Two-dimensional System

Chapter 1011: 'Core Technology

Maria Hill really wants to kill people now. Since your ability is not control, why shouldn't you tell us clearly at the beginning?

Maria Hill's integrity, as if from the beginning, it was as if they were preconceived.

"Then can you tell me, what exactly is your ability?"

Although I knew it was not right now, when I said this, of course, there were more super virus little spiders, who were also looking at them both with enthusiasm.

At this time, even the people watching the live broadcast on the Internet, as well as the people on the scene, are like super virus spiders, looking coldly at the food critics.

Of course, they are also very curious about Maria Hill's question. What kind of ability does this guy have to be able to be safe Mr. Mystery?

Only to be able to have such a dazzling ability, the attack of the little Spider-Man is unexpected. From the beginning, didn't really attack the food critic, and Maria Hill beside him?

Obediently~ If such a ‘core’ technology is obtained by them...

Not only ordinary people were moved, but seeing the "Qian Jing" of the skill of food critics, the entrepreneurs and capitalists who were guarding the live broadcast began to breathe.

In particular, the politicians of major countries have seen a broad road, if they have this ‘core’ technology of food critics.

So does it mean that their status in this world can be improved a lot?

And their current influence is really not as good as the superheroes and the Avengers, everyone knows the superheroes of the Avengers.

It is the heroes who have protected the world, and if they appear, what kind of dangerous super ‘bad guy’, trying to rule the world or destroy the world.

Even if they don't want to admit it, they can only pinch their noses to recognize it, but it's different now. If they have the special ability of a food critic and rely on the'core' technology of the Science and Technology Award to develop it... ...

So in the future, do they still need superheroes? These superheroes are great heroes, but they are actually dangerous elements with special abilities.

The newcomers are complicated. Who knows if these superheroes had their brains that day, would they do anything to harm them?

However, the ‘core’ technology of food critics can break the ‘separation’ between them and ‘superheroes’.

They no longer need superheroes, they can also ‘restrict’ ​​the superheroes so that they can truly work for them!

All the careerists began to breathe one after another, became rough and hurried, they now can't wait for their army.

Being able to rush in front of others, instantly go to the scene and directly arrest the food critics. Then, hide in the secret base and quietly study this ‘core’ technology.

They must be ahead of others. These careerists know that it's not just that they are eyeing food critics.

This is a luminous oil field, continent, and ocean. All careerists want to be the first to set foot on their own flags.

"Hello? Act faster, and I don't want you to kill him, I want to live! Do you know how to live? No matter what you use: threats, temptations.

As long as he is willing, as long as you have the ability, keep him under control and stay for my use.

You can do whatever you want, even if it is to satisfy him, what he wants: whether it is power, money or beauty, he will give him what he wants! I only need core technology! Do you understand the core technology! ? "

In order to worry about their subordinates, they messed up what they wanted to these careerists.

They also took out their own military satellite phones one after another, and brought them to the generals who were carrying troops to kill the food critics.

It doesn't matter to do something that a fool would do, you all arouse me radiantly, don't just think about using your muscles blindly.

You are not barbarians, so if you can, if you can, subdue the other party with force. Then they will save trouble, but now it is time to fight against the clock.

Who would use force to waste time, so what is left of such a general himself?

It's better to put it in Africa to mine. He doesn't want something that has not succeeded but failed. What is it that he bows his head and is amiable now?

After they have developed the core technology, at that time this guy has no use value. Isn't it that they can do whatever they want?

Therefore, those generals who lead the team, don't be confused.

All the careerists, they are afraid that they are afraid of their subordinates, the general is an iron man, thinking that something is wrong and there is a weapon.

Can forcefully subdue others, what if they don’t? People’s core technology is so powerful, super small spiders are powerful enough, right?

It's not the same as being played by others. Just ask yourself, what are your advantages over Super Little Spider-Man?

The fighting power of Super Little Spider-Man is not what you can compare, right? In such an environment without any restrictions.

Don't come, you patronize and other food critics, and you will let some people take advantage of it.

Of course, everyone is very curious now. The food critics have answered the question of the super virus spider.

Will he be in front of such a person, answering Maria Hill, what is the special ability of food critics?

"Do you want to know? It doesn't matter to tell you, in fact, my ability is: illusion~"

The food critic smiled without saying a word, with a thoughtful look, looking at Maria Hill who hadn't known for a long time, she couldn't help but blush and lowered her head.

Unexpectedly, his little trick was still seen through by food critics, this bastard.

Mary Hill would be curious about the abilities of food critics? Of course, there is no doubt about it, but why would you ask food critics at this time?

Really don't know, so many people here are waiting for food critics to explode their abilities?

So that they can be prepared? Maria Hill worries about Super Little Spider-Man, because she doesn't understand or is familiar with it and suffers from the ability of food critics.

Everyone present at the scene hasn't figured this out yet, but the food critics "see" it clearly.

The safety director and food critics of Yuyin Village in the future are not angry with him who has turned his elbow out.

I told everyone about my ability as Maria Hill wanted. Of course, the most important thing was to let the super virus spider know.

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