Travel to Warhammer 40K with Gray Wind

Chapter 332 Shocking Wisdom

Light spears and macrocannons sounded together, chain saws and explosive shells roared together.

Streams of light flashed by, and the nimble Eldar stealth fighters nimbly shuttled through the huge fleet of the original body, using their deadly weapons to detonate the core reactors of one Imperial warship after another. Blue plasma sparks were in the orbit of Darnak Prime. Every minute, the Gothic Fleet suffered huge losses that would make any naval officer heartbroken and unable to breathe.

The commanders constantly tried to mobilize any weapons that could still function and organized wave after wave of counterattacks, but no matter what efforts they made, they were unable to cause even a single bit of damage to the Eldar strike boats and fighter jets shrouded in the void. The war situation deteriorated rapidly with an unstoppable trend.

Every loyal soldier is fighting to the death with all his strength, but their fearless and unnecessary sacrifice cannot be said to be insignificant to the current situation, or at least it can be said to be useless.

War is war, not the duel of warriors sung by bards. No matter how loyal an ant is, it cannot kill a star.

But smart ants can.

While everyone in the Primarch's army was desperately trying to restore the situation, one man was leisurely immersed in his own affairs, like an outsider who had nothing to do with him.

He is the great sage of the Adeptus Mechanicus: Belisarius Cawl.

Caul ignored the burning Gothic fleet and did not rush to Guilliman to help him immediately. The Great Sage was currently staying deep in the Blackstone Fortress No. 06 that had just been launched once, studying it with great interest. This fortress feeds back various core data when it is running at full power.

A deputy wearing a priest's robe followed Belisarius Caul's heavily armored body and reminded carefully: "Lord Caul, please forgive me for overstepping, but I don't think it's time to do so now. It’s a good time to study alien technology. Look outside, the empire’s fleet is retreating steadily, the Eldar are raging, and the other five Blackstone Fortresses have been urgently activated and rushed to the front line to support the original body, but..."

But only Blackstone Fortress No. 06 was forcibly intercepted by Caul's methods, and stayed in the outer reaches of the galaxy to be studied by the Great Sage.

"The officers in the fortress have protested many times. They demand that you immediately hand over control of the Blackstone Fortress. The captain of the 93rd Company of the Ultramarines claims that if you continue to prevent them from supporting their genetic father, the safety of the original body will be endangered. If threatened, he will use the power sword to destroy your data processing center..."

Seeing the frightened and worried expression of his priest, Kaul disagreed, "Humph."

Great Sage Caul certainly understands that what the original body needs most now is practical support rather than theoretical research. On the battlefield, the fire support of a black stone fortress is far more important than a research report.

"Technology and academics are of course precious, but what the original body needs more now is powerful artillery and more battleships." The priest's deputy carefully suggested: "You can't always rely on research to save the empire, Lord Caul. "

"Why can't I?" Kaul turned his head and stared at his deputy with his red prosthetic eyes. He gritted his teeth and said: "Don't try to educate me, don't try to make your shallow suggestions to me, you little guy who doesn't know the heights of heaven and earth. .”

"Because I am the Great Sage Caul! I can do anything!"

"Mediocre mortals cannot understand my wisdom! They will only think that I am crazy! Just like the Ultramarines sharpening their swords outside this chamber! They think that their chainswords and bolters can activate the 'Vail of the Void' 'Defend your Primarch before the Eldar!"

"A bunch of idiots! Their stupidity will only cause unnecessary sacrifices! What the empire needs is not stupid swords and clumsy sacrifices, but me! It is the amazing wisdom of my great sage Kaul!"

"Because I'm Caul, I can do anything!"

Amid the great sage's thunderous roar, the high-ranking priest trembled and did not dare to say another word.

The furious Kaul gradually calmed down, as if he had just taken control of a fierce argument involving hundreds of people. He said tiredly: "Listen little one, I will only say this once."

The technical priest hurriedly listened - cleaning his sound receiving device with electrolyte.

"The original body has not truly mastered the Blackstone Fortress." Kaul said: "The Blackstone Fortress is a giant weapon created by the ancient race to target the 'Star God'. You may not know what the Star God is. This is because you are too stupid and ignorant."

"The Star God is a pure energy creature born from the laws of physics. He is almost immortal. However, in that battle in heaven that was longer than the past, someone found a new way to kill the Star God. That is the other side of the soul. . There is no concept of time in subspace, and there are no so-called eternal physical laws. Once the star gods, as the incarnation of laws, pass through the veil and fall into the sea of ​​souls, their divine bodies will be irreversibly distorted and collapsed. Until death.”

That's why the Star God needed to gather the Necrontyr and create the Necrons to deal with the Old Saints and Eldar who could manipulate the power of the subspace for themselves, but that was another secret, and Caul did not intend to tell him this.

"The Star Gods are nearly omnipotent in the physical universe, but they know the dangers of subspace and their own powerlessness in the supreme sky. Therefore, the Star Gods will never take the initiative to enter the subspace to destroy themselves, but... they do not enter the subspace. , but someone will take the initiative to approach them with subspace."

Kaul spread out his countless arms, like a large tarantula stretching its belly and legs.

The great sage chanted binary codes with unknown meanings, and countless small mechanical tentacles and underworld beetles emerged from under his robes, invading the data center with gray runes flashing in the secret room.

That was the underworld beetle of the Necrons... The priest's deputy discovered the strangeness of Caul's methods, and recognized that this was alien technology that would be declared a heretic by the Inquisition and hunted to death, but at this moment, he had no idea. Not a little angry at the heretics but...jealousy.

He was going crazy with jealousy.

"Humph, thanks to them using the Ebony Claw to unlock the firewall at the center of the fortress, otherwise it would undoubtedly be difficult to hack into the Blackstone Fortress's master control system and gain full control." Caul said, with the gray-white talisman flashing in front of him. The text has turned a dazzling bright red.

Countless underworld beetles crawled back into the Great Sage's body. Caul continued: "The Blackstone Fortress is actually a huge subspace energy generator. You can understand it as a special psychic weapon. The power is huge enough to annihilate the incarnation of the laws of physics and slaughter the Star God..."

"The battleships and fortresses of the Eldar are covered by the 'veil of the void'. They are lurking in the shallow waters of the Sea of ​​Souls and are immune to attacks by all conventional weapons. Only psychic weapons that use the power of the soul to attack can attack those hiding in the sea. The Eldar creations behind the veil take their toll.”

As he spoke, Kaul suddenly became furious, and his roar was mixed with electronic noise, as if several people were talking at the same time:

"And the Blackstone Fortress itself is a powerful psychic cannon launching base!"

"The busy mediocre people have mastered such magical weapons, but they don't know how to use them. They clumsily connected countless backward torpedoes and laser launch arrays on the fortress, and used the spiritual weapons to annihilate the Star God as an empire. The Navy’s mobile armed platforms will be used.”

"Weapons that can easily penetrate the veil of the void are clearly in your hands, but you are still teased and trampled on by the mere Eldar hiding behind the veil, and you abandon your armor... You are like the stupid Ogryn, waving the most advanced thermal weapons. Molten rifle hitting people with the butt. What a disgrace, how stupid.”

Kaul muttered angrily, his open mechanical arm controlled countless blood-red psychic runes. The Great Sage hacked into the master control system of Blackstone Fortress, and he directly gave instructions to every part of the weapon.

The cross-edge hinges of Blackstone Fortress No. 06 unfolded, and unparalleled psychic energy was extracted from the subspace.

The remaining patch of flesh on Kaul's face became ferocious, and he gritted his teeth and asked:

"Now, do you understand my wisdom?"

After the Great Sage finished speaking, an Eldar strike boat that was rapidly approaching Blackstone Fortress No. 06, intending to join forces and seize control of the fortress, was drowned in the surging psychic plume.

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