Travel to Warhammer 40K with Gray Wind

Chapter 334 Praise to the God of Machinery

Is there anything more humiliating for a Space Marine than to be defeated by a filthy xenomorph in front of his genetic father?


That was when he and the remaining battle brothers were boarding a transport plane and preparing to abandon the ship and evacuate, a green-skinned boss in blue armor came with a large number of boys to join the gang, and used an exaggeratedly large-caliber bolt gun to blast them to pieces. The Dark Eldar on the ship forcibly rescued the strike cruiser that they had given up rescuing.

But what made the Ultramarines most ashamed was what the orc boss in blue power armor said to them in Gothic: "You are not loyal."

The standard High Gothic with a hint of Terran accent is purer than what the Ultramarines speak.

"What a blasphemy!" The Astartes monks, represented by Captain Kanrel of the 93rd Company of the Ultramarines, were furious.

Many of them refused to evacuate, roaring and raising their weapons, ready to return and kill this group of dirty aliens who dared to blaspheme the God-Emperor's faith.

At the same time, the ether giant Jormungandr, which had just jumped into the battlefield, also started its actions. Countless Tyranid biological ships and virus spore clouds were spat out from the mouth of the giant insect, and headed straight for Darnak Prime, the most densely populated planet in the galaxy.

The Dark Eldar's raid destroyed the original body's strategic plan to snipe the etheric giant insects. The Gothic fleet stationed in the orbit of Darnak Prime also suffered heavy losses from the Eldar guerrilla fleet. This created an excellent opportunity for the invasion of the insect swarm. With perfect opportunity, the Tyranid's ravenous tentacles effortlessly penetrated the atmosphere of Darnak Prime.

The Great Devourer is indifferent to the grudges between Eldar, humans, and greenskins, he just knows how to eat.

The Darnak galaxy is now in chaos. The Great Sage Caul and the Blackstone Fortress he controls are restrained by another ancient relic used by the Haemon Elder. Guilliman's army has to fend off the Eldar fighters at the same time. Harassment and large-scale invasion of Zerg, and at the same time, we must beware of the blasphemous greenskins who chant the name of the Emperor.

This group of greenskins in blue armor wielded chain swords and power axes, calling themselves the Ultramarines who believed in the Emperor. They kept cutting off the heads of Eldar warriors and Tyranid beasts as blood sacrifices to the God Emperor, in space. Bloody sacrificial rituals were held one after another, but unlike the cult rituals in which Chaos believers summoned demons, the Greenskins used alien blood to smear the sacred Imperial double-headed eagle on the spacecraft deck and the ground of the battle moon. , with an abstract pattern representing the Emperor of Mankind and the Golden Throne.

The progress of the war was slowly pulling and advancing in chaos.

After witnessing the battle between the greenskins and the Eldar, some subtle changes occurred in the mentality of some imperial warship commanders.

"Obviously, the orcs use the same conventional weapons as we do. Even the guns, cannons and torpedoes in the hands of the orcs are crude products made of scrap metal discarded by the empire. But why?!" A cruiser captain He gritted his teeth and pointed at the holographic projector in front of him.

The image displayed on the projector was a scene of an Orc garbage ship using a macro cannon to directly destroy an Eldar raider craft protected by the Void Veil.

Unable to understand this scene, the battleship commander asked the stationed priest of the Adeptus Mechanicus: "Why is it that the same weapon is invincible in the hands of the greenskins, but has many limitations in the hands of the loyal soldiers of the empire?"

The garrison priest was silent for a moment: "It must be because our prayers were not pious enough, which caused the machine spirit to be displeased, and the sacred machine did not perform as well as it should."

With that said, the technical priest turned and left, preparing to perform the ritual to appease the machine spirit again.

The cruiser commander watched with disbelief as the Mechanicus priest turned away and led a group of technician apprentices to light the incense burner, one by one, reciting the binary code one by one, anointing the holy oil... and dancing to the gods.

After the ceremony, when the nearby friendly ships were once again harassed by several Eldar fighters, the cruiser commander dubiously ordered to activate the Nova Cannon on the bow and launched an attack on the Wraithbone fighters at extremely close range.

The Nova Cannon is one of the most powerful weapons carried by Imperial warships. Its gravity turbine can accelerate the fired shells to close to the speed of light. Even the agile Wraithbone fighter cannot dodge such an attack speed.

I saw the hot plasma shells spinning at high speed and shooting out from the bow of the ship, hitting the Wraithbone fighter flying in the potential curtain in a hard straight line. Just when the commander thought that this blow would be under the influence of the Void Veil again. When it missed, the fuselage of the Wraithbone fighter suddenly exploded, crystallized fragments flew everywhere, and the pilot in the cockpit was instantly vaporized into ashes by the huge power of the Nova Cannon.

The shell penetrated the veil of void and directly attacked the body of the Wraithbone fighter.

"Ring the big bar! Praise, the God of all opportunities!" The resident priest shook the skull censer in his hand and chanted the sacred binary code loudly.

The cruiser commander hesitated for a moment and asked the assistant adjutant beside him: "Does the Mechanicus sell the skull incense burner used by the priest to appease the machine spirit?"

In the past, he had always been critical of the Adeptus Mechanicus' claim that the Emperor was the Ohm Messiah, the incarnation of the God of Machines, but now he felt that this statement was very reasonable, and he was eager to learn more about the Emperor's Another image.

When the melee lasted for several hours, the star gate of the Darnak galaxy finally lit up with a faint green fluorescence, and the huge Glory Queen-class battleship 'Unyielding Truth' sailed out of the star gate with an entire destroyer formation. Support from the Dark Angels was sent to Ultramar.

But the first thing Guilliman felt when he saw the Dark Angels coming to help was not a surprise, but a headache.

After a brief exchange of information, the Dark Angels' reinforcements quickly entered the battle against the Tyranids, and the Indomitable Truth approached the Ultramarines' flagship, Macragge's Glory.

Wearing the Zero Prime Armor of the Baptist, Lion El'Jonson teleported directly to the command post in the belly of Macragge's Glory through the teleportation beacon between the two Glory Queen-class battleships, and he retreated. of the Primarch Guard, demanding to speak alone with his brother Guilliman.

And Guilliman already knew what he wanted to talk about.

"Ten thousand years ago, it was the incomprehension between the legions and the suspicion between the brothers that caused this suspicion and contradiction to be exploited by people with malicious intentions and twisted it into hatred, causing the rebellion. - I am determined to put an end to this."

Lion took off his helmet, walked into Guilliman's command post, and said: "So I will no longer let myself be dominated by doubt and anger, and let the brothers miss the opportunity to understand each other. I don't want to see siblings killing each other anymore. "

As he spoke, Ryan pointed his finger at the image being played in front of Guilliman. The protagonist of the image was a man wearing blue power armor emblazoned with the Omega emblem, shouting 'Blood Sacrifice to the God-Emperor! Skull offering gold throne! ’, the green-skinned war boss who fought desperately with the Zerg war beasts.

"If it were ten thousand years ago, I would have put the sword on your neck." Ryan continued: "Tell me, Robert, what is going on. I need your explanation."

Guilliman's eyebrows twitched slightly and his fists clenched: "Believe me, Lion, I want an explanation more than you do."

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