Uchiha Family's Reincarnation

Chapter 156: Yunyin dispatches troops

Tsunade suddenly had the idea of ​​taking Nami Aburame as her disciple.

Being able to cultivate this kind of medical bug, as long as Aburame Nami can train medical ninjutsu to a qualified stage, she will undoubtedly be a first-class medical ninja, or the kind of medical ninja with special characteristics that is difficult for others to replace.

But Tsunade also needs to consider the Inuzuka Inu.

Among the three disciples of Kato Dan, if two of them also became Tsunade's disciples, leaving only one Inuzuka Roshi, this kind of differential treatment would definitely make people think too much, including Inuzuka Roshi himself.

If something happens because of these things, wouldn't it cause big trouble?

Tsunade's character is most afraid of getting into trouble.

However, if all disciples are like Ming Jing, they can learn by themselves, even if some of them don't know how to do it, they can just come to her and ask her occasionally. This level is not troublesome and can satisfy Tsunade's desire to be a teacher from time to time. In fact, It’s okay to accept him as a disciple…


Tsunade glanced at Aburame Nami and Inuzuka Inu, then looked at the mirror, and suddenly an idea came to her mind.

Actually, it's not a problem, the main thing is that it's not her who is in trouble.

The secret technique of the Inuzuka clan is originally close to the nature of Yang escape. The Inuzuka clan has also practiced the technique of spiritual activation. Although it is only the first level, the chakra control ability is considered to be up to standard. In terms of medical ninjutsu, it is really good. His talent is definitely above the average level in the medical class, and it is not impossible to cultivate it.

As the two disciples of Kato Dan, Tsunade has relatively recognized their talent and character in recent years.

If that's the case, then just accept it as a bonus!

"Uh...Tsunade-sensei, what's wrong with you..."

"Nothing! Nami, Nami, you will also be my disciples of Tsunade from now on! Mingjing, you entered the door first, and I will teach you the training of their medical ninjutsu for the time being. You only need to use what I taught you before. Just teach them that!”

Just do whatever comes to mind, Tsunade smiled and patted Ming Jing on the shoulder.

"All right."

I don’t know what Tsunade thought of, but Mingjing considered that he would occasionally communicate with his two companions to give advice on ninjutsu and other aspects of training before, but now he just used the medical ninja that Tsunade taught him before. It doesn't matter if you share the technique.

The country of thunder, Yunyin Village.

This is a village located between high mountain peaks, shrouded in clouds and mist. People living here can hear deafening thunder from time to time all year round. The terrain is dangerous, making it easy to defend and difficult to attack.

Raikage's office.

A tall, thick, half-naked man with thick blond hair was lying on the ground, using one finger to push up on the ground. He was also tied with heavy weights. As he exercised, a flash of light flashed across his body from time to time. A blue lightning.

The physical body of the Third Raikage has almost reached the highest level in the ninja world. He has cultivated the Thunder Chakra mode to an almost unprecedented peak. He has polished his body to the point where it is close to the extreme. If he continues to train, he will not be able to gain much more. promote.

However, as he grows older, the training of the Third Raikage becomes more stringent, because only in this way can he further extend his peak period.


The wall of Raikage's office was suddenly knocked open, and a complete humanoid silhouette appeared.


The fourth generation Ai, who was also tall and thick, rushed in with excitement.

"Damn it, you didn't go through the main entrance! I'll punish you by doing an A-level task tomorrow and using your salary to repair the wall!"

The Third Raikage stood up, smashed the table in front of him with a slap, and shouted at his son in front of him.

Sidai Ai wanted to speak but stopped.

This table is made of extremely precious wood and is expensive. It was given by a noble minister of the Land of Thunder, and it was still slapped to pieces by the Third Raikage.

However, the fourth generation Ai quickly put this matter behind him.

"Dad, Dodai and I have made arrangements. Now we can dispatch more than 10,000 troops at any time. Now that some of Konoha's power has been attracted to Sunagakure, it is a good opportunity for us to take action!"

The Third Raikage took off the weight on his body and sat down in his seat with a golden sword.

"Very good! After gathering the supplies, we immediately sent out seven thousand troops to attack the Country of Tang, and then directly attack the Country of Fire itself!"

A ferocious smile appeared on the third generation Raikage's face.

All AB groups in Yunyin Village have grown up together since childhood. They have become brothers with different surnames and have deep feelings for each other.

However, Chiyo's eight-tailed jinchuriki Brubi was secretly plotted by Konoha's Orochimaru in Kumogakure during the last ninja war, and finally died because the tailed beast in his body went berserk.

The Third Raikage must settle this account with Konoha no matter what.

"Eh? Why seven thousand?"

The fourth generation Ai Qi asked.

The Third Raikage snorted coldly.

"Hmph, what else can we do? Of course we have to be on guard against the old fox Onoki. This guy is used to adapting to the wind. Although they are also gathering troops internally, who knows if they are just to deal with Konoha. After all, in their eyes, we are comparable The powerful Konoha is much easier to deal with! While keeping some troops to guard against them, you might be able to take advantage of their internal emptiness to grab a fortune from Earth Country."

Cloud Hidden Village has always been like a bandit. Whenever they see something good, they want to steal it from their own home. Whether it is blood stains or secret techniques, they take everything they can, including Konoha's Uzumaki orphans. Grabbing it, the atmosphere inside was more like a gangster. Many ninjas called Raikage directly as "eldest brother".

On the second day, Kumogakure sent seven thousand troops to advance towards the Fire Country.

As soon as this news came out, it immediately shocked Konoha.

"Hey, what I was worried about actually happened..."

Sarutobi Hiruzen smoked his pipe with a sad look on his face.

He had been afraid that if Sunagakure made a desperate move this time and was so powerful that Konoha couldn't solve it quickly, other ninja villages would think that Konoha had been sucked away by Sunagakure and send out troops brazenly.

But now, what he worried about has indeed happened.

"Let's all tell you what to do now."

Sarutobi Hiruzen put down his pipe and looked at the others around him and said.

In addition to him, Mito Katoen and Koharu Koharu are indispensable here. Although Danzo Shimura was relieved of his position as leader of the Roots before, he is still the Hokage advisor of Konoha and has the right to participate in this meeting. High-level meeting.

Outside of Konoha's traditional F4 combination, there is only Orochimaru.

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