Uchiha Family's Reincarnation

Chapter 171 Watergate's Request (4K)

Saint Roswald slapped the table and roared at Kizaru.

The one who died was his son!

"Sage Roswader, please calm down first!" Saint Nasshouro, the Five Elder Star, wearing a white robe and holding a knife in his hand, stopped Saint Roswader.

"Tell me about the enemy's strength first."

Nasjuro Sage said to Kizaru.

"The enemy's strength is very strong. I believe that even if he does not have the strength of a sea emperor, he definitely has a fighting power comparable to that of a general candidate!"

Then, Kizaru began to exaggerate again, trying hard to exaggerate Uchiha Mingjing's strength as much as possible.

In this way, even if he failed to protect Saint Charlos, it would still be a non-war crime.

The reason is actually very simple. If an ordinary pirate kills a Celestial Dragon, it would be enough to send out the navy admiral or activate the demon-slaying order.

But what if a Yonko killed the Celestial Dragon?

It is estimated that it means sending the navy to fight with the opponent for a few times with great fanfare, and then no one can do anything to anyone, and finally let it go. After all, the Yonko is not something that can be wiped out so easily. If you want to get rid of a Yonko, The entire combat power of the navy will inevitably be deployed, causing great turmoil on the sea.

Several five old stars looked at each other, and the last one to speak was still Saint Nashoulang.

"In this way, the enemy's fruit ability can carry out space teleportation, achieve some abilities similar to surgical fruits, and even carry out ultra-long distance teleportation, and can also release a black flame that cannot be extinguished and has extremely high temperature. It can only be used when Saint Charlos will dissipate after his body is completely burned?"

"Is such that."

Kizaru vowed.

"I also sent people to check the scene. At the place where Saint Charlos died, the ground did have traces of being burned by ultra-high temperatures. The enemy's strength should indeed be as Kizaru said, very powerful!"

Sengoku explained from the side, trying hard to excuse Kizaru.

The strength of a sea emperor?

To be honest, Wu Laoxing didn't quite believe it.

But if the Celestial Dragon is really assassinated by an ordinary pirate, it will be a big blow to the majesty of the Celestial Dragon "god".

So the attacker must be a very powerful pirate!

And the final result must be that the World Government takes a powerful stance to capture him, and finally, like the original Pirate King Roger, publicly executes and kills him in front of the whole world, in order to ensure the prestige of the World Government!

Gradually, the Five Old Stars probably had a rough idea of ​​Uchiha Mirror's strength and bounty.

They definitely can’t let another Fourth Emperor appear in the new world. They don’t really believe that the opponent has that level of strength, but they can escape unharmed after killing a Celestial Dragon under Porusalino’s men, and before that. Killed all the CPs guarding the Tianlong people.

From this, the Five Old Stars can roughly judge that the attacker's strength is likely to be comparable to the three major posters of the Beast Pirates and the four major generals of the Big Mom Pirates.

However, the other party had the most heinous experience of attacking and killing the Celestial Dragons. In terms of bounty, the five old stars all agreed that it must be higher than these people. Therefore, in the end, they set a bounty amount of 1.5 billion for Uchiha Mirror. Bailey.

Once this person is discovered, after confirmation, the navy admiral and CP0 will be dispatched to jointly hunt him down. Even Wulaoxing is still considering whether to ask the Knights of God to take action to ensure that he can be captured steadily.

This is almost the biggest vicious incident that has happened to the Celestial Dragons after Rocks decades ago!

The 1.5 billion bounty is almost the highest level under Kaido Whitebeard and others.

But when it came time to post Uchiha Mirror's bounty, the World Government and the Navy ran into trouble again.

Because they don't even know the name of the person who attacked and killed the Tianlong people.

Forget about the name, there wasn’t even a photo, so the artist had to draw it based on Porusalino’s description.

Including CP0, the entire world government's intelligence organization has been operating at full capacity for three months, but they have not found any information about Uchiha Mirror.

It was as if this person appeared out of thin air in this world.

Although, Uchiha Mirror did appear out of thin air in this world.

Naruto world.

Ming Jing still doesn't know that he has become famous in the pirate world because of a bounty of up to 1.5 billion beli, and he doesn't know how much manpower and material resources the World Government has spent on searching for him.

At this time, he was still staying in Konoha Village.

Perhaps because he was afraid of the Mangekyou Sharingan and wanted to control the Uchiha Mirror under his nose, or perhaps because he was worried that as an Uchiha Mirror, he would gain too high a reputation on the battlefield, Sarutobi Hiruzen did not stop. Let the mirror be on the front lines.

Although Namikaze Minato and Jiraiya encountered two four-tailed jinchūriki and five-tailed jinchuriki who could fully transform into beasts on the Earth Kingdom front some time ago, they were injured and returned to Konoha to recuperate, but Sarutobi Hi Zhan still believed that the situation could be maintained after transferring Tsunade and Kato Dan to the front lines.

"In case of internal injuries, Minato and Jiraiya-senpai have almost recovered and can return to the intensity of normal training."

In Konoha Hospital, Ming Jing smiled and said to Minato and Jiraiya.

In the absence of Tsunade, Ming Jing, who is Tsunade's disciple and possesses near-first-class medical abilities, has become the best medical ninja still in the village in Konoha.

It is precisely because of this that Der Spiegel can legitimately use some of the high-end equipment of the Medical Department to conduct its own research, although there has been no substantial progress yet.

"Well, I am indeed a disciple of Tsunade. Not long after, the injuries on my body have almost healed, and there are not even scars left."

Jiraiya looked at the smooth arm after taking off the bandage and marveled.

Apart from Tsunade, this was the first time he saw such a powerful medical ninja.

"Jiraiya-sama, thank you for the compliment, but compared to Tsunade-sensei, my medical ninjutsu is still much worse."

Ming Jing put away the stethoscope on the table for show and said to Jiraiya.

The more he practiced medical ninjutsu, the more Ming Jing could feel how powerful Tsunade was in medical ninjutsu.

Now, compared with ordinary medical ninjas, he is very powerful, but there is indeed a big gap compared to Tsunade.

"By the way, Ming Jing, I wonder if the Third Generation has ever told you to ask you to take care of the genin who graduated from this class?"

Namikaze Minato suddenly said to the mirror out of curiosity.

"Yes, but I still don't know which disciples the Third Generation has assigned me. I will probably have to wait until the day when I am assigned to a new class, right?"

Ming Jing really didn't know which disciples Sandai would assign to him.

Although logically speaking, as a jounin, he has the power to designate a certain student as his disciple, but the third generation said that he had already been assigned to him.

"So that's it! It just so happens that Minato has also been assigned to serve as the guiding jounin for this generation of genin. Why don't you two compete to see whose disciple becomes a chuunin first?"

Jiraiya's eyes lit up when he heard this, and he said with interest.

Now the outside world has a vague tendency to make the instant mirror and golden flash as famous as each other.

One of the two is a disciple of the Sannin Jiraiya, and the other is a disciple of the Sannin Tsunade Hime. They are both less than twenty years old, but their strength is comparable to the strong men of the older generation, and they are even speed-type ninjas. When the outside world laments that there are so many young talents in Konoha, they will naturally compare these two people side by side.

"This... let's forget it. The momentary victory or defeat means nothing."

Ming Jing shook his head and refused.

If the guess is correct, Hatake Kakashi will definitely be a disciple of Namikaze Minato. In addition to not having the blood of the Six Paths family, this guy's talent has basically reached the limit of a regular ninja.

He graduated at the age of five, became a Chuunin at the age of six, and became a Jonin at the age of twelve. His growth rate in the early stages was incredibly fast.

"Well, it's exactly what the old man said. You're not as gentle as an Uchiha. I thought that as an Uchiha, you would accept it directly!"

Jiraiya scratched his head and said with a playful smile.

"By the way, Mirror, there is one thing I want to ask."

Namikaze Minato looked at the mirror that had packed up the stethoscope and put it in the drawer, and suddenly thought of something and said.

"What's the matter?" Ming Jing asked casually.

"It's about the tailed beast. I heard that you suppressed and killed it on the Sunagakure front line before?"

Ming Jing raised his eyebrows.

Without Namikaze Minato's reminder, he almost forgot one thing.

Previously, he used Susanoo to use the Ten Fist Sword. At first, he tried to directly seal Ichibi Shukaku, but was blocked by Rasa and failed.

But at least part of Shukaku's chakra was sealed away in the process.

This thing may also have considerable research value.

"Is such that."

Ming Jing nodded and replied.

"Well, there are two things I want to ask you, Ming Jing, because maybe you are the most suitable candidate." Namikaze Minato said with a sincere face.

"Tell me about it."

Ming Jing didn't agree immediately, but he didn't refuse either and said ambiguously.

"It's about Kushina. In fact, there is also such a tailed beast sealed in her body, even the strongest tailed beast Nine Tails, which is much stronger than other tailed beasts. I heard the Third Generation say, Your Mangekyou Sharingan, like the Wood Release, has the power to suppress tailed beasts, so during the recent period, I would like to ask you to look after Kushina with me. Otherwise, she will never be able to get out of the sealing barrier. I'm also worried about her current mental state."

"If the Third Generation agrees, then I have no problem."

Der Spiegel felt that there was nothing to refuse.

But the key to the question is whether the Third Generation will agree to let him, an Uchiha with the Mangekyō Sharingan, get close to the Nine-Tails Jinchuuriki.

You may agree, you may not.

And if you really agree, it means that you have basically won the trust of the third generation.

"That's great. Jiraiya-sama and I will definitely convince the Third Generation!"

A bright smile suddenly appeared on Namikaze Minato's face.

"By the way, Minato, you said there are two things, what is the other one?"

"In this matter, I probably guessed what Minato was talking about." Jiraiya patted his head, and then stretched out his hand in front of Ming Jing, releasing a light blue chakra cyclone in his palm, spinning rapidly With.

"Ming Jing, since you have fought against tailed beasts, you must have seen the unique skills of tailed beasts, the tailed beast jade. After Minato saw the tailed beast jade, he wanted to develop a new one based on the principles of the tailed beast jade. Muji Ninjutsu, but unfortunately, although it is known that the tailed beast is a tailed beast jade formed by rotating and compressing chakra, during the actual development process, it was completely unable to show the destructiveness and stability similar to the tailed beast jade. It’s also a lot worse.”

Later, Jiraiya recounted the process of how he and Minato led the team to encounter the two tailed beasts on the front line of Iwagakure.

The four-tailed Jinchuuriki, Lao Zi.

There is also the Five-Tails Jinchūriki, Han.

Both of these two jinchuriki have been able to use the form of complete tailed beasts through training. Their strength is extremely terrifying. When using the tailed beast jade together, the power is earth-shattering. If Minato hadn't brought Jiraiya and the team to use it at the critical moment, The Flying Thunder God's Technique teleported away, I'm afraid it has been handed over to the front line.

But even so, they were still seriously injured by the tailed beasts in that battle, and had to return to Konoha to recuperate.

"So, if you, Ming Jing, have seen the Tailed Beast Jade, I think you might be able to give me some advice on how to develop this new technique."

So, did Namikaze Minato develop the Rasengan around this time?

And when Namikaze Minato mastered the Rasengan, he greatly increased his damage limit. His ability to kill people in seconds and his ability to break defenses against masters were greatly improved. Together with the increasingly superb Flying Thunder God, With his skills, his strength will grow explosively, and he will even be able to defeat the Fourth Raikage and the Eight-Tailed Jinchuuriki on his own in the future, reaching his peak.


Ming Jing smiled and nodded.

"Then let's make an agreement. After this division is over, let's go to the third training ground to discuss it in detail!"

Namikaze Minato smiled brightly and agreed with Ming Jing.

The next day, in the morning, the Hokage's office.

"Use the power of the Mangekyo Sharingan to help Kushina better control the Nine-Tails and avoid the situation where the tailed beast's chakra goes berserk..."

Sarutobi Hiruzen sat at his desk, dragging his pipe and thinking about the suggestions that Namikaze Minato and Jiraiya had just submitted.

And these two people and Uchiha Mingjing now stood in a row in front of the third generation.

Regarding Uchiha Mirror, the third generation believed that he had conquered him as someone he could trust, but how deep this trust was, even the third generation himself was not so sure.

If Uchiha Mingjing was not born into the Uchiha clan, then the third generation would have already regarded him as a descendant worthy of full trust just like Namikaze Minato.

I didn’t explain it clearly in the previous chapter. After this period of time ends, I will try my best to maintain 4,000 a day...

The recent plot is based on the Minato Legend that just came out some time ago. In it, Minato and Jiraiya returned to the village to develop Rasengan after meeting the Four-Tails and Five-Tails. Therefore, there must have been a period of time between Minato and Jiraiya during the Third World War. None of them went to the front line, and based on the background of the conversation between Minato and Kushina, Minato's class had been established at that time. My personal guess is that it was around this time that Minato started to lead the genin.

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