Uchiha Family's Reincarnation

Chapter 155 Medical Bug

This is mainly because as a long-range ninjutsu ninja, Aburame Nami's main combat method is to kill the enemy remotely, while Inuzuka Ryo is best at the ninjutsu used by the Inuzuka clan and the ninja dogs, so naturally there are more close combat.

In fact, when Mingjing was not around, the two of them fought in this way, one at a distance and the other at a close distance.

"Next, it's time to find the people in the medical team to help me expel the toxins from my body."

After resting for a while and recovering some of his strength, Inuzuka Ryo stood up from the ground and moved his hands and feet and said.

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"No need."

Aburame Nami shook her head.


Inuzuka Ryo was stunned, and even Tiewan tilted his head and made a puzzled low hum.

Nami Aburame walked to Inuzuka Ryo and stretched out a hand.

Behind her palm, there were wriggling insects emitting strange light green light.

"Ah~ What kind of poisonous insects are these? They look so disgusting. Nami, are you jealous of my great talent and want to poison your teammates to death?"

Inuzuka Ryo looked at the group of ugly wriggling insects and felt a little nauseous. Tiewan simply turned his head away and made a vomiting gesture.

"This is because when I was nurturing new parasites, I accidentally injured the body of a queen insect. Later, I asked Mingjing to use medical ninjutsu to treat it. However, due to the huge difference between human and arthropod bodies, the insects could only be barely cured. However, at that time, the queen insect was already pregnant. Although she died later due to her weak body and forced to give birth to new insects, one of the insects produced had a mutation and was born with the ability to use similar medical ninjutsu."

"Then what are these in your hand..."

"The offspring of that insect, after entering your body, they can devour the toxins in your body and secrete secretions that can heal the flesh to treat your internal injuries."

Inuzuka Ryo opened his mouth wide.

There are still insects that can perform medical ninjutsu?

Then, with this kind of insect, wouldn't Aburame Nami be able to become a first-class medical ninja?

Aburame Nami saw that Inuzuka Ryo did not react, but just opened her mouth wide, tilted her head, and then quickly stuffed the insect into Inuzuka Ryo's mouth.

"Nami, you!"

Inuzuka Ryo didn't react for a moment, and swallowed the bug with a gulp.

"Don't move, take a deep breath, and deliver more oxygen to your body to supply the bugs. After all, this is the first time I use this kind of bug to detoxify and heal people. I don't know if these bugs can adapt to the low oxygen environment in your body."

The second half of Nami Aburame's words made Inuzuka Ryo pause in his deep breathing.

"Damn, Nami, you used me as a guinea pig for your experiment!"

"No, you are not a guinea pig, because I have already experimented with guinea pigs, and they can have an effect on internal injuries and poisoning, so I used it on you, who are also a mammal."

Nami Aburame pushed the big sunglasses on her face and said in a serious voice.

Inuzuka Ryo: ...

"By the way, there is Tiewan. I haven't tried this kind of worm in a dog's body yet. I'll leave this to you, Tiewan."

Aburame Nami suddenly turned her head and looked at Tiewan, who was standing on the ground with his dog paws behind Inuzuka Ryo and preparing to quietly walk to the medical camp.

"Damn it! Tiewan! You are too disloyal! You actually want to sneak away, it's really shameful!"

Inuzuka Ryo said angrily, and then suddenly coughed repeatedly and covered his mouth with both hands.

Tiewan curled up on the ground helplessly, looking dejected.

The worm was really disgusting.


Inuzuka Ryo covered his throat, half-knelt on the ground, and vomited a group of wriggling worms in front of him.

After these worms appeared, they soon twitched and stopped moving.

With the size of these worms, it is difficult to withstand a slightly larger toxicity.

This is probably similar to the general mosquito coil disinfectant. It does not have a big impact on humans, but it is a lethal dose for insects.

Following Inuzuka Ryo, Tiewan also let the insect crawl into the dog's mouth for detoxification with a look of despair on his face.

"Well, the effect is very good. At least most of the toxins have been discharged. But to be on the safe side, let Mingjing and Tsunade check it out."

Aburame Nami rushed the man and the dog to the location of the medical team without saying anything.

In the entire Konoha camp, Mingjing and Tsunade are probably the most tired. Even Kato Dan, who is the commander and takes charge of all important tasks, cannot compare.

After staying up all night to develop a special medicine, they encountered an attack from the Sand Village not long after resting. As the top combat power of Konoha, the two must have participated as the main force. After the end, because of their top medical ninjutsu, they had to help detoxify the poisoned Konoha ninjas.

Especially Mingjing, who had carried out several days of missions before that and had fought with Chiyo once, which was really tiring.

"Oh? Bugs that can perform medical ninjutsu? Can they enter the human body to detoxify?"

Tsunade and Mingjing were a little surprised after learning about this from Nami Aburame and Ryo Inuzuka.

"Nami, show us your bugs. As for Ryo and Tetsumaru, there's no problem."

Mingjing opened his Sharingan and used the Transparent World to scan the bodies of Inuzuka Ryo and Tiewan.

The Transparent World plus the Sharingan has surpassed most medical instruments.

Aburame Nami nodded gently, spread her palms, and crawled out of her sleeves. Bugs with strange pale green light, ugly faces, and long fangs on their mouths crawled out.

"This is the first time I've seen such ugly bugs!"

Mingjing couldn't help but complain when he saw the bugs.

Although Tsunade didn't say anything, her expression was full of approval.

"So Nami, how many of these bugs do you have now?"

Tsunade crossed her arms, picked up a bug from Aburame Nami's hand and looked at it.

Nami Aburame: "As for quantity, I have only cultivated two generations of queen insects, and there are only about 200 ordinary insects. If you consume a lot of chakra and use the cocoon technique, you can cultivate a certain number in a short time, but the efficiency of cultivation is much lower than that of parasitic insects, and these temporary insects have a lifespan of less than two hours.

Tsunade put the insect back into Nami Aburame's palm, touched her chin and nodded.

"With this kind of insect, Nami, your detoxification efficiency is comparable to that of more than one excellent medical ninja in a short time. You might as well transfer to the medical team to help treat the detoxified wounded. As for chakra, I can use slugs to supplement you to increase your endurance. "

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