hatake Sakumo's son well and try to restore his reputation in this matter.

Not to mention that Kakashi's talent is unique in the third generation's life. Even Orochimaru, who is amazing, is inferior to Kakashi at the same age. The third generation still wants to recruit him into the Hokage system to train him.

Because as long as Kakashi's mentality can be brought back to the right path, he is likely to be an outstanding ninja like Orochimaru in the future.

For this reason, the third generation specially arranged the sunny character Minato Namikaze to serve as Kakashi's guiding ninja, in order to have a positive impact on Kakashi.

"It happens that the graduating ninja students this year are the same class as Kakashi's year at the Ninja School. I want to see if more contact with people of the same age can change Kakashi's situation. This matter, I still have to ask Minato."

The third generation said to Kakashi sincerely.

"Sandaime-sama, I will definitely try my best!" Namikaze Minato said firmly.

Ninja school.

"Eh? That guy is...Kakashi? Hasn't he already graduated a long time ago? Why is he still coming to be in the same class with us?"

In the classroom, Ebisu couldn't help but be a little surprised when he saw Kakashi sitting silently in the last row.

"have no idea."

Sarutobi Asuma, who was sitting next to Ebisu, shook his head and continued to peek at Yuhi Kurenai.

He was still worried about whether he could be assigned to the same class as Yuhi Hong.

"Hey! Kakashi, long time no see, let's have our duel!"

Metkai suddenly jumped in front of Kakashi, gave a thumbs up, showed his big white teeth and invited Kakashi.

"Not interested in."

Kakashi refused coldly.

However, Metkay continued to persist.

"By the way, that guy Obito won't miss the graduation ceremony after missing the opening ceremony, right?"

Looking at the empty seats next to her, Nohara Lin couldn't help but sigh and looked out the door.

"First class, Sarutobi Asuma, Yuhi Kurenai..."

The class teacher, Ohfune Kurono, had already boarded the podium and began to announce the results of the class placement.

"That's great, Hong! We are indeed assigned to the same class!"

Sarutobi Asuma resisted the urge to cheer and whispered to Yuhi Kurenai in front of him.

"The second class, Yamashiro Aoba, are all the same..."

"Class three, Metkai, Ebisu, Shiranui Genma!"

"Class 7, Kakashi Hatake, Rin Nohara, Obito Uchiha!"

"All students will go to the next classroom in the order of their classification and wait for their instructor Jonin."

Kurono Ohfune looked at an empty seat in the classroom and couldn't help but sigh.

Being a teacher in the instant mirror is his most outstanding teaching achievement so far.

Therefore, his teaching ability and will of fire were recognized by the Third Hokage, and he was assigned to a class with the son of the Third Hokage.

For this class, he was quite satisfied with his teaching results. The only thing he was worried about was Metkai and Uchiha Obito.

The former's mastery of ninjutsu was a mess, and only his physical skills were excellent. That means the graduation standards during the war were relatively low, otherwise it would be difficult for Metkai to even graduate.

The other one is Uchiha Obito. With his character and IQ, Kurono Ohfune is really worried about whether Obito can come back alive after going to the battlefield.

Both are Uchiha, and the talent shown by Uchiha Obito is really far different from the Uchiha Mirror he once led.

"Hey, Minato, aren't all your students here yet?"

In the next classroom, Ming Jing stood at the door and teased Minato Namikaze next to her.

"That kid Obito is really..."

There was a bit of a wry smile on Namikaze Minato's face.

Kakashi Hatake, plus Obito Uchiha, who was judged by the ninja school to be a virtuous boy, there were quite a few troubled boys in Minato's class.

"Ding Jing, for Obito, I may ask you to help guide him in the future. We are both Uchiha, so you are more suitable to guide him than me. There is also Kakashi, he inherited the swordsmanship of White Fang-senpai, and now the village You are the best at swordsmanship."

"Definitely, definitely, but my disciples may have to ask you to help guide them in the future."

Ming Jing and Minato both walked into the classroom, attracting everyone's attention.

Shunshen Mingjing and Golden Flash have been made into the new generation of Konoha's signature characters after the Sannin and Kato Dan, and their reputation in the village is still quite high.

Not to mention that their looks are among the best in the entire ninja world, and they attract the attention of girls wherever they go.

"Metkay, Ebisu, Shiranui Genma, I am your instructor Uchiha Mingjing, come with me to a meeting under the big tree in the playground right now!"

"I am the instructor of the seventh class, Jonin Namikaze, Hatake Kakashi, Nohara Rin, and Uchiha Obito... Oh, forget it, let's wait until Obito arrives and we can hold the meeting again."

Namikaze Minato covered his face and sounded helpless.

"Well Minato, see you later!"

Ming Jing and the three students behind him waved goodbye to Minato Namikaze.

"Well, see you later."

Namikaze Minato also waved his hand towards the mirror.

Even though a full seven years have passed, the big tree in the ninja school has remained unchanged.

It is said that this tree was planted by the first Hokage himself when the ninja school was first established and was spawned by wood escape.

Seven years ago, it was here that Ming Jing introduced himself with Inuzuka Inuzuka and Aburame Nami under the leadership of Kato Dan.

Seven years have passed, and it seems to have gone through another reincarnation.

"Although the three of you have spent several years in the ninja school and know each other very well. I have also read your information in the Hokage's office, but I think you still need to briefly introduce yourself first. For example, if you like What you don’t like, what you have dreams for, let’s announce the establishment of the third class.”

Ming Jing gestured to the three students in front of him.

"I'll go first! My name is Mitkai! My favorite thing is curry rice full of high calories, because it can quickly restore physical strength after training. There is nothing annoying! My dream is to become a genius surpassing Kakashi through hard work!"

Metkai gave a thumbs up, made a pose, and said loudly.

"Very good, very energetic!"

Ming Jing gave a thumbs up to Metkai, who had made a good start, and then looked at Ebisu and Shiranui Genma.

"My name is Ebisu. My favorite food is fish slabs and grilled crabs. I hate anything with carrots. As for my dream, I want to become the elite among the elite. Of course, if I can meet some beauties in the process..."

Ebisu pushed up his round black glasses, with a lewd smile on his face.

"Ahem, it's my turn."

Seeing Ebisu's embarrassing appearance, Shiranui Genma still stood up and stopped Ebisu's fantasy of being alone.

"My name is Shiranui Genma. I like pumpkins but not spinach. My dream is to become Hokage and revitalize my family."

The dream of becoming Hokage is considered absolutely politically correct in Konoha. If you ask the students at the ninja school, it is estimated that half of them want to become Hokage.

As for revitalizing the family, Ming Jing has read the information about Shiranui Genma and has some understanding. The Shiranui clan is actually a small ninja clan with only a few people, but it also has a certain inheritance of ninjutsu. If Kato Dan does not appear in the Kato clan, it is actually the same as Shiranui. The situation of the clan is similar.

"Very well, Minato Jounin and I will treat you to a barbecue restaurant tonight for a social event between Class 3 and Class 7!"


"Wow haha, I must compete with Kakashi to see who eats more that night!"

"Fortunately, Mingjing is here to help me control the leaked Nine-Tails chakra, otherwise I wouldn't be able to play with you this time!"

Outside the barbecue restaurant, Kushina snuggled next to Namikaze Minato and looked around with a bright smile.

She usually stays inside the barrier and rarely comes out.

Ming Jing sighed imperceptibly from the side, feeling a bit like a light bulb.

"Hey! Minato-sensei, everyone has been waiting for you for a long time!"

A silly boy wearing orange windproof goggles with a simple smile on his face pulled a little girl with purple paint on her face and stood at the door, shouting in the direction of Namikaze Minato.

"To be honest, it's hard to imagine that Obito is your kindred spirit, but I think he is a special Uchiha just like you."

Namikaze Minato smiled and nodded at Obito from a distance, and said to the mirror as he walked.


Ming Jing was convinced, because this was also the first time for Uchiha to have a talented person with only two talents.

"Wait a minute, are you the clan brother Uchiha Mingjing who everyone in the clan says is very powerful and is considered to be the new hero of Uchiha!"

Uchiha Obito looked at the mirror with bright eyes.

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