Travel to Warhammer 40K with Gray Wind

Chapter 333 Green-skinned Emperor

The angry 93rd Company of the Ultramarines stormed into the secret chamber deep in the fortress. Captain Kanrel vowed to use the power sword in his hand to chop off the metal head of this technological madman who prevented him from going to support the Father of Genes.

But when they successfully broke through the last blockade of the Mechanicus Skitarii, the Blackstone Fortress was fully activated, and the gushing psychic plume destroyed the Dark Eldar warships that came to join the gang.

This was the first Eldar warship destroyed in the entire battle.

Great Sage Caul calmly stared at the 93rd Company of the Ultramarines that broke through the door, with neither sadness nor joy on his face, "My respected Captain, you rushed in front of me brandishing your weapon because you wanted to do something to me." What are you doing with this old bone?"

Captain Kanriel did not hesitate at all. The power sword that had been pointed at the Great Sage's head with murderous intent just now fell down smoothly and was inserted into the ground. The soldiers of the 93rd Company of the Ultramarines knelt down on the spot without any psychological burden and shouted in unison. He said, "The great sage is unparalleled in wisdom! Lord Guilliman, who is isolated and helpless, begs for your help."

Kaul waved his appendage disapprovingly, "Huh, luckily you're not hopelessly stupid."

The old Astartes were too pedantic, conservative, and dogmatic. They were not as smart, powerful, and loyal as the Primaris Astartes that he had improved with his amazing wisdom.

With disdain for mediocrity and disdain for aliens, the arrogant Great Sage began to control Blackstone Fortress No. 06 to support the Gothic fleet that was shattered by the Eldar guerrillas. Caul opened fire frequently during the journey in a showy manner, The psychic plumes emitted by the Blackstone Fortress continuously shot down the wraithbone fighters hidden in the shallow waters of the subspace. It's like a arrogant child showing off his newly bought toy chariot to his friends.

News that Archmagos Caul had used his astonishing wisdom to break the witchcraft of the Eldar quickly reached the ears of the Primarch aboard Macragge's Glory. Guilliman immediately ordered that the matter be passed on to all fleet commanders. To boost morale, the original body's superhuman brain worked quickly, and with the breaking point provided by Caul, in just two minutes, Guilliman made all the arrangements and tactical plans needed to launch a counterattack.

The battleship that had not yet suffered a fatal blow quickly moved closer to Blackstone Fortress No. 06 and cooperated with Caul. The captain of the battleship that was too seriously damaged and could not be saved was ordered to abandon the ship. He had not had time to use the subspace engine to kill him with the final explosion. Eldar warships retreating to a safe distance. Caul himself quickly moved to the remaining five blackstone fortresses on his personal battleship. In the name of the original body, the Great Sage completely took over these ancient war machines.

The power of Blackstone Fortress is certainly powerful, but the Eldar warships that penetrated deep into the position to wreak havoc among the Gothic Fleet were mostly light fighters constructed of wraithbones and small, high-speed strike craft. Using Blackstone Fortress's subspace cannon to bombard these targets was no different. Using cannons to kill mosquitoes will inevitably damage friendly ships and other surrounding imperial facilities.

The Ultramarines heralds scattered throughout the fleet shouted: "The Primarch has an order! Grant the highest authority to the Holy Magus Belisarius Caul of the Adeptus Mechanicus. All matters related to the Blackstone Fortress should be handled by Caul. The adults are solely responsible!”

So the Great Sage was able to mobilize all six Blackstone Fortresses, fully load the shield system, and charge towards the Dark Eldar's Wraithbone Spire.

Belisarius Caul personally sat in the Blackstone Fortress No. 01 of the Eternal Will, leading the charge of the giant ship. However, when the massive battlefield data flowed through his mind, Caul did not expect it.

When he used the waste code virus from the golden age to capture the last firewall in the core center of Blackstone Fortress, the Haemonculi elders in the Wraithbone Spire Fortress also recited twisted operating instructions, deep inside the Blackstone Fortress' Eternal Will. In a secret courtyard, a historic spiritual bone creation was lit up.

It is no wonder that the Eldar would claim the Blackstone Fortress as the 'Amulet of Vaal'. During the thousands of years that humans have controlled the Blackstone Fortress, the Empire has never discovered that there is a webway gate in the deepest part of these Blackstone Fortresses.

At this time, Caul was still concentrating on coordinating the action instructions of the six Blackstone Fortresses. He did not notice at all that a squadron of Eldar Liches had entered the fortress directly from the Webway Gate. The elite Liches silently erased the The Adeptus Mechanicus Skitarii guarding outside the core center, the alien blades pointed directly at the mechanical head of the Great Sage.

At this moment, suddenly, all the imperial ships and Eldar fortresses in the fierce battle detected a short, flat, and fast electromagnetic pulse.

That is a sign that the curvature of space is distorted by strong gravity, indicating that a supermassive object will enter the battlefield in a way that distorts time and space. But unlike subspace navigation that tears apart the curtain, the landing point of this physical jump cannot be predicted. When you observe the space-time disorder caused by the jump, it means that the unit that caused the phenomenon has arrived.

At the same second that the battleship's sensor received the electromagnetic pulse, the giant ether insect, Jörmungandr, arrived on the battlefield.

The star-devouring behemoth roared in the center of the battlefield. It couldn't wait to feast on the flesh and blood of humans and Eldar. The shadow of the Hive Will fell on the Darnak Galaxy, and the light of the Star Torch could no longer be transmitted here. Countless psykers howled in pain.

However, it seems that some people still think that this chaotic battlefield is not chaotic enough. Just a few minutes after the ether giant Jormungandr jumped to Darnak where the fierce battle was going on, a huge wave of psychic energy came to Darnak. The galaxy spreads out from the center with its Mandeville point.

That kind of energy is different from the chaotic evil energy of the evil god or the light of the emperor. It is also very different from the spiritual energy of the psykers. When it emerges from the subspace, the surrounding cosmic dust is stained. A touch of violent green.

"What... what did you do?" An Ultramarines sergeant who was fighting the Dark Eldar who jumped into the cabin cut off the alien's head and muttered to himself as he stared at the huge creature emerging from the Mandeville Point. .

In order to monitor the safety of Mandeville Point, the Adeptus Mechanicus transformed a rocky asteroid on the outskirts of the Darnak system into a huge deep space outpost. However, the 'thing' coming out of the subspace at this moment... Even bigger than this asteroid.

It was a mechanical planet made of copper and iron. The dense rocky planet was completely wrapped by rough steel creations. It was covered with a dense array of giant artillery without any rules or tactics, and a huge arsenal and oil refinery. , the furnace is buried inside the star, and it is spitting out thick smoke all the time.

However, the most eye-catching thing is that on the surface of this mechanical planet, there are countless mountains, ravines, and rivers formed by industrial waste, which together form a huge totem that can be clearly recognized even from space.

A huge one:Ω

On a naval ship closer to Mandeville Point, the commander was shocked to see through the scanning instrument that on top of the steel spiers on the surface of the mechanical planet, a tall war boss with dark green skin and blue power armor was holding a chain. He sawed his sword and shouted to the green-skinned boys under his command:

"For the Emperor!"

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