Uchiha Family's Reincarnation

Chapter 158 The War Restarts

"This is it."

Hinata Hizashi said while looking at the impressive waterfall in front of him.

Being able to reach the location of this waterfall, Ming Jing and others avoided countless secret sentries and patrols of Sunagakure along the way. If they couldn't avoid it, they were able to control it with the help of a strong lineup, and then let them control it. Ming Jing used illusions to hypnotize him without anyone noticing, and then he quietly touched this place.

"Sealing barriers have been set up in this mountain and waterfall to block the perception of the outside world, and they have strong warning capabilities."

Kato Dan's voice once again entered Ming Jing's mind.

"But the sealing technique in Sand Hidden Village is obviously not good enough. Mingjing, use your Sharingan to carefully observe the chakra flow here, change several chakra nodes here as I said, and then use the reverse sealing seal to make it There was a loophole in the sealing barrier and it failed in a short period of time.”

"I understand, Mr. Dan." Ming Jing opened his Sharingan and carefully observed the chakra flow around him.

"Senior Shihei, there, there and there, use your parasites to absorb the chakra there, causing the chakra flow in the sealing barrier to be uneven in a short period of time, and then I will use the sealing technique to reversely crack it."

Aburame Shiguro nodded silently, raised her hand and released tiny insects that flew around.

"very good."

Through the Sharingan, he saw that the seal warning hidden around the inside of the mountain had begun to show some instability. Ming Jing quickly separated two shadow clones and moved to the edge of the waterfall with the main body, and quickly formed seals with his hands.

"Seal·Triple Reversal Seal!"

In the past, the reverse sealing seal was a unique sealing technique of the Uzumaki clan. It required extremely fine perception to find the nodes where the chakra flows in the enemy's seal and disrupt them, and then use the reverse sealing seal to block the nodes, so that the opponent's The seal expires within a short period of time.

This is a somewhat partial sealing technique, and the conditions for its use are also very harsh. After the Uzumaki clan was exterminated, it was inherited by Konoha, but not many people know it. Ming Jing also believed that this sealing technique and Sharingan can observe the flow of chakra. The abilities are very compatible, and that's why I got the method of practicing this sealing technique from Kushina.

"It's now!"

After the words fell, Ming Jing made a seal in his hand and rushed into the waterfall at the lead. Hinata Hizashi and Aburame Shiguro followed closely behind and entered the waterfall in less than a second. As for Inuzuka Paladin, He was lurking outside with Huang Wan, preparing to respond.

After Aburame Shiguro and the others entered the waterfall, they saw several Sunagakure ninjas standing there blankly, with the three Magatama Sharingan patterns reflected in their eyes.

In fact, the strength of these Sunagakures is not bad, but under the illusion of kaleidoscope-level eye power, they have fallen into hallucinations before they can react. Unless Mingjing takes the initiative to remove it, they will remain like this for nearly an hour. .

Everyone present was a little shocked.

It's not like they have never dealt with Uchiha jounin who is proficient in genjutsu and possesses the Three Magatama Sharingan, but they have never seen one that is so outrageous.

This is the essential difference in pupil power.

The mirror's shining scarlet sharingan looked at Hinata Hizashi and signaled to him.

Hinata Hizashi nodded immediately and continued to observe the surroundings with his white eyes.

Outside, blocked by the seal barrier, his Byakugan vision was weakened, but it was different once inside.

With the accurate location provided by Kato Dan, as well as the reconnaissance abilities of Hinata Hizashi and Aburame Shiguro to avoid pedestrians in the base, and Ming Jing's Sharingan illusion technique to evade pedestrians in the base, the group of people successfully infiltrated into their destination. .

After that, Mingjing screened these documents, Aburame Shiguro copied them, and Hinata Hizashi was responsible for vigilance.

Shiguro Aburame controlled the tiny insects to climb onto a small piece of paper, and quickly arranged them into small characters that could only be seen with a magnifying glass. The efficiency was comparable to that of a printer.

Among the entire Aburame clan, he was the only one who could control such a small insect to perform such an operation.

[Mission completed, ready to leave! 】

Ming Jing silently made two gestures and quietly lurked out with the two of them. The entire process was not discovered by any Sunagakure ninja.

The lineup sent for this mission is quite luxurious. With three elite Jonin and Shunshen Mirror, even if they try to assassinate the Fourth Kazekage, they might have a certain degree of success - even if this team will definitely suffer heavy casualties in the end.

Although the four people did not have any substantial confrontation with any Sunagakure throughout the whole process, in fact, if it were not for the extremely high attainments of these four people in the fields they are good at, they would not be able to complete such a task so easily.

"What is the preparation plan for Chiyo's new poison... I didn't expect that this guy actually changed the direction this time, choosing to extract natural substances from minerals and then chemically prepare them. The toxicity of the toxin this time is not comparable to the last time."

Tsunade raised a test tube and flicked it, looking at the gray-white liquid in it, and said in a deep voice.

What was inside the test tube was the poison configured based on the information brought back by Ming Jing and others.

"It doesn't matter. According to the information brought back by the walking miko at the root, Luo Sha's injury has not fully recovered yet, and it will take at least another week. Chiyo is also still upgrading his puppet arm. During this time, it will be completely It’s enough for us to crack the toxin and produce a sufficient amount of antidote.”

Kato Dan, who was on the other side, put down the documents in his hand, rubbed his shoulders and said with a smile.

He had 100% trust in Tsunade's medical abilities.

On the other side, Uchiha Mingjing was taking Nami Aburame and Inuzuka Ryu to record the living reactions of using mice to test drugs.

At the same time, in the sand hidden camp.

"Elder Qianyo, I wonder how the preparation of the new toxin is going this time?"

The Fourth Kazekage Rasa, who still had a bandage on his shoulder, stopped what he was doing and asked Chiyo who had just entered the camp.

As a Kazekage, even if he is injured, he still has a lot to deal with. Fortunately, Garura can share a lot of the trouble.

"The production line for the new toxin was set up two days ago, and this time, the location of the toxin preparation base has been relocated to a more hidden location. There is also a seal barrier placed by me personally as a warning. It is safe enough. And the toxin this time is completely different from the last time. The onset of effect is very fast. As long as Konoha no longer obtains our toxin samples and is cracked by Tsunade in advance like last time, we can definitely rely on this this time. Toxins gain the upper hand in war!"

Chiyo said with a touch of confidence on her face.

She never thought that this information had been passed on by the walking miko. Although the toxin samples were not obtained by Konoha like last time, the most critical preparation information had been sneaked in by Ming Jing and brought back. .

Luo Sha couldn't help but nod after hearing this.

Chiyo is actually a very comprehensive talent. He is not only the number one puppet master in the ninja world today, he has the strength to reach the level of Kage, he is also good at the research and development and preparation of toxins, and he is also quite good in medical ninjutsu and sealing techniques. Not vulgar.

At least, Chiyo's medical ninjutsu is absolutely top-notch in the ninja world, and he imitated Tsunade and established a medical ninja training system belonging to Sunagakure in Sunagakure Village; he is also the first person in Sunagakure Village in terms of sealing techniques.

Although he was worried that this elder would seize his power, Luo Sha still understood that during the war, he still very much needed to rely on Chiyo, and he also had a high degree of recognition of his abilities.

"That's great. My injury will be fully recovered in about a week. I hope to complete the toxin production reserves before then, and then go all out to defeat Konoha!"

There was a hint of excitement on Luo Sha's face.

The last time the Sunagakure ninja returned in defeat, they were defeated by Konoha in one fell swoop, and their previously unstoppable momentum was shattered. Due to his own injuries and the minor injuries of Kaura and Chiyo, Sunagakure has been commanded by Kato Dan in recent times. The Konoha troops were so suppressed that they could not hold their heads up.

Now it's finally their turn to launch a counterattack!

Luo Shadu had already thought that in a week, he would lead Sunagakure to defeat the Konoha troops, capture a large area of ​​the Fire Country's rich territory, and then replace his teacher the Third Kazekage and become the new "Strongest Kazekage", and then join Kagaku The scene of Rura completing the wedding together and giving birth to a child.

"I understand, the Yondaime can rest assured."

Chiyo touched his cold puppet arm, feeling the temperature and touch that were completely different from those in the past few decades, and a dangerous light flashed in his eyes.

"I still have the grudge of having my arm broken, and I have to settle the score with Konoha's Instant Mirror."

Konoha's White Fang is dead, and Chiyo's current hatred for White Fang has unknowingly transferred part of it to Uchiha Mingjing, who is as good at swordsmanship and teleportation as White Fang, and has a very similar fighting style.

Four days later.

"Just now, the intelligence personnel at Roots sent another message from the walking miko. Sunagakure Village has decided to attack us again in three days."

Kato Dan sat on the main seat in the command room and said with a smile.

"Oh? Then just let them come here. Now the medical team has produced enough antidote for every Konoha ninja to use twice. I really want to see Chiyo see his own in three days. What will it look like after the toxin is broken again?"

Tsunade sat on the chair with her legs crossed and couldn't help laughing.

"Three days later? Tsunade, don't you think it's too late? I really want to see that scene right away, and there is no need for us to wait until Rasa's injuries have fully recovered before fighting passively."

Kato Dan put down the tea cup in his hand, his eyes flashing.

"Are you planning to leave now?"

"Yes, I have asked Mingjing to inform him to start preparing for war and prepare to set off. Konoha's counterattack starts from now on!"

Ninjas have strong mobility and tight organization. It didn't take long after Kato Dan gave the message. More than 3,000 ninjas from the entire Konoha camp had gathered and started marching towards Sunagakure's camp.

Sunagakure Village did not expect that Konoha would launch a large-scale attack on them at this time. It was not until the sensing ninjas in the patrol troops deployed outside the station noticed the huge chakra group not far away that Rasha and others received the call. information.

"Konoha plans to attack our camp directly?"

Luo Sha couldn't help being surprised.

"Did they plan to attack after receiving the support of reinforcements? No, there was no relevant information about this at all during this period, and even if there were reinforcements, they would definitely not come to the country of Sichuan, but go to the disadvantaged Tang This is the right country!”

Luo Sha was puzzled.

Konoha's side and Sunagakure's side are actually quite equal in strength in the Kawa Country, and Sunagakure even has some advantages.

The combat power of the top ninjas is almost the same, but the number of ninjas below is only more than 3,000 in Konoha. However, after ensuring that there is enough protection in the village, the Sand Village has sent out all the ninjas that can be sent out. Although the number of people in Sand Village is not as large as that in Konoha, the number of troops is actually greater than that of Konoha. This is why Sand Village dared to directly attack the Konoha camp.

"Fourth generation, the key now is to stop these Konoha ninjas first. It just so happens that those toxins have been equipped in the puppet troops for a long time, and they were distributed to a large number of Sand Village ninjas in the morning. They can be used in this battle!"

Chiyo reminded Luo Sha on the side.

"I know."

Luo Sha stood up from his position, took off the Kazekage uniform on his body, and changed into combat clothes.

In fact, his injuries have recovered by more than half. Although the remaining minor injuries have an impact on the battle, for a ninjutsu-type ninja like him, this impact will not reduce his combat effectiveness too much.



The sound of the ninja sword cutting through the air sounded.

Ming Jing looked at a Sand Ninja rushing towards him and opened his Sharingan.

"Magic·Jag-hang Technique!"

The moment they looked at each other, the Sand Ninja fell into the illusion, felt a pain in his back, and fell to the ground.

Ming Jing pulled out the Heaven's Tail Feather with his backhand, stretched out his left hand forward, pinched the neck of another Sand Ninja, crushed it, and quickly turned around and swung his sword upward, using the third form of Sun Breathing, the Blue Sky to chop down another Sand Ninja.

The Sharingan with three magatama and the katana wrapped in flames, these distinctive features made the Sand Ninja identify Uchiha Ming Jing's identity at the first time.

"Not good, it's Konoha's Instant Body Ming Jing, let the nearby jonin work together to hold him, and then call Lord Kazekage and Lord Chiyo to deal with him!"

A Sand Ninja jonin near Ming Jing shouted and commanded decisively to the surroundings.

This also attracted Ming Jing's attention.

"Sun Breathing, Eighth Form, Flying Wheel Kage!"

"Wind Style, Vacuum Blade!"

The two swords wrapped in flames and attached with wind blades collided.

The result was that the ninja sword in the hand of the Sand Village jonin was directly cut off by the Heaven's Tail Feather, and a deep wound was fiercely cut on his chest.

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