Two-dimensional System

Chapter 1012: Why is the head so dizzy?

After speaking out about her abilities, the food critic's eyes turned to Maria Hill, who regarded herself as a ‘little transparency’ who hid his fame and fame.

That meaning is already obvious. What you want me to say, I have said. Now, I am talking to this super virus little Spiderman.

But it’s on the same level of ‘fair’, you can’t turn your elbow out anymore~

Maria Hill replied bitterly. A food critic **** rolled his eyes. Who turned his arm out?

Who are you? Shouldn't the fight be: fair, open, and just?

As long as you watched the little Spider-Man fighting for a long time, they already knew exactly what ability they had.

It’s hard to find out that your ability is to control, the result? You tell me that your ability is not control? Even if the little Spider-Man is infected with the virus and becomes a super virus little Spider-Man, you shouldn't bully others, right?

How good is this? You know what the abilities of Little Spider-Man are. Little Spider-Man also knows what your abilities are.

What is his fairness? Isn't this fair to him?

After all, for Maria Hill, whether it's Spider-Man or a food critic, these two guys now have flesh in their palms and backs.

It's not good for anyone to lose, just like the super virus little Spider-Man, who directly attacked food critics without speaking about martial arts at all, Maria Hill couldn't stand to speak to the food critics.

Maria Hill said that she is your "Ma Ma" ~ You are all good cubs of Ma Ma, and returned to the innocent little eyes of food critics.

Trying to fool the past, so that food critics don’t care about, don’t get angry, just let yourself go~

Looking at the ‘poor’ Baba’s Maria Hill, the food critic smiled. He is not angry. Isn’t he just playing when he changes his waistcoat?

When playing games, you must have the mentality of playing games~ Then the most basic game rules, food critics will abide by, then no matter whether the opponent is Super Spiderman or not.

Whether Spider-Man has anything to do with Maria Hill, or whether Spider-Man has anything to do with Tony Stark, these have nothing to do with food critics.

And even if it’s not Spider-Man, food critics will tell each other about their abilities.

This is the game, if the game loses...then lose it~

The game~ you win or lose, and it’s not your own tuba, and it’s not a matter of life or death.

You lose the game. It's not that you lose your life if you lose the game. If you lose the game, you lose, just like your whole life.

So, no matter whether the opponent is super or not, the little Spider-Man food critics are familiar with it, then run away~

Leave a chicken feather on the ground, pat your **** and leave, such a thing. Even if it is, as a large Uzumaki Goddai, it is not that he has done it.

Illusion! ? What kind of ability is this?

All those who pay attention to food critics have thought about what kind of abilities a food critic might possess.

But no matter what he thought, he didn't guess about illusion.

What kind of ability is this? Is it because of illusion that food critics killed the mysterious guest?

And, let so many people fall to the ground in an instant?

Is this illusion so awesome? Killing silently and invisibly? The super virus little Spider-Man is also confused under the mask.

In his understanding, the so-called illusion is the blinding technique, or what kind of medicine is used to cause confusion in the opponent's brain.

Of course, the most powerful illusion is life!

He will give you an illusion of whether the environment in which you live is real or fake. There is even an illusion whether people around are real.

This is the illusion that life brings to you. Of course, the so-called illusion is more: the psychologist.

This is what the little Spider-Man can imagine, using words or special actions to give psychological hints to the other party.

In this way, the psychological logic of the other party can be confused and hallucinations are generated. This is the illusion that the super spider can understand.

Just like a magician, through the naked eye's collection of light, the brain makes wrong judgments...

and many more......

Thinking of this, Super Little Spider-Man suddenly shrank his pupils. He seemed to think of what he had seen before. Why did he give himself such an illusion...

"It's the eyes and light that deceived me..."

"Yes~Congratulations, I found the answer~"

Hearing Super Little Spider-Man talking to himself, he broke the methods used by previous food critics.

There is nothing wrong with it, it is through the light given by the sun to influence what the human eye can see.

This allowed everyone to see the two fake food critics and Maria Hill, both of which are the function of the little prism...


Super Little Spider-Man swallowed the saliva, even though he knew the last reason was unexpected, it was like the magic trick of a magician was revealed.

All people will go there subconsciously. This is nothing more than that. The answer is so simple, but is there no one going there?

This is actually the most rare? Before the mystery is revealed, who can think of it?

Moreover, it was possible to set up such a big game without a trace of awareness in advance by so many people...

The man in front of him is really terrifying and dangerous. How much does he know about light, human eye nerves, and human brain?

Can you get past this point?

Therefore, under extreme fear, Super Little Spider-Man is different from ordinary people, with a look of ignorance. It also seemed that he didn't understand the connection between this illusion and Little Prism, and he let out a cold sweat.

"How did you do it? No! I mean, how did you..."

"Hehe~ what you want to ask is, when did I put such a big ‘prism array’ on you, right?"


The super virus little Spider-Man lit his head frantically, that's right, he meant it, how on earth are you among so many people watching you.

Putting such a large ‘prism array’ on site, of course this thing looks like a ‘prism’, but is it the effect of the prism?

How it came about and how it works. Even the Super Little Spider-Man, who is a learning tyrant, only knows this principle, not the process and method of this operation, and the most important ‘prism’ production materials.

"Of course...this..."

feather? feather?

Looking at the food critics, I don’t know where, after taking out the feather...

Ugh? Ugh? Ugh? Why is my head so dizzy? Could it be...not good...

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