The Chaos warships that sailed out of the Eye of Mystery on the subspace turbulence can be divided into 9 different specifications from large to small. Each specification has a number of warships ranging from 9, 99, and 999, forming a A fleet of thousands of Chaos warships.

In the Holy Number Fleet, there are not only the imperial warships controlled by the Thousand Sons Wizard, but also a large number of strange and unknown alien spacecraft.

Many of them are the remnants of the aliens that were wiped out by the Emperor during the Great Crusade. A few warships carry an entire civilization, drifting in the sea of ​​souls until they are guided here by the Lord of Change.

Most of them are the wreckage of ships that have been lost and crashed in subspace over the long years. The dying machine souls unconsciously pieced together to keep warm while drifting with the current, and then aggregated and mutated. After a long time, they merged with each other and transformed. These deformed creations were named "Debts" by the Lord of Changes.

The degree of mutation of "Debt" is far more complete than that of the Chaos warship controlled by the psychic powers of the Thousand Sons warriors. Compared with the warship, it is more like some kind of subspace creature wearing a mechanical body. Each piece has a preface and a backstory and is forcibly put together. The parts are all burning with hateful flames.

A considerable number of warriors in the Thousand Sons Legion had their flesh and blood burned away, their souls imprisoned, and turned into hollow armor driven by witchcraft under the influence of the "Scarlet Spell" cast by Ahriman. Only a few members who were psychically powerful enough to survive were able to gain psychic enhancements from the Scarlet Letter Spell.

For the Thousand Sons, the huge "debt" floating in the void is not something intolerable. They are already used to getting along with all kinds of twisted monsters in chaos. But when it comes to aliens, it's a different story.

As early as before the Great Crusade, during the Unification War on Terra, the Emperor of Mankind had directly programmed his utter hatred for aliens into the underlying genetic sequence of the Astartes. Every Space Marine hated everything except humans. All intelligent creatures, this hatred engraved on the genetic level cannot be changed even if they fall into chaos.

The various aliens who suffered genocide in the Great Crusade also have the same hatred for humans.

This is the darkest era without even a glimmer of brilliance that can be called "love". There is only hatred and war in the galaxy.

Therefore, even though the chaos-ridden Thousand Sons Legion had to swallow their anger and join the Holy Number Fleet to join the aliens due to the will of the Lord of Changes that they could not disobey, deep down in their hearts, they were still extremely eager to flank them immediately. The alien ships fired subspace wave cannons and slaughtered these dirty alien remnants.

With such a desire, many Thousand Sons wizards unanimously cast their eyes on the tall figure standing on the bow of the ship, silently staring at their father who was already a stranger.

Lord Prospero, King of Wizards, fifteenth son of the Emperor, and Magnus the Red, the Demon Prince of Tzeentch.

He was once the best scholar in the entire galaxy and the leading psychic master in the Human Empire. He was erudite, wise, enlightened, and eager for knowledge. He was willing to sacrifice one of his own eyes in order to cure the flesh and blood mutation of his children.

He once established a kingdom of scholars and psykers on Prospero, spread the brilliance of knowledge with a vast library, and helped inexperienced young psykers discover and control their potential.

Under the leadership of the Gene Father, the Thousand Sons Legion collected and organized subspace and psychic knowledge from all over the galaxy. It was also at that time that the Wizard King wrote the witchcraft masterpiece "Magnu" that devoted all his efforts. The Book of Sri Lanka.

It was such a erudite scholar and seeker of knowledge who personally destroyed the future of mankind.

Magnus is now an indescribable mass standing on the bow of the battleship. Because of his deep connection with the subspace, Magnus's physical form has never been stable for a moment. His body is constantly changing every moment, and only a few features that represent the concept of his existence can barely be identified.

For example, his red skin, tall body, and one eye that keeps changing colors.

These are the only traces of Magnus' existence.

The primarch's genes also contain the hatred of aliens written down by the Emperor himself, and what the Thousand Sons are now curious about is whether their genetic father, who has been promoted to the Daemon Prince, still retains that share of the Emperor's genes. Hatred?

The red devil standing on the bow of the ship just raised his head and stared at the sickly starry sky that was a scarlet color, without saying a word.

Taking a step back to the left of Magnus, stood a Thousand Sons wizard wearing a witchcraft helmet with three pairs of curved horns and holding a black staff. He was far taller than his Thousand Sons brothers, but still far less majestic than the Primarch.

But even when standing behind Magnus, his body always stood upright without any sign of groveling.

He is one of the most legendary warriors of the Thousand Sons Legion, the Red Wizard, the Chosen One of Tzeentch, and the man trapped by fate—Ahriman the Exile.

It should have been a very warm scene for the father and son to stand together and go to the battlefield together, but Ahriman's sideways glance at his genetic father was filled with the flames of hatred.

The conflict between father and son stems from the two Scarlet Letter spells cast by Ahriman. The first release of this forbidden spell played by Tzeentch truly transformed the Thousand Sons Legion into the "Thousand Sons". The second Scarlet Letter spell... Controlled by Magnus, he used it to repair his soul to almost completeness.

Ahriman hated Magnus because of this, and this hatred is still so clear after thousands of years.

Ahriman is still walking on the road of despair to find a way to save the Thousand Sons Legion. It will not be until the eve of the Thirteenth Black Crusade a thousand years later that he will see from the leader of the Death Army "Efreni" that he can reverse the situation. The power of death in the Scarlet Letter Spell.

But now, his life is still sinking in despair. The depressed Ahriman is procrastinating in responding to the call of the Lord of Changes, and has a passive and sabotaging attitude.

Magnus actually hated this rebellious son, but due to the evil arrangement of the Lord of Change, they reluctantly stood on the same battleship - this was the time when the Red Devil and the Exile were besieging the space wilderness. This is the first time we fight side by side since the wolf home planet Fenris.

Ahriman raised his head, staring at the sickly starry sky that had been dyed scarlet by the swarm of insects with eyes burning with blue psychic flames. After a few seconds, he quickly lowered his head.

His spiritual cultivation is second to none among the Astartes, but the scarlet shadow covering the starry sky is beyond Ahriman's understanding. The last time he felt this way was the so-called gods of the Eldar.

Perhaps Magnus could see the true nature of this shadow? Such thoughts flashed across Ahriman's mind and soon dissipated. He was reluctant to ask the Red Devils for help.

"Ahriman, my son."

In the end, it was Magnus who spoke first to break the awkward silence between father and son. Ignoring Ahriman's soul fluctuations hidden under his helmet, he continued: "Do you know what the enemy we are about to face is?"

Ahriman took a deep breath and said: "'Scarlet Shadow', 'Abyss of Despair', 'Unspeakable Terror'."

He repeated the exact words of Tzeentch, the raven god.

Magnus heard Ahriman's attitude, so he swallowed the words that had reached his throat and did not say anything more.

Ahead, a huge biological mothership floated with long tentacles. Surrounded by countless adult battleships, it pounced on the Tzeentch Holy Number fleet that had just passed through the Eye of Mystery and arrived in the real universe.

The swarm's offensive comes from every direction. They have completely surrounded the entire Flare Galaxy. Their absolute size advantage allows them to launch a saturation attack without any focus or all with focus.

Driven by the will of the Lord of Change, the patchwork Chaos fleet maintained basic tactical cooperation. The Thousand Sons wizards communicated with the machine spirits through spiritual energy and controlled the battleships to form a defensive ring formation.

The Chaos flagship "Forsaken Feathers in the Sky" where Magnus and Ahriman were located, and the Eumenides of the Death Stalker Chapter, were surrounded by a defensive formation composed of other Thousand Sons battleships, and the outer ones were The ring is composed of a large number of alien warships.

On the outermost side of the defensive formation are thousands of deformed "debts" entwined with ominous sorcery. They are used by the Thousand Sons Legion as cannon fodder to resist the insect swarm. They ride on the subspace turbulence that continuously pours out from the Eye of Mystery, directly facing them. Climb into the menacing swarm of insects.

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