Travel to Warhammer 40K with Gray Wind

Chapter 326 Blood Sacrifice to the God Emperor

After a hasty reorganization on the temporary capital of Konor, the Adeptus Astartes from various Ultramarines sub-chaps across the galaxy were integrated into the parent chapter.

Due to the excellent stability of the gene seeds of the Ultramarines bloodline and the more humane and broader selection mechanism for recruits than other founding chapters, the 13th Legion has far, far more bloodline heirs than other legions - about 100% of the Human Empire. 2/3 of the total strength of all Adeptus Astartes.

Therefore, even though each Ultramarine Chapter only sent a small advance team to meet Gene Father, each chapter gathered together in small numbers. At this time, those who gathered on the planet Connaught to accept the canonization of the original body The size of the army has reached 10,000 people.

To be precise, 12,983 people, including the remnants of the original Ultramarines and Blue Blood Noble Chapters.

Naturally, such a massive recruitment could not be concealed from the eyes of everyone in the Empire who were staring at the returning Primarch. This move brought a lot of public opinion and political pressure to Guilliman. Why did the Primarch begin to appear in Ultramar? Questioning voices who do not abide by the Codex Astartes written by themselves. But this voice was suppressed by Guilliman's words, "The threat of the giant ether worm is unprecedented, and Ultramar must gather enough strength to deal with the alien enemy." In the face of the enemy, extraordinary measures must be used at extraordinary times.

Using external crises to overwhelm internal contradictions is the simplest, most superficial, but also the most practical political technique.

From a certain point of view, Guilliman is quite grateful to the Tyranids, because the arrival of the ether giants not only provided him with an opportunity to assemble a legion-sized Astartes army, but also solved a problem that made both him and Lion It is a serious problem that makes people unable to sleep and eat well.

——Ptolemaic Library.

The Ptolemaic Library is a large library located on the capital Macragge. It contains various rare books collected and preserved by the Ultramarines since the Great Crusade era, as well as detailed records of ancient history. The Ultramarines are rigorous and realistic. This is perfectly reflected in this large library, where even 'false history' such as the Horus Heresy, which was erased by the imperial officials, has been verified, providing an important and authoritative reference for later generations of scholars to consult... It also sent shivers down Guilliman's spine when he woke up.

Because there is such a book in the Ptolemaic Library, called "Emperor Sanguinius".

Fortunately, this book, the Ptolemaic Library that housed it, and even the entire planet Macragge were all eaten up by the giant ether worm. Perhaps this is called the two sides of things...

"It's just a bit cruel to the people of Macragge." Guilliman sat in the primarch's office and sighed.

Thousands of years passed by in a hurry. When I woke up, I found that my hometown was destroyed. There were not even a single member of the Ultramarines' chapter left. The decayed empire was buried in the ground together with the brothers' past ideals. It would be wrong to say that I was not depressed. possible.

At the beginning of his awakening, Guilliman was despondent after learning about the current situation of the Empire. He even had the absurd thought, "I might as well have died in the Horus Heresy", which caused the remaining Ultramarines to kneel down and beg. Father, never commit suicide.

But fortunately, no matter how dark the galaxy is, there is still hope shining like stars.

"After the battle against the ether giant worm is over, let's go visit the Star Bomber..." Guilliman thought to himself, raised his head, and saw that the layers of projection screens in front of his desk were filled with densely packed objects of all kinds. The density of information is dizzying.

Only Guilliman's superhuman mind can wade through such dense information, extract the parts he needs, and make the most efficient plan for each task.

The crusade against the ether giant insects is a huge war, and the war with the Tyranids is by no means as simple as a battleship bombardment in space.

The subspace shadows that block astrological communications, the spore airdrops that block the sky, the viral flora that pollutes the ecosystem, and the gene stealers that infiltrate the population...these are all the troublesome abilities of the Great Devourer.

It’s true that the Star Bomber’s fleet relied on sheer numbers and overwhelming firepower to quickly kill the giant ether insect Kraken, but what about the planet that should have been protected? When Gray Wind dragged the giant insect corpse back to Falla, Parmenio had already fallen. The wave of biomass flooded the planet's surface, and the sky-blocking spore airdrop pods dyed the entire planet's atmosphere a sickly scarlet. The terrifying viruses and harmful bacteria prepared by the Queen of Life-shaping Insects spread all over Parmenio's ecosystem. Rapidly multiplying...

Although Kraken died, the originally precious and habitable planet Parmenio has been turned into a barren dead land that is difficult for humans to live and develop.

Although the alien died, Parmenio, an important barracks planet for the Ultramarines, was not saved. This tragic victory was really hard to make people happy.

Therefore, sniping the ether giant is only the first stage of the war with the Tyranids...

"Based on the intelligence from the Parmenio battle, I can judge that when the dragon scale armor on the body is penetrated, the giant insect will enter a violent state. Endless biological ships and insect waves pour out from under the skin scale armor and begin to attack. All surrounding planets, battleships and other targets launch a saturation invasion..." Guilliman's eyes flickered:

"The firepower of the six black stone fortresses is enough to kill the giant insect, but after the giant insect's body tissue collapses and spreads, the long fleet battle, gang-hopping battle, and ground battle are the places that consume the most will to fight."

This is destined to be a long tug-of-war. With Guilliman's army in hand, he still needs to plan well to achieve the maximum results at the minimum cost.

Guilliman divided the Tyranid War into four stages:

1. Sniper stage. In this stage, the firepower of all six black stone fortresses needs to be used to penetrate the dragon scale armor and drive the giant insect out of the second stage.

2. In the naval battle stage, after the giant insect collapses, many of its internal organs will turn back into ferocious insect swarm biological ships and rush out of space. In this stage, the three major fleets at hand need to be properly mobilized: the 1st Expeditionary Fleet, the Gothic Fleet, and Ultra. Ma Navy, annihilate it

3. In the ground battle stage, in addition to the insect swarm biological ships, the spore breath of the giant insects and the large number of small insect swarms that explode after the scales collapse will pose a huge threat to densely populated areas such as the planet surface and space stations. This is the Astra Militarum. The battle with the Astartes

4. Post-war clean-up phase...

The fleet gang-hopping and ground tug-of-war in the naval battle stage are the home ground of the reorganized Ultramarines Chapter.

Guilliman locked himself in his office to prepare for every aspect of the war and every detail of troop mobilization, striving to achieve maximum results at the minimum cost while also putting as much merit and glory into the hands of the Ultramarines as possible.

This is one of Guilliman's most important chips for his next plan.

"In order to gain as much initiative as possible on Terra, I must..." Countless information rushed through Guilliman's brain. Human lives, resources, and strategic weapon reserves were all turned into numbers that could be quantified. The original body's With eyes as calm as a pool of stagnant water, he added, subtracted, multiplied and divided these heavy numbers, and came up with cold answers one after another.

Suddenly, a thin crack suddenly opened in the eternal solid ice.

"Blood sacrifice to the God Emperor, head sacrifice to the golden throne..."

A faint voice lingered in Guilliman's mind.

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