The main force of the insect swarm's attack is a biological battleship named "Spirit-seeking Bone Spider" by Koroniai.

After initially mastering the technique of shaping wraith bones, Koroniai devoured the brains of dozens of Eldar Bonesingers, and finally designed this kind of structure with Eldar wraith bones as a frame, covered with chitin carapace on the surface, and internally An efficient killing machine that fills a vast nervous system.

The light spirit bone itself is an excellent conductor of spiritual energy. With its developed nervous system, the spirit-seeking bone spider retains the deadly biochemical weapons characteristic of the Zerg. At the same time, it can also be driven by Coroniai's LAN link to release Powerful psychic spells.

This is exactly what is needed to combat Chaos.

Tens of thousands of soul-seeking bone spiders with well-developed tentacles have completed spiritual synchronization around the flare. The spiritual links between them are locked with each other, weaving into a spiritual network that flashes with lightning and flames, surrounding them. The ring formation of the Holy Number Fleet launched the first wave of encirclement and annihilation offensive.

The "Evil Debt" exuding hatred and resentment used the ominous magic that entangled itself to resist the magical attacks of the Soul-seeking Bone Spider. The fierce psychic collision occurred under the eyes of the Mysterious Eye, setting off waves of more bizarre and unpredictable battlefields. scene.

Space is distorted, electrical signals are disrupted, and the curtain separating reality and reality is constantly rippled. Countless psychic lightnings fly out from the spiritual network woven by the soul-seeking bone spider, and are used by evil debtors to subspace monsters. In the process of repeated refraction, the technique became fragmented and grotesque, almost becoming some kind of energy entity with an independent will.

"You still have to use psychic powers to fight against Chaos."

Behind the tide of scarlet worms that flooded the galaxy, inside the flesh cavity of the huge biological mothership "Mother of Torture", Russell, draped in a black robe, sat on the throne of flesh and blood prepared for him by Coroniai, speaking with great interest Observing the astronomical scale spell exchange between the Soul-seeking Bone Spider and the massive "evil debts".

Unlike the brilliant naval gunfire that once started fighting, it was like a space fireworks show, the fight between the masters had nothing to cheer about. The sight of destructive and transformative spells twisting each other would give mortals nightmares for half their lives at least.

On the other hand, the psyker who knocked Zero should be familiar with these chaotic scenes that can be called spiritual pollution.

The intense psychic impact swept through the entire Flare Galaxy, causing huge waves to set off in the subspace corresponding to this star field. It could almost be called a small subspace storm; such a big movement had never been made anywhere in the past. , will definitely attract the attention of evil gods, but there is no need to worry about this now.

Because the Lord of All Changes was already watching here, He directly squeezed one of his eyes over.

Watching this battle together with the Eye of Mystery, there is also the Void Hollow floating quietly in the highest sky. Russell and Tzeentch are like two spectators sitting high in the VIP seats, calmly watching the fight in the flare.

Every minute, soul-seeking bone spiders were sunk and destroyed under the double blow of psychic spells and physical artillery fire. Koroniai's first war group died at an abnormal speed. With the assistance of the Thousand Sons Wizard from behind, , on average, every nine soul-seeking bone spiders are defeated in exchange for the disintegration of a medium-sized debt monster.

The proud creation that he spent a lot of energy and learned a lot of knowledge to design and manufacture was put into actual combat for the first time, and it had such an ugly exchange ratio. Apart from being angry, Koroniai felt an extremely strong sense of shame.

"Although that kind of chaotic evil thing is weird, its structural strength is far inferior to the spirit-seeking bone spider whose body is supported by spiritual bones, and its spiritual strength is also inferior to the fully online insect nest LAN, but why..." Koroniai I still can’t figure it out: “Why are we still so passive in our battles when we have the advantage in numbers and single-ship quality?”

There was a faint smile on Russell's face. He was in a good mood. He watched tens of thousands of soul-seeking bone spiders being destroyed one by one as they rushed towards the ring defense formation, and the psychic network was torn apart. Not only was Russell not in a hurry, he was actually quite cheerful.

The secondary reason is that he has so many cards that he can't play without burning two.

The main reason is that Russell has seen the principle.

"Coroniai, bend down." Russell waved his hand and said, "Look here."

The humanoid female insect standing next to him obediently leaned down and her long tail with a neurotoxin stinger on the back of her butt circled nervously: "What's wrong? Master?"

Russell opened his palm and called up the last battle video of a soul-seeking bone spider before it died from the insect swarm LAN.

"Huh?" Koroniai looked at Russell in confusion.

As the highest-level unit that governs the entire insect swarm, any piece of information collected by the senses of an individual insect swarm is equivalent to being experienced by Koroniai personally.

Therefore, it didn't quite understand the significance of Russell showing it the battle video.

"Look here, the psychic lightning created by the Soul-Seeking Bone Spider was refracted in other directions under the interference of magic, and was refracted again on the way. After repeated repetitions, the psychic lightning became fragmented and its nature was distorted. It seems to have turned into a subspace creature with independent consciousness, and began to attack the local area network of the insect swarm that created them," Russell said.

Koroniai nodded, and it also observed this: "That kind of magic seems to be invisible. It doesn't show any characteristics. I can't track it, let alone crack it."

"Of course you can't trace it." Russell said with a smile: "Because this is actually Tzeentch's handiwork, or it was indirectly done by Tzeentch. There is more than one personality difference between you."

As soon as he finished speaking, the battle of attrition outside the flare finally decided the winner.

At the cost of all the casualties of the first war group of the swarm, Koroniai completely penetrated the ring of defenses built by the Thousand Sons Legion with the evil "debt".

Even for today's Insect Queen, the destruction of an entire war cluster is a very heavy loss.

Because the enemies he faces are subspace evil creatures without flesh and blood. Not only do they have no biomass to swallow when they kill them, but also after their own units are destroyed, they will also be swallowed up by the subspace turbulence and cannot be recovered. Is this correct? An advanced war of attrition.

The insect swarm is most afraid of this.

"Fortunately, those evil creatures have been eliminated. The remaining enemies are intelligent creatures driving battleships, living creatures. This is what I am good at dealing with..." Koroniai said to himself.

This time, it must not embarrass itself in front of its owner.

Not long after the idea emerged, it realized it was wrong.

Faintly, Koroniai could vaguely see that the mysterious eye that spanned the galaxy seemed to "blink".

Immediately afterwards, turbulent ether currents poured out from the pupils of the Lord of Changes, and thousands of monsters composed of mechanical remains, mutated machine souls, and chaotic magic were also rushed out of the entity. universe.

That was the debt that Koroniai had been able to eliminate with great difficulty at the cost of consuming an entire Hive War swarm.

"Why are you bringing a cheater to the table?" Russell was in a good mood and was still smiling.

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