What exactly is the Helm of Domination?

For Guilliman, it was the Chaos weapon that Magnus wore on his head, the strange power that saved him from life and death, and behind it lay Tzeentch's calculations.

But in Ryan's view, the crown that appeared on his brother's head was the embodiment of his father's 'prophecy'.

Ryan once saw a clear lake in the Caliban Forest in his dream, and his father, the Emperor, transformed into a wizened little old man fishing by the lake. In the reflection of the lake, he saw the Milky Way of the future, the burning worlds one after another, and Guilliman who wore the Blood God's Crown and ascended the throne in the blazing fire.

Lion told Guilliman what he saw and heard in the dream, including the Emperor's prophecy of the 'Lord of War', the future situation of the galaxy, and... the Star Bomber's role in this series of events. Role.

"According to my father, the Starbuster shattered the throne of Khorne, and if you wear the Helm of Dominance that symbolizes the concept of 'Khorne's defeat', you are equivalent to gaining the qualification to compete with him for the authority of the god. .”

Ryan raised his eyebrows and added seriously:

"But putting on the Crown of Dominance is only the first step. If you want to truly seize the power of Khorne and weaken a True God of Chaos, you must win a complete victory in a large-scale war as soon as possible, and use the glory of war and victory to lay the foundation for Your concept as the Lord of War prevents Khorne from taking back the fragments of his godhead from you..."

Listening to Ryan's Chun Chun advice, Guilliman's brows furrowed more and more.

Godhead, authority, symbols, concepts... Guilliman can completely understand every word that Lion said, but why when they are connected together, why are they all so... so idealistic?

The existence of the Chaos God is already very abstract, and now it is said that as long as we win a large-scale war as soon as possible, we can completely take away part of the Chaos God's 'authority'. What is this? ...Looking at Ryan's serious expression, Guilliman felt mixed emotions in his heart.

Guilliman subconsciously wanted to deny the idealistic words of these strange powers and chaotic gods, but the miracles he experienced personally and the hoarse war roars echoing in his ears reminded him that only by blindly denying things he did not understand without practice would he It is true idealism.

Damn it, how did the universe become like this.

A long silence fell in the Primarch's office as Llane recognized his brother's struggle and gave Guilliman time.

After an unknown amount of time, Guilliman raised his head and met Lion's pale golden eyes. From the lion king's pupils, he saw himself distorted.


"I'm listening." Ryan's voice was calm and upright.

Guilliman took a deep breath and said, "You said that I must win a large war as soon as possible and lay the foundation of the throne, right?"

"Yes, to become the King of War, that is your destiny." Ryan said.

"Destiny...?" Guilliman's eyes were slightly illusory. He thought of some past events ten thousand years ago, and Ryan said similar things at that time.

At that time, in addition to him and Lion, there was another brother in Ultramar. Sanguinius, the primarch of the 9th Legion, drifted here. The three brothers established a mission to preserve the fire for mankind in Ultramar. of the Second Empire.

Sanguinius's prophetic ability saw that he would die in the hands of Horus in the future. Guilliman was unwilling to believe it anyway...but Lion believed it. He believed that he was even willing to do so because of his unspeakable loyalty. Accept Guilliman's proposal to create a Second Empire.

The legitimacy of the Second Empire was based on the fact that the Emperor was dead and Terra had fallen.

Lion had always been a doomsayer, during the Great Crusade, during the Horus Heresy, and now.

Ten thousand years ago, he believed Sanguinius Du's prophecy about his death. Ten thousand years later, he believed that Guilliman would become the King of War. He was always willing to believe it, but...

"I don't believe it," said Guilliman.

"Robert, now is not the time to lose your temper. The situation in the galaxy has never been so serious..." Lion suddenly stood up and wanted to reprimand Guilliman for his impulsiveness.

But then, he heard Guilliman say: "Leaving the future to an illusory fate is a coward's act! Lion, my brother, when did you change from the indomitable lion of the Empire to a harmless one? Obedient little kitty?!”

Little kitten...

Ryan was furious.

"That's enough. What I should seize is the present, not the illusory future in the prophecy." Guilliman stood up, quickly walked out of the office door, and said to the veteran sword guard guarding the door: "Prepare for me A strike ship, I need to use the Connaught Stargate.”

"Yes." The veteran sword guard quickly accepted the order.

The star gate connecting the Milky Way is close at hand, but the throne of the Lord of War is illusory. Not to mention Lion, even with the Emperor's personal persuasion, it was impossible for Guilliman to give up the visible and tangible faster-than-light technology and step-by-step future development, and pursue the concept of subspace. If he did, he would no longer be Robert Guilliman.

Soon, the Ultramarines prepared a light 'Dagger' frigate using the most advanced thrusters for his father. Accompanied by the temporarily formed Primarch Guard, Guilliman left Connaught and headed to the edge of the star's gravity well in the system, where the giant structure emitting green light: the L-Star Gate, was located.

The Dark Angels' flagship, the Indomitable Truth, followed Guilliman from a distance, and together they arrived at a Mechanicum space station located near the star gate.

All ships that need to use the Star Gate need to register and make a reservation here. They can only queue up and pass through the purity review of the Mechanicus Order and the Inquisition. The Stargate's position is too important, no matter how cautious it is, Guilliman praises such proper management.

In the registration space station, Guilliman was personally received by the 'astrology sage' in charge of this place.

'Astrological Sage' is a new branch of the professional title that is independent of the regular Mechanicus Sage titles such as 'Biological Sage' and 'Forging Sage', and is specifically responsible for managing and maintaining the star gates of a galaxy.

Astrological sages will devote all their energy to studying the structural principles of star gates. The Adeptus Mechanicus has never given up their ambition to fully understand star gate technology. They are eager to completely escape the control of the star bombers, and have been working hard to This is action.

"Lord Guilliman, although you have special rights of passage over all conventional merchant ships and naval fleets, if you want to use the star gate now, you still need to wait a while."

In the space station, the astrologer sage in the red robe of gears said to Guilliman without raising his head: "I have moved the reservation order of all ships in the Connaught system back one place to make way for you. But on the star On the other side of the door, there is a group of ships heading to the Connaught Star Gate. This is the part that cannot be coordinated. You need to wait for them to come out of the fixed-point jump state before you can use the Connaught Star Gate normally."

Guilliman nodded. He didn't mind waiting a little longer, and observing the fleet jumping out of the stargate up close would also give him a better understanding of this technological creation.

"I would like to ask where the ships that are about to come out of the star gate and come to Connaught come from?" Guilliman asked politely.

The astrological sage browsed the data panel in front of him and replied: "It comes from the star 'Moab'. This is a galaxy that has just been connected to the star gate network and belongs to the Obscure Star Domain - Gothic Star Region."

"The Moab Stargate has just been built. This is its first trial operation. The number of ships transmitted this time is... It's strange why the number of ships transmitted is so huge when this stargate is operated for the first time." The astrologer sage said with some confusion:

"A total of 3,061 warships from the Moab Star Gate are coming to Konno this time. I really don't know how they got the permission. Lord Guilliman, you may have to wait a long time."

Guilliman frowned: "More than three thousand ships?"

This is really an astonishing number.

An empire's standard star sector with a volume of 800 cubic light-years may not have 1,000 naval warships stationed in the sector. The 3,061 warships that will now come to Connaught through the star gate can basically be regarded as the entire Gothic. The entire naval combat power of the star sector is even greater than that.

What is the origin of these ships? Guilliman immediately wanted to ask the astrological sage about the identities of these ships registered in the star gate network, but before he could speak, the Connaught Star Gate not far away lit up.

A huge, pitch-black fortress slowly emerged from the green fluorescence of the L-Star Gate. Four hard 'edges' rotated rapidly around the black stone core in the center, which was familiar yet unfamiliar.

Familiarity is because Guilliman actually knows something about this huge space fortress, which is the 'Blackstone Fortress' discovered by the Empire in the Gothic Sector.

It's strange because Guilliman has never seen the Blackstone Fortress in its current posture in his memory. Its structure is open, and its four edges are split into a pair of mutually contrasting hinges, rotating in completely opposite directions, in a certain position. A state of 'continuous operation'.

So why did Blackstone Fortress come out of the Star Gate?

No, the first thing to know is another question - why was Blackstone Fortress activated?

Guilliman watched in shock as the huge black stone fortresses emerged with clear-cut shapes from the green fluorescence. 1, 2, 3... a total of 6 fully activated black stone fortresses drove through the star gate. out. Immediately afterwards, rows of neatly formed imperial warships carrying magnificent churches and fine gold horns followed behind the Blackstone Fortress and sailed majestically into the Connaught System.

Soon, the Astrologer Sage received a communication request from the flagship of this huge fleet:

"The 1st Expedition Fleet and the Gothic Fleet say hello to the Primarch! At the command of the Lord of Mankind, we will help Robert Guilliman, Lord of the Ultramarines, ascend to the throne and rule Terra."

Guilliman was speechless for a long time as he listened to the greeting message decoded by the astrologer from the communication frequency band.

He turned around and saw that the Dark Angel's flagship, the Indomitable Truth, was heading this way. Across the empty space, the Lion King Lion on the ship seemed to be saying to him:

"Now, do you believe in fate?"

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