Uchiha Family's Reincarnation

Chapter 105 Cousin Shisui

Ming Jing, who was still carefully sorting out the memories left behind when the shadow clone studied the sealing technique during this period, heard a knock on the door outside the house and stood up to open it.

"You are...Uncle Chentang, right? Then this must be little Shisui, I didn't expect him to be so old."

Ming Jing touched Uchiha Shisui's head, with a gentle smile on his face, and his eyes keenly glanced at Uchiha Chen's chest.

Having mastered the transparent world and acquired certain medical knowledge, he could tell at a glance that there was a serious problem with Uchiha Tatsu's lungs.

I'm afraid he will die soon.

"Come on, Shui, this is your cousin Ming Jing. He is the number one genius in the family. You must study hard with him in the future."

Uchiha Tatsu reminded the youngest son beside him.

"Cousin Mirror!"

Uchiha Shisui bowed to the mirror.

"Come in first."

Ming Jing opened the door and led Zhisui and his son to the living room.

Ming Jing saw that Uchiha Chen had something to say, but seemed to want to avoid Shisui, so he picked up the only book from the table that could be called a little entertaining and handed it to Shisui.

"Is Shisui literate now?"

"Cousin Mingjing, my father has taught me most of the words!"

Uchiha Shisui replied obediently.

A gentle smile appeared on Ming Jing's face, and he handed the book in his hand to Shisui.

"This book "The Legend of Strong Perseverance" was a gift given to me by my teacher, the current Jonin class leader Kato Danjounin. The author is Jiraiya, one of the famous Sannin. You can take this first I went to the study at the corner to take a look, Uncle Chentang and I still have something to discuss."

Uchiha Chen kept nodding.

"Yes, Shisui, I have also read this book by Jiraiya-sama. The protagonist Naruto is almost perfectly in line with the will of fire. It is very valuable to read."

Ming Jing glanced at Uchiha Tatsumi in surprise.

Have you ever read such an ugly book? Can you still watch?

But having said that, I wonder if Jiraiya’s famous work, Making Love in Heaven, has been released.


After Uchiha Shisui nodded, he trotted towards the corner.

After he left, Ming Jing glanced at the slightly exposed shadow in the direction of the corner and said nothing.

But Uchiha Tatsu has already started the topic.

"Ding Jing, my visit this time is actually..."

"Actually, it's because, Uncle Chentang, you are not going to die soon."

Ming Jing said shockingly.

Uchiha Tatsumi's expression was a little stunned.

However, after mastering the transparent world and familiarizing himself with the large number of medical skills that Tsunade named and needed to read, Ming Jing naturally discovered his serious lung disease at the first sight of him.

He could even see through the transparent world Uchiha Shisui hiding behind the corner holding a book and eavesdropping, and he could also see the single Magatama Sharingan that was about to appear.

Did he open his Sharingan after receiving the news that his father was dying?

This talent is worthy of Uchiha Shisui, who opened the Mangekyō Sharingan at a young age in the future and became known as Shunshen Shisui.

"Yes, I almost forgot that Lord Dane's wife is Lady Tsunade. As their disciple, no wonder you, Mingjing, were able to identify the problem with me so quickly."

Uchiha Tatsu quickly found what he thought was the correct answer.

"As you said, Ming Jing, I have a serious lung disease. The Konoha Hospital established by Tsunade-sama opened some time ago, and I went to see it. The doctor said that I am afraid that I have at most one year left to live. This He’s not even old enough to support Shisui to go to ninja school.”

Uchiha Tatsu's face was full of bitterness.

"So I hope that you can ask Ming Jing to take more care of your cousin Shisui in the future. After all, he is the person with the closest blood relationship to you in the family now!"

"No need."

Ming Jing shook his head and responded.

Uchiha Shisui and Uchiha Tatsuya, who were quietly wiping away tears at the corner, were stunned at the same time.

However, Der Spiegel continued:

"Shisui is my cousin, so I will naturally take care of him with all my strength, but I am also very busy at ordinary times and do not have that much time. At most, I have time to lay a foundation for him. Usually it is best for you, Uncle Chentang, to take care of him yourself. "

Uchiha Chen was even more confused.

I'm going to die, how can I take care of my son?

"It just so happens that I have something to ask Tsunade-sama for advice. After a while, Uncle Chentang, please come with me to see Tsunade-sama. Your problem is congenital bronchial atrophy and blockage in the lungs. You need to use a high-level medical examination. The carat control technology uses medical ninjutsu to clear your lungs. Although it will most likely not cure the root cause and you will continue to be sluggish after recovery, it can at least cure the symptoms and allow you to survive, Uncle Chentou."

Having said this, Ming Jing paused again and added:

"At least I can let you see the day when Shisui goes to ninja school. If you take care of yourself well, it may not be impossible to see the day when Shisui grows up."

Uchiha Tatsu's face was already covered with deep joy.

Why doesn't he want to live and see Shisui grow up?

"Without further ado, let's set off right away. If Shisui is concerned, I'll ask Grandpa Yu to take care of him first. I believe he won't reject a genius who opened his eyes earlier than me. Don't you think so, Shisui?"

Ming Jing looked around the corner with a playful expression on his face.

Uchiha Shisui's figure walked out from the corner, holding the book and bowing deeply to the mirror.

"Open... open your eyes? And Shisui, why are you here?"

Uchiha Tatsu's face was full of confusion.

"Shisui, remember, before you are ten years old, try not to show your Sharingan in front of anyone except me and your Grandpa Yu, otherwise there will be people who don't want to see the birth of new members of the Uchiha clan. The enemy of genius attacks you before you grow up!"

Uchiha Mingjing told Shisui seriously.

He has already performed very well since he opened his eyes at the age of ten, and now he is considered by everyone to be the number one genius of the younger Uchiha generation.

If others knew that Shisui opened his eyes before he was ten years old, it would undoubtedly attract a lot of unnecessary trouble.

At least Danzo Shimura will definitely be targeting Shisui.

I haven't been approached by Shimura Danzo yet. It's probably because Danzo is worried about Kato Dan and Tsunade.

And if Shisui showed his Sharingan to the outside world after he was ten years old, and showed it to the outside world later than himself, he probably wouldn't have received so much attention.

"I remember! Cousin Ming Jing!"

Uchiha Shisui shouted back.

The three of them set off together again and arrived at Uchiha Yu's home.

At first, Uchiha Yu thought Ming Jing came to visit him and felt very happy.

But when he learned that Uchiha Shisui had opened his Sharingan at this age, he was even more surprised and speechless, and repeated what Ming Jing had said before.

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