Uchiha Family's Reincarnation

Chapter 157 New Mission

Danzo Shimura was relieved of his position as leader of the Roots, and Hiruzen Sarutobi arranged for Orochimaru, who had been sent to the Roots as second-in-command to take over Shimura Danzo's power.


And Root is Konoha's most important external intelligence agency, so it is impossible for Orochimaru not to participate in this meeting.

"I propose that Orochimaru serve as the commander and mobilize the remaining elite troops in the village to go to Yuno Country to resist Kumogakure."

Shimura Danzo was the first to speak.

He is the one who most hopes that Orochimaru can take up this command.

This is mainly because the position of the root leader is now temporarily replaced by Orochimaru. Although Danzo is very confident that the root is still under his control, there are still many inconveniences after being relieved of his post by Sarutobi Hiruzen.

If Orochimaru leaves Konoha and takes command on the front line, then the position of root leader will inevitably return to his hands.

Secondly, there is the alliance between Danzo and Orochimaru.

Danzo knew very well that as long as the position of Hokage is still Sarutobi Hiruzen, he will never allow himself to become Sarutobi Hiruzen's successor. He can only become Hokage by supporting Orochimaru, and finally through the weapon he holds in his hand. Some of Orochimaru's tricks forced Orochimaru to submit.

Let’s not say whether Orochimaru will be easier to deal with than the Third Generation, but at least this is currently Shimura Danzo’s plan that he thinks is most likely to make him Hokage. Therefore, if Orochimaru can make more military exploits and gain reputation at this time, It's definitely beneficial.

"Orochimaru, this is indeed a suitable candidate. During the Second Ninja War, it was Orochimaru who succeeded me as Hiruzen's deputy and defeated Kumogakure. He even successfully assassinated the Eight-Tails Jinchuuriki. Yin has enough understanding.”

Mito Monohan nodded in agreement.

The same goes for sleeping in Xiaochun.

Orochimaru frowned slightly.

He finally settled the underlying issues and returned his energy to the experiment. Why did a bunch of troubles come up again?

But now his experiment still relies on the strength and financial resources of Danzo and Genbe to continue. Although he is dissatisfied with this, there is nothing he can do.

"In addition, I proposed to recall Jiraiya. Now the village is fighting a two-front war with Sunagakure and Kumogakure on the front line. The attitudes of Kirigakure and Iwagakure are unclear, but there is still a high possibility that they will take action. Once Orochimaru leaves, the village will inevitably There will be insufficient power to deal with these troubles.”

After turning to bed, Xiaochun said again.

The third generation nodded in approval.

He now felt that Orochimaru was led into darkness by Danzo, and it was time for them to separate for a while to see if Orochimaru could be brought back on track.

His heart was full of feelings for Orochimaru, his proud disciple.

"Kumogakure sent seven thousand troops, Orochimaru. Now the village is fighting on two fronts, and we must guard against Iwagakure and Kirigakure. The village's manpower is also somewhat stretched. I can only send five thousand troops to your command, and give priority to ensuring that the situation is stabilized. "

The third generation looked at Orochimaru solemnly, remembering the past, and couldn't help but add another sentence.

"Orochimaru, do your best. You have always been the one I value most."

Orochimaru was slightly shaken in his heart, but quickly returned to his calm state.

Although he still has some thoughts about his youthful ambitions in his heart, the attraction to him is no longer what it used to be.

"I understand, Sarutobi-sensei."

Orochimaru nodded slightly to Sandai and Danzo, turned and left.

The country of Sichuan.

Konoha Camp.

Ming Jing is holding a leaf in his hand, and is strengthening the training of changing the form of wind attribute chakra.

Generally speaking, the process of practicing the change of wind attribute chakra properties can be roughly divided into three stages. The first stage is to continuously inject wind attribute chakra before the leaf is cut into two halves, which exercises the fineness. The second stage It is the ability to cut through a waterfall and release a large amount of chakra in an instant during exercise. The third stage is to integrate it into the practice of jutsu.

Ming Jing has already mastered these stages, so he focuses on morphological changes that are as important as property changes.

Wind is more intangible and more difficult to control than fire. Fire can at least be accurately observed with the naked eye.

But this is not a problem for those who have Sharingan and can see the flow of chakra clearly.

The difficulty is to not only condense the wind to enhance its sharpness and penetrating power, but also to be able to spread the wind invisible at any time, expand the range of the attack, and control the changes freely.

What Ming Jing is doing now is to use wind attribute chakra to completely peel off the veins on the leaves to perform the first aspect of training.

"Did you fail again?"

Ming Jing looked at the leaf veins in front of him that had been stripped close to the petiole and sighed slightly.

“But this time it’s not far away from success.”

Putting down the leaves and coming outside the tent, Ming Jing planned to go out for some air first.

Along the way, most of the Konoha ninjas who met Ming Jing would respectfully call him Ming Jing-sama.

His status and reputation in this Konoha camp are now basically second only to Kato Dan and Tsunade, and he has become the number three figure here.

This is mainly because in the previous battles, Ming Jing showed a fighting ability comparable to that of top masters, and performed brilliantly against famous masters such as Chiyo Garura.

In addition, Ming Jing's excellent medical ninjutsu also added a lot of points to him.

Not long after, a chunin came over with an order from Kato Dan, asking Ming Jing to go to the command room.

"Teacher Duan, what's the matter?"

Ming Jing opened the door curtain and asked Kato Suan, who was sitting at the table and thinking hard.

Hearing his beloved disciple's voice, Kato Dan raised his head with a smile on his face.

"There is a very important task that requires you to lead the team."

Kato Suan nodded to the mirror, and then spread out the map on the table.

"Just two days ago, the root spy ninja nicknamed the Walking Miko has sent information. We have basically determined the location of Sunagakure's new drug production base."

Kato Dan drew a circle on the map with his hand.

"Last night, under the personal protection of Tsunade, I used the spiritual transformation technique to go to this area. I further confirmed their exact location, drew a map, and collected more detailed information."

Kato Dan used a pen to draw an x ​​somewhere on the map, indicating that this was the location of Sunagakure's drug manufacturing base.

"After what happened last time, I think you Mingjing also know the role of these toxins on the battlefield. You are proficient in illusions, and you also have excellent medical abilities. You are also strong enough, so I plan to send you and bring team members to sneak into Sunagakure again. ’s new base.”

"So, my mission is still to do the same thing as last time, to bring back Sunagakure's toxin samples for cracking?"

Ming Jing asked Kato Suan.

But Kato Dan just smiled and shook his head.

"No, you don't need to bring back any samples, because if the amount of their toxins is missing, it is still very likely to be detected. In this operation, I will use spiritual transformation to follow you. The goal is to steal The core information on toxin preparation in that base will be reverse engineered after it is brought back."

Ming Jing roughly understood what Kato Dan meant.

The reason why I chose to lead the team to perform the mission this time may be because my ability is more suitable for stealing intelligence. Coupled with the spiritual state of Kato Dan, it can be said that my ability in this area is fully maxed out.

Then there is another more important reason, which is because I have a good level of medical ninjutsu and can accurately judge the importance of each intelligence document.

Although Tsunade has a higher medical level, she is obviously more suitable to protect Kato Dan when he uses the spiritual technique to ensure the safety of Kato Dan's physical body.

"I understand, Teacher Duan."

Ming Jing replied to Kato.

"Well, you wait here for a while. For your operation this time, the teammates I have arranged for you are all elite jounin. Their abilities should not be unfamiliar to you. You have even interacted with some of them. People fought together.”

Kato Dan said with a slight smile on his face.

Sure enough, just a few minutes later, several more people came into Kato Dan's command room.

Two of them are known to Ming Jing. One is Inuzuka Yu's uncle, Inuzuka Palato. His strength is firmly ranked in the top three among all the jounin of the Inuzuka clan. He is an absolute elite jounin.

The other person is Hyuga Hizashi. At this time, he has fully grown up and has begun to gradually enter the golden age of ninjas. As the elite of the young ninjas of the Hyuga clan, and the sect's soft boxing skills taught by Hyuga Hizashi, His strength can be called an elite among Jonin, and his talent should be no worse than that of his son Hyuga Neji in the future of the original time and space.

It's just that if the Hyuga clan doesn't get any adventures, the upper limit may only reach the level of elite jounin. However, as a support, Hyuga Hizashi's Byakugan is definitely very easy to use, and its strength will definitely not be a hindrance.

As for the last person...

Ming Jing could only tell from his dress that he was from the Aburame clan.

"Ming Jing, you already know Hizashi and Palatine, so I won't introduce you further. This one is one of the most outstanding jounin in the Aburame clan, Aburame Shiguro."

During Kato Dan's introduction, this young jonin from the Aburame clan, who looked to be in his twenties, showed a kind smile to the mirror.

"Hello, Captain Mirror."

"Hello, Shiguro Jounin, I heard some information about you from Nami, and I have admired your name for a long time."

Ming Jing also responded to Aburame Shiguro with a smile.

Aburame Nami mentioned Aburame Shiguro to him before. This person's strength may be the most terrifying among the Aburame clan today. He has been dedicated to researching nano-level poisonous insects. Although he has not yet succeeded, it is obvious that he has some Results.

Kato Dan selected two powerful elite jounin, Inuzuka Shiguro and Aburame Shiguro, as his teammates. It is probably because his long-term teammates are Inuzuka Shiguro and Aburame Nami, and the latter two are already somewhat powerful. Even though they couldn't keep up, the two of them were able to connect seamlessly.

As for Hinata Hizashi, the strategic ability of Byakugan is the best intelligence player in any ninja team, and it can be said to be versatile.

"Very good, I won't go into details about the process of this mission. The confidentiality level of the mission is S level and it is an absolute secret. In order to avoid leaks, your team of four will set off in secret immediately!"

Kato Dan looked at the luxurious team in front of him and gave the order decisively.

The endless plain is covered with weeds as tall as a person. Even if you raise your head, you can only see the mountains in the distance.

Each of the four-person team led by Ming Jing is an experienced jounin. Every time he moves a certain distance, he will perfectly hide his traces.

Three ninjas with strong reconnaissance abilities, Hyuga Hizashi, Inuzuka Rui and Aburame Shiguro, took turns to conduct reconnaissance. At the same time, two of them were exploring the surroundings to ensure that the four people's whereabouts were hidden.

"Very good. According to my investigation last night, Sunagakure's drug manufacturing base is one kilometer east of you. That is the end of the plain, connected to the waterfall sliding down the mountain in front. Their location is hidden in After that waterfall.”

Kato Suan's hazy voice came into Ming Jing's mind.

Ming Jing knows that Kato Dan is currently staying with them in a spiritual state using the art of spiritualization. If he wants to have a conversation with Kato Dan, he needs to project his mind into his heart through chakra as a medium. in the world.

The specifics are actually the same as Naruto's dialogue with Kyuubi, Kushina Minato and others in his inner world.

"Go eastward, day difference, focus on exploring the location of the waterfall at the foot of the mountain."

Ming Jing turned his head and gave instructions to Hinata Hizashi.

The odor detection abilities of Inuzuka Paladin and his Nin Inu Huangmaru are not suitable for detecting this situation, especially if there is a waterfall, because the water flow will isolate the internal smell, which may be why Sunagakure would choose that place as a drug manufacturing base. one of the reasons.

As for Aburame Shiguro's insects, there is also a time difference between the round trip, so it is most appropriate to directly ask Hinata Hizashi, who has long-distance clairvoyance.

"There are indeed some abnormalities there. The enemy seems to have carved a special barrier formed by the sealing technique on the surface of the mountain, which has weakened my Byakugan's detection ability. However, if I use my full power to observe, I can still see some flaws."

Hinata Hizashi had veins popping out at the edges of his eyes, staring in one direction.

"Very good. From now on, Hizashi will keep his Byakugan on throughout the whole process. Palatine-senpai will also focus on collecting the scent. Shiguro-senpai will erase the traces as a support and keep moving forward!"

After Ming Jing gave an order, the four-person team slowed down to ensure that their whereabouts would not be exposed.

Ten minutes later, the four of them finally reached a waterfall.

The height difference of this waterfall is actually not that big, and the water flow is relatively not that fast, but the span from left to right is huge, more than one hundred meters. The water from the waterfall slides down from the river above, and the ground below has been eroded by the water for countless years, forming a large lake.

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