Travel to Warhammer 40K with Gray Wind

Chapter 325 Flexible Guilliman

"Terra has decided, you will be the emperor!"

In a closed cabin, Gray Wind put one hand on his hips and made a fist with the other. He pointed his delicate index finger at the tip of Russell's nose and said in a very arrogant tone: "After the 1st Expeditionary Fleet and the Gothic Fleet arrived in Ultramar, the prophetess passed it to Guilliman. That’s roughly what it says.”

Russell looked up, and when Gray Feng imitated the tone of the prophetess, he also changed his face to look like Alexei. He had a petite body with a graceful face of a mature woman, which looked strange.

"I don't believe she would talk to the Primarch like this. It would be better to say that as long as she doesn't kneel down on the spot, she is considered well-mannered." Russell said.

After all, man is a fanatical believer in the Emperor.

After finishing the role play, Gray Wind changed his face back to his original look and turned around: "The arrival of the 1st Expeditionary Fleet has provided Guilliman with the much needed military strength. Then he should launch an attack on the Ether Giant as soon as possible. Crusade against insects, and use the death of this starry sky beast to lay a solid foundation for the throne of the King of War?"

Russell nodded: "After all, the giant ether worm is just a product of the Tyranids after devouring the head of the giant ether dragon and analyzing the genes. It only has dragon scales, but in fact it is strong on the outside and capable on the inside. As long as the fleet at hand is properly dispatched, it can kill The ether giant worm is not difficult to deal with."

What's more, the 1st Expeditionary Fleet also brought six black stone fortresses to Guilliman. Even if six more giant ether insects come, Guilliman will have the confidence to compete with them.

"But the problem is not the combat power..." Russell shook his head again: "Even if there is enough power to kill the ether giant insect, Guilliman may not do it."

"Why is this?" Hui Feng didn't quite understand.

"Because the Ultramarines are currently replenishing their ranks. After the Battle of Macragge, the remaining strength of this founding group is less than 100." Russell said.

Gray Wind was even more confused: "Does this have anything to do with conquering the ether giant insect?"

With the help of the 1st Expeditionary Fleet, the Gothic Fleet, and Ultramar's original navy, as well as the six Blackstone Fortresses, Lion and the Dark Angels, Guilliman's army is at hand to defeat an ether wandering in Ultramar. The giant bug is totally more than adequate. Does the remaining strength of the Ultramarines really matter?

"Let's just say it's not a matter of combat power." Russell touched Gray Feng's face, tickling her soft chin like a cat, and said, "War is a continuation of politics."

"Guilliman has just awakened. This is the first battle that the Primarch of the Ultramarines has personally commanded since his return."

"The giant ether worm previously devoured the Ultramarines' barracks planet Parmenio, and then destroyed the entire Macragge galaxy. Until now, the giant worm is still swimming among the stars, causing huge economic damage to Ultramar. The loss has brought great fear to the whole people. This is a counterattack that leads mankind to stand up."

"At the same time, this is also the foundational battle that laid the foundation for the throne of the King of War..."

Gray Feng squinted her eyes and enjoyed Russell's teasing. She probably understood what Russell meant.

The combined effect of various factors has given the act of "crusade against the Ether Giant Worm" extraordinary significance. The remaining strength of the Ultramarines Chapter is less than 100, and it is destined to be unable to play a big role in this war.

"Ten thousand years later, Guilliman hastily returned. The Human Empire has long since changed, and various relationships are intertwined. The Imperial Navy, the Astra Militarum, and the industrial world are jointly controlled by major families, competing for power and profit... It seems that everyone is... We are united to support the returning Primarch, but in fact, each force has its own interests and demands."

"The only people Guilliman can truly trust, who will support him unconditionally without giving up any benefits, are actually the Ultramarines."

And the Ultramarines were almost all dead.

"In this war of great significance, Guilliman's direct lineage team that suffered heavy losses is destined to be unable to achieve decent results. The contribution of saving Ultramar from the dragon is destined to be eaten up by the mortal military nobles. This will This will make Guilliman extremely passive in future negotiations, and the blood of every mortal martyr will bind his hands and feet like shackles, making it difficult for Guilliman to move forward."

Russell let go of his hand and stopped teasing Gray Wind's chin: "Next, we have to see how Guilliman breaks the situation."

Replenishment of the Ultramarines has never been something that can be accomplished overnight. The Battle of Macragge wiped out all the veterans, and the Battle of Parmenio wiped out the recruits who were still training. The replacement of the Ultramarines can now only be recruited from mortals. Children began, while the etheric worms still roamed the stars.

For every second of delay, more planets will be devoured and more civilians will be eaten.

"If Guilliman was a virtuous king who loved his people like a son, he would immediately raise an army to attack the giant insects."

"If Guilliman is a cold-hearted politician, then he will make up a perfect excuse to delay this war, ignore the human civilians who are being eaten by the Zerg, wait for the Ultramarines to be replenished, and Make great military exploits for him."

Gray Wind leaned his body against Russell's arms and asked softly: "Which kind is Guilliman?"


"Is that so..." Gray Wind puffed up his cheeks in distress: "Human politics is so complicated."

"Not only complicated, but also boring." Russell sighed. How else could we say that war is a continuation of politics?

"Yes, the intrigues are so boring." Gray Feng suddenly became more energetic. He turned over and sat on Russell's belly, holding her shoulders with both hands: "It's more interesting to torment the marshal."

"Fuck, don't." Russell was immediately defeated, and all the calmness he had been strategizing about disappeared.

When Gray Wind was joking about the marshal, neither of them thought that Guilliman, who was far away in Ultramar, did not choose any of the two options envisioned by Russell.

He chose the third option.

At this time, it was the 35th year of the 40th millennium. Under the call of Lion King Ryan, the Dark Angel sub-groups scattered throughout the galaxy gathered at the Eye of Terror to meet the returning Gene Father.

The Ultramarines subgroup, which far outnumbers the Dark Angels, has recently received a similar call.

News of Guilliman's return spread wildly throughout the galaxy, especially in the Extreme Star Region, through the Stargate Network, making the already corrupt situation even more turbulent. At the call of the Primarch, Chapters with the blood of the Ultramarines rushed to Ultramar. Even Chapters that were fighting Chaos or Xenos also mobilized their manpower and sent out an advance party to meet the Primarch.

These sub-group warriors from the bloodline of the Ultramarines crossed the star sea with the help of the star gate network that had already taken shape, and came to their father in a dusty journey.

On the temporary capital of Konno, they accepted the orders of their genetic father.

"Forget your unit number in the original battle group. Your past identity and glory will be painted sapphire blue together with this armor. From today on, you are Ultramarines."

Obviously, Guilliman's moral bottom line is so flexible that it is beyond Russell's understanding.

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