The ancient battleship machine soul of the Eumenides groaned in pain, trying its best to refuse the power of the evil god from invading its body, but it was completely useless.

The crew members, who had turned into demons due to the gaze of the Chaos Evil God, praised the Raven God's title, hiding something with their cunning smiles, or perhaps this poor disguise was also a disguise in itself.

They went on a killing spree in the cabin, killing stubborn people who did not surrender to the will of the Lord of Changes with jealousy and resentment.

The children of the Dark Angels are among the most stubborn of them all.

Lion's descendants are as loyal as their genetic father. Even if the flesh under the armor has been distorted and deformed, their loyalty to the Lord of Mankind remains unshakable.

The 3rd Company Commander led the remaining Astartes monks to kill the demons in the cabin, and hurriedly left the battleship control room that was already like a hell on earth.

Gonzalez knew that the battle brothers behind him were very confused and angry at this time. They were confused about this sudden change, and angry about the reckless actions of the 3rd company commander. The army was annihilated and caused this incredible subspace mutation.

"I can understand your anger. Brothers may no longer want to obey my orders... But for now, please obey my orders for the time being and go to Warehouse No. 8." Gonzalez said with his identity. Yan begged with an extremely humble attitude:

"No. 8 contains the extermination weapon given to the Dark Angels by the Lord of Mankind himself. As long as we use that weapon, we will definitely be able to regain control of the Eumenides from the devil, and further——"

Before he finished speaking, his words were interrupted by a violent shaking of the ship beneath his feet. The rapid subspace turbulence had already poured out of the Eye of Mystery and began to erode the physical universe. The situation is so urgent that there is no room for any delay.

"This is our last chance." Gonzalez said and walked forward quickly.

The remaining Astartes monks looked at each other, and finally chose to follow the 3rd company commander, because at this time, anger was meaningless. Only by going to Warehouse No. 8 can there be a slight possibility of catching the only slim hope.

Facts have proved that it is indeed very slim.

The gravity simulation system in the cabin has also stopped working, and one can only rely on the magnetic boots on his feet to trek hard. The cabin corridors in the Eumenides were originally very familiar to the Death Stalkers, but now they are not. Due to the influence of the evil god's power, it has become as intricate as a maze, with no way out.

All the instruments were interfered with and malfunctioned, and even the most basic direction could not be discerned. In the dark and depressing atmosphere, they would never know whether they would be facing a dead end with nothing at the next intersection, or a deformed demon with teeth and claws.

Outside the cabin, the Eumenides, which had lost power, had drifted along the subspace turbulence until it was right in front of the Eye of Mystery that was opening wider and wider, facing the star-like huge pupil of the Lord of Change.

The whispers of the evil god became extremely strong at this time, and together with the endless maze in the cabin, tortured the tenacious minds of the Space Marines. The layout of the maze was constantly changing, trying to use this endless despair to persuade the sons of Lion to give up. Struggle comes under your own wings.

Gonzalez was still advancing silently, but suddenly, the sound of metal collision sounded behind him. He turned his head warily. There was no danger, only the splatter of blood dyed half of Gonzalez's face red. .

It was a Space Marine who realized that his heart had been shaken. He chose to take off his helmet before he completely fell, put the blade into his throat, and committed suicide by drinking the sword.

"May the Golden Throne accept your loyal soul, Nash... It's a pity that I, a sinner, have no face to face the Lord of Humanity." Gonzalez mourned the passing of his brother with a brief prayer.

They were about to turn around and move forward to search for Warehouse No. 8. Suddenly, Nash's body, which Gonzalez had placed next to the wall, suddenly began to tremble.

Above the corpse, an illusory figure was groaning in pain, which was clearly the soul of the dead Nash. Contrary to Gonzalez's best wishes, the loyal warrior did not receive the protection of the Golden Throne after his death. Instead, he was held in the fingers of the evil god and toyed with interest.

Amidst the wailing of Nash's soul, a frivolous voice came from faintly.

"Intelligent creatures always like to fantasize about the beauty after death to numb the pain in life; this kind of fantasy has many names: faith, ancestor worship, reincarnation... I have seen too many. Immersed in fantasy A living creature can be unafraid of any suffering and temptation, but if this faith is taken away, the beautiful illusion will be shattered like a bubble..."

The voice paused for a moment, and then, Nash's soul was twisted by an invisible force into a slender monster that was not humanoid, and was stuffed back into the warm corpse that was still warm.

The distortion of the soul is directly reflected on the body, and the corpse that is forcibly stuffed with the soul is instantly distorted. The swollen body burst through the armor. Within a few seconds, the loyal warrior who would rather commit suicide than betray the God-Emperor became a ferocious demon with blasphemous spells on his skin.

"When the illusion that is the spiritual pillar is broken, the long-held belief is falsified. Mortals can know that the so-called redemption of the Golden Throne is just a complete lie. What they will face after death is only endless pain..."

"Those who truly understand death will be more afraid of death than ever before... Hee hee... Are you anxious?"

Before the ghostly voice finished speaking, Gonzalez used the power sword in his hand to pierce the corpse of the battle brother in front of him that had been transformed into a chaos monster.

"Your clumsy lies can't seduce any of us!"

Gonzalez roared angrily, drew his blade, and moved on without looking back.

His footsteps remained firm, but he did not dare to look back at the reactions of other battle brothers, nor even dare to ask in his heart whether his faith had been shaken. Such blasphemous thoughts would never be allowed to appear.

The remaining Space Marines followed the 3rd Company Commander in silence without saying a word.

Outside the cabin, the mysterious eye with stars as its pupils and its eye sockets stretching across the galaxy was slightly bent, like a person looking for fun with a smile.

The Eye of Mystery scanned the sea of ​​crimson insects rushing towards it from every direction with great interest, and a faint murmur sounded in the subspace:

"You always exceed my expectations..."

In the subspace turbulence that echoed with whispers, highly mutated chaos warships slowly sailed out from the pupils of the Eye of Mystery.

Every Chaos warship is covered with spell chains that are either decorative or have some practical purpose. On the bridge, there is a huge one-eyed totem hanging high.

It is an extremely ancient totem, which can be traced back to the Great Crusade nearly ten thousand years ago. It was one of the 20 Astartes legions: the Thousand Sons.

Some scholars believe that the one-eyed totem of the Thousand Sons comes from the "all-knowing eye" in the concept of witchcraft; some dissidents claim that the one-eyed symbol comes from the genetic father of the Thousand Sons Legion, who deposed one of his own to save his heirs. An act of mercy from the eyes.

Tens of thousands of years have passed, and it is no longer possible to verify who is right and who is wrong.

The only thing that was certain was that the red giant standing on the bow of the Chaos Warship at this moment indeed had only one eye.

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