Uchiha Family's Reincarnation

Chapter 106 Uchiha Kagami's Notes

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Although Uchiha Yu knew very well that Ming Jing's talents in other aspects besides Sharingan were also ridiculously high. Even without Sharingan, he could still become a top powerhouse. Having Sharingan only speeded up the process. {What? You don’t know yet|Read COM, read the chapters without mistakes|Hurry up and Google them}

The Sharingan represents Uchiha, but it does not mean that a talented ninja cannot become a strong person without the Sharingan.

But as a veteran Uchiha who came from the Warring States Period, in his point of view, the Sharingan is still supreme. The Sharingan is the strongest bloodstain in the ninja world. He has extremely high talent in the Sharingan, which means that The top talent in the ninja world.

Uchiha Shisui will become the next target of Uchiha Yu's full training, trying to cultivate another pillar like Ming Jing who can support the family in the future.

God bless Uchiha!

"Ding Jing, this time... thank you so much!"

Uchiha Chen said gratefully to the mirror.

This visit to Uchiha Mirror not only gave hope to his own illness, but Shisui also gained the attention of Uchiha Yu, the most respected elder in the family.

Who in the entire Uchiha community doesn't know that the family's number one genius, Uchiha Mingjing, was trained by Elder Yu?

Suddenly, Uchiha Tatsu remembered something he had prepared before setting off.

Legend has it that there was a lot of commotion in the training ground some time ago. It is said that Elder Yu was teaching Ming Jing the secret skills that Uchiha Ming left behind.

In Uchiha Chen's home, there is a backup copy left by Uchiha Mirror, including many notes and annotations recorded by Uchiha Mirror, so that future generations can inherit his ninjutsu.

"The notes left by Second Grandpa?"

Ming Jing took a pamphlet from Uchiha Tatsu's hand, opened it, and read it quickly with his Sharingan.

it works!

very useful!

The notes left by Uchiha Mirror can be said to be quite detailed. As long as you are talented enough in space and time ninjutsu and can accurately locate the location of the clone, you only need to slowly follow the records here in terms of sealing techniques. After extensive research, learning how to teleport into the mirror is almost a sure thing.

However, the former condition has restricted the vast majority of people, including veteran Uchiha Jounin with the Three Magatama Sharingan, such as Uchiha Yu, who have not been able to get started.

But Spiegel is different.

He has a transparent world. Even without using his eyes, he can clearly perceive the exact location of all objects around him. He has a strong sense of space. Even because the art of spiritual activation is on the third level after the highest level, he can The range of perception is not small.

In other words, with this note, he only needs to learn the art of channeling and reverse channeling step by step. It is only a matter of time before he can learn the mirror teleportation.

However, with the help of Tsunade and Namikaze Minato, this time should be compressed to a very short time.



Mirror soon took Uchiha Chen to find Tsunade.

It was rare that she didn't go to the casino today - Tsunade and Kato Dan had basically lost all the money they earned from doing tasks. Now Kato Dan was still working hard to perform tasks and make money to support his family.

"Oh? Were you able to determine the lung disease without using any instrument? Mirror, it seems that your medical ninjutsu has made great progress!"

In Senju's old house, after Tsunade finished examining Uchiha Tatsumi, she looked at the mirror in surprise.

"There is some progress, but I will definitely need Tsunade-sama's guidance in the future."

Ming Jing smiled and demonstrated to Tsunade the healing technique he had just mastered some time ago.

This can be regarded as a ninjutsu between the hemostasis technique and the palm senjutsu, which can effectively deal with some less serious injuries.

Next, if you want to further improve in medical ninjutsu, you need to get the training methods of advanced medical ninjutsu such as palm senjutsu and chakra scalpel from Tsunade.

"Not bad! Come on, Uchiha Tatsu, lie down on the bed next to you. Ming Jing, turn on the Sharingan. Your medical ninjutsu and Sharingan's eyesight can be just right for me to be my assistant. First, take care of his body. After anesthesia, a thoracotomy was performed to clear the blockage of the bronchial tubes in the lungs using the technique of extraction, and then the slug's split body was used to expand these small bronchial tubes. While opening the trachea, I then used the palm celestial technique to restore it. "

Tsunade quickly came up with a treatment plan.

In addition, there are certain medical facilities here in Senju's old residence. Although they are relatively crude and cannot compare with the equipment bought at a high price in Konoha Hospital, there is no big difference to Tsunade.

Her own chakra control was more sophisticated than the most sophisticated medical equipment in the world.

"But Uchiha Tatsumi, you are not a ninja, and your body is too weak, the chakra in your body is weak, and your vitality is not strong enough. If it is other ninjas, it may not be a big problem, but if you use this kind of forced stimulation of vitality to make the lung cells quickly With regenerative medical ninjutsu, your lifespan may not be too long, maybe only ten years. If you cultivate it well, it may be fifteen years. Whether you want to do this or not depends on you. "

Tsunade said to Uchiha Tatsu while using a mirror to inspect a series of tools.

Uchiha Tatsu consciously lay down on the bed and prepared for the operation.

"Tsunade-sama, I have been prepared for a long time. If I did not receive treatment, I would have only had one or two years to live. Now that the strongest medical ninja in the ninja world is here, I still have the opportunity to see my child grow up. Adult, how could I say no?”

Uchiha Tatsu replied with a faint smile on his face.

The current scene was something he never dared to imagine in his wildest dreams.

Tsunade nodded slightly, reached out and bit her thumb, channeling the slug.

"Ding Jing, prepare to inject anesthetics! Split the slug to the smallest size you can!"

Soon, Tsunade discovered that Ming Jing was even more precise than her in some aspects of surgery!

It's not that the mirror's chakra control ability is more refined than Tsunade's, but that his familiarity with the human body is ridiculously high, and it's even as if he has the clairvoyance ability of the Byakugan!

Coupled with the accuracy brought by the Sanmagatama Sharingan, it is almost equivalent to an X-ray scanner plus a high-precision medical robotic arm, and they are all high-end!

[Why didn’t you realize that this kid has such a high talent for medical ninjutsu before? 】

After the operation was completed, looking at Uchiha Tatsumi who was still awake due to anesthesia, Tsunade fell into deep thought.

With the cooperation of Der Spiegel, the operation took almost less than half the time she expected!

Tsunade believes that if Ming Jing can master the advanced medical ninjutsu such as palm senjutsu, chakra scalpel and fine trouble extraction technique after learning the healing technique, he will not only become a first-class medical ninja, but also a top-notch medical ninjutsu. Be the best at something!

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