Uchiha Family's Reincarnation

Chapter 107 Living together?

"Hey! Mingjing little devil, are you interested in becoming my disciple?"

"Ah? Isn't that what I am now?"

Tsunade took off her medical gloves and turned her head to look in the mirror. β–²πΊπ‘œπ‘œπ‘”π‘™π‘’ Search for π‘ π‘‘π‘œπ‘π‘œπ‘šReadβ–²

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"To be precise, you are Dan's disciple. Although Dan and I are in a husband-and-wife relationship, and you have learned some basic medical ninjutsu from me, you can only be regarded as half of my disciple. But now, I find that you are actually Very talented as a medical ninja.”

"Of course I do! Tsunade-sensei!"

How could Mingjing refuse? He changed his words on the spot.

"By the way, Tsunade-sensei, I am here this time because I actually have some questions about ninjutsu that I would like to ask you for advice!"

"Oh? Tell me?"

Tsunade sat down on the chair, crossed her legs, and felt her chest rise and fall.

Her current figure is no different from her future figure, as big as it should be.

"It's like this. I've recently been learning the unique ninjutsu of my second grandfather, Uchiha Kagami, the disciple of your second grandfather, Tsunade-sensei. This is a ninjutsu derived from the Flying Thunder God's Jutsu. , so you also need to master pre-requisite ninjutsu such as psychic art and a certain degree of sealing techniques. It just so happens that the Konoha Sannin's psychic art is famous, so..."

"I see!"

Tsunade slapped the table and channeled the slug again.

This time, the slug appeared with a psychic scroll.

"Tsunade-sama, is there anything else you can do?"

Slug asked in a sweet voice.

"This is my disciple Uchiha Mingjing, who signed a psychic contract with you."

Slug glanced at the mirror curiously.


Her first two contract partners were both from the Senju clan, but she didn't expect that she would sign a psychic contract with Uchiha now.

But whatever Tsunade said, she just did it.

"Then Master Ming Jing, you just need to write your name in blood on this psychic scroll."

Slug pushed the psychic scroll in front of the mirror.

"Thank you, Senior Slug."

Ming Jing reached out and unfolded the psychic scroll.

The last two names on the scroll, one is Senju Hashirama, and the other is Tsunade in front of him.

With a click, Ming Jing bit his index finger with his teeth and wrote his name on the scroll.

"Then Master Ming Jing, whenever you need it from now on, you only need to use psychic techniques to call me out. Master Tsunade, if there is nothing else, I will leave first."

"Go!" Tsunade waved her hand casually.

"Ming Jing, the art of channeling is not difficult. You can just think about it a little bit after you go back. As for the mirror clone you want to learn, I have two more suitable people to recommend to you."

"Tsunade-sensei are you talking about Minato and Kushina?"

If there is anyone in Konoha who is more suitable than Tsunade to teach him about time and space ninjutsu and sealing techniques, then there are only these two people.

"That's right."

Tsunade responded with a curt nod.

"Kushina and I both inherited Mito's grandmother's sealing technique, but her sealing skills are far superior to mine. As for Minato, after the last ninja war, Jiraiya used his own The military exploits gave Minato an opportunity to learn the ninjutsu in the Book of Sealings. Now that Minato has learned the Flying Thunder God, if you want to learn the mirror teleportation, they are the people who can help you the most. And I remember, you and Minato. You have a good relationship with me, right? They will definitely be happy to help you.”

"Yes, Tsunade-sensei, in fact I also plan to go find Minato and the others after visiting you."

Ming Jing also believes that Namikaze Minato and Kushina are indeed the most suitable candidates to help him learn this ninjutsu.

"By the way! Do you have any money with you?"

Tsunade suddenly remembered something and glanced secretly at Ming Jing's ninja tool bag.

Ninjas usually like to keep their wallets here.

And Spiegel is no exception.

"Well... I came out in a hurry, and I only brought more than 300,000 taels with me..."

"Only more than three hundred thousand taels?"

Tsunade was a little disappointed.

Just such a small amount of money is not enough for her to play for half a day.

"Here! Just use it as tuition and your cousin's medical expenses. Take it! I won't treat you badly. This scroll records some relatively advanced medical ninjutsu training methods."

Tsunade pulled out another scroll as if by magic.

In fact, this is a textbook for cultivating high-level medical ninjas. It records advanced medical ninjutsu such as palm senjutsu, chakra scalpel, and fine patient extraction jutsu. However, only 10% of the medical ninjas available in Konoha are a small part.

Anyone who can learn the art of palm sensibility is already a very good medical ninja.

"Thank you, Tsunade-sensei!"

Ming Jing smiled happily and handed the money and wallet to Tsunade.

If you are injured after a war, having excellent medical ninjutsu will undoubtedly greatly increase your survivability.



Uchiha Tatsu's body recovered quickly.

When I woke up that afternoon, the anesthetic had not worn off and I seemed a little groggy. But by the next day, I was completely back to normal.


Early in the morning, at the training ground within the Uchiha clan.

Uchiha Tatsu faced the rising sun and took a deep breath.

He felt more relaxed than ever, not only physically but also mentally.

Since he had no ninja talent since he was a child, this was his first time coming to the training ground.

The reason is naturally because in the center of the training ground, Uchiha Shisui is following Uchiha Yu for basic ninja training.

"so good……"

At the same time, in another corner of Konoha,

Ming Jing bought some seasonal fruits as gifts and walked to Minato's house.

"Minato-senpai, are you at home?"

Ming Jing knocked on the door and heard a flurry of sounds inside, including a faint female voice.

But soon, the door was pushed open by Namikaze Minato.

"Ah ha, it's Ming Jing. It's a coincidence that Kushina and Kushina came to visit me on the same day!"

Namikaze Minato's face was still a little flushed, he scratched his head in embarrassment and hesitated.


I'm afraid Kushina came to visit you for one night, right?

"Is it just a visit? I thought Minato you were already living with Kushina?"

Ming Jing said with a tease on his face, while giving away a bag of fruit in his hand.

Strawberry and banana match the hair color of Minato and Kushina.

Namikaze Minato's cheeks turned red.

Could it be that the whole village knows about what happened between him and Kushina?

"You're interested, Ming Jing, please come in!"

Namikaze Minato turned sideways and welcomed Ming Jing in.

In the living room, Kushina enthusiastically served fruits and tea, as if she were the hostess of this room.

Namikaze Minato looked at Kushina with eyes full of doting and tenderness.

Ming Jing is used to this - Tsunade and Kato Dan often do this too.

"Actually, I still have a question here that I want to ask Minato and Kushina."

Ming Jing explained the purpose of his visit to Namikaze Minato and Kushina.

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