Uchiha Family's Reincarnation

Chapter 173: Shuimen Class and Mingjing Class

"If there is no second Uchiha Mirror in the clan, then I should be the one you are talking about."

Ming Jing smiled and nodded to Uchiha Obito.

"Obito, Ming Jing is my friend and your senior in the clan. He is very good at swordsmanship and is very suitable to guide you and Kakashi. By the way, Ming Jing is also Tsunade-sama's disciple. Didn't Lin Nian say that he Do you want to become a great female ninja like Tsunade-sama? You can also ask Ming Jing for medical ninjutsu."

Namikaze Minato discovered after he said this that in terms of abilities and characteristics, Uchiha Mingjing seemed to be more suitable to lead the three students in Minato's class than himself?

"Huh? I don't want to study with that guy Kakashi, but if I can do it with Lin...hehe."

Uchiha Obito had a silly smile on his face.

Nohara Rin hurriedly pulled Obito's sleeves and bowed to Ming Jing and Minato.

"I'm very sorry, Minato-sensei, Mingjing-sensei, Obito's character is like this..."

𝟔𝟗Book Bar

"it does not matter."

Mirror found that this girl is actually quite smart.

As soon as Namikaze Minato said this, he took the initiative to call his teacher.

The group of people chatted and laughed before arriving at the luxurious private room on the second floor of BBQ Q.

Before entering the door, you can hear Metkai's exaggerated shouts inside.

"Yoshi! Kakashi! Let's start our new round of duel! Let's see who eats more barbecue tonight!"

Ming Jing touched his nose a little embarrassed.

"It seems like your disciples, Ming Jing, are also very lively!"

Kushina became more interested in tonight's party.

The six newly graduated genin all enrolled in the same class and were very familiar with each other, so Ming Jing and Minato just introduced each other and Kushina to each other, and started tonight's party.

Kakashi was so annoyed by Metkai that he reluctantly agreed to the latter's invitation to have a barbecue competition.

After Kakashi joined, Uchiha Obito also joined the battle.

With Metkai, Obito Uchiha, and Kushina with the same cheerful personality, it was hard to imagine the party not being lively.

"This appetite is really quite big."

Shiranui Genma held a toothpick in his mouth and touched his overstuffed belly, looking at the foodies on the field in admiration.

Among the three people competing, Metkai had the largest appetite and won because he had the largest amount of training.

And the one who has a bigger appetite than Metkai is Kushina.

The Uzumaki clan has a very strong physique and inherited part of the immortal body of the Six Paths Sage, so it consumes more energy on a daily basis. Naruto ate a full thirty bowls in half an hour in the future Konoha Big Eater Competition. The ramen is also due to physical reasons.

But even Kushina wasn't the biggest eater tonight, even with the plates stacked high around her.

"As expected of Mr. Ming Jing! He even eats so fast that the plates are already stacked on the ceiling!"

Metkai looked at Ming Jing's still devouring figure in shock.

Everyone else also had similar expressions.

"Hiccup~ Just eat until you are about 80% full. Being too full is not conducive to practicing at night."

Ming Jing wiped his mouth with satisfaction.

The barbecue here is really good, even he couldn't help but eat more.

Because of the breathing method he practiced, he maintained a regular breathing state at all times. Coupled with training, his body was stronger than most ninjas in the ninja world. It's also huge.

"Sodasne, I understand! The reason why Teacher Mingjing is so strong is because he usually eats a lot and can support more strenuous training! It seems that I will have to add another dietary training in addition to the regular training in the future. That’s right!”

Metkai waved his fist and suddenly realized.

"It's not necessary. Your future training and diet will be strictly planned by me."

Ming Jing asked Shiranui Genma for a brand new toothpick, shaved his teeth and said.

"So cherish your time tonight, because after the actual combat exercise assessment at nine o'clock tomorrow morning, I will conduct the most rigorous training for you!"

Uchiha Mingjing smiled like a devil.

In addition to Metkai's excited expression of expectation, Ebisu and Shiranui Genma both had a very bad feeling in their hearts.

Although in the original time and space, except for Metkai, the future development of the other two genin in this team can only be regarded as mediocre, Ming Jing is still confident in cultivating them into strong men.

After all, if he behaves too poorly in a match with his teachers and students, Ming Jing himself will feel embarrassed.

Fortunately, he has a clear view of the world and can accurately see a person's physical limits, and the medical ninjutsu inherited from Tsunade can help them return to their best condition in the shortest possible time without any consequences.

What awaits these three genin in the future is bound to be an extremely difficult training life. For other genin, it is a boring and boring D-level mission, but it may be the easiest part of the training process.



Two days later.

The training on grabbing the bell was completed yesterday morning.

The main significance of this exercise is actually to make the three genin in the team realize the importance of teamwork, and none of the three in the Mirror team are full of troubled boys like Minato's class and future Kakashi's class. , when facing the legendary Shunshen Mingjing, it is natural to rely on teamwork to compete for the bell.

And now, these three Genin and the three people from Minato's team have been sent to harvest the wheat fields.

The third training ground.


A balloon filled with water suddenly exploded in the palm of Minato Namikaze's hand.

"The idea you provided, Mingjing, is indeed very effective! By inputting chakra into a balloon filled with water, it is indeed possible to improve stability and sustainability."

Minato Namikaze said with joy.

"And I think that in the next stage of training, maybe a ball can be used to replace the balloon. If the ball can be burst, maybe the chakra can be stably materialized and the power can be increased!"

Mingjing nodded in agreement.

The next step after bursting the balloon is indeed to burst the ball.

But then again, this training method is likely to have been figured out by Minato Namikaze himself, and it is not surprising that he could think of this.

"However, if the power is only to the extent of bursting the ball, it still cannot be used in actual combat. It is still far from what I expected."

Minato Namikaze sighed again and said.

"Why don't you consider making the chakra rotate? I told you before, Minato, that when refining chakra, it will be better to make the chakra flow in the direction of the head rotation!"

Ask everyone, if the characters of the two worlds are connected, do you think it is a poison point.

I am probably considering whether to arrange a plot such as the protagonist leading the Uchiha clan and Konoha to invade the pirate world. I feel that this will be more interesting, but if it appears, it will appear in the later stage.

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