"In the last days, I went to the ancient tribes to farm and build infrastructure (

"Changxia, there are no insects and ants in the cave." Snake walks.

On the side, the snake scale who helped move the rattan basket nodded and explained, "Snakes raise black snakes, and there are no insects and ants in the nearby caves that dare to approach."

Mochizuki Mountains are full of snakes, rats, insects and ants.

However, there are not many insects and ants in Gemini Valley.

Snake pythons are omnivores, they will eat and kill mouse ants.

Therefore, except for snakes and pythons in Gemini Valley, insects and ants are rare. Before Snake Walk, they also suspected that the Snake Clan kept snakes and pythons as partners, so it was not because the snakes and pythons could hunt mouse-eating ants.


Snake never talked to Nanfeng about this.

"That's right!" Chang Xia clapped his hands and opened his mouth to say, "Snake pythons will hunt mouse ants, so living in caves is safe. No wonder the snake tribe likes to live in tree houses, so there are snake pythons guarding them."

The Mochizuki Mountains are like spring all year round.

This results in more insects, ants, snakes and mice than anywhere else.

If there were no snakes and pythons guarding, the Twin Valleys would not be as peaceful as they are today.

This said.

All Maple Leaf Honeydew breathed a sigh of relief.

Of course, the caves that should be smoked should still be smoked again.

After all, it had been several days since Nanfeng last cleaned up the cave.

"Elder Pukang, do you need help with Elder Senda?" Bai Qing whispered. The direction in which Elder Senda disappeared seems to be the inner valley of the Twin Valley. Elder Senda ventured into the inner valley of the Snake Clan, is it really okay?

Elder Pukang laughed, shook his head and said, "No."

It is not suitable for outsiders to participate in the affairs of those two people. After a hundred years of tossing, whoever intervenes is a fool. Just like Wu said, they tossed as much as they wanted, and if they had tossed enough, they would naturally not be troubled.

Bai Qing was clear and didn't talk any more.

Follow Honeydew into the cave to clean up.

I haven't rested for the past two days, and my spirit is inevitably a little tired.

Pack down the cave and sleep for a while. Tonight, the Snake Clan should arrange a meal.

Thinking about it, Changxia and the others, with the help of Nanfeng, built a fire, boiled water, and cleaned up. Then go back to the cave to rest, and talk about something else in the evening.

the other side.

The snake and snake clan leader said goodbye to Chang Xia and other orcs, and hurried towards the inner valley.

She thought that Elder Senda would not step into the Mochizuki Mountains, but she guessed wrong this time. This must be told to Eminem, and she must be prepared.

"Senda, where did you have the face to see me?" Sheguoer glared at Senda, didn't this **** male say that he would never enter the Mochizuki Mountains for life?

Senda said: "Let me see if you are dead."

Listening to Senda's speech, Sheguo'er trembled with anger. He picked up the wooden stick beside his hand and knocked it down at Senda, and Senda let her vent. This amount of strength can't kill anyone, not to mention that he really owes Sheguo'er.

"You haven't died yet, I don't want to die." Sheguoer stared at Senda coldly. If her eyes could kill, Senda would have been killed countless times by her.

Senda was thick-skinned, ignoring Sheguo'er's beatings and cursing.

"The snake is here." Senda said leisurely.

Sheguoer froze, raised her head and looked at the snakes outside the cave. The corner of his mouth twitched, he tried to look calmly at Snake, and asked, "Snake, is there something wrong?"

"..." Snake rolled her eyes silently, she came here just to tell her Eminem that Elder Senda was here. It's just that, depending on the situation, she shouldn't have to waste her time. The two have met long ago, and it seems that the conversation is still very good.

"Snake, I brought you a gift." Senda smiled and waved to Snake. There is no indifference and alienation in the past, and the doting and kindness on his face is not concealed at all.

"Father, are you willing to come to the Snake Mountain Tribe?" Snake pursed his mouth and called. The contradiction between the Sheyue tribe and the Heluo tribe did not start with the root and the snake, but Senda and the snake.

However, this happened a hundred years ago.

There are not many orcs known in the Twilight Forest, plus Senda and Sheguo'er deliberately concealed, now that the two tribes are known to be unfriendly, more guesses are made on the root.

speak up.

The root and the snake are considered to be carrying the pot.

However, it's not a complete backlash. After all, in order to play the xylophone, Gengan made a fuss with Snakes and Snakes, and the incident was very noisy.

"You Eminem won't let me enter the Mochizuki Mountain Range, what can I do?" Senda said lightly.

Snake rolled her eyes. She went to the Heluo tribe before and met Elder Senda in private, and she didn't see how close he was to her. Eminem is right, the male's mouth cannot be trusted, nor can he be trusted.

"Let me see Snake Cub."


Snake handed Senda the snake cub in his arms.

Senda untied the beast sac around his waist and handed the sac to Snake, "It's dried black fish, you can use it to make soup for Snake Cubs to drink. There are other things for Snake Cubs. The second Chang Xia met the mallard tribe in the Forest of Qingyue, and I left some fish sauce grass and flavor root in private, and gave them to you together."

He was afraid that Chang Xia and the others would be suspicious.

She didn't show much closeness to Snake Cubs. Even when Snake and Snake went to the Heluo Tribe, Senda could avoid them if they could.

However, this time Chang Xia and the others will guess something.

"Have you met the mallard tribe?" Snake said excitedly.

Senda nodded and said: "Chang Xia had a very good chat with the Yufu clan of the Fu tribe, and the Fu tribe agreed to exchange fish sauce grass and flavor root with the Heluo tribe and the Tianlang tribe. Among them, the grinding stone is more important, and it is estimated that we will have to discuss it with Wu. After that, decide whether to exchange ~www.wuxiamtl.com~ Ah! That's really great." Snake was happy like a child.

At this moment, in front of his grandfather, Eminem.

Snake loses the dignity and seriousness in front of others, and is a little more childish.

"There was a problem in the Erdos Swamp, have you found the reason?" Sheguo'er asked.

"Chang Xia and the others analyzed that it may be because of the underground river. It's not a big problem." Senda looked back at Sheguo'er and joked: "Yo! Are you willing to talk to me and stop beating?"

"Go away!" Sheguo'er glared at Senda.

Snake looked at the animal sac that Senda handed her, and ignored Sheguoer and Senda who quarreled when they met. People who were half-dead, either quarreling or fighting, she also obeyed.

"Snake, Chang Xia found a food called potatoes in the wild fungus forest. It can be eaten as a staple food and can be stored. After that, they should report to you when the snake travels." Senda said: "Don't delay the construction of the house, and put the house as soon as possible. Completed. Next, Chang Xia will be busy with other things."

He came to see Snake Fruit.

I just want to persuade the Snake Clan not to delay. Whether it is a wood-cut corrugated wooden house or a stone house, the Snake Clan will hurry up and build it.

The warm season is over in a blink of an eye.

This year, because of the long summer, the orcs are not short of food.

However, it is more secure to be able to build the house before the cold season.

"Father, do you have any opinion on the construction of the house of the Snake Clan?" Snake heard that it was serious business, and hurriedly put away the animal bag and asked.

Senda shook his head and said, "Chang Xia said that the Mochizuki Mountains can do anything except build kilns. If you want to build a wooden house or a stone house, it's up to the Snake Clan to choose."

"Snake, decide as soon as possible." Sheguo'er said.

She knew Senda, and he wouldn't come if it was all right.

How stubborn this male is, Sheguoer understands better than anyone. Just because of an unintentional remark that year, tossing for a hundred years.

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