Two-dimensional System

Chapter 1010: Very handsome~ but very awkward!

Seeing intact, the food critic standing on the other side, and Maria Hill, were stunned, let alone the super virus Little Spider-Man.

Even the people at the scene and the people watching the live broadcast were stunned by their **** faces, looking at the intact food critic and Maria Hill.

What is going on with these two people? Isn't it done? The secret agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. Bureau have all said that although Maria Hill is the deputy seat of S.H.I.E.L.

In the eyes of everyone, they would not lie while staring at the screen. The super virus little Spider-Man decided to do something with Maria Hill and the food critic.

None of them think that Maria Hill and the food critics have any chance of comeback.

Super virus little Spider-Man, but also an explosive little Spider-Man, sling anyone, okay?

They also saw the spider silk of Little Spider-Man with their own eyes, sticking to the food critic and Maria Hill, but...

There was a big question mark on all people's heads, and there was no comment or voice on the Internet after a moment of silence.

Then, the whole world exploded again. What did they see?

Is what they see is true? And this guy who killed Mr. Mystery, does he know what else he said?

Is he sarcastic of Little Spider-Man? Damn it is too disgusting, why does such a guy, Little Spider-Man, still show mercy to his men?

Super Virus Little Spider-Man, he didn't kill himself when he came up, and they were all visible.

Otherwise, who would do it first, instead of moving the fragile parts of the heart and throat according to the other's weakness?

But just the opponent's hands and feet? But this guy, even if he doesn't appreciate it, he's still making sarcasm?

He's too meow, do you know that the current little Spider-Man, he represents more than just himself. He also represents tens of thousands, even hundreds of millions of human beings, who want to kill you!

Maria Hill looked at the super viral little Spider-Man in a daze, do you dare to believe that they just stood here and didn't move?

Yes, even though Maria Hill’s expression was true at the time, I also witnessed the fact that the Super Virus Spider-Man did his hands on both of them.

However, it is strange to say that Maria Hill felt that at that time, she was in the same state as she was playing a game, let her'consciousness' enter another world and'manipulate' another'self'.

Of course, the truth is actually very simple, that is, Maria Hill discovered that these people include Little Spider-Man, and I don’t know who it is and what methods they used.

The people who came to live broadcast the battle, and those who were watching the live broadcast, didn't see the real them.

It is very similar to the projection, but without losing the projection. If it is projected, they still need to move, and the "shadow" that is projected will move accordingly.

Of course, the super virus little spiders did not move much when they attacked their legs stuck by spider silk.

And their state at the time was even more strange, and they didn't use the new technology ‘invisible umbrella’ of S.H.I.E.L.D..

However, everyone present did not discover their true identity, where they were.

So Maria Hill was silent, watching the food critics so quietly, now it's time for the food critics and Super Little Spider-Man to perform solo.

It just seems that the super virus spider is very hanging ~ not at all, the opponent of food critics.

" did you do it!?"

Although to a large extent, the super virus spider, I believe the other party will not tell myself.

After all, who would be so stupid that they would take the initiative to tell the enemy about their abilities? Isn't this for the enemy to be able to analyze the way to defeat himself?

However, Super Little Spider-Man is an excellent student, and still has something to understand, so he asked the teacher's good student face to face.

Therefore, this question seems silly, and it is indeed a question about the soul of Super Virus Little Spider-Man.

Hearing Spider-Man's question, everyone's eyes widened in disbelief, as if they were looking at a fool.

Kids, do you know what you are asking? Do you think they will tell you about their ‘core’ secrets?

"Actually, there is nothing to say~"

What! ?

This time, not only everyone was looking at Super Virus Spider-Man with idiot eyes, even Maria Hill was taken aback by the food critics beside him.

This guy is also poisonous, and he can be stupid. If I stay with this guy, will I be infected by this guy?

Maria Hill looked weird, looking at the food critic who had taken out a small prism beside her.

"Uh~ this is..."

I felt the dazzling light from the small prism in the food critic's hand.

So, this is the reason why the super virus Little Spider-Man did not attack the food critics and Maria Hill?

This dazzling light made Super Virus Little Spider-Man very uncomfortable, and he had to raise his hand to cover his eyes.

Although he regards Super Little Spider-Man as an idiot, in my heart, he is also very curious about food critics.

What kind of ‘core’ technology was used to fool the super virus little Spider-Man and the ‘core secret’ of their eyes.

It turned out to be just this little one: a prism! ?


If it's just this little prism, then everyone will not believe it, on the contrary, they will still wonder if it is a food critic.

Don't want to tell them, but want to humiliate them in this way?

With that, the food critic threw the small prism in his hand and was pierced by the light in his eyes, and had to take two steps back.

Leaving, inside the food critic's hand, the prism casts light on himself.

The super virus little Spider-Man, who has just recovered his eyesight, follows the voice made by the food critic Prism after casting it out. I saw the whole scene around. I don't know when, there are already a lot of shiny'things'.

It was so beautiful that the little glass surrounded all of them.

"this is......"

"When did you set the game!?"

Not to mention Super Little Spider-Man, Maria Hill couldn't help turning her head to look at the food critic. It seemed that this guy's ability was more than just ‘control’.

"Don't look at me with such eyes, I have never admitted that my ability is always in control~"

Maria Hill: ...


Look, the food critic looks so calm, although he is handsome, he is really awkward~

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